use of cbit.vcell.model.MassActionKinetics in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class TransformMassActionTableModel method saveTransformedReactions.
public void saveTransformedReactions() throws Exception {
// isTransformable and TransformedREactions are stored according to the indexes in model reaction steps.
boolean[] isTransformable = getTransformMassActions().getIsTransformable();
TransformMassActions.TransformedReaction[] trs = getTransformMassActions().getTransformedReactionSteps();
ReactionStep[] origReactions = getModel().getReactionSteps();
// names of those who can be transformed and will be transformed
String okTransReacNames = "";
// names of those who can be transformed and will not be transformed
String noTransReacNames = "";
// names of those who can not be transformed
String errReacNames = "";
for (int i = 0; i < isTransformable.length; i++) {
if (trs[i].getTransformType() == TransformMassActions.TransformedReaction.TRANSFORMABLE && getIsSelected(i)) {
okTransReacNames = okTransReacNames + origReactions[i].getName() + ",";
} else if (trs[i].getTransformType() == TransformMassActions.TransformedReaction.TRANSFORMABLE && !getIsSelected(i)) {
noTransReacNames = noTransReacNames + origReactions[i].getName() + ",";
} else if (!isTransformable[i]) {
errReacNames = errReacNames + origReactions[i].getName() + ",";
// set transformed Mass Action kinetics to model reactions
for (int i = 0; i < origReactions.length; i++) {
if (getIsSelected(i)) {
// for simple reaction, we replace the original kinetics with MassActionKinetics if it wasn't MassActionKinetics
if (origReactions[i] instanceof SimpleReaction) {
if (!(origReactions[i].getKinetics() instanceof MassActionKinetics)) {
// ***Below we will physically change the simple reaction***
// put all kinetic parameters together into array newKps
Vector<Kinetics.KineticsParameter> newKps = new Vector<Kinetics.KineticsParameter>();
// get original kinetic parameters which are not current density and reaction rate.
// those parameters are basically the symbols in rate expression.
Vector<Kinetics.KineticsParameter> origKps = new Vector<Kinetics.KineticsParameter>();
Kinetics.KineticsParameter[] Kps = origReactions[i].getKinetics().getKineticsParameters();
for (int j = 0; j < Kps.length; j++) {
if (!(Kps[j].getRole() == Kinetics.ROLE_CurrentDensity || Kps[j].getRole() == Kinetics.ROLE_ReactionRate)) {
// create mass action kinetics for the original reaction step
MassActionKinetics maKinetics = new MassActionKinetics(origReactions[i]);
// Kinetics)
for (int j = 0; j < maKinetics.getKineticsParameters().length; j++) {
// copy other kinetic parameters from original kinetics
for (int j = 0; j < origKps.size(); j++) {
// add parameters to mass action kinetics
KineticsParameter[] newParameters = new KineticsParameter[newKps.size()];
newParameters = (KineticsParameter[]) newKps.toArray(newParameters);
// after adding all the parameters, we bind the forward/reverse rate expression with symbol table (the reaction step itself)
// for flux, we set the flux reaction back, coz we will parse it to mass action form in stochastic math mapping.
// However, we don't physically change it.
String msg = "";
if (!okTransReacNames.equals("")) {
msg = msg + okTransReacNames + " have been transformed.\n";
// message to be displayed in popupdialog of DocumentWindow
if (!msg.equals("")) {
throw new Exception(msg);
use of cbit.vcell.model.MassActionKinetics in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class NetworkTransformer method transform.
private void transform(SimulationContext simContext, SimulationContext transformedSimulationContext, ArrayList<ModelEntityMapping> entityMappings, MathMappingCallback mathMappingCallback, NetworkGenerationRequirements networkGenerationRequirements) {
String msg = "Generating network: flattening...";
TaskCallbackMessage tcm = new TaskCallbackMessage(TaskCallbackStatus.Clean, "");
tcm = new TaskCallbackMessage(TaskCallbackStatus.TaskStart, msg);
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Convert to bngl, execute BNG, retrieve the results.");
try {
BNGOutputSpec outputSpec = generateNetwork(simContext, mathMappingCallback, networkGenerationRequirements);
if (mathMappingCallback.isInterrupted()) {
msg = "Canceled by user.";
tcm = new TaskCallbackMessage(TaskCallbackStatus.Error, msg);
throw new UserCancelException(msg);
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long elapsedTime = endTime - startTime;
System.out.println(" " + elapsedTime + " milliseconds");
Model model = transformedSimulationContext.getModel();
ReactionContext reactionContext = transformedSimulationContext.getReactionContext();
// ---- Parameters -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < outputSpec.getBNGParams().length; i++) {
BNGParameter p = outputSpec.getBNGParams()[i];
// System.out.println(i+1 + ":\t\t"+ p.toString());
if (model.getRbmModelContainer().getParameter(p.getName()) != null) {
// if it's already there we don't try to add it again; this should be true for all of them!
