use of cbit.gui.graph.Shape in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ReactionCartoonRule method refreshAll.
protected void refreshAll(boolean reallocateShapes) {
try {
if (getModel() == null || getStructureSuite() == null) {
System.out.println("ReactionCartoonRule, RefreshAll()");
for (Structure structure : structureSuite.getStructures()) {
Diagram diagram = getModel().getDiagram(structure);
if (diagram != null) {
// Maintain consistency between rule participant nodes, signatures and
// species pattern when a molecule is being modified.
Set<Shape> unwantedShapes = new HashSet<Shape>();
Set<RuleParticipantSignature> unwantedSignatures = new HashSet<RuleParticipantSignature>();
Set<ReactionRuleShortSignature> unwantedRuleSignatures = new HashSet<ReactionRuleShortSignature>();
// ContainerContainerShape containerShape = (ContainerContainerShape) getShapeFromModelObject(getModel());
// List<ReactionContainerShape> reactionContainerShapeList = new ArrayList<ReactionContainerShape>();
// List<Structure> structureList = new ArrayList<Structure>(getStructureSuite().getStructures());
// // create all ReactionContainerShapes (one for each Structure)
// for(Structure structure : structureList) {
// if (structure instanceof Membrane) {
// Membrane membrane = (Membrane) structure;
// ReactionContainerShape membraneShape =
// (ReactionContainerShape) getShapeFromModelObject(membrane);
// if (membraneShape == null) {
// membraneShape = new ReactionContainerShape(membrane, structureSuite, this);
// addShape(membraneShape);
// membrane.getMembraneVoltage().removePropertyChangeListener(this);
// membrane.getMembraneVoltage().addPropertyChangeListener(this);
// } else {
// membraneShape.setStructureSuite(structureSuite);
// }
// membrane.removePropertyChangeListener(this);
// membrane.addPropertyChangeListener(this);
// membraneShape.refreshLabel();
// unwantedShapes.remove(membraneShape);
// reactionContainerShapeList.add(membraneShape);
// }else if (structure instanceof Feature){
// Feature feature = (Feature) structure;
// ReactionContainerShape featureShape = (ReactionContainerShape) getShapeFromModelObject(feature);
// if (featureShape == null) {
// featureShape = new ReactionContainerShape(feature, structureSuite, this);
// addShape(featureShape);
// } else {
// featureShape.setStructureSuite(structureSuite);
// }
// feature.removePropertyChangeListener(this);
// feature.addPropertyChangeListener(this);
// featureShape.refreshLabel();
// unwantedShapes.remove(featureShape);
// reactionContainerShapeList.add(featureShape);
// }
// }
// if (containerShape == null) {
// containerShape = new ContainerContainerShape(this, getModel(), reactionContainerShapeList);
// addShape(containerShape);
// } else {
// containerShape.setReactionContainerShapeList(reactionContainerShapeList);
// }
// containerShape.refreshLabel();
// unwantedShapes.remove(containerShape);
// // add all species context shapes within the structures
// for(Structure structure : getStructureSuite().getStructures()) {
// ReactionContainerShape reactionContainerShape = (ReactionContainerShape) getShapeFromModelObject(structure);
// structure.removePropertyChangeListener(this);
// structure.addPropertyChangeListener(this);
// for(SpeciesContext structSpeciesContext : getModel().getSpeciesContexts(structure)) {
// SpeciesContextShape ss = (SpeciesContextShape) getShapeFromModelObject(structSpeciesContext);
// if (ss == null) {
// ss = new SpeciesContextShape(structSpeciesContext, this);
// ss.truncateLabelName(false);
// structSpeciesContext.getSpecies().removePropertyChangeListener(this);
// structSpeciesContext.getSpecies().addPropertyChangeListener(this);
// reactionContainerShape.addChildShape(ss);
// addShape(ss);
// ss.getSpaceManager().setRelPos(reactionContainerShape.getRandomPosition());
// }
// structSpeciesContext.removePropertyChangeListener(this);
// structSpeciesContext.addPropertyChangeListener(this);
