use of cbit.vcell.math.CompartmentSubDomain in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class XmlReader method getMembraneSubDomain.
* This method returns a MembraneSubDomain object from a XML Element.
* Creation date: (5/18/2001 4:23:30 PM)
* @return cbit.vcell.math.MembraneSubDomain
* @param param org.jdom.Element
* @exception cbit.vcell.xml.XmlParseException The exception description.
private MembraneSubDomain getMembraneSubDomain(Element param, MathDescription mathDesc) throws XmlParseException {
// no need to do anything with the 'Name' attribute : constructor of MembraneSubDomain creates name from inside/outside compartmentSubDomains.
// String msdName = unMangle( param.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.NameAttrTag) );
// if ( msdName != null) {
// }
// get compartmentSubDomain references
// inside
String name = unMangle(param.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.InsideCompartmentTag));
CompartmentSubDomain insideRef = (CompartmentSubDomain) mathDesc.getCompartmentSubDomain(name);
if (insideRef == null) {
throw new XmlParseException("The reference to the inside CompartmentSubDomain " + name + ", could not be resolved!");
// outside
name = unMangle(param.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.OutsideCompartmentTag));
CompartmentSubDomain outsideRef = (CompartmentSubDomain) mathDesc.getCompartmentSubDomain(name);
if (outsideRef == null) {
throw new XmlParseException("The reference to the outside CompartmentSubDomain " + name + ", could not be resolved!");
// *** create new Membrane SubDomain ***
SubVolume insideSubVolume = mathDesc.getGeometry().getGeometrySpec().getSubVolume(insideRef.getName());
SubVolume outsideSubVolume = mathDesc.getGeometry().getGeometrySpec().getSubVolume(outsideRef.getName());
SurfaceClass surfaceClass = mathDesc.getGeometry().getGeometrySurfaceDescription().getSurfaceClass(insideSubVolume, outsideSubVolume);
MembraneSubDomain subDomain = new MembraneSubDomain(insideRef, outsideRef, surfaceClass.getName());
transcribeComments(param, subDomain);
// Process BoundaryConditions
Iterator<Element> iterator = param.getChildren(XMLTags.BoundaryTypeTag, vcNamespace).iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Element tempelement = (Element);
// create BoundaryConditionType
String temp = tempelement.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.BoundaryTypeAttrTag);
BoundaryConditionType bType = new BoundaryConditionType(temp);
// Process Xm
if (tempelement.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.BoundaryAttrTag).equalsIgnoreCase(XMLTags.BoundaryAttrValueXm)) {
} else if (tempelement.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.BoundaryAttrTag).equalsIgnoreCase(XMLTags.BoundaryAttrValueXp)) {
// Process Xp
} else if (tempelement.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.BoundaryAttrTag).equalsIgnoreCase(XMLTags.BoundaryAttrValueYm)) {
// Process Ym
} else if (tempelement.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.BoundaryAttrTag).equalsIgnoreCase(XMLTags.BoundaryAttrValueYp)) {
// Process Yp
} else if (tempelement.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.BoundaryAttrTag).equalsIgnoreCase(XMLTags.BoundaryAttrValueZm)) {
// Process Zm
} else if (tempelement.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.BoundaryAttrTag).equalsIgnoreCase(XMLTags.BoundaryAttrValueZp)) {
// Process Zp
} else {
// If not indentified throw an exception!!