String s = p.getName();
FakeSeedSpeciesInitialConditionsParameter fakeICParam = FakeSeedSpeciesInitialConditionsParameter.fromString(s);
if (speciesEquivalenceMap.containsKey(fakeICParam)) {
// we get rid of the fake parameters we use as keys
FakeReactionRuleRateParameter fakeKineticParam = FakeReactionRuleRateParameter.fromString(s);
if (fakeKineticParam != null) {
System.out.println("found fakeKineticParam " + fakeKineticParam.fakeParameterName);
// we get rid of the fake parameters we use as keys
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected parameter " + p.getName() + " in internal BNG processing");
// Expression exp = new Expression(p.getValue());
// exp.bindExpression(model.getRbmModelContainer().getSymbolTable());
// model.getRbmModelContainer().addParameter(p.getName(), exp, model.getUnitSystem().getInstance_TBD());
endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
elapsedTime = endTime - startTime;
msg = "Adding " + outputSpec.getBNGParams().length + " parameters to model, " + elapsedTime + " ms";
// ---- Species ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mathMappingCallback.setMessage("generating network: adding species...");
mathMappingCallback.setProgressFraction(progressFractionQuota / 4.0f);
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("\nSpecies :");
// the reactions will need this map to recover the names of species knowing only the networkFileIndex
HashMap<Integer, String> speciesMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
LinkedHashMap<String, Species> sMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Species>();
LinkedHashMap<String, SpeciesContext> scMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, SpeciesContext>();
LinkedHashMap<String, BNGSpecies> crossMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, BNGSpecies>();
List<SpeciesContext> noMapForThese = new ArrayList<SpeciesContext>();
// final int decimalTickCount = Math.max(outputSpec.getBNGSpecies().length/10, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < outputSpec.getBNGSpecies().length; i++) {
BNGSpecies s = outputSpec.getBNGSpecies()[i];
// System.out.println(i+1 + ":\t\t"+ s.toString());
String key = s.getConcentration().infix();
FakeSeedSpeciesInitialConditionsParameter fakeParam = FakeSeedSpeciesInitialConditionsParameter.fromString(key);
if (fakeParam != null) {
Pair<SpeciesContext, Expression> value = speciesEquivalenceMap.get(fakeParam);
// the species context of the original model
SpeciesContext originalsc =;
Expression initial = value.two;
// replace the fake initial condition with the real one
// we'll have to find the species context from the cloned model which correspond to the original species
SpeciesContext sc = model.getSpeciesContext(originalsc.getName());
// System.out.println(sc.getName() + ", " + sc.getSpecies().getCommonName() + " one of the original seed species.");
// existing name
speciesMap.put(s.getNetworkFileIndex(), sc.getName());
sMap.put(sc.getName(), sc.getSpecies());
scMap.put(sc.getName(), sc);
crossMap.put(sc.getName(), s);
// all these species are new!
// generate unique name for the species
int count = 0;
String speciesName = null;
String nameRoot = "s";
String speciesPatternNameString = s.extractName();
while (true) {
speciesName = nameRoot + count;
if (Model.isNameUnused(speciesName, model) && !sMap.containsKey(speciesName) && !scMap.containsKey(speciesName)) {
// newly created name
speciesMap.put(s.getNetworkFileIndex(), speciesName);
SpeciesContext speciesContext;
if (s.hasCompartment()) {
String speciesPatternCompartmentString = s.extractCompartment();
speciesContext = new SpeciesContext(new Species(speciesName, s.getName()), model.getStructure(speciesPatternCompartmentString), null);
} else {
speciesContext = new SpeciesContext(new Species(speciesName, s.getName()), model.getStructure(0), null);
try {
if (speciesPatternNameString != null) {
SpeciesPattern sp = RbmUtils.parseSpeciesPattern(speciesPatternNameString, model);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Bad format for species pattern string: " + e.getMessage());
// speciesContext.setSpeciesPatternString(speciesPatternString);
// model.addSpecies(speciesContext.getSpecies());
// model.addSpeciesContext(speciesContext);
sMap.put(speciesName, speciesContext.getSpecies());
scMap.put(speciesName, speciesContext);
crossMap.put(speciesName, s);
// }
if (mathMappingCallback.isInterrupted()) {
msg = "Canceled by user.";
tcm = new TaskCallbackMessage(TaskCallbackStatus.Error, msg);
throw new UserCancelException(msg);
// if(i%50 == 0) {
// System.out.println(i+"");
// }
// if(i%decimalTickCount == 0) {
// int multiplier = i/decimalTickCount;
// float progress = progressFractionQuota/4.0f + progressFractionQuotaSpecies*multiplier;
// mathMappingCallback.setProgressFraction(progress);
// }
for (SpeciesContext sc1 : model.getSpeciesContexts()) {
boolean found = false;
for (Map.Entry<String, SpeciesContext> entry : scMap.entrySet()) {
SpeciesContext sc2 = entry.getValue();
if (sc1.getName().equals(sc2.getName())) {
found = true;
// System.out.println("found species context " + sc1.getName() + " of species " + sc1.getSpecies().getCommonName() + " // " + sc2.getSpecies().getCommonName());
