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Example 21 with FQLException

use of catdata.fql.FQLException in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class PSMBool method exec.

public void exec(PSMInterp interp, Map<String, Set<Map<Object, Object>>> state) {
    try {
        Signature sig0 = new Signature(sig.nodes, sig.edges, new LinkedList<>(), sig.eqs);
        Instance unitI = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(unit, sig, state));
        Instance propI = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(prop, sig, state));
        Map<Node, Map<Object, Object>> subst_inv = new HashMap<>();
        for (Node n : sig.nodes) {
            Map<Object, Object> m = new HashMap<>();
            Set<Map<Object, Object>> g = state.get(unit + "_" + n + "_subst_inv");
            for (Map<Object, Object> j : g) {
                m.put(j.get("c0"), j.get("c1"));
            subst_inv.put(n, m);
        List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> data = new LinkedList<>();
        for (Node n : sig.nodes) {
            List<Pair<Object, Object>> set = new LinkedList<>();
            for (Pair<Object, Object> k : {
                Object k0 = subst_inv.get(n).get(k.first);
                if (k0 == null) {
                    throw new RuntimeException();
                LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object> v = m1.get(n).get(k0);
                Instance tofind = bool ? interp.prop1.get(prop).first.get(n).first : new Instance(sig0);
                Object found = interp.prop2.get(prop).second.get(n).second.get(tofind);
                Object r = interp.prop4.get(prop).get(n).get(new Pair<>(found, v));
                set.add(new Pair<>(k.first, r));
            data.add(new Pair<>(n.string, set));
        Transform ret = new Transform(unitI, propI, data);
        PSMGen.shred(pre, ret, state);
    } catch (FQLException fe) {
        throw new RuntimeException(fe.getMessage());
Also used : Path(catdata.fql.decl.Path) Instance(catdata.fql.decl.Instance) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Node(catdata.fql.decl.Node) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) FQLException(catdata.fql.FQLException) Signature(catdata.fql.decl.Signature) Transform(catdata.fql.decl.Transform) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Map(java.util.Map) Pair(catdata.Pair)

Example 22 with FQLException

use of catdata.fql.FQLException in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class PSMChi method exec.

public void exec(PSMInterp interp, Map<String, Set<Map<Object, Object>>> state) {
    try {
        Instance I = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(a, sig, state));
        Instance Jfull = new Instance(fullSig, PSMGen.gather(b, fullSig, state));
        Instance J = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(b, sig, state));
        Instance Pfull = new Instance(fullSig, PSMGen.gather(prop, fullSig, state));
        Instance P = interp.prop2.get(prop).first;
        Transform t = new Transform(I, J, PSMGen.gather(f, sig, state));
        List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> data = new LinkedList<>();
        for (Node c : sig.nodes) {
            List<Pair<Object, Object>> l = new LinkedList<>();
            Instance Hc = interp.prop1.get(prop).first.get(c).first;
            for (Pair<Object, Object> x : {
                List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> z = new LinkedList<>();
                for (Node d : sig.nodes) {
                    List<Pair<Object, Object>> y = new LinkedList<>();
                    for (Pair<Object, Object> ff : {
                        // c->d
                        Path f = interp.prop1.get(prop).first.get(c).second.get(ff.first);
                        Object xd = lookup(J.evaluate(f), x.first);
                        y.add(new Pair<>(ff.first, xd));
                    z.add(new Pair<>(d.string, y));
                Transform xx = new Transform(Hc, J, z);
                Map<String, Set<Pair<Object, Object>>> q = new HashMap<>();
                for (Node d : sig.nodes) {
                    Set<Pair<Object, Object>> g = new HashSet<>();
                    for (Pair<Object, Object> y : {
                        if (proj2(, y.first))) {
                    q.put(d.string, g);
                for (Edge e : sig.edges) {
                    Set<Pair<Object, Object>> set = new HashSet<>();
                    for (Pair<Object, Object> j : {
                        if (proj1(q.get(e.source.string)).contains(j.first) && proj2(q.get( {
                    q.put(, set);
                // also do edges
                Instance pb = new Instance(sig, q);
                Object fnl = interp.prop2.get(prop).second.get(c).second.get(pb);
                l.add(new Pair<>(x.first, fnl));
            data.add(new Pair<>(c.string, l));
        Transform ret = new Transform(J, P, data);
        List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> dataFull = new LinkedList<>();
        for (Node n : sig.nodes) {
            List<Pair<Object, Object>> set = new LinkedList<>();
            for (Pair<Object, Object> k : {
                Object lhs = k.second;
                LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object> rhs = Jfull.flag(n, k.first);
                Object xxx = interp.prop4.get(prop).get(n).get(new Pair<>(lhs, rhs));
                set.add(new Pair<>(k.first, xxx));
            dataFull.add(new Pair<>(n.string, set));
        Transform ret0 = new Transform(Jfull, Pfull, dataFull);
        PSMGen.shred(pre, ret0, state);
    } catch (FQLException fe) {
        throw new RuntimeException(fe.getLocalizedMessage());
Also used : Path(catdata.fql.decl.Path) Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Instance(catdata.fql.decl.Instance) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Node(catdata.fql.decl.Node) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) FQLException(catdata.fql.FQLException) Transform(catdata.fql.decl.Transform) Edge(catdata.fql.decl.Edge) Pair(catdata.Pair) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 23 with FQLException

