use of cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometrySpec in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class StructureMappingCartoon method refreshAll.
* This method was created by a SmartGuide.
public void refreshAll() {
if (getSimulationContext() == null) {
fireGraphChanged(new GraphEvent(this));
GeometryContextGeometryShape geometryShape = new GeometryContextGeometryShape(this, getGeometryContext().getGeometry());
// GeometryContextStructureShape structureShape = new GeometryContextStructureShape(this,getGeometryContext().getModel());
// GeometryContextContainerShape containerShape = new GeometryContextContainerShape(this,getGeometryContext(),structureShape,geometryShape);
// addShape(containerShape);
// addShape(structureShape);
// create all StructureShapes
// Structure structures[] = getGeometryContext().getModel().getStructures();
// for (int i=0;i<structures.length;i++){
// if (structures[i] instanceof Feature){
// //addShape(new FeatureShape((Feature)structures[i],getGeometryContext().getModel(),this));
// StructureMappingFeatureShape smShape = new StructureMappingFeatureShape((Feature)structures[i],getGeometryContext().getModel(),this);
// addShape(smShape);
// containerShape.addChildShape(smShape);
// structures[i].removePropertyChangeListener(this);
// structures[i].addPropertyChangeListener(this);
// }
// }
// create all SubvolumeLegendShapes (for legend)
GeometrySpec geometrySpec = getGeometryContext().getGeometry().getGeometrySpec();
SubVolume[] subVolumes = geometrySpec.getSubVolumes();
for (int i = 0; i < subVolumes.length; i++) {
cbit.vcell.geometry.SubVolume subvolume = subVolumes[i];
GeometryClassLegendShape subvolumeLegendShape = new GeometryClassLegendShape(subvolume, getGeometryContext().getGeometry(), this, 10);
// --------------------------------------------------
if ((subVolumeContainerShape == null) || (subVolumeContainerShape.getModelObject() != getGeometryContext().getGeometry())) {
subVolumeContainerShape = new SubVolumeContainerShape(getGeometryContext().getGeometry(), this);
// --------------------------------------------------
// // create all SubvolumeShapes (for image)
// //
// for (int i=0;i<subVolumes.length;i++){
// cbit.vcell.geometry.SubVolume subvolume = (cbit.vcell.geometry.SubVolume)subVolumes[i];
// SubvolumeShape subvolumeShape = new SubvolumeShape(subvolume,getGeometryContext().getGeometry(),this);
// addShape(subvolumeShape);
// subVolumeContainerShape.addChildShape(subvolumeShape);
// }
// create all FeatureMappingShapes
// StructureMapping structureMappings[] = getGeometryContext().getStructureMappings();
// for (int i=0;i<structureMappings.length;i++){
// StructureMapping structureMapping = structureMappings[i];
// if (structureMapping instanceof FeatureMapping){
// FeatureMapping featureMapping = (FeatureMapping)structureMapping;
// if (featureMapping.getSubVolume()!=null){
// FeatureShape featureShape = (FeatureShape)getShapeFromModelObject(featureMapping.getFeature());
// SubvolumeLegendShape subvolumeLegendShape = (SubvolumeLegendShape)getShapeFromModelObject(featureMapping.getSubVolume());
// FeatureMappingShape fmShape = new FeatureMappingShape(featureMapping,featureShape,subvolumeLegendShape,this);
// //FeatureMappingShape fmShape = new FeatureMappingShape(featureMapping,featureShape,featureMapping.getSubVolume(),imageShape,this);
// addShape(fmShape);
// containerShape.addChildShape(fmShape);
// }
// }
// }
// assign children to shapes according to heirarchy in Model
// int nullParentCount=0;
// Enumeration enum_shape = getShapes();
// while (enum_shape.hasMoreElements()){
// Shape shape = (Shape)enum_shape.nextElement();
// //
// // for each featureShape, find corresponding featureShape
// //
// if (shape instanceof FeatureShape){
// FeatureShape fs = (FeatureShape)shape;
// Membrane membrane = fs.getFeature().getMembrane();
// if (membrane!=null){
// //
// // add this feature as child to parent feature
// //
// Feature parentFeature = membrane.getOutsideFeature();
// FeatureShape parentFeatureShape = (FeatureShape)getShapeFromModelObject(parentFeature);
// if (!parentFeatureShape.contains(fs)){
// parentFeatureShape.addChildShape(fs);
// }
// }else{
// if (!structureShape.contains(fs)){
