Search in sources :

Example 26 with FQLException

use of catdata.fql.FQLException in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class InstOps method visit.

public List<PSM> visit(String dst, TransExp.Pi e) {
    try {
        List<PSM> ret = new LinkedList<>();
        Pair<String, String> ht = e.h.type(prog);
        Signature sig = prog.insts.get(ht.first).type(prog).toSig(prog);
        Mapping F = ((Pi) prog.insts.get(e.src)).F.toMap(prog);
        Map<String, Triple<Node, Node, Arr<Node, Path>>[]> colmap1x = PSMGen.pi(F, e.h.type(prog).first, e.src).second;
        String next = next();
        ret.addAll(PSMGen.makeTables(next, sig, false));
        ret.addAll(e.h.accept(next, this));
        Signature sig2 = prog.insts.get(e.src).type(prog).toSig(prog);
        for (Node n : sig2.nodes) {
            List<Pair<Pair<String, String>, Pair<String, String>>> where = new LinkedList<>();
            Map<String, String> from = new HashMap<>();
            from.put("limit1", e.src + "_" + n.string + "_limit");
            from.put("limit2", e.dst + "_" + n.string + "_limit");
            LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<String, String>> select = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            int i = 0;
            for (Triple<Node, Node, Arr<Node, Path>> col : colmap1x.get(n.string)) {
                from.put("l" + i, next + "_" + col.second.string);
                where.add(new Pair<>(new Pair<>("l" + i, "c0"), new Pair<>("limit1", "c" + i)));
                where.add(new Pair<>(new Pair<>("l" + i, "c1"), new Pair<>("limit2", "c" + i)));
            // check
            for (@SuppressWarnings("unused") Attribute<Node> a : sig2.attrsFor(n)) {
                where.add(new Pair<>(new Pair<>("limit1", "c" + i), new Pair<>("limit2", "c" + i)));
            select.put("c0", new Pair<>("limit1", "guid"));
            select.put("c1", new Pair<>("limit2", "guid"));
            Flower f = new Flower(select, from, where);
            ret.add(new InsertSQL(dst + "_" + n.string, f, "c0", "c1"));
        return ret;
    } catch (FQLException fe) {
        throw new RuntimeException(fe.getLocalizedMessage());
Also used : Arr( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) FQLException(catdata.fql.FQLException) Pair(catdata.Pair) CopyFlower(catdata.fql.sql.CopyFlower) Flower(catdata.fql.sql.Flower) PropPSM(catdata.fql.sql.PropPSM) ExpPSM(catdata.fql.sql.ExpPSM) PSM(catdata.fql.sql.PSM) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) InsertSQL(catdata.fql.sql.InsertSQL)

Example 27 with FQLException

use of catdata.fql.FQLException in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class InstOps method visit.