if (found == false) {
// we add to the map the species context and the species which exist in the model but which are not in the map yet
// the only ones in this situation should be plain species which were not given to bngl for flattening (they are flat already)
// System.out.println("species context " + sc1.getName() + " not found in the map. Adding it.");
scMap.put(sc1.getName(), sc1);
sMap.put(sc1.getName(), sc1.getSpecies());
for (Species s1 : model.getSpecies()) {
boolean found = false;
for (Map.Entry<String, Species> entry : sMap.entrySet()) {
Species s2 = entry.getValue();
if (s1.getCommonName().equals(s2.getCommonName())) {
found = true;
// System.out.println("found species " + s1.getCommonName());
if (found == false) {
System.err.println("species " + s1.getCommonName() + " not found in the map!");
SpeciesContext[] sca = new SpeciesContext[scMap.size()];
Species[] sa = new HashSet<Species>(sMap.values()).toArray(new Species[0]);
boolean isSpatial = transformedSimulationContext.getGeometry().getDimension() > 0;
for (SpeciesContext sc : sca) {
if (noMapForThese.contains(sc)) {
SpeciesContextSpec scs = reactionContext.getSpeciesContextSpec(sc);
Parameter param = scs.getParameter(SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_InitialConcentration);
BNGSpecies s = crossMap.get(sc.getName());
SpeciesContext origSpeciesContext = simContext.getModel().getSpeciesContext(s.getName());
if (origSpeciesContext != null) {
ModelEntityMapping em = new ModelEntityMapping(origSpeciesContext, sc);
} else {
ModelEntityMapping em = new ModelEntityMapping(new GeneratedSpeciesSymbolTableEntry(sc), sc);
if (isSpatial) {
// for(SpeciesContext sc : sca) { // clean all the species patterns from the flattened species, we have no sp now
// sc.setSpeciesPattern(null);
// }
endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
elapsedTime = endTime - startTime;
msg = "Adding " + outputSpec.getBNGSpecies().length + " species to model, " + elapsedTime + " ms";
// ---- Reactions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mathMappingCallback.setMessage("generating network: adding reactions...");
mathMappingCallback.setProgressFraction(progressFractionQuota / 4.0f * 3.0f);
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("\nReactions :");
Map<String, HashSet<String>> ruleKeyMap = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>();
Map<String, BNGReaction> directBNGReactionsMap = new HashMap<String, BNGReaction>();
Map<String, BNGReaction> reverseBNGReactionsMap = new HashMap<String, BNGReaction>();
for (int i = 0; i < outputSpec.getBNGReactions().length; i++) {
BNGReaction r = outputSpec.getBNGReactions()[i];
if (!r.isRuleReversed()) {
// direct
directBNGReactionsMap.put(r.getKey(), r);
} else {
reverseBNGReactionsMap.put(r.getKey(), r);
// for each rule name, store set of keySets (number of unique keysets are number of generated reactions from this ruleName).
HashSet<String> keySet = ruleKeyMap.get(r.getRuleName());
if (keySet == null) {
keySet = new HashSet<String>();
ruleKeyMap.put(r.getRuleName(), keySet);
Map<String, ReactionStep> reactionStepMap = new HashMap<String, ReactionStep>();
for (int i = 0; i < outputSpec.getBNGReactions().length; i++) {
BNGReaction bngReaction = outputSpec.getBNGReactions()[i];
// System.out.println(i+1 + ":\t\t"+ r.writeReaction());
String baseName = bngReaction.getRuleName();
String reactionName = null;
HashSet<String> keySetsForThisRule = ruleKeyMap.get(bngReaction.getRuleName());
if (keySetsForThisRule.size() == 1 && model.getReactionStep(bngReaction.getRuleName()) == null && !reactionStepMap.containsKey(bngReaction.getRuleName())) {
// we can reuse the reaction rule labels
reactionName = bngReaction.getRuleName();
} else {
reactionName = bngReaction.getRuleName() + "_0";
while (true) {
if (model.getReactionStep(reactionName) == null && !reactionStepMap.containsKey(reactionName)) {
// we can reuse the reaction rule labels
reactionName = TokenMangler.getNextEnumeratedToken(reactionName);
if (directBNGReactionsMap.containsValue(bngReaction)) {
BNGReaction forwardBNGReaction = bngReaction;
BNGReaction reverseBNGReaction = reverseBNGReactionsMap.get(bngReaction.getKey());
String name = forwardBNGReaction.getRuleName();
if (name.endsWith(ReactionRule.DirectHalf)) {
name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf(ReactionRule.DirectHalf));
if (name.endsWith(ReactionRule.InverseHalf)) {
name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf(ReactionRule.InverseHalf));
ReactionRule rr = model.getRbmModelContainer().getReactionRule(name);
Structure structure = rr.getStructure();
boolean bReversible = reverseBNGReaction != null;
SimpleReaction sr = new SimpleReaction(model, structure, reactionName, bReversible);
for (int j = 0; j < forwardBNGReaction.getReactants().length; j++) {
BNGSpecies s = forwardBNGReaction.getReactants()[j];
String scName = speciesMap.get(s.getNetworkFileIndex());
SpeciesContext sc = model.getSpeciesContext(scName);
Reactant reactant = sr.getReactant(scName);
if (reactant == null) {
int stoichiometry = 1;
sr.addReactant(sc, stoichiometry);
} else {
int stoichiometry = reactant.getStoichiometry();