// structureShape.addChildShape(fs);
// }
// nullParentCount++;
// }
// }
// }
fireGraphChanged(new GraphEvent(this));
use of cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometrySpec in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class GeometryContext method gatherIssues.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (11/1/2005 9:48:55 AM)
* @param issueList java.util.Vector
public void gatherIssues(IssueContext issueContext, List<Issue> issueList) {
issueContext = issueContext.newChildContext(ContextType.Geometry, getGeometry());
GeometrySpec geometrySpec = getGeometry().getGeometrySpec();
if (geometrySpec != null) {
geometrySpec.gatherIssues(issueContext, getGeometry(), issueList);
for (int i = 0; fieldStructureMappings != null && i < fieldStructureMappings.length; i++) {
fieldStructureMappings[i].gatherIssues(issueContext, issueList);
for (GeometryClass gc : fieldGeometry.getGeometryClasses()) {
Structure[] structuresFromGeometryClass = getStructuresFromGeometryClass(gc);
if (structuresFromGeometryClass == null || structuresFromGeometryClass.length == 0) {
UnmappedGeometryClass unmappedGeometryClass = new UnmappedGeometryClass(gc);
Issue issue = new Issue(unmappedGeometryClass, issueContext, IssueCategory.GeometryClassNotMapped, "Subdomain '" + gc.getName() + "' is not mapped to any physiological structure.", Issue.SEVERITY_WARNING);
if (getSimulationContext().isStoch() && getGeometry().getDimension() != 0 && getGeometry().getDimension() != 3) {
Issue issue = new Issue(this, issueContext, IssueCategory.Smoldyn_Geometry_3DWarning, "VCell spatial stochastic models only support 3D geometry.", Issue.SEVERITY_ERROR);
use of cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometrySpec in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class RayCaster method resampleGeometry.
public static Geometry resampleGeometry(GeometryThumbnailImageFactory geometryThumbnailImageFactory, Geometry origGeometry, ISize sampleSize) throws ImageException, PropertyVetoException, GeometryException, ExpressionException {
if (origGeometry.getDimension() < 3) {
throw new GeometryException("Presently, the Raycaster resampling works only for 3d geometries.");
GeometrySpec origGeometrySpec = origGeometry.getGeometrySpec();
VCImage origSubvolumeImage = origGeometrySpec.getSampledImage().getCurrentValue();
if (origSubvolumeImage == null) {
throw new GeometryException("original geometry does not have a sampled image");
VCImage resampledSubvolumeImage = RayCaster.sampleGeometry(origGeometry, sampleSize, false);
// Check if resampling failed:
// if not the same number of pixelClasses (between original geometry and resampled)
// if the subvolume handles are the same
boolean bSameSubvolumes = true;
if (origSubvolumeImage.getNumPixelClasses() != resampledSubvolumeImage.getNumPixelClasses()) {
bSameSubvolumes = false;
for (VCPixelClass origPixelClass : origSubvolumeImage.getPixelClasses()) {
VCPixelClass resampledPixelClass = resampledSubvolumeImage.getPixelClassFromPixelValue(origPixelClass.getPixel());
if (resampledPixelClass == null) {
bSameSubvolumes = false;
if (!bSameSubvolumes) {
StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer();
message.append("\n\nexisting geometry:\n");
for (SubVolume oldSubvolume : origGeometrySpec.getSubVolumes()) {
long count = origSubvolumeImage.countPixelsByValue((byte) oldSubvolume.getHandle());
message.append("subvolume('" + oldSubvolume.getName() + "',handle=" + oldSubvolume.getHandle() + ",numPixels=" + count + " of " + origSubvolumeImage.getNumXYZ() + "\n");
message.append("\n\nnew resampled handle VCImage:\n");
for (VCPixelClass newPixelClass : resampledSubvolumeImage.getPixelClasses()) {
long count = resampledSubvolumeImage.countPixelsByValue((byte) newPixelClass.getPixel());
message.append("pixelClass('" + newPixelClass.getPixelClassName() + "',pixelValue=" + newPixelClass.getPixel() + ",numPixels=" + count + " of " + resampledSubvolumeImage.getNumXYZ() + ")\n");
throw new GeometryException("original Geometry had " + origSubvolumeImage.getNumPixelClasses() + " subvolumes, resampled Geometry found " + resampledSubvolumeImage.getNumPixelClasses() + " subvolumes " + message.toString());
// Create new VCImage that will form the basis for a new image-based geometry.