throw new XmlParseException("Unknown BoundaryConditionType: " + tempelement.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.BoundaryAttrTag));
// Add OdeEquations
iterator = param.getChildren(XMLTags.OdeEquationTag, vcNamespace).iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Element tempElement = (Element);
OdeEquation odeEquation = getOdeEquation(tempElement, mathDesc);
try {
} catch (MathException e) {
throw new XmlParseException("A MathException was fired when adding an OdeEquation to a MembraneSubDomain!", e);
// process PdeEquations
iterator = param.getChildren(XMLTags.PdeEquationTag, vcNamespace).iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Element tempElement = (Element);
try {
subDomain.addEquation(getPdeEquation(tempElement, mathDesc));
} catch (MathException e) {
throw new XmlParseException("A MathException was fired when adding an PdeEquation to the MembraneSubDomain " + name, e);
// Add JumpConditions
iterator = param.getChildren(XMLTags.JumpConditionTag, vcNamespace).iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Element tempElement = (Element);
try {
subDomain.addJumpCondition(getJumpCondition(tempElement, mathDesc));
} catch (MathException e) {
throw new XmlParseException("A MathException was fired when adding a JumpCondition to a MembraneSubDomain!", e);
// Add the FastSystem (if any)
Element tempElement = param.getChild(XMLTags.FastSystemTag, vcNamespace);
if (tempElement != null) {
subDomain.setFastSystem(getFastSystem(tempElement, mathDesc));
// add MembraneRegionEquation
iterator = param.getChildren(XMLTags.MembraneRegionEquationTag, vcNamespace).iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
tempElement = (Element);
try {
subDomain.addEquation(getMembraneRegionEquation(tempElement, mathDesc));
} catch (MathException e) {
throw new XmlParseException("A MathException was fired when adding a MembraneRegionEquation to a MEmbraneSubDomain!", e);
iterator = param.getChildren(XMLTags.ParticleJumpProcessTag, vcNamespace).iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Element tempelement = (Element);
try {
subDomain.addParticleJumpProcess(getParticleJumpProcess(tempelement, mathDesc));
} catch (MathException e) {
throw new XmlParseException("A MathException was fired when adding a jump process to the MembraneSubDomain " + name, e);
iterator = param.getChildren(XMLTags.ParticlePropertiesTag, vcNamespace).iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Element tempelement = (Element);
try {
subDomain.addParticleProperties(getParticleProperties(tempelement, mathDesc));
} catch (MathException e) {
throw new XmlParseException("A MathException was fired when adding a jump process to the MembraneSubDomain " + name, e);
// process ComputeNormal "equations"
iterator = param.getChildren(XMLTags.ComputeNormalTag, vcNamespace).iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Element tempelement = (Element);
try {
subDomain.addEquation(getComputeNormal(tempelement, mathDesc));
} catch (MathException e) {
throw new XmlParseException("A MathException was fired when adding an ComputeNormal 'equation' to the MembraneSubDomain " + name, e);
Element velElem = param.getChild(XMLTags.VelocityTag, vcNamespace);
setMembraneSubdomainVelocity(velElem, XMLTags.XAttrTag, subDomain::setVelocityX);
setMembraneSubdomainVelocity(velElem, XMLTags.YAttrTag, subDomain::setVelocityY);
return subDomain;
use of cbit.vcell.math.CompartmentSubDomain in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class MathTestingUtilities method comparePDEResults.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (8/20/2003 12:58:10 PM)
public static SimulationComparisonSummary comparePDEResults(SimulationSymbolTable testSimSymbolTable, PDEDataManager testDataManager, SimulationSymbolTable refSimSymbolTable, PDEDataManager refDataManager, String[] varsToCompare, double absErrorThreshold, double relErrorThreshold, VCDocument refDocument, DataInfoProvider refDataInfoProvider, VCDocument testDocument, DataInfoProvider testDataInfoProvider) throws DataAccessException, ExpressionException {
java.util.Hashtable<String, DataErrorSummary> tempVarHash = new java.util.Hashtable<String, DataErrorSummary>();
boolean bTimesEqual = true;
double[] testTimeArray = testDataManager.getDataSetTimes();
double[] refTimeArray = refDataManager.getDataSetTimes();
if (testTimeArray.length != refTimeArray.length) {
bTimesEqual = false;
// throw new RuntimeException("Data times for reference and test simulations don't match, cannot compare the two simulations!");
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < testTimeArray.length; i++) {
if (testTimeArray[i] != refTimeArray[i]) {
bTimesEqual = false;
// if (!checkSimVars(testSim, refSim)) {
// //String errorS = "TestVars - ";
// Variable[] testVars = testSim.getVariables();
// //for(int i =0;i<vars.length;i+= 1){
// //errorS+= vars[i].getName()+" ";
// //}
