Search in sources :

Example 1 with Polygon

use of cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Polygon in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SmoldynFileWriter method writeSurfaces.

private void writeSurfaces() throws SolverException, ImageException, PropertyVetoException, GeometryException, ExpressionException {
    GeometrySurfaceDescription geometrySurfaceDescription = resampledGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription();
    SurfaceClass[] surfaceClasses = geometrySurfaceDescription.getSurfaceClasses();
    GeometrySpec geometrySpec = resampledGeometry.getGeometrySpec();
    SubVolume[] surfaceGeometrySubVolumes = geometrySpec.getSubVolumes();
    GeometricRegion[] AllGeometricRegions = resampledGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription().getGeometricRegions();
    ArrayList<SurfaceGeometricRegion> surfaceRegionList = new ArrayList<SurfaceGeometricRegion>();
    ArrayList<VolumeGeometricRegion> volumeRegionList = new ArrayList<VolumeGeometricRegion>();
    for (GeometricRegion geometricRegion : AllGeometricRegions) {
        if (geometricRegion instanceof SurfaceGeometricRegion) {
            surfaceRegionList.add((SurfaceGeometricRegion) geometricRegion);
        } else if (geometricRegion instanceof VolumeGeometricRegion) {
            volumeRegionList.add((VolumeGeometricRegion) geometricRegion);
        } else {
            throw new SolverException("unsupported geometric region type " + geometricRegion.getClass());
    printWriter.println("# geometry");
    printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.dim + " " + dimension);
    if (bHasNoSurface) {
        printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_compartment + " " + surfaceGeometrySubVolumes.length);
    } else {
        printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_compartment + " " + (surfaceGeometrySubVolumes.length + 1));
        // plus the surface which are bounding walls
        printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_surface + " " + (surfaceClasses.length + dimension));
    // write boundaries and wall surfaces
    // for 3D ... smoldyn normal convension is triangle right-hand-rule normal points to the outside compartment subdomain.
    if (!bHasNoSurface) {
        membraneSubdomainTriangleMap = new HashMap<MembraneSubDomain, ArrayList<TrianglePanel>>();
        // write surfaces
        printWriter.println("# surfaces");
        int triangleGlobalCount = 0;
        int membraneIndex = -1;
        SurfaceCollection surfaceCollection = geometrySurfaceDescription.getSurfaceCollection();
        // pre-allocate collections used repeatedly in following loops; clear before reusing
        HashMap<Node, Set<String>> nodeTriMap = new HashMap<>();
        ArrayList<TrianglePanel> triList = new ArrayList<TrianglePanel>();
        // use a sorted set to ensure neighbors written out is same order for reproducibility
        SortedSet<String> neighborsForCurrentNode = new TreeSet<String>();
        for (int sci = 0; sci < surfaceClasses.length; sci++) {
            int triLocalCount = 0;
            SurfaceClass surfaceClass = surfaceClasses[sci];
            GeometricRegion[] geometricRegions = geometrySurfaceDescription.getGeometricRegions(surfaceClass);
            for (GeometricRegion gr : geometricRegions) {
                SurfaceGeometricRegion sgr = (SurfaceGeometricRegion) gr;
                VolumeGeometricRegion volRegion0 = (VolumeGeometricRegion) sgr.getAdjacentGeometricRegions()[0];
                VolumeGeometricRegion volRegion1 = (VolumeGeometricRegion) sgr.getAdjacentGeometricRegions()[1];
                SubVolume subVolume0 = volRegion0.getSubVolume();
                SubVolume subVolume1 = volRegion1.getSubVolume();
                CompartmentSubDomain compart0 = mathDesc.getCompartmentSubDomain(subVolume0.getName());
                CompartmentSubDomain compart1 = mathDesc.getCompartmentSubDomain(subVolume1.getName());
                MembraneSubDomain membraneSubDomain = mathDesc.getMembraneSubDomain(compart0, compart1);
                if (membraneSubDomain == null) {
                    throw new SolverException(VCellErrorMessages.getSmoldynUnexpectedSurface(compart0, compart1));
                int exteriorRegionID = volRegion0.getRegionID();
                int interiorRegionID = volRegion1.getRegionID();
                if (membraneSubDomain.getInsideCompartment() == compart0) {
                    exteriorRegionID = volRegion1.getRegionID();
                    interiorRegionID = volRegion0.getRegionID();
                for (int j = 0; j < surfaceCollection.getSurfaceCount(); j++) {
                    Surface surface = surfaceCollection.getSurfaces(j);
                    if ((surface.getInteriorRegionIndex() == exteriorRegionID && surface.getExteriorRegionIndex() == interiorRegionID) || (surface.getInteriorRegionIndex() == interiorRegionID && surface.getExteriorRegionIndex() == exteriorRegionID)) {
                        // Polygon polygon = surface.getPolygons(k);
                        for (Polygon polygon : surface) {
                            if (polygonMembaneElementMap != null) {
                                membraneIndex = polygonMembaneElementMap.get(polygon).getMembraneIndex();
                            Node[] nodes = polygon.getNodes();
                            if (dimension == 2) {
                                // ignore z
                                Vect3d unitNormal = new Vect3d();
                                unitNormal.set(unitNormal.getX(), unitNormal.getY(), 0);
                                int point0 = 0;
                                Vect3d v0 = new Vect3d(nodes[point0].getX(), nodes[point0].getY(), 0);
                                int point1 = 1;
                                Vect3d v1 = null;
                                for (point1 = 1; point1 < nodes.length; point1++) {
                                    if (v0.getX() != nodes[point1].getX() || v0.getY() != nodes[point1].getY()) {
                                        v1 = new Vect3d(nodes[point1].getX(), nodes[point1].getY(), 0);
                                if (v1 == null) {
                                    throw new RuntimeException("failed to generate surface");
                                Vect3d v01 = Vect3d.sub(v1, v0);
                                Vect3d unit01n = v01.cross(unitNormal);
                                if (Math.abs(unit01n.getZ() - 1.0) < 1e-6) {
                                    // v0 to v1 opposes vcell surface normal. it's already flipped.
                                    Triangle triangle;
                                    if (surface.getInteriorRegionIndex() == interiorRegionID) {
                                        // we have to flipped it back
                                        triangle = new Triangle(nodes[point1], nodes[point0], null);
                                    } else {
                                        triangle = new Triangle(nodes[point0], nodes[point1], null);
                                    triList.add(new TrianglePanel(triLocalCount++, triangleGlobalCount++, membraneIndex, triangle));
                                } else if (Math.abs(unit01n.getZ() + 1.0) < 1e-6) {
                                    // v0 to v1 is in direction of vcell surface normal.
                                    Triangle triangle;
                                    if (surface.getInteriorRegionIndex() == interiorRegionID) {
                                        triangle = new Triangle(nodes[point0], nodes[point1], null);
                                    } else {
                                        triangle = new Triangle(nodes[point1], nodes[point0], null);
                                    triList.add(new TrianglePanel(triLocalCount++, triangleGlobalCount++, membraneIndex, triangle));
                                } else {
                                    throw new RuntimeException("failed to generate surface");
                            } else if (dimension == 3) {
                                Triangle triangle1;
                                Triangle triangle2;
                                if (surface.getInteriorRegionIndex() == interiorRegionID) {
                                    // interior
                                    triangle1 = new Triangle(nodes[0], nodes[1], nodes[2]);
                                    triangle2 = new Triangle(nodes[0], nodes[2], nodes[3]);
                                } else {
                                    triangle1 = new Triangle(nodes[2], nodes[1], nodes[0]);
                                    triangle2 = new Triangle(nodes[3], nodes[2], nodes[0]);
                                triList.add(new TrianglePanel(triLocalCount++, triangleGlobalCount++, membraneIndex, triangle1));
                                triList.add(new TrianglePanel(triLocalCount++, triangleGlobalCount++, membraneIndex, triangle2));
            // add triangles to node hash
            for (TrianglePanel triPanel : triList) {
                for (Node node : triPanel.triangle.getNodes()) {
                    if (node == null) {
                    Set<String> triNameSet = nodeTriMap.get(node);
                    if (triNameSet == null) {
                        triNameSet = new HashSet<String>();
                        nodeTriMap.put(node, triNameSet);
            SubVolume[] adjacentSubvolums = surfaceClass.getAdjacentSubvolumes().toArray(new SubVolume[0]);
            CompartmentSubDomain csd0 = simulation.getMathDescription().getCompartmentSubDomain(adjacentSubvolums[0].getName());
            CompartmentSubDomain csd1 = simulation.getMathDescription().getCompartmentSubDomain(adjacentSubvolums[1].getName());
            MembraneSubDomain membraneSubDomain = simulation.getMathDescription().getMembraneSubDomain(csd0, csd1);
            membraneSubdomainTriangleMap.put(membraneSubDomain, triList);
            final boolean initialMoleculesOnMembrane = (closestTriangles != null);
            if (initialMoleculesOnMembrane) {
                findClosestTriangles(membraneSubDomain, triList);
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.start_surface + " " + surfaceClass.getName());
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + "(" + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + ") " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reflect);
            // printWriter.println(SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynKeyword.all + "(" + SmoldynKeyword.up + ") " + SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + SmoldynKeyword.reflect);
            // get color after species
            Color c = colors[sci + particleVariableList.size()];
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.color + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + c.getRed() / 255.0 + " " + c.getGreen() / 255.0 + " " + c.getBlue() / 255.0 + " 0.1");
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.polygon + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.front + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.edge);
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.polygon + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.back + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.edge);
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_panels + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.tri + " " + triList.size());
            for (TrianglePanel trianglePanel : triList) {
                Triangle triangle = trianglePanel.triangle;
                printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.tri);
                switch(dimension) {
                    case 1:
                        printWriter.print(" " + triangle.getNodes(0).getX());
                    case 2:
                        printWriter.print(" " + triangle.getNodes(0).getX() + " " + triangle.getNodes(0).getY());
                        printWriter.print(" " + triangle.getNodes(1).getX() + " " + triangle.getNodes(1).getY());
                    case 3:
                        for (Node node : triangle.getNodes()) {
                            printWriter.print(" " + node.getX() + " " + node.getY() + " " + node.getZ());
                printWriter.println(" " +;
            for (TrianglePanel triPanel : triList) {
                for (Node node : triPanel.triangle.getNodes()) {
                    if (node == null) {
                // printWriter.print(SmoldynKeyword.neighbors + " ";
                // to allow smoldyn read line length as 256, chop the neighbors to multiple lines
                int maxNeighborCount = 4;
                int count = 0;
                for (String neigh : neighborsForCurrentNode) {
                    if (count % maxNeighborCount == 0) {
                        printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.neighbors + " " +;
                    printWriter.print(" " + neigh);
    // write compartment
    // printWriter.println("# bounding wall compartment");
    // printWriter.println(SmoldynKeyword.start_compartment + " " + VCellSmoldynKeyword.bounding_wall_compartment);
    // printWriter.println(SmoldynKeyword.surface + " " + VCellSmoldynKeyword.bounding_wall_surface_X);
    // if (dimension > 1) {
    // printWriter.println(SmoldynKeyword.surface + " " + VCellSmoldynKeyword.bounding_wall_surface_Y);
    // if (dimension > 2) {
    // printWriter.println(SmoldynKeyword.surface + " " + VCellSmoldynKeyword.bounding_wall_surface_Z);
    // }
    // }
    // printWriter.println(SmoldynKeyword.end_compartment);
    // printWriter.println();
Also used : MembraneSubDomain(cbit.vcell.math.MembraneSubDomain) Set(java.util.Set) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) SortedSet(java.util.SortedSet) DataSet(cbit.vcell.simdata.DataSet) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) GeometrySurfaceDescription(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometrySurfaceDescription) SurfaceClass(cbit.vcell.geometry.SurfaceClass) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Node(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Node) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Triangle(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Triangle) Surface(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Surface) GeometrySpec(cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometrySpec) SubVolume(cbit.vcell.geometry.SubVolume) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) Polygon(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Polygon) SurfaceGeometricRegion(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.SurfaceGeometricRegion) SurfaceCollection(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.SurfaceCollection) Color(java.awt.Color) VolumeGeometricRegion(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.VolumeGeometricRegion) SurfaceGeometricRegion(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.SurfaceGeometricRegion) VolumeGeometricRegion(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.VolumeGeometricRegion) GeometricRegion(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometricRegion) Vect3d(cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d) CompartmentSubDomain(cbit.vcell.math.CompartmentSubDomain) SolverException(cbit.vcell.solver.SolverException)