VCImage newVCImage = null;
if (origGeometrySpec.getImage() != null) {
// was an image-based geometry - try to make new VCImage similar to the original (same pixelClass names and pixel values).
// the goal is to make identical geometries if the sample size is same as the original image size.
// create a new VCImage with same image pixel values (not subvolume handles) and pixel class names as original image.
byte[] newVCImagePixels = new byte[sampleSize.getXYZ()];
byte[] resampledSubvolumePixels = resampledSubvolumeImage.getPixels();
for (int i = 0; i < sampleSize.getXYZ(); i++) {
int subvolumeHandle = resampledSubvolumePixels[i];
ImageSubVolume imageSubvolume = (ImageSubVolume) origGeometrySpec.getSubVolume(subvolumeHandle);
newVCImagePixels[i] = (byte) imageSubvolume.getPixelValue();
newVCImage = new VCImageUncompressed(null, newVCImagePixels, origGeometry.getExtent(), sampleSize.getX(), sampleSize.getY(), sampleSize.getZ());
ArrayList<VCPixelClass> newPixelClasses = new ArrayList<VCPixelClass>();
for (VCPixelClass origPixelClass : origGeometrySpec.getImage().getPixelClasses()) {
SubVolume origSubvolume = origGeometrySpec.getImageSubVolumeFromPixelValue(origPixelClass.getPixel());
newPixelClasses.add(new VCPixelClass(null, origSubvolume.getName(), origPixelClass.getPixel()));
newVCImage.setPixelClasses(newPixelClasses.toArray(new VCPixelClass[newPixelClasses.size()]));
} else {
// was an analytic geometry - create a new image-based geometry
// create a new VCImage with image pixel values and pixelClass names equal to corresponding subvolumes from original geometry
// make new subvolume names equal to old subvolume names.
byte[] newVCImageSubvolumePixels = resampledSubvolumeImage.getPixels().clone();
newVCImage = new VCImageUncompressed(null, newVCImageSubvolumePixels, origGeometry.getExtent(), sampleSize.getX(), sampleSize.getY(), sampleSize.getZ());
ArrayList<VCPixelClass> newPixelClasses = new ArrayList<VCPixelClass>();
for (SubVolume origSubvolume : origGeometrySpec.getSubVolumes()) {
// note: newVCImage already has subvolume handle pixels.
newPixelClasses.add(new VCPixelClass(null, origSubvolume.getName(), origSubvolume.getHandle()));
newVCImage.setPixelClasses(newPixelClasses.toArray(new VCPixelClass[newPixelClasses.size()]));
// construct the new geometry with the sampled VCImage.