// ss.refreshLabel();
// unwantedShapes.remove(ss);
// }
// }
// // add all reactionSteps that are in this structure (ReactionContainerShape), and draw the lines
// getModel().removePropertyChangeListener(this);
// getModel().addPropertyChangeListener(this);
// //
// // =================================== Rules ================================================
// //
// for(ReactionRule rr : getModel().getRbmModelContainer().getReactionRuleList()) {
// rr.removePropertyChangeListener(this);
// rr.addPropertyChangeListener(this);
// Structure structure = rr.getStructure();
// if(getStructureSuite().areReactionsShownFor(structure)) {
// ReactionContainerShape reactionContainerShape = (ReactionContainerShape) getShapeFromModelObject(structure);
// ReactionRuleShortSignature ruleSignature = null;
// int matches = 0; // any rule must be part of one and only one ReactionRuleShortSignature object
// for(ReactionRuleShortSignature rrss : reactionRuleShortSignatures) {
// if(rrss.compareBySignature(rr)) {
// ruleSignature = rrss;
// matches++;
// // break; // once this code gets stable uncomment the break and remove the matches counter
// } else {
// // remove the rule if it's in the list even though the signature doesn't match
// rrss.remove(rr);
// }
// }
// if(matches > 1) {
// throw new RuntimeException("Rule " + rr.getDisplayName() + " found in multiple ReactionRuleShortSignatures");
// }
// ReactionRuleShortDiagramShape rrShape = null;
// if(ruleSignature == null) {
// ruleSignature = new ReactionRuleShortSignature(rr);
// reactionRuleShortSignatures.add(ruleSignature);
// rrShape = new ReactionRuleShortDiagramShape(ruleSignature, this);
// addShape(rrShape);
// rrShape.getSpaceManager().setRelPos(reactionContainerShape.getRandomPosition());
// reactionContainerShape.addChildShape(rrShape);
// rrShape.getSpaceManager().setRelPos(reactionContainerShape.getRandomPosition());
// } else {
// ruleSignature.add(rr); // add the rule if it's not there
// rrShape = (ReactionRuleShortDiagramShape) getShapeFromModelObject(ruleSignature);
// }
// rrShape.refreshLabel();
// unwantedShapes.remove(rrShape);
// unwantedRuleSignatures.remove(ruleSignature);
// if(matches != 0) {
// continue; // don't make other shapes or edges for this rule, the rule signature already has them from a previous rule
// }
// //
// // add reaction participants as edges and SignatureShapes as needed
// //
// List<ReactionRuleParticipant> participants = rr.getReactionRuleParticipants();
// List<RuleParticipantEdgeDiagramShape> ruleEdges = new ArrayList<> ();
// for(ReactionRuleParticipant participant : participants) {
// participant.getSpeciesPattern().removePropertyChangeListener(this);
// participant.getSpeciesPattern().addPropertyChangeListener(this);
// Structure speciesStructure = participant.getStructure();
// Structure reactionStructure = rr.getStructure();
// if(getStructureSuite().getStructures().contains(speciesStructure) && getStructureSuite().areReactionsShownFor(reactionStructure)) {
// //
// // find existing RuleParticipantSignatureShape in cartoon
// //
// RuleParticipantShortSignature ruleParticipantShortSignature = null;
// for (RuleParticipantSignature signature : ruleParticipantSignatures) {
// if (signature instanceof RuleParticipantLongSignature && signature.getStructure() == participant.getStructure()) {
// System.out.println("ReactionCartoonMolecule, refreshAll(), RuleParticipantLongSignature");
// break;
// }
// }
// for (RuleParticipantSignature signature : ruleParticipantSignatures) {
// if (signature instanceof RuleParticipantShortSignature && signature.getStructure() == participant.getStructure() &&
// signature.compareByCriteria(participant.getSpeciesPattern(), GroupingCriteria.molecule)) {
// ruleParticipantShortSignature = (RuleParticipantShortSignature)signature;
// break;
// }
// }
// //
// // if didn't find signature in cartoons list of signatures, then create one (and create a shape for it).