Example 2 with Polygon

use of cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Polygon in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SmoldynSurfaceTessellator method writeSurfaces.

protected void writeSurfaces() throws SolverException, ImageException, PropertyVetoException, GeometryException, ExpressionException {
    GeometrySurfaceDescription geometrySurfaceDescription = resampledGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription();
    SurfaceClass[] surfaceClasses = geometrySurfaceDescription.getSurfaceClasses();
    GeometrySpec geometrySpec = resampledGeometry.getGeometrySpec();
    SubVolume[] surfaceGeometrySubVolumes = geometrySpec.getSubVolumes();
    GeometricRegion[] AllGeometricRegions = resampledGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription().getGeometricRegions();
    ArrayList<SurfaceGeometricRegion> surfaceRegionList = new ArrayList<SurfaceGeometricRegion>();
    ArrayList<VolumeGeometricRegion> volumeRegionList = new ArrayList<VolumeGeometricRegion>();
    for (GeometricRegion geometricRegion : AllGeometricRegions) {
        if (geometricRegion instanceof SurfaceGeometricRegion) {
            surfaceRegionList.add((SurfaceGeometricRegion) geometricRegion);
        } else if (geometricRegion instanceof VolumeGeometricRegion) {
            volumeRegionList.add((VolumeGeometricRegion) geometricRegion);
        } else {
            throw new SolverException("unsupported geometric region type " + geometricRegion.getClass());
    printWriter.println("# geometry");
    printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.dim + " " + dimension);
    if (bHasNoSurface) {
        printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_compartment + " " + surfaceGeometrySubVolumes.length);
    } else {
        printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_compartment + " " + (surfaceGeometrySubVolumes.length + 1));
        // plus the surface which are bounding walls
        printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_surface + " " + (surfaceClasses.length + dimension));
    // write boundaries and wall surfaces
    // for 3D ... smoldyn normal convension is triangle right-hand-rule normal points to the outside compartment subdomain.
    if (!bHasNoSurface) {
        membraneSubdomainTriangleMap = new HashMap<MembraneSubDomain, ArrayList<TrianglePanel>>();
        // write surfaces
        printWriter.println("# surfaces");
        int triangleGlobalCount = 0;
        int membraneIndex = -1;
        SurfaceCollection surfaceCollection = geometrySurfaceDescription.getSurfaceCollection();
        // pre-allocate collections used repeatedly in following loops; clear before reusing
        HashMap<Node, Set<String>> nodeTriMap = new HashMap<>();
        ArrayList<TrianglePanel> triList = new ArrayList<TrianglePanel>();
        // use a sorted set to ensure neighbors written out is same order for reproducibility
        SortedSet<String> neighborsForCurrentNode = new TreeSet<String>();
        for (int sci = 0; sci < surfaceClasses.length; sci++) {
            int triLocalCount = 0;
            SurfaceClass surfaceClass = surfaceClasses[sci];
            GeometricRegion[] geometricRegions = geometrySurfaceDescription.getGeometricRegions(surfaceClass);
            for (GeometricRegion gr : geometricRegions) {
                SurfaceGeometricRegion sgr = (SurfaceGeometricRegion) gr;
                VolumeGeometricRegion volRegion0 = (VolumeGeometricRegion) sgr.getAdjacentGeometricRegions()[0];
                VolumeGeometricRegion volRegion1 = (VolumeGeometricRegion) sgr.getAdjacentGeometricRegions()[1];
                SubVolume subVolume0 = volRegion0.getSubVolume();
                SubVolume subVolume1 = volRegion1.getSubVolume();
                CompartmentSubDomain compart0 = mathDesc.getCompartmentSubDomain(subVolume0.getName());
                CompartmentSubDomain compart1 = mathDesc.getCompartmentSubDomain(subVolume1.getName());
                MembraneSubDomain membraneSubDomain = mathDesc.getMembraneSubDomain(compart0, compart1);
                if (membraneSubDomain == null) {
                    throw new SolverException(VCellErrorMessages.getSmoldynUnexpectedSurface(compart0, compart1));
                int exteriorRegionID = volRegion0.getRegionID();
                int interiorRegionID = volRegion1.getRegionID();
                if (membraneSubDomain.getInsideCompartment() == compart0) {
                    exteriorRegionID = volRegion1.getRegionID();
                    interiorRegionID = volRegion0.getRegionID();
                for (int j = 0; j < surfaceCollection.getSurfaceCount(); j++) {
                    Surface surface = surfaceCollection.getSurfaces(j);
                    if ((surface.getInteriorRegionIndex() == exteriorRegionID && surface.getExteriorRegionIndex() == interiorRegionID) || (surface.getInteriorRegionIndex() == interiorRegionID && surface.getExteriorRegionIndex() == exteriorRegionID)) {
                        // Polygon polygon = surface.getPolygons(k);
                        for (Polygon polygon : surface) {
                            if (polygonMembaneElementMap != null) {
                                membraneIndex = polygonMembaneElementMap.get(polygon).getMembraneIndex();
                            Node[] nodes = polygon.getNodes();
                            if (dimension == 2) {
                                // ignore z
                                Vect3d unitNormal = new Vect3d();
                                unitNormal.set(unitNormal.getX(), unitNormal.getY(), 0);
                                int point0 = 0;
                                Vect3d v0 = new Vect3d(nodes[point0].getX(), nodes[point0].getY(), 0);
                                int point1 = 1;
                                Vect3d v1 = null;
                                for (point1 = 1; point1 < nodes.length; point1++) {
                                    if (v0.getX() != nodes[point1].getX() || v0.getY() != nodes[point1].getY()) {
                                        v1 = new Vect3d(nodes[point1].getX(), nodes[point1].getY(), 0);
                                if (v1 == null) {
                                    throw new RuntimeException("failed to generate surface");
                                Vect3d v01 = Vect3d.sub(v1, v0);
                                Vect3d unit01n = v01.cross(unitNormal);
                                if (Math.abs(unit01n.getZ() - 1.0) < 1e-6) {
                                    // v0 to v1 opposes vcell surface normal. it's already flipped.
                                    Triangle triangle;
                                    if (surface.getInteriorRegionIndex() == interiorRegionID) {
                                        // we have to flipped it back
                                        triangle = new Triangle(nodes[point1], nodes[point0], null);
                                    } else {
                                        triangle = new Triangle(nodes[point0], nodes[point1], null);
                                    triList.add(new TrianglePanel(triLocalCount++, triangleGlobalCount++, membraneIndex, triangle));
                                } else if (Math.abs(unit01n.getZ() + 1.0) < 1e-6) {
                                    // v0 to v1 is in direction of vcell surface normal.
                                    Triangle triangle;
                                    if (surface.getInteriorRegionIndex() == interiorRegionID) {
                                        triangle = new Triangle(nodes[point0], nodes[point1], null);
                                    } else {
                                        triangle = new Triangle(nodes[point1], nodes[point0], null);
                                    triList.add(new TrianglePanel(triLocalCount++, triangleGlobalCount++, membraneIndex, triangle));
                                } else {
                                    throw new RuntimeException("failed to generate surface");
                            } else if (dimension == 3) {
                                Triangle triangle1;
                                Triangle triangle2;
                                if (surface.getInteriorRegionIndex() == interiorRegionID) {
                                    // interior
                                    triangle1 = new Triangle(nodes[0], nodes[1], nodes[2]);
                                    triangle2 = new Triangle(nodes[0], nodes[2], nodes[3]);
                                } else {
                                    triangle1 = new Triangle(nodes[2], nodes[1], nodes[0]);
                                    triangle2 = new Triangle(nodes[3], nodes[2], nodes[0]);
                                triList.add(new TrianglePanel(triLocalCount++, triangleGlobalCount++, membraneIndex, triangle1));
                                triList.add(new TrianglePanel(triLocalCount++, triangleGlobalCount++, membraneIndex, triangle2));
            // add triangles to node hash
            for (TrianglePanel triPanel : triList) {