Geometry newGeometry = new Geometry(origGeometry.getName(), newVCImage);
newGeometry.precomputeAll(geometryThumbnailImageFactory, true, true);
return newGeometry;
use of cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometrySpec in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class MathModel method gatherIssues.
public void gatherIssues(IssueContext issueContext, List<Issue> issueList) {
issueContext = issueContext.newChildContext(ContextType.MathModel, this);
GeometrySpec geometrySpec = getGeometry().getGeometrySpec();
if (geometrySpec != null) {
geometrySpec.gatherIssues(issueContext, getGeometry(), issueList);
fieldMathDescription.gatherIssues(issueContext, issueList);
outputFunctionContext.gatherIssues(issueContext, issueList);
// for (Simulation simulation : fieldSimulations){
// simulation.gatherIssues(issueContext,issueList);
// }
use of cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometrySpec in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class GeometrySurfaceUtils method getUpdatedGeometricRegions.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (6/28/2004 3:09:13 PM)
* @return cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometricRegion[]
* @param geoSurfaceDescription cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometrySurfaceDescription
* @param surfaceCollection cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.SurfaceCollection
public static GeometricRegion[] getUpdatedGeometricRegions(GeometrySurfaceDescription geoSurfaceDescription, cbit.vcell.geometry.RegionImage regionImage, SurfaceCollection surfaceCollection) {
// parse regionImage into ResolvedVolumeLocations
double sizeOfPixel = 0;
VCUnitDefinition volumeUnit = null;
VCUnitDefinition surfaceUnit = null;
GeometrySpec geometrySpec = geoSurfaceDescription.getGeometry().getGeometrySpec();
GeometryUnitSystem geometryUnitSystem = geoSurfaceDescription.getGeometry().getUnitSystem();
switch(geometrySpec.getDimension()) {
case 1:
sizeOfPixel = geometrySpec.getExtent().getX() / (regionImage.getNumX() - 1);
// sizeOfPixel /= 9.0; // to account for the padding from 1D to 3D
volumeUnit = geometryUnitSystem.getLengthUnit();
surfaceUnit = geometryUnitSystem.getInstance_DIMENSIONLESS();
case 2:
sizeOfPixel = geometrySpec.getExtent().getX() / (regionImage.getNumX() - 1) * geometrySpec.getExtent().getY() / (regionImage.getNumY() - 1);
// sizeOfPixel /= 3.0; // to account for the padding from 2D to 3D
volumeUnit = geometryUnitSystem.getAreaUnit();
surfaceUnit = geometryUnitSystem.getLengthUnit();
case 3:
sizeOfPixel = geometrySpec.getExtent().getX() / (regionImage.getNumX() - 1) * geometrySpec.getExtent().getY() / (regionImage.getNumY() - 1) * geometrySpec.getExtent().getZ() / (regionImage.getNumZ() - 1);
volumeUnit = geometryUnitSystem.getVolumeUnit();
surfaceUnit = geometryUnitSystem.getAreaUnit();
int numX = regionImage.getNumX();
int numY = regionImage.getNumY();
int numZ = regionImage.getNumZ();
int numXY = numX * numY;
java.util.Vector<GeometricRegion> regionList = new java.util.Vector<GeometricRegion>();
cbit.vcell.geometry.RegionImage.RegionInfo[] regionInfos = regionImage.getRegionInfos();
for (int i = 0; i < regionInfos.length; i++) {
cbit.vcell.geometry.RegionImage.RegionInfo regionInfo = regionInfos[i];;
cbit.vcell.geometry.SubVolume subVolume = geometrySpec.getSubVolume(regionInfo.getPixelValue());