stoichiometry += 1;
for (int j = 0; j < forwardBNGReaction.getProducts().length; j++) {
BNGSpecies s = forwardBNGReaction.getProducts()[j];
String scName = speciesMap.get(s.getNetworkFileIndex());
SpeciesContext sc = model.getSpeciesContext(scName);
Product product = sr.getProduct(scName);
if (product == null) {
int stoichiometry = 1;
sr.addProduct(sc, stoichiometry);
} else {
int stoichiometry = product.getStoichiometry();
stoichiometry += 1;
MassActionKinetics targetKinetics = new MassActionKinetics(sr);
KineticsParameter kforward = targetKinetics.getForwardRateParameter();
KineticsParameter kreverse = targetKinetics.getReverseRateParameter();
String kforwardNewName = rr.getKineticLaw().getLocalParameter(RbmKineticLawParameterType.MassActionForwardRate).getName();
if (!kforward.getName().equals(kforwardNewName)) {
targetKinetics.renameParameter(kforward.getName(), kforwardNewName);
kforward = targetKinetics.getForwardRateParameter();
final String kreverseNewName = rr.getKineticLaw().getLocalParameter(RbmKineticLawParameterType.MassActionReverseRate).getName();
if (!kreverse.getName().equals(kreverseNewName)) {
targetKinetics.renameParameter(kreverse.getName(), kreverseNewName);
kreverse = targetKinetics.getReverseRateParameter();
applyKineticsExpressions(forwardBNGReaction, kforward, targetKinetics);
if (reverseBNGReaction != null) {
applyKineticsExpressions(reverseBNGReaction, kreverse, targetKinetics);
// String fieldParameterName = kforward.getName();
// fieldParameterName += "_" + r.getRuleName();
// kforward.setName(fieldParameterName);
reactionStepMap.put(reactionName, sr);
} else if (reverseBNGReactionsMap.containsValue(bngReaction) && !directBNGReactionsMap.containsKey(bngReaction.getKey())) {
// reverse only (must be irreversible)
BNGReaction reverseBNGReaction = reverseBNGReactionsMap.get(bngReaction.getKey());
ReactionRule rr = model.getRbmModelContainer().getReactionRule(reverseBNGReaction.extractRuleName());
Structure structure = rr.getStructure();
boolean bReversible = false;
SimpleReaction sr = new SimpleReaction(model, structure, reactionName, bReversible);
for (int j = 0; j < reverseBNGReaction.getReactants().length; j++) {
BNGSpecies s = reverseBNGReaction.getReactants()[j];
String scName = speciesMap.get(s.getNetworkFileIndex());
SpeciesContext sc = model.getSpeciesContext(scName);
Reactant reactant = sr.getReactant(scName);
if (reactant == null) {
int stoichiometry = 1;
sr.addReactant(sc, stoichiometry);
} else {
int stoichiometry = reactant.getStoichiometry();
stoichiometry += 1;
for (int j = 0; j < reverseBNGReaction.getProducts().length; j++) {
BNGSpecies s = reverseBNGReaction.getProducts()[j];
String scName = speciesMap.get(s.getNetworkFileIndex());
SpeciesContext sc = model.getSpeciesContext(scName);
Product product = sr.getProduct(scName);
if (product == null) {
int stoichiometry = 1;
sr.addProduct(sc, stoichiometry);
} else {
int stoichiometry = product.getStoichiometry();
stoichiometry += 1;
MassActionKinetics k = new MassActionKinetics(sr);
KineticsParameter kforward = k.getForwardRateParameter();
KineticsParameter kreverse = k.getReverseRateParameter();
String kforwardNewName = rr.getKineticLaw().getLocalParameter(RbmKineticLawParameterType.MassActionForwardRate).getName();
if (!kforward.getName().equals(kforwardNewName)) {
k.renameParameter(kforward.getName(), kforwardNewName);
kforward = k.getForwardRateParameter();
final String kreverseNewName = rr.getKineticLaw().getLocalParameter(RbmKineticLawParameterType.MassActionReverseRate).getName();
if (!kreverse.getName().equals(kreverseNewName)) {
k.renameParameter(kreverse.getName(), kreverseNewName);
kreverse = k.getReverseRateParameter();
applyKineticsExpressions(reverseBNGReaction, kforward, k);
// String fieldParameterName = kforward.getName();
// fieldParameterName += "_" + r.getRuleName();
// kforward.setName(fieldParameterName);
reactionStepMap.put(reactionName, sr);
for (ReactionStep rs : model.getReactionSteps()) {
reactionStepMap.put(rs.getName(), rs);
ReactionStep[] reactionSteps = new ReactionStep[reactionStepMap.size()];
if (mathMappingCallback.isInterrupted()) {
msg = "Canceled by user.";
tcm = new TaskCallbackMessage(TaskCallbackStatus.Error, msg);
throw new UserCancelException(msg);
endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
elapsedTime = endTime - startTime;
msg = "Adding " + outputSpec.getBNGReactions().length + " reactions to model, " + elapsedTime + " ms";
// clean all the reaction rules
// ---- Observables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mathMappingCallback.setMessage("generating network: adding observables...");
mathMappingCallback.setProgressFraction(progressFractionQuota / 8.0f * 7.0f);
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("\nObservables :");
RbmModelContainer rbmmc = model.getRbmModelContainer();
for (int i = 0; i < outputSpec.getObservableGroups().length; i++) {
ObservableGroup o = outputSpec.getObservableGroups()[i];
if (rbmmc.getParameter(o.getObservableGroupName()) != null) {
System.out.println(" ...already exists.");
// if it's already there we don't try to add it again; this should be true for all of them!