public Pair<List<PSM>, Object> visit(String dst, Times e) {
    try {
        SigExp k = e.type(prog);
        Signature s = k.toSig(prog);
        List<PSM> ret = new LinkedList<>();
        ret.addAll(PSMGen.makeTables(dst + "_fst", s, false));
        ret.addAll(PSMGen.makeTables(dst + "_snd", s, false));
        Pair<Map<Node, List<Pair<Path, Attribute<Node>>>>, List<PSM>> l_obs = Relationalizer.observations(s, dst + "_l_obs", e.a, false);
        Pair<Map<Node, List<Pair<Path, Attribute<Node>>>>, List<PSM>> r_obs = Relationalizer.observations(s, dst + "_r_obs", e.b, false);
        if (!(l_obs.first.equals(r_obs.first))) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Internal error, please report.");
        ret.addAll(PSMGen.makeTables(dst + "_l_obs", s, false));
        ret.addAll(PSMGen.dropTables(dst + "_l_obs", s));
        ret.addAll(PSMGen.makeTables(dst + "_r_obs", s, false));
        ret.addAll(PSMGen.dropTables(dst + "_r_obs", s));
        for (Node n : s.nodes) {
            List<Pair<Path, Attribute<Node>>> lats = l_obs.first.get(n);
            // List<Pair<Path, Attribute<Node>>> rats = r_obs.first.get(n);
            LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<String, String>> select = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            Map<String, String> from = new HashMap<>();
            List<String> attrs = new LinkedList<>();
            Map<String, String> attrsM = new HashMap<>();
            List<Pair<Pair<String, String>, Pair<String, String>>> where = new LinkedList<>();
            from.put("lft", dst + "_l_obs_" + n.string + "_observables");
            from.put("rght", dst + "_r_obs_" + n.string + "_observables");
            attrsM.put("lft", PSM.VARCHAR());
            attrsM.put("rght", PSM.VARCHAR());
            select.put("lft", new Pair<>("lft", "id"));
            select.put("rght", new Pair<>("rght", "id"));
            int idx = 0;
            for (Pair<Path, Attribute<Node>> aa : lats) {
                Attribute<Node> a = aa.second;
                where.add(new Pair<>(new Pair<>("lft", "c" + idx), new Pair<>("rght", "c" + idx)));
                select.put("c" + idx, new Pair<>("lft", "c" + idx));
                attrs.add("c" + idx);
                attrsM.put("c" + idx,;
            Flower f = new Flower(select, from, where);
            ret.add(new CreateTable(dst + "_prod_temp_" + n.string, attrsM, false));
            ret.add(new InsertSQL2(dst + "_prod_temp_" + n.string, f, attrs));
            Map<String, String> attrsM0 = new HashMap<>(attrsM);
            attrsM0.put("gguid", PSM.VARCHAR());
            ret.add(new CreateTable(dst + "_prod_guid_" + n.string, attrsM0, false));
            ret.add(new InsertKeygen(dst + "_prod_guid_" + n.string, "gguid", dst + "_prod_temp_" + n.string, attrs));
            List<Pair<Pair<String, String>, Pair<String, String>>> where0 = new LinkedList<>();
            from = new HashMap<>();
            from.put("t", dst + "_prod_guid_" + n.string);
            select = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            select.put("c0", new Pair<>("t", "gguid"));
            select.put("c1", new Pair<>("t", "lft"));
            f = new Flower(select, from, where0);
            ret.add(new InsertSQL(dst + "_fst_" + n, f, "c0", "c1"));
            from = new HashMap<>();
            from.put("t", dst + "_prod_guid_" + n.string);
            select = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            select.put("c0", new Pair<>("t", "gguid"));
            select.put("c1", new Pair<>("t", "rght"));
            f = new Flower(select, from, where0);
            ret.add(new InsertSQL(dst + "_snd_" + n, f, "c0", "c1"));
            LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<String, String>> select0 = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            select0.put("c0", new Pair<>("t", "gguid"));
            select0.put("c1", new Pair<>("t", "gguid"));
            Map<String, String> from0 = new HashMap<>();
            from0.put("t", dst + "_prod_guid_" + n.string);
            Flower sql = new Flower(select0, from0, where0);
            ret.add(new InsertSQL(dst + "_" + n.string, sql, "c0", "c1"));