String name = subVolume.getName() + regionInfo.getRegionIndex();
int numPixels = regionInfo.getNumPixels();
double size = numPixels * sizeOfPixel;
switch(geometrySpec.getDimension()) {
case 1:
int numHalvesToRemove = 0;
// -x pixel
if (regionInfo.isIndexInRegion(0)) {
// (regionImage.getRegionIndex(0,0,0) == regionIndex)
// +x pixel
if (regionInfo.isIndexInRegion(numX - 1)) {
// (regionImage.getRegionIndex(regionImageNumX-1,0,0) == regionIndex){
// *9; // 1D is padded by 3 in y and 3 in z (hence factor of 9)
size -= sizeOfPixel * 0.5 * numHalvesToRemove;
case 2:
int numQuadrantsToRemove = 0;
int yOffset = 0;
for (int yIndex = 0; yIndex < numY; yIndex++) {
if (regionInfo.isIndexInRegion(yOffset)) {
// (regionImage.getRegionIndex(0,yIndex,0) == regionIndex){
if (yIndex == 0 || yIndex == numY - 1) {
// corner, remove 3 quadrants
numQuadrantsToRemove += 3;
} else {
// side, remove 2 quadrants
numQuadrantsToRemove += 2;
// +x side (including attached corners)
if (regionInfo.isIndexInRegion(numX - 1 + yOffset)) {
// (regionImage.getRegionIndex(numX-1,yIndex,0) == regionIndex){
if (yIndex == 0 || yIndex == numY - 1) {
// corner, remove 3 quadrants
numQuadrantsToRemove += 3;
} else {
// side, remove 2 quadrants
numQuadrantsToRemove += 2;
yOffset += numX;
int yOffsetLastLine = (numY - 1) * numX;
for (int xIndex = 1; xIndex < numX - 1; xIndex++) {
// -y side (excluding corners)
if (regionInfo.isIndexInRegion(xIndex)) {
// (regionImage.getRegionIndex(xIndex,0,0) == regionIndex){
// side, remove 2 quadrants
numQuadrantsToRemove += 2;
// +x side (excluding corners)
if (regionInfo.isIndexInRegion(xIndex + yOffsetLastLine)) {
// (regionImage.getRegionIndex(xIndex,numY-1,0) == regionIndex){
// side, remove 2 quadrants
numQuadrantsToRemove += 2;
// *3; // 2D is padded by 3 in z (hence the factor of 3).
size -= sizeOfPixel * 0.25 * numQuadrantsToRemove;
case 3:
int numOctantsToRemove = 0;
for (int zIndex = 0; zIndex < numZ; zIndex++) {
for (int yIndex = 0; yIndex < numY; yIndex++) {
// -x side (including attached edges and corners)
// already on face of boundary (removing half)
int totalOctants = 4;
//"-x side including edges and corners");
if (regionInfo.isIndexInRegion(yIndex * numX + zIndex * numXY)) {
// (regionImage.getRegionIndex(0,yIndex,zIndex) == regionIndex){
if (yIndex == 0 || yIndex == numY - 1) {
totalOctants /= 2;
if (zIndex == 0 || zIndex == numZ - 1) {
totalOctants /= 2;
numOctantsToRemove += (8 - totalOctants);
//"+x side including edges and corners");
// +x side (including attached edges and corners)
// already on face of boundary (removing half)
totalOctants = 4;
if (regionInfo.isIndexInRegion(numX - 1 + yIndex * numX + zIndex * numXY)) {
// (regionImage.getRegionIndex(numX-1,yIndex,zIndex) == regionIndex){
if (yIndex == 0 || yIndex == numY - 1) {
totalOctants /= 2;
if (zIndex == 0 || zIndex == numZ - 1) {
totalOctants /= 2;
numOctantsToRemove += (8 - totalOctants);
for (int xIndex = 1; xIndex < numX - 1; xIndex++) {
// -y side (including attached edges along x axis, excluding corners)
//"-y side including edges");
// already on face of boundary (removing half)
int totalOctants = 4;
if (regionInfo.isIndexInRegion(xIndex + zIndex * numXY)) {
// (regionImage.getRegionIndex(xIndex,0,zIndex) == regionIndex){
if (zIndex == 0 || zIndex == numZ - 1) {