                for (Node node : triPanel.triangle.getNodes()) {
                    if (node == null) {
                    Set<String> triNameSet = nodeTriMap.get(node);
                    if (triNameSet == null) {
                        triNameSet = new HashSet<String>();
                        nodeTriMap.put(node, triNameSet);
            SubVolume[] adjacentSubvolums = surfaceClass.getAdjacentSubvolumes().toArray(new SubVolume[0]);
            CompartmentSubDomain csd0 = simulation.getMathDescription().getCompartmentSubDomain(adjacentSubvolums[0].getName());
            CompartmentSubDomain csd1 = simulation.getMathDescription().getCompartmentSubDomain(adjacentSubvolums[1].getName());
            MembraneSubDomain membraneSubDomain = simulation.getMathDescription().getMembraneSubDomain(csd0, csd1);
            membraneSubdomainTriangleMap.put(membraneSubDomain, triList);
            final boolean initialMoleculesOnMembrane = (closestTriangles != null);
            if (initialMoleculesOnMembrane) {
                findClosestTriangles(membraneSubDomain, triList);
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.start_surface + " " + surfaceClass.getName());
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + "(" + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + ") " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reflect);
            // printWriter.println(SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynKeyword.all + "(" + SmoldynKeyword.up + ") " + SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + SmoldynKeyword.reflect);
            Color c = colorForSurface(sci);
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.color + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + c.getRed() / 255.0 + " " + c.getGreen() / 255.0 + " " + c.getBlue() / 255.0 + " 0.1");
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.polygon + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.front + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.edge);
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.polygon + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.back + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.edge);
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_panels + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.tri + " " + triList.size());
            for (TrianglePanel trianglePanel : triList) {
                Triangle triangle = trianglePanel.triangle;
                printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.tri);
                switch(dimension) {
                    case 1:
                        printWriter.print(" " + triangle.getNodes(0).getX());
                    case 2:
                        printWriter.print(" " + triangle.getNodes(0).getX() + " " + triangle.getNodes(0).getY());
                        printWriter.print(" " + triangle.getNodes(1).getX() + " " + triangle.getNodes(1).getY());
                    case 3:
                        for (Node node : triangle.getNodes()) {
                            printWriter.print(" " + node.getX() + " " + node.getY() + " " + node.getZ());
                printWriter.println(" " +;
            for (TrianglePanel triPanel : triList) {
                for (Node node : triPanel.triangle.getNodes()) {
                    if (node == null) {
                // printWriter.print(SmoldynKeyword.neighbors + " ";
                // to allow smoldyn read line length as 256, chop the neighbors to multiple lines
                int maxNeighborCount = 4;
                int count = 0;
                for (String neigh : neighborsForCurrentNode) {
                    if (count % maxNeighborCount == 0) {
                        printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.neighbors + " " +;
                    printWriter.print(" " + neigh);
Also used : MembraneSubDomain(cbit.vcell.math.MembraneSubDomain) SortedSet(java.util.SortedSet) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Set(java.util.Set) GeometrySurfaceDescription(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometrySurfaceDescription) SurfaceClass(cbit.vcell.geometry.SurfaceClass) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Node(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Node) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Triangle(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Triangle) Surface(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Surface) GeometrySpec(cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometrySpec) SubVolume(cbit.vcell.geometry.SubVolume) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) Polygon(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Polygon) SurfaceGeometricRegion(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.SurfaceGeometricRegion) SurfaceCollection(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.SurfaceCollection) Color(java.awt.Color) VolumeGeometricRegion(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.VolumeGeometricRegion) VolumeGeometricRegion(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.VolumeGeometricRegion) SurfaceGeometricRegion(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.SurfaceGeometricRegion) GeometricRegion(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometricRegion) Vect3d(cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d) CompartmentSubDomain(cbit.vcell.math.CompartmentSubDomain) SolverException(cbit.vcell.solver.SolverException)

Example 3 with Polygon

use of cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Polygon in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class RegionImage method sortSurfaceCollection.

public static void sortSurfaceCollection(SurfaceCollection surfCollection) {
    // Sort nodes
    Object[] nodeObjArr = new Object[surfCollection.getNodes().length];
    for (int i = 0; i < nodeObjArr.length; i++) {
        Object[] temp = new Object[2];
        temp[0] = new Integer(i);
        temp[1] = surfCollection.getNodes()[i];
        nodeObjArr[i] = temp;
    Arrays.sort(nodeObjArr, new Comparator<Object>() {

        public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
            cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Node o1 = (cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Node) ((Object[]) obj1)[1];
            cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Node o2 = (cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Node) ((Object[]) obj2)[1];
            double xdiff = o1.getX() - o2.getX();
            double xmin = Math.min(Math.abs(o1.getX()), Math.abs(o2.getX()));
            double xlimit = (1e-12 * (xmin >= 1.0 ? (Math.pow(10, (int) Math.log10(xmin) + 1)) : 1));
            double ydiff = o1.getY() - o2.getY();
            double ymin = Math.min(Math.abs(o1.getY()), Math.abs(o2.getY()));
            double ylimit = (1e-12 * (ymin >= 1.0 ? (Math.pow(10, (int) Math.log10(ymin) + 1)) : 1));
            double zdiff = o1.getZ() - o2.getZ();
            double zmin = Math.min(Math.abs(o1.getZ()), Math.abs(o2.getZ()));
            double zlimit = (1e-12 * (zmin >= 1.0 ? (Math.pow(10, (int) Math.log10(zmin) + 1)) : 1));
            if (Math.abs(zdiff) < zlimit) {
                if (Math.abs(ydiff) < ylimit) {
                    return (int) Math.signum((Math.abs(xdiff) < xlimit ? 0 : xdiff));
                return (int) Math.signum((Math.abs(ydiff) < ylimit ? 0 : ydiff));
            return (int) Math.signum((Math.abs(zdiff) < zlimit ? 0 : zdiff));
    int[] remap = new int[nodeObjArr.length];
    Arrays.fill(remap, -1);
    cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Node[] sortedNodes = new cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Node[nodeObjArr.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < nodeObjArr.length; i++) {
        sortedNodes[i] = (cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Node) ((Object[]) nodeObjArr[i])[1];
        if (remap[sortedNodes[i].getGlobalIndex()] == -1) {
            remap[sortedNodes[i].getGlobalIndex()] = i;
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("SORT error: duplicate nodes");
    // surfCollection.setNodes(sortedNodes);
    System.arraycopy(sortedNodes, 0, surfCollection.getNodes(), 0, sortedNodes.length);
    HashSet<cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Node> remapHashSet = new HashSet<cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Node>();
    for (int i = 0; i < surfCollection.getSurfaceCount(); i++) {
        Surface surf = surfCollection.getSurfaces(i);
        Polygon[] sortedPolygonArr = new Polygon[surf.getPolygonCount()];
        for (int j = 0; j < surf.getPolygonCount(); j++) {
            Polygon poly = surf.getPolygons(j);
            for (int k = 0; k < poly.getNodes().length; k++) {
                cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Node node = poly.getNodes(k);
                if (!remapHashSet.contains(node)) {
            sortedPolygonArr[j] = poly;
        Arrays.sort(sortedPolygonArr, new Comparator<Polygon>() {