ArrayList<Expression> terms = new ArrayList<Expression>();
for (int j = 0; j < o.getListofSpecies().length; j++) {
Expression term = Expression.mult(new Expression(o.getSpeciesMultiplicity()[j]), new Expression(speciesMap.get(o.getListofSpecies()[j].getNetworkFileIndex())));
Expression exp = Expression.add(terms.toArray(new Expression[terms.size()])).flatten();
RbmObservable originalObservable = rbmmc.getObservable(o.getObservableGroupName());
VCUnitDefinition observableUnitDefinition = originalObservable.getUnitDefinition();
Parameter newParameter = rbmmc.addParameter(o.getObservableGroupName(), exp, observableUnitDefinition);
RbmObservable origObservable = simContext.getModel().getRbmModelContainer().getObservable(o.getObservableGroupName());
ModelEntityMapping em = new ModelEntityMapping(origObservable, newParameter);
if (mathMappingCallback.isInterrupted()) {
msg = "Canceled by user.";
tcm = new TaskCallbackMessage(TaskCallbackStatus.Error, msg);
throw new UserCancelException(msg);
endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
elapsedTime = endTime - startTime;
msg = "Adding " + outputSpec.getObservableGroups().length + " observables to model, " + elapsedTime + " ms";
} catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (ExpressionBindingException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (ModelException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (ExpressionException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
System.out.println("Done transforming");
msg = "Generating math...";
use of cbit.vcell.model.MassActionKinetics in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class RulebasedTransformer method transform.
private void transform(SimulationContext originalSimContext, SimulationContext transformedSimulationContext, ArrayList<ModelEntityMapping> entityMappings, MathMappingCallback mathMappingCallback) throws PropertyVetoException {
Model newModel = transformedSimulationContext.getModel();
Model originalModel = originalSimContext.getModel();
ModelEntityMapping em = null;
// list of rules created from the reactions; we apply the symmetry factor computed by bionetgen only to these
Set<ReactionRule> fromReactions = new HashSet<>();
for (SpeciesContext newSpeciesContext : newModel.getSpeciesContexts()) {
final SpeciesContext originalSpeciesContext = originalModel.getSpeciesContext(newSpeciesContext.getName());
// map new and old species contexts
em = new ModelEntityMapping(originalSpeciesContext, newSpeciesContext);
if (newSpeciesContext.hasSpeciesPattern()) {
// it's perfect already and can't be improved
try {
MolecularType newmt = newModel.getRbmModelContainer().createMolecularType();
newModel.getRbmModelContainer().addMolecularType(newmt, false);
MolecularTypePattern newmtp_sc = new MolecularTypePattern(newmt);
SpeciesPattern newsp_sc = new SpeciesPattern();
RbmObservable newo = new RbmObservable(newModel, "O0_" + newmt.getName() + "_tot", newSpeciesContext.getStructure(), RbmObservable.ObservableType.Molecules);
MolecularTypePattern newmtp_ob = new MolecularTypePattern(newmt);
SpeciesPattern newsp_ob = new SpeciesPattern();
// map new observable to old species context
em = new ModelEntityMapping(originalSpeciesContext, newo);
} catch (ModelException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("unable to transform species context: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (PropertyVetoException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
ReactionSpec[] reactionSpecs = transformedSimulationContext.getReactionContext().getReactionSpecs();
for (ReactionSpec reactionSpec : reactionSpecs) {
if (reactionSpec.isExcluded()) {
// we create rules only from those reactions which are not excluded
ReactionStep rs = reactionSpec.getReactionStep();
String name = rs.getName();
String mangled = TokenMangler.fixTokenStrict(name);
mangled = newModel.getReactionName(mangled);
Kinetics k = rs.getKinetics();
if (!(k instanceof MassActionKinetics)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Only Mass Action Kinetics supported at this time, reaction \"" + rs.getName() + "\" uses kinetic law type \"" + rs.getKinetics().getName() + "\"");
boolean bReversible = rs.isReversible();
ReactionRule rr = new ReactionRule(newModel, mangled, rs.getStructure(), bReversible);
MassActionKinetics massActionKinetics = (MassActionKinetics) k;
List<Reactant> rList = rs.getReactants();
List<Product> pList = rs.getProducts();
// counting the stoichiometry - 2A+B means 3 reactants
int numReactants = 0;
for (Reactant r : rList) {
numReactants += r.getStoichiometry();
if (numReactants > 2) {
String message = "NFSim doesn't support more than 2 reactants within a reaction: " + name;
throw new RuntimeException(message);
int numProducts = 0;
for (Product p : pList) {
numProducts += p.getStoichiometry();
if (bReversible && numProducts > 2) {
String message = "NFSim doesn't support more than 2 products within a reversible reaction: " + name;
throw new RuntimeException(message);
RateLawType rateLawType = RateLawType.MassAction;
RbmKineticLaw kineticLaw = new RbmKineticLaw(rr, rateLawType);
try {
String forwardRateName = massActionKinetics.getForwardRateParameter().getName();
Expression forwardRateExp = massActionKinetics.getForwardRateParameter().getExpression();
String reverseRateName = massActionKinetics.getReverseRateParameter().getName();
Expression reverseRateExp = massActionKinetics.getReverseRateParameter().getExpression();
LocalParameter fR = kineticLaw.getLocalParameter(RbmKineticLawParameterType.MassActionForwardRate);
LocalParameter rR = kineticLaw.getLocalParameter(RbmKineticLawParameterType.MassActionReverseRate);
if (rs.hasReactant()) {
kineticLaw.setParameterValue(fR, forwardRateExp, true);
if (rs.hasProduct()) {
kineticLaw.setParameterValue(rR, reverseRateExp, true);
for (KineticsParameter reaction_p : massActionKinetics.getKineticsParameters()) {
if (reaction_p.getRole() == Kinetics.ROLE_UserDefined) {
LocalParameter rule_p = kineticLaw.getLocalParameter(reaction_p.getName());
if (rule_p == null) {
// after lazy parameter creation we didn't find a user-defined rule parameter with this same name.