// //
// RuleParticipantSignatureShortDiagramShape signatureShape = null;
// if (ruleParticipantShortSignature == null) {
// ruleParticipantShortSignature = RuleParticipantShortSignature.fromReactionRuleParticipant(participant, this);
// ruleParticipantSignatures.add(ruleParticipantShortSignature);
// signatureShape = new RuleParticipantSignatureShortDiagramShape(ruleParticipantShortSignature, this);
// addShape(signatureShape);
// ReactionContainerShape participantContainerShape = (ReactionContainerShape) getShapeFromModelObject(participant.getStructure());
// signatureShape.getSpaceManager().setRelPos(participantContainerShape.getRandomPosition());
// participantContainerShape.addChildShape(signatureShape);
// signatureShape.getSpaceManager().setRelPos(participantContainerShape.getRandomPosition());
// } else {
// signatureShape = (RuleParticipantSignatureShortDiagramShape) getShapeFromModelObject(ruleParticipantShortSignature);
// }
// unwantedShapes.remove(signatureShape);
// unwantedSignatures.remove(ruleParticipantShortSignature);
// signatureShape.refreshLabel();
// signatureShape.setVisible(true);
// //
// // add edge for ReactionRuleParticipant if not already present.
// //
// RuleParticipantEdgeDiagramShape ruleParticipantShape = (RuleParticipantEdgeDiagramShape) getShapeFromModelObject(participant);
// if (ruleParticipantShape == null || ruleParticipantShape.getRuleParticipantSignatureShape() != signatureShape) {
// if (participant instanceof ReactantPattern && signatureShape.isVisible()) {
// ruleParticipantShape = new ReactantPatternEdgeDiagramShape((ReactantPattern) participant, (ElipseShape)rrShape, signatureShape, this);
// } else if (participant instanceof ProductPattern && signatureShape.isVisible()) {
// ruleParticipantShape = new ProductPatternEdgeDiagramShape((ProductPattern) participant, (ElipseShape)rrShape, signatureShape, this);
// } else {
// throw new RuntimeException("unsupported ReactionRuleParticipant " + participant.getClass());
// }
// addShape(ruleParticipantShape);
// }
// if(!containerShape.getChildren().contains(ruleParticipantShape)) {
// containerShape.addChildShape(ruleParticipantShape);
// }
// unwantedShapes.remove(ruleParticipantShape);
// ruleParticipantShape.refreshLabel();
// ruleEdges.add(ruleParticipantShape); // all the edges for this rule
// }
// }
// // now let's see if any reactant and product pair have the same signature - means we need to draw a reactant and
// // a product edge (a closed loop) between the rule diagram shape and the signature diagram shape
// for(RuleParticipantEdgeDiagramShape ours : ruleEdges) {
// ours.setSibling(false); // reset them all
// }
// for(RuleParticipantEdgeDiagramShape ours : ruleEdges) {
// for(RuleParticipantEdgeDiagramShape theirs : ruleEdges) {
// if(ours == theirs) {
// continue; // don't compare with self
// }
// if(ours.getRuleParticipantSignatureShape() == theirs.getRuleParticipantSignatureShape()) {
// ours.setSibling(true);
// theirs.setSibling(true);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
for (Shape unwantedShape : unwantedShapes) {
// // update diagrams
// for(Structure structure : structureSuite.getStructures()) {
// Diagram diagram = getModel().getDiagram(structure);
// if (diagram != null) {
// applyDefaults(diagram);
// }
// }
// fireGraphChanged(new GraphEvent(this));
} catch (Throwable e) {
use of cbit.gui.graph.Shape in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ReactionCartoonRule method applyDefaults.