use of catdata.fql.FQLException in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class PSMCurry method exec.

public void exec(PSMInterp interp, Map<String, Set<Map<Object, Object>>> state) {
    try {
        Instance IJ = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(trans_src, sig, state));
        Instance K = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(trans_dst, sig, state));
        Transform t = new Transform(IJ, K, PSMGen.gather(trans, sig, state));
        Instance I = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(inst_src, sig, state));
        Instance J = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(exp, sig, state));
        Instance JK = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(inst_dst, sig, state));
        Transform trans_src0_fst = new Transform(IJ, I, PSMGen.gather(trans_src + "_fst", sig, state));
        Transform trans_src0_snd = new Transform(IJ, J, PSMGen.gather(trans_src + "_snd", sig, state));
        Map<Node, List<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>>> obs = I.thesig.obs();
        List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> l = new LinkedList<>();
        Quad<Instance, Map<Pair<Node, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>, Triple<Instance, Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>>>, Map<Node, Map<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>, Object>>>>, Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Transform>>>, Map<Node, Map<Pair<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Transform>, Object>>> kkk = interp.exps2.get(inst_dst);
        for (Node c : sig.nodes) {
            List<Pair<Object, Object>> s = new LinkedList<>();
            for (Pair<Object, Object> xx : {
                Object x = xx.first;
                LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object> w = I.flag(c, x);
                Triple<Instance, Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>>>, Map<Node, Map<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>, Object>>> HcJ = kkk.second.get(new Pair<>(c, w));
                // construct transform depending on x, lookup in kkk.second
                List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> tx = new LinkedList<>();
                for (Node d : sig.nodes) {
                    List<Pair<Object, Object>> tx0 = new LinkedList<>();
                    for (Arr<Node, Path> f : sig.toCategory2().first.hom(c, d)) {
                        for (Pair<Object, Object> y : {
                            // only if y(p.a) = w(p.a)
                            if (!PropPSM.truncate2(I.thesig, w, f, obs.get(d)).equals(J.flag(d, y.first))) {
                            Object Ifx = lookup(I.evaluate(f.arr), x);
                            // Object Ifx = lookup(HcJ.first.evaluate(f.arr), x);
                            Object u = find(d, trans_src0_fst, trans_src0_snd, Ifx, y.first);
                            Object v = lookup(, u);
                            Object iii = HcJ.third.get(d).get(new Pair<>(f, y.first));
                            tx0.add(new Pair<>(iii, v));
                    // I*J -> K
                    tx.add(new Pair<>(d.string, tx0));
                Transform xxx = new Transform(HcJ.first, K, tx);
                Object yyy = kkk.fourth.get(c).get(new Pair<>(w, xxx));
                s.add(new Pair<>(x, yyy));
            l.add(new Pair<>(c.string, s));
        Transform zzz = new Transform(I, JK, l);
        PSMGen.shred(ret, zzz, state);
    } catch (FQLException fe) {
        throw new RuntimeException(fe.getMessage());
Also used : Arr( Path(catdata.fql.decl.Path) Instance(catdata.fql.decl.Instance) Attribute(catdata.fql.decl.Attribute) Node(catdata.fql.decl.Node) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) FQLException(catdata.fql.FQLException) List(java.util.List) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Transform(catdata.fql.decl.Transform) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Map(java.util.Map) Pair(catdata.Pair)

Example 24 with FQLException

use of catdata.fql.FQLException in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class FullSigmaTrans method exec.