// //errorS+=" <<>> RefVars - ";
// Variable[] refVars = refSim.getVariables();
// //for(int i =0;i<vars.length;i+= 1){
// //errorS+= vars[i].getName()+" ";
// //}
// throw new RuntimeException(
// "VarNotMatch testLength="+(testVars != null?testVars.length+"":"null")+" refLength="+(refVars != null?refVars.length+"":"null"));
// }
CartesianMesh testMesh = testDataManager.getMesh();
MathDescription testMathDesc = testSimSymbolTable.getSimulation().getMathDescription();
// Variable[] refVars = refSim.getVariables();
MathDescription refMathDesc = refSimSymbolTable.getSimulation().getMathDescription();
CartesianMesh refMesh = refDataManager.getMesh();
int[] membraneIndexMapping = null;
// Get volumeSubdomains from mathDesc/mesh and store in lookupTable for testSimulation
int testNumVol = testMesh.getSizeX() * testMesh.getSizeY() * testMesh.getSizeZ();
CompartmentSubDomain[] testVolSubDomainLookup = new CompartmentSubDomain[testNumVol];
for (int i = 0; i < testNumVol; i++) {
int subVolumeIndex = testMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i);
SubVolume subVolume = testMathDesc.getGeometry().getGeometrySpec().getSubVolume(subVolumeIndex);
CompartmentSubDomain compSubDomain = testMathDesc.getCompartmentSubDomain(subVolume.getName());
testVolSubDomainLookup[i] = compSubDomain;
// Get membraneSubdomains from mathDesc/mesh and store in lookupTable for testSimulation
int testNumMem = testMesh.getMembraneElements().length;
MembraneSubDomain[] testMemSubDomainLookup = new MembraneSubDomain[testNumMem];
for (int i = 0; i < testNumMem; i++) {
int insideVolIndex = testMesh.getMembraneElements()[i].getInsideVolumeIndex();
int outsideVolIndex = testMesh.getMembraneElements()[i].getOutsideVolumeIndex();
MembraneSubDomain memSubDomain = testMathDesc.getMembraneSubDomain(testVolSubDomainLookup[insideVolIndex], testVolSubDomainLookup[outsideVolIndex]);
testMemSubDomainLookup[i] = memSubDomain;
// Get volumeSubdomains from mathDesc/mesh and store in lookupTable for refSimulation
int refNumVol = refMesh.getSizeX() * refMesh.getSizeY() * refMesh.getSizeZ();
CompartmentSubDomain[] refVolSubDomainLookup = new CompartmentSubDomain[refNumVol];
for (int i = 0; i < refNumVol; i++) {
int subVolumeIndex = refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i);
SubVolume subVolume = refMathDesc.getGeometry().getGeometrySpec().getSubVolume(subVolumeIndex);
CompartmentSubDomain compSubDomain = refMathDesc.getCompartmentSubDomain(subVolume.getName());
refVolSubDomainLookup[i] = compSubDomain;
// Get membraneSubdomains from mathDesc/mesh and store in lookupTable for refSimulation
int refNumMem = refMesh.getMembraneElements().length;
MembraneSubDomain[] refMemSubDomainLookup = new MembraneSubDomain[refNumMem];
for (int i = 0; i < refNumMem; i++) {
int insideVolIndex = refMesh.getMembraneElements()[i].getInsideVolumeIndex();
int outsideVolIndex = refMesh.getMembraneElements()[i].getOutsideVolumeIndex();
MembraneSubDomain memSubDomain = refMathDesc.getMembraneSubDomain(refVolSubDomainLookup[insideVolIndex], refVolSubDomainLookup[outsideVolIndex]);
refMemSubDomainLookup[i] = memSubDomain;
SimulationComparisonSummary simComparisonSummary = new SimulationComparisonSummary();
String hashKey = new String("");
DataErrorSummary tempVar = null;
DataIdentifier[] refDataIDs = refDataManager.getDataIdentifiers();
// for each var, do the following :
for (int i = 0; i < varsToCompare.length; i++) {
DataIdentifier refDataID = null;
for (int j = 0; j < refDataIDs.length; j++) {
if (refDataIDs[j].getName().equals(varsToCompare[i])) {
refDataID = refDataIDs[j];
// Find REFERENCE variable
Variable refVar = getSimVar(refSimSymbolTable, varsToCompare[i]);
if (refVar == null) {
// Should only happen if TEST sims were generated 'post-domains' and REFERENCE sims were generated 'pre-domains'
if (refDataID != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected reference condition: '" + varsToCompare[i] + "' not found in symboltable but was found in dataidentifiers");
if (testDocument instanceof BioModel) {
// Only BioModels need to be checked
// Look in TEST for a speciescontext with matching species name
System.out.println("ReferenceVariable: using alternate method to find '" + varsToCompare[i] + "'");
BioModel refBioModel = (BioModel) refDocument;
BioModel testBioModel = (BioModel) testDocument;
SpeciesContext testSpeciesContext = testBioModel.getModel().getSpeciesContext(varsToCompare[i]);
if (testSpeciesContext != null) {
refVar = refSimSymbolTable.getVariable(testSpeciesContext.getSpecies().getCommonName());
for (int j = 0; j < refDataIDs.length; j++) {
if (refDataIDs[j].getName().equals(testSpeciesContext.getSpecies().getCommonName())) {
refDataID = refDataIDs[j];
if (refVar == null || refDataID == null) {
Simulation refSim = refSimSymbolTable.getSimulation();
throw new RuntimeException("The variable " + varsToCompare[i] + " was not found in Simulation (" + refSim.getName() + " " + refSim.getVersion().getDate() + ")\n");