totalOctants /= 2;
numOctantsToRemove += (8 - totalOctants);
//"+y side including edges");
// +y side (including attached edges along x axis, excluding corners)
// already on face of boundary (removing half)
totalOctants = 4;
if (regionInfo.isIndexInRegion(xIndex + (numY - 1) * numX + zIndex * numXY)) {
// (regionImage.getRegionIndex(xIndex,numY-1,zIndex) == regionIndex){
if (zIndex == 0 || zIndex == numZ - 1) {
totalOctants /= 2;
numOctantsToRemove += (8 - totalOctants);
for (int yIndex = 1; yIndex < numY - 1; yIndex++) {
for (int xIndex = 1; xIndex < numX - 1; xIndex++) {
// already on face of boundary (removing half)
int totalOctants = 4;
//"-z side including nothing");
if (regionInfo.isIndexInRegion(xIndex + yIndex * numX)) {
// (regionImage.getRegionIndex(xIndex,yIndex,0) == regionIndex){
numOctantsToRemove += (8 - totalOctants);
//"+z side including nothing");
if (regionInfo.isIndexInRegion(xIndex + yIndex * numX + (numZ - 1) * numXY)) {
// (regionImage.getRegionIndex(xIndex,yIndex,numZ-1) == regionIndex){
numOctantsToRemove += (8 - totalOctants);
size -= sizeOfPixel * 0.125 * numOctantsToRemove;
if (lg.isInfoEnabled()) {"size=" + size);
VolumeGeometricRegion volumeRegion = new VolumeGeometricRegion(name, size, volumeUnit, subVolume, regionInfo.getRegionIndex());
if (lg.isInfoEnabled()) {"added volumeRegion(" + volumeRegion.getName() + ")");
for (int i = 0; i < surfaceCollection.getSurfaceCount(); i++) {
cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Surface surface = surfaceCollection.getSurfaces(i);
int exteriorRegionIndex = surface.getExteriorRegionIndex();
int interiorRegionIndex = surface.getInteriorRegionIndex();
cbit.vcell.geometry.SubVolume surfaceExteriorSubvolume = geometrySpec.getSubVolume(regionInfos[exteriorRegionIndex].getPixelValue());
cbit.vcell.geometry.SubVolume surfaceInteriorSubvolume = geometrySpec.getSubVolume(regionInfos[interiorRegionIndex].getPixelValue());
String name = "membrane_" + surfaceInteriorSubvolume.getName() + interiorRegionIndex + "_" + surfaceExteriorSubvolume.getName() + exteriorRegionIndex;
double correctedArea = surface.getArea();
if (geometrySpec.getDimension() == 2) {
correctedArea /= geometrySpec.getExtent().getZ();
} else if (geometrySpec.getDimension() == 1) {
correctedArea /= (geometrySpec.getExtent().getY() * geometrySpec.getExtent().getZ());
SurfaceGeometricRegion surfaceRegion = new SurfaceGeometricRegion(name, correctedArea, surfaceUnit);
// connect this surfaceLocation to its exterior and interior volumeLocations
VolumeGeometricRegion exteriorVolumeRegion = null;
for (int j = 0; j < regionList.size(); j++) {
GeometricRegion region = regionList.elementAt(j);
if (region instanceof VolumeGeometricRegion && region.getName().equals(surfaceExteriorSubvolume.getName() + exteriorRegionIndex)) {
exteriorVolumeRegion = (VolumeGeometricRegion) region;
VolumeGeometricRegion interiorVolumeRegion = null;
for (int j = 0; j < regionList.size(); j++) {
GeometricRegion region = regionList.elementAt(j);
if (region instanceof VolumeGeometricRegion && region.getName().equals(surfaceInteriorSubvolume.getName() + interiorRegionIndex)) {
interiorVolumeRegion = (VolumeGeometricRegion) region;
if (lg.isInfoEnabled()) {"added surfaceRegion(" + surfaceRegion.getName() + ")");
return org.vcell.util.BeanUtils.getArray(regionList, GeometricRegion.class);