            for (Attribute<Node> a : s.attrsFor(n)) {
                select0 = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                select0.put("c0", new Pair<>("t", "gguid"));
                Arr<Node, Path> ppp = s.toCategory2();
                int ppp0 = lats.indexOf(new Pair<>(ppp.arr, a));
                select0.put("c1", new Pair<>("t", "c" + ppp0));
                from0 = new HashMap<>();
                from0.put("t", dst + "_prod_guid_" + n.string);
                sql = new Flower(select0, from0, where0);
                ret.add(new InsertSQL(dst + "_" +, sql, "c0", "c1"));
        // ret.add(new DropTable(dst + "_prod_temp_" + n));
        for (Edge edge : s.edges) {
            Map<String, String> from = new HashMap<>();
            from.put("leftEdge", e.a + "_" +;
            from.put("rightEdge", e.b + "_" +;
            from.put("srcGuid", dst + "_prod_guid_" + edge.source);
            from.put("dstGuid", dst + "_prod_guid_" +;
            List<Pair<Pair<String, String>, Pair<String, String>>> where = new LinkedList<>();
            where.add(new Pair<>(new Pair<>("leftEdge", "c0"), new Pair<>("srcGuid", "lft")));
            where.add(new Pair<>(new Pair<>("rightEdge", "c0"), new Pair<>("srcGuid", "rght")));
            where.add(new Pair<>(new Pair<>("leftEdge", "c1"), new Pair<>("dstGuid", "lft")));
            where.add(new Pair<>(new Pair<>("rightEdge", "c1"), new Pair<>("dstGuid", "rght")));
            LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<String, String>> select = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            select.put("c0", new Pair<>("srcGuid", "gguid"));
            select.put("c1", new Pair<>("dstGuid", "gguid"));
            Flower f = new Flower(select, from, where);
            ret.add(new InsertSQL(dst + "_" +, f, "c0", "c1"));
        Fn<Quad<String, String, String, String>, List<PSM>> fn = x -> {
            // x.third -> e.a
            String f = x.first;
            // x.third -> e.b
            String g = x.second;
            // String C = x.third;
            String dst0 = x.fourth;
            // must be a map x.third -> dst
            List<PSM> ret1 = new LinkedList<>();
            for (Node n : s.nodes) {
                List<Pair<Pair<String, String>, Pair<String, String>>> where = new LinkedList<>();
                Map<String, String> from = new HashMap<>();
                from.put("f", f + "_" + n.string);
                from.put("g", g + "_" + n.string);
                from.put("lim", dst + "_prod_guid_" + n.string);
                where.add(new Pair<>(new Pair<>("f", "c0"), new Pair<>("g", "c0")));
                where.add(new Pair<>(new Pair<>("lim", "lft"), new Pair<>("f", "c1")));
                where.add(new Pair<>(new Pair<>("lim", "rght"), new Pair<>("g", "c1")));
                LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<String, String>> select = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                select.put("c0", new Pair<>("f", "c0"));
                select.put("c1", new Pair<>("lim", "gguid"));
                Flower flower = new Flower(select, from, where);
                ret1.add(new InsertSQL(dst0 + "_" + n.string, flower, "c0", "c1"));
            return ret1;
        return new Pair<>(ret, fn);
    } catch (FQLException fe) {
        throw new RuntimeException(fe.getLocalizedMessage());
Also used : Inr(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.Inr) Case(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.Case) TransEval(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.TransEval) Snd(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.Snd) TransIso(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.TransIso) Kernel(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.Kernel) TransCurry(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.TransCurry) Inl(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.Inl) Coreturn(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.Coreturn) PSMStep(catdata.fql.sql.PSMStep) CopyFlower(catdata.fql.sql.CopyFlower) Map(java.util.Map) Or(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.Or) Squash(