// Find TEST variable (assumed to have sims generated with a software version later than REFERENCE)
Variable testVar = getSimVar(testSimSymbolTable, varsToCompare[i]);
if (testVar == null) {
// Should only happen if TEST sims were generated 'post-domains' and REFERENCE sims were generated 'pre-domains'
System.out.println("TestVariable: using alternate method to find '" + varsToCompare[i] + "'");
BioModel testBioModel = (BioModel) testDocument;
SpeciesContext[] speciesContexts = testBioModel.getModel().getSpeciesContexts();
boolean bSkip = false;
for (int j = 0; j < speciesContexts.length; j++) {
if (speciesContexts[j].getSpecies().getCommonName().equals(varsToCompare[i])) {
testVar = testSimSymbolTable.getVariable(speciesContexts[j].getName());
if (testVar == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Speciescontext name '" + speciesContexts[j].getName() + "' not found in testsimsymboltable");
// If we got here it means at least one matching speciescontext was found in TEST with
// a species name matching varsToCompare[i]. We can skip because the matching speciesconetext
// will be used to do a comparison at some point.
bSkip = true;
if (bSkip) {
// these are tested already using full simcontext names
System.out.println("Skipping '" + varsToCompare[i] + "' as lookup in testSimSymbolTable");
Simulation refSim = refSimSymbolTable.getSimulation();
throw new RuntimeException("The variable " + varsToCompare[i] + " was not found in Simulation (" + refSim.getName() + " " + refSim.getVersion().getDate() + ")\n");
// for each time in timeArray. ('t' is used to index the testTimeArray, for interpolation purposes.)
int t = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < refTimeArray.length; j++) {
// get data block from varName, data from datablock
SimDataBlock refSimDataBlock = refDataManager.getSimDataBlock(refVar.getName(), refTimeArray[j]);
double[] refData = refSimDataBlock.getData();
double[] resampledTestData = null;
if (bTimesEqual) {
// If time arrays for both sims are equal, no need to resample/interpolate, just obtain the datablock from dataManager
SimDataBlock testSimDataBlock = testDataManager.getSimDataBlock(testVar.getName(), testTimeArray[j]);
resampledTestData = testSimDataBlock.getData();
} else {
// Time resampling (interpolation) needed.
while ((t < testTimeArray.length - 2) && (refTimeArray[j] >= testTimeArray[t + 1])) {
SimDataBlock testSimDataBlock_1 = testDataManager.getSimDataBlock(testVar.getName(), testTimeArray[t]);
double[] testData_1 = testSimDataBlock_1.getData();
SimDataBlock testSimDataBlock_2 = testDataManager.getSimDataBlock(testVar.getName(), testTimeArray[t + 1]);
double[] testData_2 = testSimDataBlock_2.getData();
resampledTestData = new double[testData_1.length];
for (int m = 0; m < testData_1.length; m++) {
resampledTestData[m] = testData_1[m] + (testData_2[m] - testData_1[m]) * (refTimeArray[j] - testTimeArray[t]) / (testTimeArray[t + 1] - testTimeArray[t]);
// Spatial resampling (interpolation) ...
double[] spaceResampledData = new double[refData.length];
if (!testMathDesc.getGeometry().getExtent().compareEqual(refMathDesc.getGeometry().getExtent()) || !testMathDesc.getGeometry().getOrigin().compareEqual(refMathDesc.getGeometry().getOrigin())) {
throw new RuntimeException("Different origins and/or extents for the 2 geometries. Cannot compare the 2 simulations");
if (testMesh.getSizeX() != refMesh.getSizeX() || testMesh.getSizeY() != refMesh.getSizeY() || testMesh.getSizeZ() != refMesh.getSizeZ()) {
if (testVar instanceof VolVariable) {
if (testMathDesc.getGeometry().getDimension() == 1 && refMathDesc.getGeometry().getDimension() == 1) {
spaceResampledData = resample1DSpatial(resampledTestData, testMesh, refMesh);
} else if (testMathDesc.getGeometry().getDimension() == 2 && refMathDesc.getGeometry().getDimension() == 2) {
spaceResampledData = resample2DSpatial(resampledTestData, testMesh, refMesh);
} else if (testMathDesc.getGeometry().getDimension() == 3 && refMathDesc.getGeometry().getDimension() == 3) {
spaceResampledData = resample3DSpatial(resampledTestData, testMesh, refMesh);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Comparison of 2 simulations with different geometry dimensions are not handled at this time!");
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("spatial resampling for variable type: " + testVar.getClass().getName() + " not supported");
} else {
// no space resampling required
if (testVar instanceof MemVariable) {
if (membraneIndexMapping == null) {
membraneIndexMapping = testMesh.getMembraneIndexMapping(refMesh);
spaceResampledData = new double[resampledTestData.length];
for (int k = 0; k < resampledTestData.length; k++) {
spaceResampledData[k] = resampledTestData[membraneIndexMapping[k]];
} else {
// no reordering needed for other variable types.