            public int compare(Polygon obj1, Polygon obj2) {
                Coordinate o1 = ((Quadrilateral) obj1).calculateCentroid();
                Coordinate o2 = ((Quadrilateral) obj2).calculateCentroid();
                double xdiff = o1.getX() - o2.getX();
                double xmin = Math.min(Math.abs(o1.getX()), Math.abs(o2.getX()));
                double xlimit = (1e-12 * (xmin >= 1.0 ? (Math.pow(10, (int) Math.log10(xmin) + 1)) : 1));
                double ydiff = o1.getY() - o2.getY();
                double ymin = Math.min(Math.abs(o1.getY()), Math.abs(o2.getY()));
                double ylimit = (1e-12 * (ymin >= 1.0 ? (Math.pow(10, (int) Math.log10(ymin) + 1)) : 1));
                double zdiff = o1.getZ() - o2.getZ();
                double zmin = Math.min(Math.abs(o1.getZ()), Math.abs(o2.getZ()));
                double zlimit = (1e-12 * (zmin >= 1.0 ? (Math.pow(10, (int) Math.log10(zmin) + 1)) : 1));
                if (Math.abs(zdiff) < zlimit) {
                    if (Math.abs(ydiff) < ylimit) {
                        return (int) Math.signum((Math.abs(xdiff) < xlimit ? 0 : xdiff));
                    return (int) Math.signum((Math.abs(ydiff) < ylimit ? 0 : ydiff));
                return (int) Math.signum((Math.abs(zdiff) < zlimit ? 0 : zdiff));
        OrigSurface sortedSurface = new OrigSurface(surf.getInteriorRegionIndex(), surf.getExteriorRegionIndex());
        for (int k = 0; k < sortedPolygonArr.length; k++) {
            int minGlobalIndex = sortedPolygonArr[k].getNodes(0).getGlobalIndex();
            // System.out.print("Surf "+i+" poly "+k+" nodeGI - ");
            for (int j = 0; j < sortedPolygonArr[k].getNodeCount(); j++) {
                if (sortedPolygonArr[k].getNodes(j).getGlobalIndex() < minGlobalIndex) {
                    minGlobalIndex = sortedPolygonArr[k].getNodes(j).getGlobalIndex();
            // System.out.print(sortedPolygonArr[k].getNodes(j).getGlobalIndex()+" ");
            while (sortedPolygonArr[k].getNodes(0).getGlobalIndex() != minGlobalIndex) {
                cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Node lastNode = sortedPolygonArr[k].getNodes(sortedPolygonArr[k].getNodeCount() - 1);
                System.arraycopy(sortedPolygonArr[k].getNodes(), 0, sortedPolygonArr[k].getNodes(), 1, sortedPolygonArr[k].getNodeCount() - 1);
                sortedPolygonArr[k].getNodes()[0] = lastNode;
            // System.out.println();
        surfCollection.setSurfaces(i, sortedSurface);
Also used : Node(cbit.util.graph.Node) OrigSurface(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.OrigSurface) Surface(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Surface) Coordinate(org.vcell.util.Coordinate) OrigSurface(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.OrigSurface) Polygon(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Polygon) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 4 with Polygon

use of cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Polygon in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class ROIMultiPaintManager method getImportSTLtasks.

// private File lastImportDir;
private ArrayList<AsynchClientTask> getImportSTLtasks(File[] selectedFiles, Vect3d primarySampleSizes, Vect3d subSampleOffset) {
    // try {
    final RegionImage currRegionImage = regionImage;
    final TreeMap<Integer, String> newROIindexes = new TreeMap<>();
    final TreeMap<BoundingBox, Object[]> regionBounds = new TreeMap<>(new Comparator<BoundingBox>() {

        public int compare(BoundingBox arg0, BoundingBox arg1) {
            if (arg1 == arg0) {
                return 0;
            if (arg0.getLoX() == arg1.getLoX() && arg0.getLoY() == arg1.getLoY() && arg0.getLoZ() == arg1.getLoZ() && arg0.getHiX() == arg1.getHiX() && arg0.getHiY() == arg1.getHiY() && arg0.getHiZ() == arg1.getHiZ()) {
                return 0;
            return (arg0.getLoX() >= arg1.getLoX() && arg0.getLoY() >= arg1.getLoY() && arg0.getLoZ() >= arg1.getLoZ() && arg0.getHiX() <= arg1.getHiX() && arg0.getHiY() <= arg1.getHiY() && arg0.getHiZ() <= arg1.getHiZ() ? -1 : +1);
    AsynchClientTask sampleSTLtask = new AsynchClientTask("importSTLtask", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_NONSWING_BLOCKING) {

        public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
            StatsHelper statsHelper = calcMinMax(selectedFiles);
            Vect3d worldOrigin = new Vect3d(statsHelper.xmin, statsHelper.ymin, statsHelper.zmin);
            Vect3d worldCollapsedBoundingBox = new Vect3d(statsHelper.xmax - statsHelper.xmin, statsHelper.ymax - statsHelper.ymin, statsHelper.zmax - statsHelper.zmin);
            Vect3d scale = new Vect3d(worldCollapsedBoundingBox.getX() / (2.0 * primarySampleSizes.getX()), worldCollapsedBoundingBox.getY() / (2.0 * primarySampleSizes.getY()), worldCollapsedBoundingBox.getZ() / (2.0 * primarySampleSizes.getZ()));
            // }
            if (scale.getX() != 0 && scale.getX() <= (scale.getY() == 0 ? scale.getX() : scale.getY()) && scale.getX() <= (scale.getZ() == 0 ? scale.getX() : scale.getZ())) {
                scale = new Vect3d(scale.getX(), scale.getX(), scale.getX());
            } else if (scale.getY() != 0 && scale.getY() <= (scale.getX() == 0 ? scale.getY() : scale.getX()) && scale.getY() <= (scale.getZ() == 0 ? scale.getY() : scale.getZ())) {
                scale = new Vect3d(scale.getY(), scale.getY(), scale.getY());
            } else if (scale.getZ() != 0 && scale.getZ() <= (scale.getY() == 0 ? scale.getZ() : scale.getY()) && scale.getZ() <= (scale.getX() == 0 ? scale.getZ() : scale.getX())) {
                scale = new Vect3d(scale.getZ(), scale.getZ(), scale.getZ());
            for (int j = 0; j < selectedFiles.length; j++) {
                // ClientRequestManager.createSurfaceCollectionFromSurfaceFile(selectedFile);
                SurfaceCollection surfaceCollection = statsHelper.recalSurfs.get(j);
                for (int i = 0; i < surfaceCollection.getSurfaceCount(); i++) {
                    Surface surface = surfaceCollection.getSurfaces(i);
                    // System.out.println("surface "+i);
                    // Vect3d xyzLow = new Vect3d(surface.getPolygons(0).getNodes(0).getX(),surface.getPolygons(0).getNodes(1).getX(),surface.getPolygons(0).getNodes(2).getX());
                    // Vect3d xyzHigh = new Vect3d(xyzLow);
                    ComboboxROIName[] existingRoiNames = overlayEditorPanelJAI.getAllCompositeROINamesAndColors();
                    int newIndex = getUnusedROIColorIndex(existingRoiNames, newROIindexes.keySet());
                    newROIindexes.put(newIndex, selectedFiles[j].getName());
                    byte value = (byte) newIndex;
                    // overlayEditorPanelJAI.addROIName(roiName, true, roiName, true, value);
                    for (int k = 0; k < surface.getPolygonCount(); k++) {
                        Polygon polygon = surface.getPolygons(k);
                        // for (Node pnode:polygon.getNodes()) {
                        // xyzLow.set(Math.min(xyzLow.getX(), pnode.getX()),Math.min(xyzLow.getY(), pnode.getY()),Math.min(xyzLow.getZ(), pnode.getZ()));
                        // xyzHigh.set(Math.max(xyzHigh.getX(), pnode.getX()),Math.max(xyzHigh.getY(), pnode.getY()),Math.max(xyzHigh.getZ(), pnode.getZ()));
                        // }
                        // if(k%10000 == 0){
                        // System.out.println("progress= file "+(j+1)+" of "+selectedFiles.length+" "+((k*100)/surface.getPolygonCount())+"%");
                        // }
                        // System.out.println("  polygon "+j+" "+polygon.getNodes(0)+" "+polygon.getNodes(1)+" "+polygon.getNodes(2));
                        Vect3d line1 = new Vect3d(polygon.getNodes(0));
                        Vect3d end1 = new Vect3d(polygon.getNodes(2));
                        Vect3d incr1 = Vect3d.sub(end1, line1);
                        incr1.set(incr1.getX() * scale.getX(), incr1.getY() * scale.getY(), incr1.getZ() * scale.getZ());
                        Vect3d line2 = new Vect3d(line1);
                        Vect3d end2 = new Vect3d(polygon.getNodes(1));
                        Vect3d incr2 = Vect3d.sub(end2, line2);
                        incr2.set(incr2.getX() * scale.getX(), incr2.getY() * scale.getY(), incr2.getZ() * scale.getZ());
                        while (true) {
                            Vect3d line3 = new Vect3d(line1);
                            Vect3d end3 = new Vect3d(line2);
                            Vect3d incr3 = Vect3d.sub(end3, line3);
                            if (incr3.length() != 0) {
                                incr3.set(incr3.getX() * scale.getX(), incr3.getY() * scale.getY(), incr3.getZ() * scale.getZ());
                            while (true) {
                                calcXYZ(line3, worldOrigin, worldCollapsedBoundingBox, primarySampleSizes, subSampleOffset, value);
                                Vect3d check = Vect3d.sub(end3, line3);
                                if ((check.length() == 0) || Math.signum(check.getX()) != Math.signum(incr3.getX()) || Math.signum(check.getY()) != Math.signum(incr3.getY()) || Math.signum(check.getZ()) != Math.signum(incr3.getZ())) {
                                    calcXYZ(end3, worldOrigin, worldCollapsedBoundingBox, primarySampleSizes, subSampleOffset, value);
                            if (line1.equals(end1) && line2.equals(end2)) {
                            Vect3d check = Vect3d.sub(end1, line1);
                            if (check.length() == 0 || Math.signum(check.getX()) != Math.signum(incr1.getX()) || Math.signum(check.getY()) != Math.signum(incr1.getY()) || Math.signum(check.getZ()) != Math.signum(incr1.getZ())) {
                                line1 = new Vect3d(end1);
                            check = Vect3d.sub(end2, line2);
                            if (check.length() == 0 || Math.signum(check.getX()) != Math.signum(incr2.getX()) || Math.signum(check.getY()) != Math.signum(incr2.getY()) || Math.signum(check.getZ()) != Math.signum(incr2.getZ())) {
                                line2 = new Vect3d(end2);
                // regionBounds.put(new BoundingBox(xyzLow.getX(), xyzHigh.getX(),xyzLow.getY(), xyzHigh.getY(),xyzLow.getZ(), xyzHigh.getZ()),new Object[] {new int[] {j,i},roiName});
            // for(BoundingBox bb:regionBounds.keySet()){
            // System.out.println(((int[])regionBounds.get(bb)[0])[0]+","+((int[])regionBounds.get(bb)[0])[1]+" name="+((String)regionBounds.get(bb)[1])+" bound="+bb.getLoX()+","+bb.getHiX()+" "+bb.getLoY()+","+bb.getHiY()+" "+bb.getLoZ()+","+bb.getHiZ());
            // }
            updateAuxiliaryInfo(originalISize, getClientTaskStatusSupport());
        // }
    final int[] checkHolder = new int[1];
    final String[] cleanupHolder = new String[1];
    final String YES = "Yes";
    final ComboboxROIName[] cbxHolder = new ComboboxROIName[1];
    final String CHECK = "check";
    AsynchClientTask addROInamesTask = new AsynchClientTask("Add new ROI names...", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_SWING_BLOCKING) {