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.Squash) TT(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.TT) And(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.And) Exp(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.Exp) Fn(catdata.fql.Fn) Pair(catdata.Pair) Not(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.Not) FullSigma(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.FullSigma) PSMAnd(catdata.fql.sql.PSMAnd) Plus(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.Plus) Quad(catdata.Quad) FullSigmaCounit(catdata.fql.sql.FullSigmaCounit) PropPSM(catdata.fql.sql.PropPSM) FullEval(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.FullEval) Set(java.util.Set) PSMGen(catdata.fql.sql.PSMGen) FullQueryVisitor(catdata.fql.decl.FullQuery.FullQueryVisitor) Eval(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.Eval) InsertSQL2(catdata.fql.sql.InsertSQL2) PSMUnChi(catdata.fql.sql.PSMUnChi) Times(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.Times) Fst(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.Fst) PSMNot(catdata.fql.sql.PSMNot) List(java.util.List) Delta(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.Delta) ExpPSM(catdata.fql.sql.ExpPSM) TransExpVisitor(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.TransExpVisitor) PSMBool(catdata.fql.sql.PSMBool) Triple(catdata.Triple) Flower(catdata.fql.sql.Flower) Implies(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.Implies) Id(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.Id) External(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.External) InsertKeygen(catdata.fql.sql.InsertKeygen) Chi(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.Chi) FullSigmaTrans(catdata.fql.sql.FullSigmaTrans) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Var(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.Var) SQL(catdata.fql.sql.SQL) FQLException(catdata.fql.FQLException) Two(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.Two) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) PSM(catdata.fql.sql.PSM) FF(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.FF) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) UnChi(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.UnChi) SimpleCreateTable(catdata.fql.sql.SimpleCreateTable) Comp(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.Comp) PSMIso(catdata.fql.sql.PSMIso) CreateTable(catdata.fql.sql.CreateTable) InsertValues(catdata.fql.sql.InsertValues) Prod(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.Prod) Const(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.Const) Relationalize(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.Relationalize) PSMCurry(catdata.fql.sql.PSMCurry) One(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.One) Zero(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.Zero) Pi(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.Pi) DropTable(catdata.fql.sql.DropTable) InstExpVisitor(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.InstExpVisitor) Step(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.Step) Arr( Return(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.Return) InsertSQL(catdata.fql.sql.InsertSQL) Union(catdata.fql.sql.Union) Sigma(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.Sigma) Bool(catdata.fql.decl.TransExp.Bool) PSMEval(catdata.fql.sql.PSMEval) Relationalizer(catdata.fql.sql.Relationalizer) PSMChi(catdata.fql.sql.PSMChi) Quad(catdata.Quad) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) SimpleCreateTable(catdata.fql.sql.SimpleCreateTable) CreateTable(catdata.fql.sql.CreateTable) InsertKeygen(catdata.fql.sql.InsertKeygen) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) FQLException(catdata.fql.FQLException) List(java.util.List) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Pair(catdata.Pair) CopyFlower(catdata.fql.sql.CopyFlower) Flower(catdata.fql.sql.Flower) PropPSM(catdata.fql.sql.PropPSM) ExpPSM(catdata.fql.sql.ExpPSM) PSM(catdata.fql.sql.PSM) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) InsertSQL(catdata.fql.sql.InsertSQL) InsertSQL2(catdata.fql.sql.InsertSQL2) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap)