spaceResampledData = resampledTestData;
// for each point in data block ...
for (int k = 0; k < refData.length; k++) {
if (!testDataInfoProvider.isDefined(k)) {
// Determine maxRef, minRef, maxAbsErr for variable
// SubDomain testSubDomain = null;
String sn = null;
VariableType refVarType = refDataID.getVariableType();
if (refVarType.equals(VariableType.VOLUME)) {
// testSubDomain = refVolSubDomainLookup[k];
sn = refVolSubDomainLookup[k].getName();
} else if (refVarType.equals(VariableType.MEMBRANE)) {
// testSubDomain = refMemSubDomainLookup[k];
sn = refMemSubDomainLookup[k].getName();
} else if (refVarType.equals(VariableType.MEMBRANE_REGION)) {
sn = "MRV_" + i;
} else if (refVarType.equals(VariableType.VOLUME_REGION)) {
sn = "VRV_" + i;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Var " + refVar.getName() + " not supported yet!");
// hashKey = refVar.getName()+":"+testSubDomain.getName();
hashKey = refVar.getName() + ":" + sn;
tempVar = tempVarHash.get(hashKey);
if (tempVar == null) {
tempVar = new DataErrorSummary(null);
tempVarHash.put(hashKey, tempVar);
tempVar.addDataValues(refData[k], spaceResampledData[k], refTimeArray[j], k, absErrorThreshold, relErrorThreshold);
// end for (k)
// end for (j)
// end for (i)
Enumeration<String> enumKeys = tempVarHash.keys();
while (enumKeys.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = enumKeys.nextElement();
DataErrorSummary tempVarSummary = tempVarHash.get(key);
simComparisonSummary.addVariableComparisonSummary(new VariableComparisonSummary(key, tempVarSummary.getMinRef(), tempVarSummary.getMaxRef(), tempVarSummary.getMaxAbsoluteError(), tempVarSummary.getMaxRelativeError(), tempVarSummary.getL2Norm(), tempVarSummary.getTimeAtMaxAbsoluteError(), tempVarSummary.getIndexAtMaxAbsoluteError(), tempVarSummary.getTimeAtMaxRelativeError(), tempVarSummary.getIndexAtMaxRelativeError()));
return simComparisonSummary;
use of cbit.vcell.math.CompartmentSubDomain in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class FiniteVolumeFileWriter method writeModelDescription.
*# Model description: FEATURE name handle priority boundary_conditions
*FEATURE Nucleus 0 value value value value
*FEATURE Cytosol 1 flux flux value value
*FEATURE ExtraCellular 2 flux flux value value
*MEMBRANE Nucleus_Cytosol_membrane Nucleus Cytosol value value value value
*MEMBRANE Cytosol_ExtraCellular_membrane Cytosol ExtraCellular flux flux value value
* @throws MathException
private void writeModelDescription() throws MathException {
Simulation simulation = simTask.getSimulation();
printWriter.println("# Model description: FEATURE name handle boundary_conditions");
MathDescription mathDesc = simulation.getMathDescription();
Enumeration<SubDomain> enum1 = mathDesc.getSubDomains();
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
SubDomain sd = enum1.nextElement();
if (sd instanceof CompartmentSubDomain) {
CompartmentSubDomain csd = (CompartmentSubDomain) sd;
printWriter.print(FVInputFileKeyword.FEATURE + " " + csd.getName() + " " + mathDesc.getHandle(csd) + " ");
} else if (sd instanceof MembraneSubDomain) {
MembraneSubDomain msd = (MembraneSubDomain) sd;
printWriter.print(FVInputFileKeyword.MEMBRANE + " " + msd.getName() + " " + msd.getInsideCompartment().getName() + " " + msd.getOutsideCompartment().getName() + " ");
use of cbit.vcell.math.CompartmentSubDomain in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class FiniteVolumeFileWriter method writeMembrane_jumpConditions.