// there must be a global symbol with the same name, that the local reaction parameter has overridden.
ParameterContext.LocalProxyParameter rule_proxy_parameter = null;
for (ProxyParameter proxyParameter : kineticLaw.getProxyParameters()) {
if (proxyParameter.getName().equals(reaction_p.getName())) {
rule_proxy_parameter = (LocalProxyParameter) proxyParameter;
if (rule_proxy_parameter != null) {
// we want to convert to local
boolean bConvertToGlobal = false;
kineticLaw.convertParameterType(rule_proxy_parameter, bConvertToGlobal);
} else {
// could find neither local parameter nor proxy parameter
throw new RuntimeException("user defined parameter " + reaction_p.getName() + " from reaction " + rs.getName() + " didn't map to a reactionRule parameter");
} else if (rule_p.getRole() == RbmKineticLawParameterType.UserDefined) {
kineticLaw.setParameterValue(rule_p, reaction_p.getExpression(), true);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("user defined parameter " + reaction_p.getName() + " from reaction " + rs.getName() + " mapped to a reactionRule parameter with unexpected role " + rule_p.getRole().getDescription());
} catch (ExpressionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Problem attempting to set RbmKineticLaw expression: " + e.getMessage());
KineticsParameter[] kpList = k.getKineticsParameters();
ModelParameter[] mpList = rs.getModel().getModelParameters();
ModelParameter mp = rs.getModel().getModelParameter(kpList[0].getName());
ReactionParticipant[] rpList = rs.getReactionParticipants();
for (ReactionParticipant p : rpList) {
if (p instanceof Reactant) {
int stoichiometry = p.getStoichiometry();
for (int i = 0; i < stoichiometry; i++) {
SpeciesPattern speciesPattern = new SpeciesPattern(rs.getModel(), p.getSpeciesContext().getSpeciesPattern());
ReactantPattern reactantPattern = new ReactantPattern(speciesPattern, p.getStructure());
} else if (p instanceof Product) {
int stoichiometry = p.getStoichiometry();
for (int i = 0; i < stoichiometry; i++) {
SpeciesPattern speciesPattern = new SpeciesPattern(rs.getModel(), p.getSpeciesContext().getSpeciesPattern());
ProductPattern productPattern = new ProductPattern(speciesPattern, p.getStructure());
// commented code below is probably obsolete, we verify (above) in the reaction the number of participants,
// no need to do it again in the corresponding rule
// if(rr.getReactantPatterns().size() > 2) {
// String message = "NFSim doesn't support more than 2 reactants within a reaction: " + name;
// throw new RuntimeException(message);
// }
// if(rr.getProductPatterns().size() > 2) {
// String message = "NFSim doesn't support more than 2 products within a reaction: " + name;
// throw new RuntimeException(message);
// }
for (ReactionRuleSpec rrs : transformedSimulationContext.getReactionContext().getReactionRuleSpecs()) {
if (rrs == null) {
ReactionRule rr = rrs.getReactionRule();
if (rrs.isExcluded()) {
// delete those rules which are disabled (excluded) in the Specifications / Reaction table
// now that we generated the rules we can delete the reaction steps they're coming from
for (ReactionStep rs : newModel.getReactionSteps()) {
try {
// we invoke bngl just for the purpose of generating the xml file, which we'll then use to extract the symmetry factor
generateNetwork(transformedSimulationContext, fromReactions, mathMappingCallback);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
System.out.println("Finished RuleBased Transformer.");
use of cbit.vcell.model.MassActionKinetics in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ITextWriter method writeReactions.