Example 28 with FQLException

use of catdata.fql.FQLException in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class InstOps method visit.

public List<PSM> visit(String env, Coreturn e) {
    String xxx = "coreturn_temp_xxx";
    List<PSM> ret = new LinkedList<>();
    InstExp i1 = prog.insts.get(e.inst);
    if (i1 instanceof Sigma) {
        String middle = ((Sigma) i1).I;
        // can't be null
        InstExp i2 = prog.insts.get(middle);
        Mapping f = ((Sigma) i1).F.toMap(prog);
        if (i2 instanceof Delta) {
            for (Node n : {
                List<Flower> u = new LinkedList<>();
                for (Node m : f.source.nodes) {
                    if (!f.nm.get(m).equals(n)) {
                    u.add(new CopyFlower(middle + "_" + m.string + "_subst_inv", "c0", "c1"));
                ret.add(new SimpleCreateTable(xxx, PSM.VARCHAR(), false));
                ret.add(new InsertSQL(xxx, new Union(u), "c0", "c1"));
                ret.add(new InsertSQL(env + "_" + n.string, PSMGen.compose(e.inst + "_" + n.string + "_subst_inv", xxx), "c0", "c1"));
                ret.add(new DropTable(xxx));
    } else if (i1 instanceof FullSigma) {
        String middle = ((FullSigma) i1).I;
        // can't be null
        InstExp i2 = prog.insts.get(middle);
        Mapping f = ((FullSigma) i1).F.toMap(prog);
        if (i2 instanceof Delta) {
            ret.add(new FullSigmaCounit(f, ((Delta) i2).I, middle, e.inst, env));
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException();
    } else if (i1 instanceof Delta) {
        String middle = ((Delta) i1).I;
        // can't be null
        InstExp i2 = prog.insts.get(middle);
        Mapping f = ((Delta) i1).F.toMap(prog);
        if (i2 instanceof Pi) {
            Pi input0 = ((Pi) i2);
            String input = input0.I;
            try {
                Map<String, Triple<Node, Node, Arr<Node, Path>>[]> colmap = PSMGen.pi(f, input, middle).second;
                for (Node m : f.source.nodes) {
                    Node n = f.nm.get(m);
                    Triple<Node, Node, Arr<Node, Path>>[] col = colmap.get(n.string);
                    Triple<Node, Node, Arr<Node, Path>> toFind = new Triple<>(n, m, new Arr<>(new Path(, n), n, n));
                    int i = 0;
                    boolean found = false;
                    for (Triple<Node, Node, Arr<Node, Path>> cand : col) {
                        if (cand.equals(toFind)) {
                            found = true;
                            Map<String, String> from = new HashMap<>();
                            from.put("lim", middle + "_" + n + "_limit");
                            LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<String, String>> select = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                            select.put("c0", new Pair<>("lim", "guid"));
                            select.put("c1", new Pair<>("lim", "c" + i));
                            List<Pair<Pair<String, String>, Pair<String, String>>> where = new LinkedList<>();
                            Flower flower = new Flower(select, from, where);
                            ret.add(new SimpleCreateTable(xxx, PSM.VARCHAR(), false));
                            ret.add(new InsertSQL(xxx, flower, "c0", "c1"));
                            ret.add(new InsertSQL(env + "_" + m, PSMGen.compose(e.inst + "_" + m + "_subst_inv", xxx), "c0", "c1"));
                            ret.add(new DropTable(xxx));
                    if (!found) {
                        throw new RuntimeException();
            } catch (FQLException fe) {
                throw new RuntimeException(fe.getMessage());
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException();
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException();
    return ret;
Also used : Arr( CopyFlower(catdata.fql.sql.CopyFlower) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) FullSigma(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.FullSigma) Sigma(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.Sigma) DropTable(catdata.fql.sql.DropTable) Union(catdata.fql.sql.Union) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) FQLException(catdata.fql.FQLException) SimpleCreateTable(catdata.fql.sql.SimpleCreateTable) Pi(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.Pi) Pair(catdata.Pair) FullSigmaCounit(catdata.fql.sql.FullSigmaCounit) CopyFlower(catdata.fql.sql.CopyFlower) Flower(catdata.fql.sql.Flower) PropPSM(catdata.fql.sql.PropPSM) ExpPSM(catdata.fql.sql.ExpPSM) PSM(catdata.fql.sql.PSM) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Triple(catdata.Triple) InsertSQL(catdata.fql.sql.InsertSQL) Delta(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.Delta) FullSigma(catdata.fql.decl.InstExp.FullSigma)

Example 29 with FQLException

use of catdata.fql.FQLException in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class Mapping method filter.