*INFLUX 0.0;
* @throws ExpressionException
* @throws MathException
private void writeMembrane_jumpConditions(MembraneSubDomain msd) throws ExpressionException, MathException {
Enumeration<JumpCondition> enum1 = msd.getJumpConditions();
// equations for boundaryValues for inner compartment subdomain
CompartmentSubDomain innerCompSubDomain = msd.getInsideCompartment();
Enumeration<Equation> innercompSubDomEqnsEnum = innerCompSubDomain.getEquations();
while (innercompSubDomEqnsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
Equation eqn = innercompSubDomEqnsEnum.nextElement();
if (eqn instanceof PdeEquation) {
PdeEquation pdeEqn = (PdeEquation) eqn;
BoundaryConditionValue boundaryValue = pdeEqn.getBoundaryConditionValue(msd.getName());
if (boundaryValue != null) {
// check if the type of BoundaryConditionSpec for this membraneSubDomain (msd) in the (inner) compartmentSubDomain is Flux; if not, it cannot be handled.
BoundaryConditionSpec bcs = innerCompSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionSpec(msd.getName());
if (bcs == null) {
throw new MathException("No Boundary type specified for '" + msd.getName() + "' in '" + innerCompSubDomain.getName() + "'.");
if (bcs != null && !bcs.getBoundaryConditionType().compareEqual(BoundaryConditionType.getNEUMANN()) && !bChomboSolver) {
throw new MathException("Boundary type '" + bcs.getBoundaryConditionType().boundaryTypeStringValue() + "' for compartmentSubDomain '" + innerCompSubDomain.getName() + "' not handled by the chosen solver. Expecting boundary condition of type 'Flux'.");
if (pdeEqn.getVariable().getDomain() == null || pdeEqn.getVariable().getDomain().getName().equals(msd.getInsideCompartment().getName())) {
printWriter.println("JUMP_CONDITION_BEGIN " + pdeEqn.getVariable().getName());
Expression flux = subsituteExpression(boundaryValue.getBoundaryConditionExpression(), VariableDomain.VARIABLEDOMAIN_MEMBRANE);
String infix = replaceVolumeVariable(getSimulationTask(), msd, flux);
printWriter.println(bcs.getBoundaryConditionType().boundaryTypeStringValue().toUpperCase() + " " + msd.getInsideCompartment().getName() + " " + infix + ";");
// equations for boundaryValues for outer compartment subdomain
CompartmentSubDomain outerCompSubDomain = msd.getOutsideCompartment();
Enumeration<Equation> outerCompSubDomEqnsEnum = outerCompSubDomain.getEquations();
while (outerCompSubDomEqnsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
Equation eqn = outerCompSubDomEqnsEnum.nextElement();
if (eqn instanceof PdeEquation) {
PdeEquation pdeEqn = (PdeEquation) eqn;
BoundaryConditionValue boundaryValue = pdeEqn.getBoundaryConditionValue(msd.getName());
if (boundaryValue != null) {
// check if the type of BoundaryConditionSpec for this membraneSubDomain (msd) in the (inner) compartmentSubDomain is Flux; if not, it cannot be handled.