// each reaction has its own table, ordered by the structures.
protected void writeReactions(Chapter physioChapter, Model model) throws DocumentException {
if (model == null) {
Paragraph reactionParagraph = new Paragraph();
reactionParagraph.add(new Chunk("Structures and Reactions Diagram").setLocalDestination(model.getName()));
Section reactionDiagramSection = physioChapter.addSection(reactionParagraph, physioChapter.numberDepth() + 1);
try {
addImage(reactionDiagramSection, encodeJPEG(generateDocReactionsImage(model, null)));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DocumentException(e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage());
for (int i = 0; i < model.getNumStructures(); i++) {
ReactionStep[] reactionSteps = model.getReactionSteps();
ReactionStep rs = null;
Table modifierTable = null;
Table reactionTable = null;
boolean firstTime = true;
Section reactStructSection = null;
for (int j = 0; j < reactionSteps.length; j++) {
if (reactionSteps[j].getStructure() == model.getStructure(i)) {
// can also use structureName1.equals(structureName2)
if (firstTime) {
Paragraph linkParagraph = new Paragraph();
linkParagraph.add(new Chunk("Reaction(s) in " + model.getStructure(i).getName()).setLocalDestination(model.getStructure(i).getName()));
reactStructSection = physioChapter.addSection(linkParagraph, physioChapter.numberDepth() + 1);
firstTime = false;
rs = reactionSteps[j];
String type;
if (rs instanceof SimpleReaction) {
type = "Reaction";
} else {
type = "Flux";
// write Reaction equation as a table
// Get the image arrow cell depending on type of reactionStep : MassAction => double arrow, otherwise, forward arrow
boolean bReversible = false;
if (rs.getKinetics() instanceof MassActionKinetics) {
bReversible = true;
Cell arrowImageCell = getReactionArrowImageCell(bReversible);
// Get reactants and products strings
ReactionCanvas rc = new ReactionCanvas();
ReactionCanvasDisplaySpec rcdSpec = rc.getReactionCanvasDisplaySpec();
String reactants = rcdSpec.getLeftText();
String products = rcdSpec.getRightText();
// Create table and add cells for reactants, arrow(s) images, products
int[] widths = { 8, 1, 8 };
reactionTable = getTable(3, 100, 0, 2, 2);
// Add reactants as cell
Cell tableCell = createCell(reactants, getBold());
// add arrow(s) image as cell
if (arrowImageCell != null) {
// add products as cell
tableCell = createCell(products, getBold());
// reactionTable.setBorderColor(Color.white);
// Identify modifiers,
ReactionParticipant[] rpArr = rs.getReactionParticipants();
Vector<ReactionParticipant> modifiersVector = new Vector<ReactionParticipant>();
for (int k = 0; k < rpArr.length; k += 1) {
if (rpArr[k] instanceof Catalyst) {
// Write the modifiers in a separate table, if present
if (modifiersVector.size() > 0) {
modifierTable = getTable(1, 50, 0, 1, 1);
modifierTable.addCell(createCell("Modifiers List", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 1, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
StringBuffer modifierNames = new StringBuffer();
for (int k = 0; k < modifiersVector.size(); k++) {
modifierNames.append(((Catalyst) modifiersVector.elementAt(k)).getName() + "\n");
modifierTable.addCell(createCell(modifierNames.toString().trim(), getFont()));
Section reactionSection = reactStructSection.addSection(type + " " + rs.getName(), reactStructSection.numberDepth() + 1);
// Annotation
VCMetaData vcMetaData = rs.getModel().getVcMetaData();
if (vcMetaData.getFreeTextAnnotation(rs) != null) {
Table annotTable = getTable(1, 100, 1, 3, 3);
annotTable.addCell(createCell("Reaction Annotation", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 1, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
annotTable.addCell(createCell(vcMetaData.getFreeTextAnnotation(rs), getFont()));
// reactionSection.add(new Paragraph("\""+rs.getAnnotation()+"\""));
// reaction table
if (reactionTable != null) {
// re-set reactionTable
reactionTable = null;
if (modifierTable != null) {
modifierTable = null;
// Write kinetics parameters, etc. in a table
writeKineticsParams(reactionSection, rs);
use of cbit.vcell.model.MassActionKinetics in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ApplicationConstraintsGenerator method steadyStateFromApplication.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (6/26/01 8:25:55 AM)
* @return cbit.vcell.constraints.ConstraintContainerImpl
public static ConstraintContainerImpl steadyStateFromApplication(SimulationContext simContext, double tolerance) {
try {
ConstraintContainerImpl ccImpl = new ConstraintContainerImpl();
// ====================
// add physical limits
// ====================
// no negative concentrations
cbit.vcell.model.Model model = simContext.getModel();
cbit.vcell.model.SpeciesContext[] speciesContexts = model.getSpeciesContexts();
for (int i = 0; i < speciesContexts.length; i++) {
ccImpl.addSimpleBound(new SimpleBounds(speciesContexts[i].getName(), new RealInterval(0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), AbstractConstraint.PHYSICAL_LIMIT, "non-negative concentration"));
for (int i = 0; i < speciesContexts.length; i++) {
SpeciesContextSpecParameter initParam = (simContext.getReactionContext().getSpeciesContextSpec(speciesContexts[i])).getInitialConditionParameter();