public void applyDefaults(Diagram diagram) {
List<NodeReference> nodeList = diagram.getNodeRuleList();
List<NodeReference> orphansList = new ArrayList<NodeReference>();
for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.size(); i++) {
NodeReference node = nodeList.get(i);
Object obj = null;
Structure struct = diagram.getStructure();
boolean found = false;
switch(node.nodeType) {
case NodeReference.SIMPLE_REACTION_NODE:
obj = getModel().getReactionStep(;
if (!(obj instanceof SimpleReaction)) {
System.out.println("ReactionCartoon.applyDefaults(), diagram reaction " + + " type mismatch in model, using location anyway");
case NodeReference.FLUX_REACTION_NODE:
obj = getModel().getReactionStep(;
if (!(obj instanceof FluxReaction)) {
System.out.println("ReactionCartoon.applyDefaults(), diagram flux " + + " type mismatch in model, using location anyway");
case NodeReference.SPECIES_CONTEXT_NODE:
obj = getModel().getSpeciesContext(;
case // TODO: aici
obj = getModel().getRbmModelContainer().getReactionRule(;
case // obj is a RuleParticipantSignature
System.out.println("ReactionCartoonRule, RULE_PARTICIPANT_SIGNATURE_FULL_NODE detected");
for (RuleParticipantSignature signature : ruleParticipantSignatures) {
if (signature instanceof RuleParticipantLongSignature && signature.getStructure() == struct && signature.compareByCriteria(node.getName(), GroupingCriteria.full)) {
obj = signature;
found = true;
if (!found) {
for (RuleParticipantSignature signature : ruleParticipantSignatures) {
if (signature instanceof RuleParticipantShortSignature && signature.getStructure() == struct && signature.compareByCriteria(node.getName(), GroupingCriteria.full)) {
obj = signature;
found = true;
if (!found) {
// -- switch
Shape shape = getShapeFromModelObject(obj);
if (shape != null) {
Point relPosOld = shape.getRelPos();
Point relPosNew = node.location;
// In old models, the same node can appear in multiple diagrams.
// Now, we have only one diagram, so if a node has multiple positions,
// some would overwrite others.
// This attempts to prevent overwriting a position with a worse one.
// if(relPosOld.x + relPosOld.y < relPosNew.x + relPosNew.y) {
// }
if (!orphansList.isEmpty()) {
diagram.removeNodeReferences(NodeReference.Mode.rule, orphansList);
use of cbit.gui.graph.Shape in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ReactionContainerShape method randomize.
public void randomize() {
// then draw in the reactionParticipant edges
for (Shape child : childShapeList) {
if (child instanceof SpeciesContextShape || child instanceof ReactionStepShape || child instanceof ReactionRuleDiagramShape || child instanceof RuleParticipantSignatureDiagramShape) {
// position normally about the center
// calculate locations and sizes of reactionParticipant edges
for (Shape child : childShapeList) {
if (child instanceof ReactionParticipantShape || child instanceof RuleParticipantEdgeDiagramShape) {
EdgeShape reactionParticipantShape = (EdgeShape) child;
// position label
int centerX = getSpaceManager().getSize().width / 2;
int currentY = labelSize.height;
labelPos.x = centerX - labelSize.width / 2;
labelPos.y = currentY;
currentY += labelSize.height;
use of cbit.gui.graph.Shape in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class PathwayGraphTool method mouseDragged.
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event) {
if ((event.getModifiers() & (InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK | InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK)) != 0) {
boolean bShift = (event.getModifiers() & InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK) == InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK;
boolean bCntrl = (event.getModifiers() & InputEvent.CTRL_MASK) == InputEvent.CTRL_MASK;
try {
switch(mode) {
case SELECT:
Point worldPoint = screenToWorld(event.getX(), event.getY());
if (bMoving) {
List<Shape> selectedShapes = getGraphModel().getSelectedShapes();
// constrain to stay within the corresponding parent for the
// "movingShape" as well as all other selected (hence
// moving) shapes.