BoundaryConditionSpec bcs = outerCompSubDomain.getBoundaryConditionSpec(msd.getName());
if (bcs != null && !bcs.getBoundaryConditionType().compareEqual(BoundaryConditionType.getNEUMANN()) && !bChomboSolver) {
throw new MathException("Boundary type '" + bcs.getBoundaryConditionType().boundaryTypeStringValue() + "' for compartmentSubDomain '" + outerCompSubDomain.getName() + "' not handled by the chosen solver. Expecting boundary condition of type 'Flux'.");
if (pdeEqn.getVariable().getDomain() == null || pdeEqn.getVariable().getDomain().getName().equals(msd.getOutsideCompartment().getName())) {
printWriter.println("JUMP_CONDITION_BEGIN " + pdeEqn.getVariable().getName());
Expression flux = subsituteExpression(boundaryValue.getBoundaryConditionExpression(), VariableDomain.VARIABLEDOMAIN_MEMBRANE);
String infix = replaceVolumeVariable(getSimulationTask(), msd, flux);
printWriter.println(bcs.getBoundaryConditionType().boundaryTypeStringValue().toUpperCase() + " " + msd.getOutsideCompartment().getName() + " " + infix + ";");
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
JumpCondition jc = enum1.nextElement();
printWriter.println("JUMP_CONDITION_BEGIN " + jc.getVariable().getName());
// influx
if (jc.getVariable().getDomain() == null || jc.getVariable().getDomain().getName().equals(msd.getInsideCompartment().getName())) {
Expression flux = subsituteExpression(jc.getInFluxExpression(), VariableDomain.VARIABLEDOMAIN_MEMBRANE);
String infix = replaceVolumeVariable(getSimulationTask(), msd, flux);
printWriter.println(BoundaryConditionType.NEUMANN_STRING.toUpperCase() + " " + msd.getInsideCompartment().getName() + " " + infix + ";");
if (jc.getVariable().getDomain() == null || jc.getVariable().getDomain().getName().equals(msd.getOutsideCompartment().getName())) {
// outflux
Expression flux = subsituteExpression(jc.getOutFluxExpression(), VariableDomain.VARIABLEDOMAIN_MEMBRANE);
String infix = replaceVolumeVariable(simTask, msd, flux);
printWriter.println(BoundaryConditionType.NEUMANN_STRING.toUpperCase() + " " + msd.getOutsideCompartment().getName() + " " + infix + ";");
use of cbit.vcell.math.CompartmentSubDomain in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class FiniteVolumeFileWriter method writeFastSystem.
/*private void writeDataProcessor() throws DataAccessException, IOException, MathException, DivideByZeroException, ExpressionException {
Simulation simulation = simTask.getSimulation();
DataProcessingInstructions dpi = simulation.getDataProcessingInstructions();
if (dpi == null) {
printWriter.println("DATA_PROCESSOR_BEGIN " + DataProcessingInstructions.ROI_TIME_SERIES);
FieldDataIdentifierSpec fdis = dpi.getSampleImageFieldData(simulation.getVersion().getOwner());
if (fdis == null) {
throw new DataAccessException("Can't find sample image in data processing instructions");
String secondarySimDataDir = PropertyLoader.getProperty(PropertyLoader.secondarySimDataDirProperty, null);
DataSetControllerImpl dsci = new DataSetControllerImpl(new NullSessionLog(),null,userDirectory.getParentFile(),secondarySimDataDir == null ? null : new File(secondarySimDataDir));
CartesianMesh origMesh = dsci.getMesh(fdis.getExternalDataIdentifier());
SimDataBlock simDataBlock = dsci.getSimDataBlock(null,fdis.getExternalDataIdentifier(), fdis.getFieldFuncArgs().getVariableName(), fdis.getFieldFuncArgs().getTime().evaluateConstant());
VariableType varType = fdis.getFieldFuncArgs().getVariableType();
VariableType dataVarType = simDataBlock.getVariableType();
if (!varType.equals(VariableType.UNKNOWN) && !varType.equals(dataVarType)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("field function variable type (" + varType.getTypeName() + ") doesn't match real variable type (" + dataVarType.getTypeName() + ")");
double[] origData = simDataBlock.getData();
String filename = SimulationJob.createSimulationJobID(Simulation.createSimulationID(simulation.getKey()), simulationJob.getJobIndex()) + FieldDataIdentifierSpec.getDefaultFieldDataFileNameForSimulation(fdis.getFieldFuncArgs());
File fdatFile = new File(userDirectory, filename);
new String[] {fdis.getFieldFuncArgs().getVariableName()},
new VariableType[]{simDataBlock.getVariableType()},