        public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
            int i = 0;
            for (Integer newIndex : newROIindexes.keySet()) {
                String roiName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(newROIindexes.get(newIndex));
                roiName = TokenMangler.fixTokenStrict(roiName, 6);
                roiName += "_" + i++;
                overlayEditorPanelJAI.addROIName(roiName, true, roiName, true, newIndex);
            cleanupHolder[0] = DialogUtils.showWarningDialog(overlayEditorPanelJAI, "Cleanup imported geometry?", new String[] { YES, "No" }, YES);
            if (!YES.equals(cleanupHolder[0])) {
            checkHolder[0] = getUnusedROIColorIndex(overlayEditorPanelJAI.getAllCompositeROINamesAndColors(), null);
            overlayEditorPanelJAI.addROIName(CHECK, true, CHECK, true, checkHolder[0]);
            ComboboxROIName[] temp = overlayEditorPanelJAI.getAllCompositeROINamesAndColors();
            for (ComboboxROIName cbx : temp) {
                if (cbx.getROIName().equals(CHECK)) {
                    cbxHolder[0] = cbx;
    // AsynchClientTask removeCheckROI = new AsynchClientTask("Remove check...",AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_SWING_BLOCKING) {
    // @Override
    // public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
    // ComboboxROIName[] regNames = overlayEditorPanelJAI.getAllCompositeROINamesAndColors();
    // for(ComboboxROIName cbx:regNames){
    // if(cbx.get)
    // }
    // }
    // };
    final AsynchClientTask mergeBackgroundRegions = new AsynchClientTask("Merge background regions...", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_NONSWING_BLOCKING) {

        public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
            if (!YES.equals(cleanupHolder[0])) {
            // long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            // while(currRegionImage == regionImage){
            // int dur = (int)((System.currentTimeMillis()-start)/1000);
            // if(dur > 10){
            // return;
            // }
            // System.out.println("trying..."+dur);
            // Thread.sleep(1000);
            // }
            final TreeMap<RegionInfo, Vect3d[]> regTobb = new TreeMap<>(new Comparator<RegionInfo>() {

                public int compare(RegionInfo arg0, RegionInfo arg1) {
                    return arg0.getRegionIndex() - arg1.getRegionIndex();
            Hashtable<String, Object> newRegionImgHolder = new Hashtable<>();
            RegionImage newRegionImage = (RegionImage) newRegionImgHolder.get(LOCAL_REGION_IMAGE);
            // ArrayList<RegionInfo> remainingRegionInfos = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(newRegionImage.getRegionInfos()));
            // BoundingBox bb = new BoundingBox(0, newRegionImage.getNumX()-1, 0, newRegionImage.getNumY()-1, 0, newRegionImage.getNumZ()-1);
            // int currIndex = 0;
            // for (int z = 0; z <= bb.getHiZ(); z++) {
            // for (int y = 0; y <= bb.getHiY(); y++) {
            // for (int x = 0; x <= bb.getHiX(); x++) {
            // ArrayList<RegionInfo> tempRegionInfos = (ArrayList<RegionInfo>)remainingRegionInfos.clone();
            // if(x==0 || x == bb.getHiX() || y==0 || y == bb.getHiY() || z==0 || z == bb.getHiZ()){
            // for(RegionInfo reg:tempRegionInfos){
            // if(reg.getPixelValue() == 0 && reg.isIndexInRegion(currIndex)){
            // remainingRegionInfos.remove(reg);
            // break;
            // }
            // }
            // }else{
            // for(RegionInfo reg:tempRegionInfos){
            // if(reg.getPixelValue() == 0 && reg.isIndexInRegion(currIndex)){
            // remainingRegionInfos.remove(reg);
            // break;
            // }
            // }
            // }
            // currIndex++;
            // }
            // }
            // }
            // Remove unfilled regions (background) that touch the whole region border
            int allPixCnt = 0;
            ArrayList<RegionInfo> excluded = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int z = 0; z < newRegionImage.getNumZ(); z++) {
                for (int y = 0; y < newRegionImage.getNumY(); y++) {
                    for (int x = 0; x < newRegionImage.getNumX(); x++) {
                        RegionInfo regInfo = newRegionImage.getRegionInfoFromOffset(allPixCnt);
                        allPixCnt += 1;
                        if (excluded.contains(regInfo)) {
                        if (regInfo.getPixelValue() == 0 && (x == 0 || x == newRegionImage.getNumX() - 1 || y == 0 || y == newRegionImage.getNumY() - 1 || z == 0 || z == newRegionImage.getNumZ() - 1)) {
                            if (regTobb.containsKey(regInfo)) {
                        Vect3d[] bounds = regTobb.get(regInfo);
                        if (bounds == null) {
                            bounds = new Vect3d[] { new Vect3d(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), new Vect3d(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) };
                            regTobb.put(regInfo, bounds);
                        bounds[0].set(Math.min(bounds[0].getX(), x), Math.min(bounds[0].getY(), y), Math.min(bounds[0].getZ(), z));
                        bounds[1].set(Math.max(bounds[1].getX(), x), Math.max(bounds[1].getY(), y), Math.max(bounds[1].getZ(), z));
            // ArrayList<Object[]> tree = new ArrayList<>();//arraylist<object[]>,regionInfo
            // ArrayList<RegionInfo> bucket = new ArrayList<>(regTobb.keySet());
            // tree.add(new Object[] {null,regTobb.firstKey()});
            // //				ArrayList<Object[]> stack = new ArrayList<>();
            // //				stack.add(tree.get(0));
            // while(bucket.size() > 0){
            // //					Object[] next = stack.remove(0);
            // RegionInfo next = bucket.remove(0);
            // Vect3d[] o2v = (Vect3d[])regTobb.get(regTobb.get(next));
            // for(Object[] objArr:tree){
            // //						if(((RegionInfo)next[1]).getRegionIndex() != reg.getRegionIndex()){
            // //								for(RegionInfo bucketReg:bucket){
            // Vect3d[] o1v = (Vect3d[])regTobb.get(objArr[1]);
            // if(	o1v[0].getX() >= o2v[0].getX() && o1v[0].getX() <= o2v[1].getX() &&
            // o1v[0].getY() >= o2v[0].getY() && o1v[0].getY() <= o2v[1].getY() &&
            // o1v[0].getZ() >= o2v[0].getZ() && o1v[0].getZ() <= o2v[1].getZ()
            // ){
            // }
            // //								}
            // //						}
            // }
            // }
            // Sort filled/unfilled regions by boundingbox
            ArrayList<RegionInfo> sortedRegionInfos = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(regTobb.keySet().toArray(new RegionInfo[0])));
            Collections.sort(sortedRegionInfos, new Comparator<RegionInfo>() {