Point movingParentLoc = movingShape.getParent().getSpaceManager().getAbsLoc();
Dimension movingParentSize = movingShape.getParent().getSpaceManager().getSize();
worldPoint.x = Math.max(movingOffsetWorld.x + movingParentLoc.x, Math.min(movingOffsetWorld.x + movingParentLoc.x + movingParentSize.width - movingShape.getSpaceManager().getSize().width, worldPoint.x));
worldPoint.y = Math.max(movingOffsetWorld.y + movingParentLoc.y, Math.min(movingOffsetWorld.x + movingParentLoc.y + movingParentSize.height - movingShape.getSpaceManager().getSize().height, worldPoint.y));
for (Shape shape : selectedShapes) {
if (shape != movingShape && shape instanceof BioPaxShape) {
Point selectedParentLoc = shape.getParent().getSpaceManager().getAbsLoc();
Dimension selectedParentSize = shape.getParent().getSpaceManager().getSize();
int selectedMovingOffsetX = movingOffsetWorld.x + (movingShape.getSpaceManager().getAbsLoc().x - shape.getSpaceManager().getAbsLoc().x);
int selectedMovingOffsetY = movingOffsetWorld.y + (movingShape.getSpaceManager().getAbsLoc().y - shape.getSpaceManager().getAbsLoc().y);
worldPoint.x = Math.max(selectedMovingOffsetX + selectedParentLoc.x, Math.min(selectedMovingOffsetX + selectedParentLoc.x + selectedParentSize.width - shape.getSpaceManager().getSize().width, worldPoint.x));
worldPoint.y = Math.max(selectedMovingOffsetY + selectedParentLoc.y, Math.min(selectedMovingOffsetY + selectedParentLoc.y + selectedParentSize.height - shape.getSpaceManager().getSize().height, worldPoint.y));
Point newMovingPoint = new Point(worldPoint.x - movingOffsetWorld.x, worldPoint.y - movingOffsetWorld.y);
int deltaX = newMovingPoint.x - movingPointWorld.x;
int deltaY = newMovingPoint.y - movingPointWorld.y;
movingPointWorld = newMovingPoint;
movingShape.getSpaceManager().setRelPos(movingPointWorld.x - movingParentLoc.x, movingPointWorld.y - movingParentLoc.y);
// them also
for (Shape shape : selectedShapes) {
if (shape != movingShape) {
shape.getSpaceManager().move(deltaX, deltaY);
((JViewport) getGraphPane().getParent()).revalidate();
} else if (bRectStretch) {
// constrain to stay within parent
Point parentLoc = rectShape.getParent().getSpaceManager().getAbsLoc();
Dimension parentSize = rectShape.getParent().getSpaceManager().getSize();
worldPoint.x = Math.max(1, Math.min(parentSize.width - 1, worldPoint.x - parentLoc.x)) + parentLoc.x;
worldPoint.y = Math.max(1, Math.min(parentSize.height - 1, worldPoint.y - parentLoc.y)) + parentLoc.y;
// getGraphPane().repaint();
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) getGraphPane().getGraphics();
AffineTransform oldTransform = g.getTransform();
g.scale(0.01 * getGraphModel().getZoomPercent(), 0.01 * getGraphModel().getZoomPercent());
rectShape.paint(g, 0, 0);
endPointWorld = worldPoint;
rectShape.paint(g, 0, 0);
} else {
Shape shape = (getGraphModel().getSelectedShape() != null ? getGraphModel().getSelectedShape() : getGraphModel().pickWorld(worldPoint));
if (!bCntrl && !bShift && shape instanceof BioPaxShape) {
bMoving = true;
movingShape = shape;
movingPointWorld = shape.getSpaceManager().getAbsLoc();
movingOffsetWorld = new Point(worldPoint.x - movingPointWorld.x, worldPoint.y - movingPointWorld.y);
} else if (shape instanceof PathwayContainerShape || bShift || bCntrl) {
bRectStretch = true;
endPointWorld = new Point(worldPoint.x + 1, worldPoint.y + 1);
rectShape = new RubberBandRectShape(worldPoint, endPointWorld, getGraphModel());
if (!(shape instanceof PathwayContainerShape)) {
} else {
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) getGraphPane().getGraphics();
AffineTransform oldTransform = g.getTransform();
g.scale(0.01 * getGraphModel().getZoomPercent(), 0.01 * getGraphModel().getZoomPercent());
rectShape.paint(g, 0, 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("CartoonTool.mouseDragged: uncaught exception");
use of cbit.gui.graph.Shape in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class WorkflowCartoonTool method transposeLayout.
public void transposeLayout() {
for (Shape shape : getGraphModel().getShapes()) {
if (ShapeUtil.isMovable(shape)) {
Point location = shape.getSpaceManager().getRelPos();
int oldX = location.x;
int oldY = location.y;
location.y = oldX;
location.x = oldY;