public void exec(PSMInterp interp, Map<String, Set<Map<Object, Object>>> state) {
    Signature C = f.source;
    Signature D =;
    List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> I0 = PSMGen.gather(srcH, C, state);
    List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> J0 = PSMGen.gather(dstH, C, state);
    List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> H0 = PSMGen.gather(h, C, state);
    List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> J0X = PSMGen.gather(dst, D, state);
    List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> tempI = new LinkedList<>();
    List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> tempH = new LinkedList<>();
    for (Node n : C.nodes) {
        Set<Map<Object, Object>> x2 = state.get(dst + "_" + n.string + "_e");
        tempH.add(new Pair<>(n.string, convX(x2)));
        Set<Map<Object, Object>> x1 = state.get(dst + "_" + f.nm.get(n).string);
        tempI.add(new Pair<>(n.string, conv(x1)));
    for (Edge e : C.edges) {
        Set<Map<Object, Object>> x1 = eval(state, dst, f.em.get(e));
        tempI.add(new Pair<>(, conv(x1)));
    for (Attribute<Node> e : C.attrs) {
        Set<Map<Object, Object>> x1 = state.get(dst + "_" +;
        tempI.add(new Pair<>(, conv(x1)));
    try {
        Instance I = new Instance(C, I0);
        Instance J = new Instance(C, J0);
        Transform H = new Transform(I, J, H0);
        // Instance IX = new Instance(D, I0X);
        Instance JX = new Instance(D, J0X);
        Instance temp = new Instance(C, tempI);
        Transform etaJ = new Transform(J, temp, tempH);
        Transform HX = Transform.composeX(H, etaJ);
        // should pass H, but compute etaJ after de-attr.
        // that way, HX.dst and delta JX have attr IDs in common
        // de-attr JX
        Integer current = interp.guid;
        interp.guid = interp.sigmas.get(src);
        Quad<Instance, Map<Node, Map<Object, Integer>>, Map<Node, Map<Integer, Object>>, Map<Object, List<Pair<String, Object>>>> xxx = LeftKanSigma.fullSigmaWithAttrs(interp, f, I, HX, JX, interp.sigmas2.get(src));
        interp.guid = current;
        for (Node n : D.nodes) {
            state.put(pre + "_" + n.string, conv0(xxx.third.get(n)));
        for (Attribute<Node> a : D.attrs) {
            state.put(pre + "_" +, new HashSet<>());
        for (Edge a : D.edges) {
            state.put(pre + "_" +, new HashSet<>());
    } catch (FQLException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
Also used : Instance(catdata.fql.decl.Instance) Node(catdata.fql.decl.Node) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) FQLException(catdata.fql.FQLException) Signature(catdata.fql.decl.Signature) Transform(catdata.fql.decl.Transform) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) Edge(catdata.fql.decl.Edge) Pair(catdata.Pair)

Example 25 with FQLException

use of catdata.fql.FQLException in project fql by CategoricalData.

the class LeftKanSigma method sigma.

private static Pair<Instance, Map<Object, List<Pair<String, Object>>>> sigma(LeftKan lk) throws FQLException {
    if (!lk.compute()) {
        throw new FQLException("Too many sigma iterations.");
    Map<String, Set<Pair<Object, Object>>> data = new HashMap<>();
    for (Node e : lk.Pb.keySet()) {
        Set<Pair<Integer, Integer>> t = lk.Pb.get(e);
        data.put(e.string, conc(t));
    for (Edge e : lk.Pg.keySet()) {
        Set<Pair<Integer, Integer>> t = lk.Pg.get(e);
        data.put(, conc(t));
    Instance ret = new Instance(, data);
    return new Pair<>(ret, lk.lineage);
Also used : FQLException(catdata.fql.FQLException) Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Instance(catdata.fql.decl.Instance) Node(catdata.fql.decl.Node) Edge(catdata.fql.decl.Edge) Pair(catdata.Pair)


FQLException (catdata.fql.FQLException)37 Pair (catdata.Pair)28 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)23 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)21 Node (catdata.fql.decl.Node)20 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)20 Arr ( Map (java.util.Map)15 Instance (catdata.fql.decl.Instance)14 Path (catdata.fql.decl.Path)14 Transform (catdata.fql.decl.Transform)12 Attribute (catdata.fql.decl.Attribute)11 Edge (catdata.fql.decl.Edge)11 Signature (catdata.fql.decl.Signature)11 List (java.util.List)11 Triple (catdata.Triple)9 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)6 Fn (catdata.fql.Fn)5 CopyFlower (catdata.fql.sql.CopyFlower)5 ExpPSM (catdata.fql.sql.ExpPSM)5