                public int compare(RegionInfo o1, RegionInfo o2) {
                    Vect3d[] o1v = (Vect3d[]) regTobb.get(o1);
                    Vect3d[] o2v = (Vect3d[]) regTobb.get(o2);
                    // }
                    if (o1v[0].getX() == o2v[0].getX() && o1v[1].getX() == o2v[1].getX() && o1v[0].getY() == o2v[0].getY() && o1v[1].getY() == o2v[1].getY() && o1v[0].getZ() >= o2v[0].getZ() && o1v[1].getZ() == o2v[1].getZ()) {
                        System.out.println(o1.getRegionIndex() + " == " + o2.getRegionIndex());
                        return 0;
                    } else if (o1v[0].getX() >= o2v[0].getX() && o1v[0].getX() <= o2v[1].getX() && // o1v[1].getX() >= o2v[0].getX() && o1v[1].getX() <= o2v[1].getX() &&
                    o1v[0].getY() >= o2v[0].getY() && o1v[0].getY() <= o2v[1].getY() && // o1v[1].getY() >= o2v[0].getY() && o1v[1].getY() <= o2v[1].getY() &&
                    o1v[0].getZ() >= o2v[0].getZ() && o1v[0].getZ() <= o2v[1].getZ()) // && o1v[1].getZ() >= o2v[0].getZ() && o1v[1].getZ() <= o2v[1].getZ()
                        System.out.println(o1.getRegionIndex() + " > " + o2.getRegionIndex());
                        return 1;
                    } else if (o1v[0].getX() <= o2v[0].getX() && o1v[1].getX() >= o2v[1].getX() && o1v[0].getY() <= o2v[0].getY() && o1v[1].getY() >= o2v[1].getY() && o1v[0].getZ() <= o2v[0].getZ() && o1v[1].getZ() >= o2v[1].getZ()) // (o1v[0].getX() < o2v[0].getX() && o1v[1].getX() < o2v[0].getX()) ||
                    // (o1v[0].getX() > o2v[1].getX() && o1v[1].getX() > o2v[1].getX()) ||
                    // (o1v[0].getY() < o2v[0].getY() && o1v[1].getY() < o2v[0].getY()) ||
                    // (o1v[0].getY() > o2v[1].getY() && o1v[1].getY() > o2v[1].getY()) ||
                    // (o1v[0].getZ() < o2v[0].getZ() && o1v[1].getZ() < o2v[0].getZ()) ||
                    // (o1v[0].getZ() > o2v[1].getZ() && o1v[1].getZ() > o2v[1].getZ())
                    // /*	(o1v[0].getX() < o2v[0].getX() && o1v[0].getX() > o2v[1].getX() &&
                    // o1v[1].getX() < o2v[0].getX() && o1v[1].getX() > o2v[1].getX()) ||
                    // (o1v[0].getY() < o2v[0].getY() && o1v[0].getY() > o2v[1].getY() &&
                    // o1v[1].getY() < o2v[0].getY() && o1v[1].getY() > o2v[1].getY()) ||
                    // (o1v[0].getZ() < o2v[0].getZ() && o1v[0].getZ() > o2v[1].getZ() &&
                    // o1v[1].getZ() < o2v[0].getZ() && o1v[1].getZ() > o2v[1].getZ())*/
                        System.out.println(o1.getRegionIndex() + " <a " + o2.getRegionIndex());
                        return -1;
                    } else if ((o1v[0].getX() < o2v[0].getX() && o1v[1].getX() < o2v[0].getX()) || (o1v[0].getX() > o2v[1].getX() && o1v[1].getX() > o2v[1].getX()) || (o1v[0].getY() < o2v[0].getY() && o1v[1].getY() < o2v[0].getY()) || (o1v[0].getY() > o2v[1].getY() && o1v[1].getY() > o2v[1].getY()) || (o1v[0].getZ() < o2v[0].getZ() && o1v[1].getZ() < o2v[0].getZ()) || (o1v[0].getZ() > o2v[1].getZ() && o1v[1].getZ() > o2v[1].getZ())) {
                        System.out.println(o1.getRegionIndex() + " <b " + o2.getRegionIndex());
                        return -1;
                    System.out.println("inconclusive " + o1.getRegionIndex() + " == " + o2.getRegionIndex());
                    return 0;
                // System.out.println("inconclusive "+o1.getRegionIndex()+" "+(o1.getNumPixels() - o2.getNumPixels()<0?"<":(o1.getNumPixels() - o2.getNumPixels()>0?">":"=="))+" "+o2.getRegionIndex());
                // return o1.getNumPixels() - o2.getNumPixels();
                // System.out.println("inconclusive "+o1.getRegionIndex()+" "+(o1.getRegionIndex()-o2.getRegionIndex()<0?"<":(o1.getRegionIndex()-o2.getRegionIndex()>0?">":"=="))+" "+o2.getRegionIndex());
                // return o1.getRegionIndex()-o2.getRegionIndex();
                // if(o1v[0].getZ() != o2v[0].getZ()){
                // return (int)(o1v[0].getZ() - o2v[0].getZ());
                // }else if(o1v[0].getY() != o2v[0].getY()){
                // return (int)(o1v[0].getY() - o2v[0].getY());
                // }else if(o1v[0].getX() != o2v[0].getX()){
                // return (int)(o1v[0].getX() - o2v[0].getX());
                // }else
                // return 0;
            // Convert unfilled regions into parent regions
            int currColorIndex = -1;
            // for (int i = sortedRegionInfos.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
            for (int i = 0; i < sortedRegionInfos.size(); i++) {
                RegionInfo regInfo = sortedRegionInfos.get(i);
                Vect3d[] o1v = (Vect3d[]) regTobb.get(regInfo);
                ComboboxROIName cbxroiName = overlayEditorPanelJAI.getComboboxROIName(regInfo);
                // System.out.println(cbxroiName+" colorIndex="+regInfo.getPixelValue()+" regIndex="+regInfo.getRegionIndex()+" pixels="+regInfo.getNumPixels()+" "+o1v[0]+" "+o1v[1]);
                if (cbxroiName != null) {
                    currColorIndex = cbxroiName.getContrastColorIndex();
                allPixCnt = 0;
                for (int z = 0; z < newRegionImage.getNumZ(); z++) {
                    for (int y = 0; y < newRegionImage.getNumY(); y++) {
                        for (int x = 0; x < newRegionImage.getNumX(); x++) {
                            if (regInfo.isIndexInRegion(allPixCnt)) {
                                BufferedImage plane = roiComposite[z];
                                byte[] data = ((DataBufferByte) plane.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
                                data[x + (plane.getWidth() * y)] = (byte) currColorIndex;
            // for(RegionInfo regInfo:regTobb.keySet()){
            // Vect3d[] varr = regTobb.get(regInfo);
            // ComboboxROIName cbxroiName = overlayEditorPanelJAI.getComboboxROIName(regInfo);
            // regionBounds.put(new BoundingBox(varr[0].getX(), varr[1].getX(),varr[0].getY(), varr[1].getY(),varr[0].getZ(), varr[1].getZ()),new Object[] {cbxroiName});
            // }
            // for(BoundingBox bb:regionBounds.keySet()){
            // ComboboxROIName cbxroiName = ((ComboboxROIName)regionBounds.get(bb)[0]);
            // System.out.println(cbxroiName+" bound="+bb.getLoX()+","+bb.getHiX()+" "+bb.getLoY()+","+bb.getHiY()+" "+bb.getLoZ()+","+bb.getHiZ());
            // }
            // Make sure every pixel has only 1 kind of neighbor
            // newRegionImage = (RegionImage)newRegionImgHolder.get(LOCAL_REGION_IMAGE);
            boolean bHasCheck = false;
            VCImage checkImage = ROIMultiPaintManager.createVCImageFromBufferedImages(ROIMultiPaintManager.DEFAULT_EXTENT, roiComposite);
            newRegionImage = new RegionImage(checkImage, 0, /*0 means generate no surfacecollection*/
            checkImage.getExtent(), ROIMultiPaintManager.DEFAULT_ORIGIN, RegionImage.NO_SMOOTHING, null);
            TreeSet<Integer> diffNeighbors = new TreeSet<>();
            int[][] offsets = new int[][] { { -1, 0, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, -1, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, -1 }, { 0, 0, 1 } };
            for (int z = 0; z < newRegionImage.getNumZ(); z++) {
                BufferedImage plane = roiComposite[z];
                byte[] data = ((DataBufferByte) plane.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
                allPixCnt = 0;
                for (int y = 0; y < newRegionImage.getNumY(); y++) {
                    for (int x = 0; x < newRegionImage.getNumX(); x++) {
                        RegionInfo regInfo = newRegionImage.getRegionInfoFromOffset(allPixCnt);
                        if (regInfo.getPixelValue() == 0) {
                        if (x == 19 && y == 15) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++) {
                            int tmpx = offsets[i][0] + x;
                            if (tmpx < 0 || tmpx >= newRegionImage.getNumX()) {
                            int tmpy = offsets[i][1] + y;
                            if (tmpy < 0 || tmpy >= newRegionImage.getNumY()) {
                            int tmpz = offsets[i][2] + z;
                            if (tmpz < 0 || tmpz >= newRegionImage.getNumZ()) {
                            BufferedImage plane0 = roiComposite[tmpz];
                            byte[] data0 = ((DataBufferByte) plane.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
                            byte shiftb = data0[tmpx + (tmpy * newRegionImage.getNumX())];
                            if (shiftb != regInfo.getPixelValue()) {
                                diffNeighbors.add(0x000000FF & shiftb);
                        // for (int z0 = -1; z0 <= 1; z0+=2) {
                        // int tmpz = z+z0;
                        // if(tmpz < 0 || tmpz >= newRegionImage.getNumZ()){
                        // continue;
                        // }
                        // //								tmpz = allPixCnt+(z0*newRegionImage.getNumXY());
                        // BufferedImage plane0 = roiComposite[z+z0];
                        // byte[] data0 = ((DataBufferByte)plane.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
                        // for (int y0 = -1; y0 <= 1; y0+=2) {
                        // int tmpy = y+y0;
                        // if(tmpy < 0 || tmpy >= newRegionImage.getNumY()){
                        // continue;
                        // }
                        // //									tmpy = tmpz+(y0*newRegionImage.getNumX());
                        // for (int x0 = -1; x0 <= 1; x0+=2) {
                        // int tmpx = x+x0;
                        // if(tmpx < 0 || tmpx >= newRegionImage.getNumX()){
                        // continue;
                        // }
                        // //										tmpx = tmpy+(x0);
                        // byte shiftb = data0[tmpx+(tmpy*newRegionImage.getNumX())];
                        // if(shiftb != regInfo.getPixelValue()){
                        // diffNeighbors.add(0x000000FF&shiftb);
                        // }
                        // }
                        // }
                        // }
                        if (diffNeighbors.size() > 1) {
                            bHasCheck = true;
                            data[x + y * newRegionImage.getNumX()] = (byte) checkHolder[0];
            if (!bHasCheck && cbxHolder[0] != null) {
                SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
    // }).start();
    return new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(new AsynchClientTask[] { sampleSTLtask, addROInamesTask, mergeBackgroundRegions, getUpdateDisplayAfterCropTask() }));
// JFileChooser importJFC = new JFileChooser(ClientRequestManager.getPreferredPath(UserPreferences.getLastUserPreferences()));
// importJFC.setDialogTitle("Choose .stl file to import");
// importJFC.setMultiSelectionEnabled(true);
// int result = importJFC.showOpenDialog(overlayEditorPanelJAI);
// if(result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){
// File[] selectedFiles = importJFC.getSelectedFiles();
// if(statsHelper == null){
// statsHelper = calcMinMax(selectedFiles);
// }
// ClientRequestManager.setPreferredPath(UserPreferences.getLastUserPreferences(), selectedFiles[0]);
// Vect3d worldOrigin = new Vect3d(statsHelper.xmin, statsHelper.ymin, statsHelper.zmin);
// Vect3d worldCollapsedBoundingBox = new Vect3d(statsHelper.xmax-statsHelper.xmin, statsHelper.ymax-statsHelper.ymin, statsHelper.zmax-statsHelper.zmin);
// Vect3d scale = new Vect3d(worldCollapsedBoundingBox.getX()/(2.0*primarySampleSizes.getX()), worldCollapsedBoundingBox.getY()/(2.0*primarySampleSizes.getY()), worldCollapsedBoundingBox.getZ()/(2.0*primarySampleSizes.getZ()));
// //				if(scale.getX() !=0 && scale.getX() >= (scale.getY()==0?scale.getX():scale.getY()) && scale.getX() >= (scale.getZ()==0?scale.getX():scale.getZ())){
// //					scale = new Vect3d(scale.getX(), scale.getX(), scale.getX());
// //				}else if(scale.getY() !=0 && scale.getY() >= (scale.getX()==0?scale.getY():scale.getX()) && scale.getY() >= (scale.getZ()==0?scale.getY():scale.getZ())){
// //					scale = new Vect3d(scale.getY(), scale.getY(), scale.getY());
// //				}else if(scale.getZ() !=0 && scale.getZ() >= (scale.getY()==0?scale.getZ():scale.getY()) && scale.getZ() >= (scale.getX()==0?scale.getZ():scale.getX())){
// //					scale = new Vect3d(scale.getZ(), scale.getZ(), scale.getZ());
// //				}
// if(scale.getX() !=0 && scale.getX() <= (scale.getY()==0?scale.getX():scale.getY()) && scale.getX() <= (scale.getZ()==0?scale.getX():scale.getZ())){
// scale = new Vect3d(scale.getX(), scale.getX(), scale.getX());
// }else if(scale.getY() !=0 && scale.getY() <= (scale.getX()==0?scale.getY():scale.getX()) && scale.getY() <= (scale.getZ()==0?scale.getY():scale.getZ())){
// scale = new Vect3d(scale.getY(), scale.getY(), scale.getY());
// }else if(scale.getZ() !=0 && scale.getZ() <= (scale.getY()==0?scale.getZ():scale.getY()) && scale.getZ() <= (scale.getX()==0?scale.getZ():scale.getX())){
// scale = new Vect3d(scale.getZ(), scale.getZ(), scale.getZ());
// }
// TreeMap<BoundingBox,Object[]> regionBounds = new TreeMap<>(new Comparator<BoundingBox>() {
// @Override
// public int compare(BoundingBox arg0, BoundingBox arg1) {
// if(arg1 == arg0){
// return 0;
// }
// if(arg0.getLoX() == arg1.getLoX() &&
// arg0.getLoY() == arg1.getLoY() &&
// arg0.getLoZ() == arg1.getLoZ() &&
// arg0.getHiX() == arg1.getHiX() &&
// arg0.getHiY() == arg1.getHiY() &&
// arg0.getHiZ() == arg1.getHiZ()){
// return 0;
// }
// return (arg0.getLoX() >= arg1.getLoX() &&
// arg0.getLoY() >= arg1.getLoY() &&
// arg0.getLoZ() >= arg1.getLoZ() &&
// arg0.getHiX() <= arg1.getHiX() &&
// arg0.getHiY() <= arg1.getHiY() &&
// arg0.getHiZ() <= arg1.getHiZ()?-1:+1);
// }
// });
// for (int j = 0; j < selectedFiles.length; j++) {
// SurfaceCollection surfaceCollection = statsHelper.recalSurfs.get(j);//ClientRequestManager.createSurfaceCollectionFromSurfaceFile(selectedFile);
// for (int i = 0; i < surfaceCollection.getSurfaceCount(); i++) {
// Surface surface = surfaceCollection.getSurfaces(i);
// System.out.println("surface "+i);
// Vect3d xyzLow = new Vect3d(surface.getPolygons(0).getNodes(0).getX(),surface.getPolygons(0).getNodes(1).getX(),surface.getPolygons(0).getNodes(2).getX());
// Vect3d xyzHigh = new Vect3d(xyzLow);
// ComboboxROIName[] existingRoiNames = overlayEditorPanelJAI.getAllCompositeROINamesAndColors();
// byte value = (byte)getUnusedROIColorIndex(existingRoiNames);
// String roiName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(selectedFiles[j].getName());
// roiName = TokenMangler.fixTokenStrict(roiName, 6);
// roiName+= "_"+i;
// overlayEditorPanelJAI.addROIName(roiName, true, roiName, true, value);
// for (int k = 0; k < surface.getPolygonCount(); k++){
// Polygon polygon = surface.getPolygons(k);
// //							for (Node pnode:polygon.getNodes()) {
// //								xyzLow.set(Math.min(xyzLow.getX(), pnode.getX()),Math.min(xyzLow.getY(), pnode.getY()),Math.min(xyzLow.getZ(), pnode.getZ()));
// //								xyzHigh.set(Math.max(xyzHigh.getX(), pnode.getX()),Math.max(xyzHigh.getY(), pnode.getY()),Math.max(xyzHigh.getZ(), pnode.getZ()));
// //							}
// if(k%10000 == 0){
// System.out.println("progress= file "+(j+1)+" of "+selectedFiles.length+" "+((k*100)/surface.getPolygonCount())+"%");
// }
// //							System.out.println("  polygon "+j+" "+polygon.getNodes(0)+" "+polygon.getNodes(1)+" "+polygon.getNodes(2));
// Vect3d line1 = new Vect3d(polygon.getNodes(0));
// Vect3d end1 = new Vect3d(polygon.getNodes(2));
// Vect3d incr1 = Vect3d.sub(end1,line1);
// incr1.unit();
// incr1.set(incr1.getX()*scale.getX(), incr1.getY()*scale.getY(), incr1.getZ()*scale.getZ());
// Vect3d line2 = new Vect3d(line1);
// Vect3d end2 = new Vect3d(polygon.getNodes(1));
// Vect3d incr2 = Vect3d.sub(end2,line2);
// incr2.unit();
// incr2.set(incr2.getX()*scale.getX(), incr2.getY()*scale.getY(), incr2.getZ()*scale.getZ());
// while(true){
// Vect3d line3 = new Vect3d(line1);
// Vect3d end3 = new Vect3d(line2);
// Vect3d incr3 = Vect3d.sub(end3,line3);
// if(incr3.length() != 0){
// incr3.unit();
// incr3.set(incr3.getX()*scale.getX(), incr3.getY()*scale.getY(), incr3.getZ()*scale.getZ());
// }
// while(true){
// calcXYZ(line3, worldOrigin, worldCollapsedBoundingBox, primarySampleSizes,subSampleOffset,value);
// line3.add(incr3);
// Vect3d check =  Vect3d.sub(end3, line3);
// if((check.length()==0) || Math.signum(check.getX()) != Math.signum(incr3.getX()) || Math.signum(check.getY()) != Math.signum(incr3.getY()) || Math.signum(check.getZ()) != Math.signum(incr3.getZ())){
// calcXYZ(end3, worldOrigin, worldCollapsedBoundingBox, primarySampleSizes,subSampleOffset,value);
// break;
// }
// }
// if(line1.equals(end1) && line2.equals(end2)){
// break;
// }
// line1.add(incr1);
// Vect3d check =  Vect3d.sub(end1, line1);
// if(check.length()==0 || Math.signum(check.getX()) != Math.signum(incr1.getX()) || Math.signum(check.getY()) != Math.signum(incr1.getY()) || Math.signum(check.getZ()) != Math.signum(incr1.getZ())){
// line1 = new Vect3d(end1);
// }
// line2.add(incr2);
// check =  Vect3d.sub(end2, line2);
// if(check.length()==0 || Math.signum(check.getX()) != Math.signum(incr2.getX()) || Math.signum(check.getY()) != Math.signum(incr2.getY()) || Math.signum(check.getZ()) != Math.signum(incr2.getZ())){
// line2 = new Vect3d(end2);
// }
// }
// }
// //						regionBounds.put(new BoundingBox(xyzLow.getX(), xyzHigh.getX(),xyzLow.getY(), xyzHigh.getY(),xyzLow.getZ(), xyzHigh.getZ()),new Object[] {new int[] {j,i},roiName});
// }
// }
// //				for(BoundingBox bb:regionBounds.keySet()){
// //					System.out.println(((int[])regionBounds.get(bb)[0])[0]+","+((int[])regionBounds.get(bb)[0])[1]+" name="+((String)regionBounds.get(bb)[1])+" bound="+bb.getLoX()+","+bb.getHiX()+" "+bb.getLoY()+","+bb.getHiY()+" "+bb.getLoZ()+","+bb.getHiZ());
// //				}
// updateAuxiliaryInfo(originalISize, null);
// getUpdateDisplayAfterCropTask().run(null);
// new Thread(new Runnable() {
// @Override
// public void run() {
// while(ClientTaskDispatcher.isBusy()){
// try {
// Thread.sleep(1000);
// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
// TreeMap<RegionInfo, Vect3d[]> regTobb = new TreeMap<>(new Comparator<RegionInfo>() {
// @Override
// public int compare(RegionInfo arg0, RegionInfo arg1) {
// return arg0.getRegionIndex()-arg1.getRegionIndex();
// }
// });
// int allPixCnt = regionImage.getNumX()*regionImage.getNumY()*regionImage.getNumZ();
// for (int z = 0; z < regionImage.getNumZ(); z++) {
// for (int y = 0; y < regionImage.getNumY(); y++) {
// for (int x = 0; x < regionImage.getNumX(); x++) {
// allPixCnt-=1;
// RegionInfo regInfo = regionImage.getRegionInfoFromOffset(allPixCnt);
// Vect3d[] bounds = regTobb.get(regInfo);
// if(bounds == null){
// bounds = new Vect3d[] {new Vect3d(),new Vect3d()};
// regTobb.put(regInfo, bounds);
// }
// bounds[0].set(Math.min(bounds[0].getX(), x),Math.min(bounds[0].getY(), y),Math.min(bounds[0].getZ(), z));
// bounds[1].set(Math.max(bounds[1].getX(), x),Math.max(bounds[1].getY(), y),Math.max(bounds[1].getZ(), z));
// }
// }
// }
// for(RegionInfo regInfo:regTobb.keySet()){
// Vect3d[] varr = regTobb.get(regInfo);
// ComboboxROIName cbxroiName = overlayEditorPanelJAI.getComboboxROIName(regInfo);
// regionBounds.put(new BoundingBox(varr[0].getX(), varr[1].getX(),varr[0].getY(), varr[1].getY(),varr[0].getZ(), varr[1].getZ()),new Object[] {cbxroiName});
// }
// for(BoundingBox bb:regionBounds.keySet()){
// ComboboxROIName cbxroiName = ((ComboboxROIName)regionBounds.get(bb)[0]);
// System.out.println(cbxroiName+" bound="+bb.getLoX()+","+bb.getHiX()+" "+bb.getLoY()+","+bb.getHiY()+" "+bb.getLoZ()+","+bb.getHiZ());
// }
// }
// }).start();
// }
// }catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// DialogUtils.showErrorDialog(overlayEditorPanelJAI, e.getMessage());
// }
Also used : AsynchClientTask(cbit.vcell.client.task.AsynchClientTask) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RegionInfo(cbit.vcell.geometry.RegionImage.RegionInfo) VCImage(cbit.image.VCImage) DataBufferByte(java.awt.image.DataBufferByte) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) Surface(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Surface) OrigSurface(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.OrigSurface) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) BoundingBox(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.BoundingBox) Polygon(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Polygon) SurfaceCollection(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.SurfaceCollection) Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) Point(java.awt.Point) Vect3d(cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d) RegionImage(cbit.vcell.geometry.RegionImage)