// public String name;
// public boolean isId = false;
	 * public Mapping(String name, Environment env, MappingDecl md) throws
	 * FQLException { = name; switch (md.kind) { case COMPOSE: Mapping
	 * m1 = env.mappings.get(md.m1); Mapping m2 = env.mappings.get(md.m2);
	 * if (m1 == null) { throw new FQLException("For " + name +
	 * ", cannot find mapping " + md.m1); } if (m2 == null) { throw new
	 * FQLException("For " + name + ", cannot find mapping " + md.m2); } if
	 * (! { throw new FQLException("Ill-typed: " +
	 * md); } this.source = m2.source; =; for (Node k :
	 * m1.source.nodes) { Node v = m1.nm.get(k); nm.put(k, m2.nm.get(v)); } for
	 * (Edge k : m1.source.edges) { Path v = m1.em.get(k); Path p0 = expand(v,
	 * m2.nm, m2.em); em.put(k, p0); }
	 * break; case ID: Signature s = env.getSchema(md.schema); if
	 * (!(md.schema.equals(md.source) && md.schema.equals( { throw
	 * new FQLException("Bad identity mapping : " +; } identity(env,
	 * s); break; case MORPHISM: // Pair<List<Pair<String, String>>,
	 * List<Pair<String, String>>> xxx // = filter(md.objs);
	 * initialize(env.getSchema(md.source), env.getSchema(, md.objs,
	 * md.atts, md.arrows); break; default: throw new RuntimeException(); }
	 * validate(); }
private Pair<List<Pair<String, String>>, List<Pair<String, String>>> filter(List<Pair<String, String>> objs) throws FQLException {
    List<Pair<String, String>> ret = new LinkedList<>();
    List<Pair<String, String>> ret2 = new LinkedList<>();
    for (Pair<String, String> p : objs) {
        if (source.isAttribute(p.first) && target.isAttribute(p.second)) {
        } else if (source.isNode(p.first) && target.isNode(p.second)) {
        } else {
            throw new FQLException("Bad mapping: " + p);
    return new Pair<>(ret2, ret);
Also used : FQLException(catdata.fql.FQLException) Pair(catdata.Pair)

Example 30 with FQLException

use of catdata.fql.FQLException in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class Mapping method initialize.

 * Does most of the work of the constructor.
private void initialize(Signature sourceX, Signature targetX, List<Pair<String, String>> objs, List<Pair<String, String>> attrs, List<Pair<String, List<String>>> arrows) throws FQLException {
    source = sourceX;
    target = targetX;
    Pair<List<Pair<String, String>>, List<Pair<String, String>>> s = filter(objs);
    objs = s.first;
    // List<Pair<String, String>> attrs = s.second;
    for (Pair<String, String> p : objs) {
        Node sn = source.getNode(p.first);
        Node tn = target.getNode(p.second);
        nm.put(sn, tn);
    try {
        for (Pair<String, List<String>> arrow : arrows) {
            Edge e = source.getEdge(arrow.first);
            Path p = new Path(target, arrow.second);
            em.put(e, p);
    } catch (FQLException e) {
        throw new FQLException("In mapping " + this + ", bad path mapping: " + e);
    for (Pair<String, String> a : attrs) {
        Attribute<Node> a1 = source.getAttr(a.first);
        Attribute<Node> a2 = target.getAttr(a.second);
        if (a1 == null) {
            throw new FQLException(/* "In mapping " + this
						+ ", */
            "Cannot find source attribute " + a.first);
        if (a2 == null) {
            throw new FQLException(/* "In mapping " + this
						+ ", */
            "Cannot find target attribute " + a.second);
        if ( {
            am.put(a1, a2);
        } else {
            throw new FQLException("Incompatible attribute mapping types " + a);
    for (Node n : source.nodes) {
        if (nm.get(n) == null) {
            throw new FQLException("Missing node mapping from " + n + " in " + this + "\n" + this);
    for (Edge e : source.edges) {
        if (em.get(e) == null) {
            throw new FQLException("Missing arrow mapping from " + e + " in " + this);
    for (Attribute<Node> a : source.attrs) {
        if (am.get(a) == null) {
            throw new FQLException("Missing attribute mapping from " + a + " in " + this);
Also used : FQLException(catdata.fql.FQLException)


FQLException (catdata.fql.FQLException)37 Pair (catdata.Pair)28 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)23 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)21 Node (catdata.fql.decl.Node)20 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)20 Arr ( Map (java.util.Map)15 Instance (catdata.fql.decl.Instance)14 Path (catdata.fql.decl.Path)14 Transform (catdata.fql.decl.Transform)12 Attribute (catdata.fql.decl.Attribute)11 Edge (catdata.fql.decl.Edge)11 Signature (catdata.fql.decl.Signature)11 List (java.util.List)11 Triple (catdata.Triple)9 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)6 Fn (catdata.fql.Fn)5 CopyFlower (catdata.fql.sql.CopyFlower)5 ExpPSM (catdata.fql.sql.ExpPSM)5