new ISize(origMesh.getSizeX(),origMesh.getSizeY(),origMesh.getSizeZ()),
new double[][]{origData});
printWriter.println("DATA_PROCESSOR_BEGIN " + dpi.getScriptName());
printWriter.println("SampleImageFile " + fdis.getFieldFuncArgs().getVariableName() + " " + fdis.getFieldFuncArgs().getTime().infix() + " " + fdatFile);
*# fast system dimension num_dependents
*__C0 (rfB + rf);
*__C1 (r + rB);
* - ((0.02 * ( - ( - r + __C1) - ( - rf + __C0) + (20.0 * ((x > -3.0) && (x < 3.0) && (y > -5.0) && (y < 5.0))) + _VCell_FieldData_0) * rf) - (0.1 * ( - rf + __C0)));
*((0.02 * r * ( - ( - r + __C1) - ( - rf + __C0) + (20.0 * ((x > -3.0) && (x < 3.0) && (y > -5.0) && (y < 5.0))) + _VCell_FieldData_0)) - (0.1 * ( - r + __C1)));
*rB ( - r + __C1);
*rfB ( - rf + __C0);
* - (0.1 + (0.02 * (1.0 + (0.0 * ((x > -3.0) && (x < 3.0) && (y > -5.0) && (y < 5.0)))) * rf) + (0.02 * ( - ( - r + __C1) - ( - rf + __C0) + (20.0 * ((x > -3.0) && (x < 3.0) && (y > -5.0) && (y < 5.0))) + _VCell_FieldData_0)));
* - (0.02 * (1.0 + (0.0 * ((x > -3.0) && (x < 3.0) && (y > -5.0) && (y < 5.0)))) * rf);
*(0.02 * r * (1.0 + (0.0 * ((x > -3.0) && (x < 3.0) && (y > -5.0) && (y < 5.0)))));
*(0.1 + (0.02 * ( - ( - r + __C1) - ( - rf + __C0) + (20.0 * ((x > -3.0) && (x < 3.0) && (y > -5.0) && (y < 5.0))) + _VCell_FieldData_0)) + (0.02 * r * (1.0 + (0.0 * ((x > -3.0) && (x < 3.0) && (y > -5.0) && (y < 5.0))))));
* @throws ExpressionException
* @throws MathException
private void writeFastSystem(SubDomain subDomain) throws MathException, ExpressionException {
VariableDomain variableDomain = (subDomain instanceof CompartmentSubDomain) ? VariableDomain.VARIABLEDOMAIN_VOLUME : VariableDomain.VARIABLEDOMAIN_MEMBRANE;
FastSystem fastSystem = subDomain.getFastSystem();
if (fastSystem == null) {
FastSystemAnalyzer fs_analyzer = new FastSystemAnalyzer(fastSystem, simTask.getSimulationJob().getSimulationSymbolTable());
int numIndep = fs_analyzer.getNumIndependentVariables();
int numDep = fs_analyzer.getNumDependentVariables();
int numPseudo = fs_analyzer.getNumPseudoConstants();
printWriter.println("# fast system dimension num_dependents");
printWriter.println("FAST_SYSTEM_BEGIN " + numIndep + " " + numDep);
if (numIndep != 0) {
printWriter.print("INDEPENDENT_VARIALBES ");
Enumeration<Variable> enum1 = fs_analyzer.getIndependentVariables();
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
Variable var = enum1.nextElement();
printWriter.print(var.getName() + " ");
if (numDep != 0) {
printWriter.print("DEPENDENT_VARIALBES ");
Enumeration<Variable> enum1 = fs_analyzer.getDependentVariables();
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
Variable var = enum1.nextElement();
printWriter.print(var.getName() + " ");
if (numPseudo != 0) {
Enumeration<PseudoConstant> enum1 = fs_analyzer.getPseudoConstants();
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
PseudoConstant pc = enum1.nextElement();
printWriter.println(pc.getName() + " " + subsituteExpression(pc.getPseudoExpression(), fs_analyzer, variableDomain).infix() + ";");
if (numIndep != 0) {
Enumeration<Expression> enum1 = fs_analyzer.getFastRateExpressions();
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
Expression exp = enum1.nextElement();
printWriter.println(subsituteExpression(exp, fs_analyzer, variableDomain).infix() + ";");
if (numDep != 0) {
Enumeration<Expression> enum_exp = fs_analyzer.getDependencyExps();
Enumeration<Variable> enum_var = fs_analyzer.getDependentVariables();
while (enum_exp.hasMoreElements()) {
Expression exp = enum_exp.nextElement();
Variable depVar = enum_var.nextElement();
printWriter.println(depVar.getName() + " " + subsituteExpression(exp, fs_analyzer, variableDomain).infix() + ";");
if (numIndep != 0) {
Enumeration<Expression> enum_fre = fs_analyzer.getFastRateExpressions();
while (enum_fre.hasMoreElements()) {
Expression fre = enum_fre.nextElement();
Enumeration<Variable> enum_var = fs_analyzer.getIndependentVariables();
while (enum_var.hasMoreElements()) {
Variable var = enum_var.nextElement();
Expression exp = subsituteExpression(fre, fs_analyzer, variableDomain).flatten();
Expression differential = exp.differentiate(var.getName());
printWriter.println(subsituteExpression(differential, fs_analyzer, variableDomain).infix() + ";");