Example 5 with Polygon

use of cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Polygon in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SurfaceRenderer method createScreenPolygon.

 * Insert the method's description here.
 * Creation date: (10/11/2005 8:12:13 AM)
 * @return cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Polygon
private java.awt.Polygon createScreenPolygon(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Polygon polygon, int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, double xOffset, double xScale, double yOffset, double yScale) {
    Vect3d point = new Vect3d();
    Vect3d proj = new Vect3d();
    int polygonDim = polygon.getNodeCount();
    for (int k = 0; k < polygonDim; k++) {
        cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Node node = polygon.getNodes(k);
        point.set(node.getX(), node.getY(), node.getZ());
        getTrackball().getCamera().projectPoint(point, proj);
        xPoints[k] = (int) (xOffset + xScale * proj.getX());
        yPoints[k] = (int) (yOffset + yScale * proj.getY());
    return new java.awt.Polygon(xPoints, yPoints, 4);
Also used : Polygon(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Polygon) Vect3d(cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d)


Polygon (cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Polygon)9 Surface (cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Surface)6 SurfaceCollection (cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.SurfaceCollection)5 Vect3d (cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 Node (cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Node)4 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)4 OrigSurface (cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.OrigSurface)3 SolverException (cbit.vcell.solver.SolverException)3 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 GeometrySpec (cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometrySpec)2 SubVolume (cbit.vcell.geometry.SubVolume)2 SurfaceClass (cbit.vcell.geometry.SurfaceClass)2 GeometricRegion (cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometricRegion)2 GeometrySurfaceDescription (cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometrySurfaceDescription)2 SurfaceGeometricRegion (cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.SurfaceGeometricRegion)2 Triangle (cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.Triangle)2 VolumeGeometricRegion (cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.VolumeGeometricRegion)2 CompartmentSubDomain (cbit.vcell.math.CompartmentSubDomain)2 MembraneSubDomain (cbit.vcell.math.MembraneSubDomain)2