if (initParam != null) {
double initialValue = initParam.getExpression().evaluateConstant();
double lowInitialValue = Math.min(initialValue / tolerance, initialValue * tolerance);
double highInitialValue = Math.max(initialValue / tolerance, initialValue * tolerance);
ccImpl.addSimpleBound(new SimpleBounds(speciesContexts[i].getName(), new RealInterval(lowInitialValue, highInitialValue), AbstractConstraint.MODELING_ASSUMPTION, "close to specified \"initialCondition\""));
// =========================
// add modeling assumptions
// =========================
// mass action forward and reverse rates should be non-negative
cbit.vcell.model.ReactionStep[] reactionSteps = model.getReactionSteps();
for (int i = 0; i < reactionSteps.length; i++) {
Kinetics kinetics = reactionSteps[i].getKinetics();
if (kinetics instanceof MassActionKinetics) {
Expression forwardRateConstraintExp = new Expression(((MassActionKinetics) kinetics).getForwardRateParameter().getExpression().infix() + ">=0");
forwardRateConstraintExp = getSteadyStateExpression(forwardRateConstraintExp);
if (!forwardRateConstraintExp.compareEqual(new Expression(1.0))) {
ccImpl.addGeneralConstraint(new GeneralConstraint(forwardRateConstraintExp, AbstractConstraint.MODELING_ASSUMPTION, "non-negative forward rate"));
Expression reverseRateConstraintExp = new Expression(((MassActionKinetics) kinetics).getReverseRateParameter().getExpression().infix() + ">=0");
reverseRateConstraintExp = getSteadyStateExpression(reverseRateConstraintExp);
if (!reverseRateConstraintExp.compareEqual(new Expression(1.0))) {
ccImpl.addGeneralConstraint(new GeneralConstraint(reverseRateConstraintExp, AbstractConstraint.MODELING_ASSUMPTION, "non-negative reverse rate"));
KineticsParameter authoritativeParameter = kinetics.getAuthoritativeParameter();
Expression kineticRateConstraintExp = new Expression(authoritativeParameter.getName() + "==" + authoritativeParameter.getExpression().infix());
kineticRateConstraintExp = getSteadyStateExpression(kineticRateConstraintExp);
if (!kineticRateConstraintExp.compareEqual(new Expression(1.0))) {
ccImpl.addGeneralConstraint(new GeneralConstraint(kineticRateConstraintExp, AbstractConstraint.MODELING_ASSUMPTION, "definition"));
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException("cannot create mathDescription");
MathDescription mathDesc = simContext.getMathDescription();
if (mathDesc.getGeometry().getDimension() > 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("spatial simulations not yet supported");
CompartmentSubDomain subDomain = (CompartmentSubDomain) mathDesc.getSubDomains().nextElement();
java.util.Enumeration<Equation> enumEquations = subDomain.getEquations();
while (enumEquations.hasMoreElements()) {
Equation equation = (Equation) enumEquations.nextElement();
Expression rateConstraintExp = new Expression(equation.getRateExpression().infix() + "==0");
rateConstraintExp = getSteadyStateExpression(rateConstraintExp);
if (!rateConstraintExp.compareEqual(new Expression(1.0))) {
// not a trivial constraint (always true)
ccImpl.addGeneralConstraint(new GeneralConstraint(rateConstraintExp, AbstractConstraint.PHYSICAL_LIMIT, "definition of steady state"));
for (int i = 0; i < reactionSteps.length; i++) {
Kinetics kinetics = reactionSteps[i].getKinetics();
Kinetics.KineticsParameter[] parameters = kinetics.getKineticsParameters();
for (int j = 0; j < parameters.length; j++) {
Expression exp = parameters[j].getExpression();
if (exp.getSymbols() == null || exp.getSymbols().length == 0) {
try {
double constantValue = exp.evaluateConstant();
double lowValue = Math.min(constantValue / tolerance, constantValue * tolerance);
double highValue = Math.max(constantValue / tolerance, constantValue * tolerance);
RealInterval interval = new RealInterval(lowValue, highValue);
ccImpl.addSimpleBound(new SimpleBounds(parameters[j].getName(), interval, AbstractConstraint.MODELING_ASSUMPTION, "parameter close to model default"));
} catch (cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException e) {
System.out.println("error evaluating parameter " + parameters[j].getName() + " in reaction step " + reactionSteps[i].getName());
} else {
Expression parameterDefinitionExp = new Expression(parameters[j].getName() + "==" + parameters[j].getExpression().infix());
ccImpl.addGeneralConstraint(new GeneralConstraint(getSteadyStateExpression(parameterDefinitionExp), AbstractConstraint.MODELING_ASSUMPTION, "parameter definition"));
ccImpl.addSimpleBound(new SimpleBounds(model.getFARADAY_CONSTANT().getName(), new RealInterval(model.getFARADAY_CONSTANT().getExpression().evaluateConstant()), AbstractConstraint.PHYSICAL_LIMIT, "Faraday's constant"));
ccImpl.addSimpleBound(new SimpleBounds(model.getTEMPERATURE().getName(), new RealInterval(300), AbstractConstraint.PHYSICAL_LIMIT, "Absolute Temperature Kelvin"));
ccImpl.addSimpleBound(new SimpleBounds(model.getGAS_CONSTANT().getName(), new RealInterval(model.getGAS_CONSTANT().getExpression().evaluateConstant()), AbstractConstraint.PHYSICAL_LIMIT, "ideal gas constant"));
ccImpl.addSimpleBound(new SimpleBounds(model.getKMILLIVOLTS().getName(), new RealInterval(model.getKMILLIVOLTS().getExpression().evaluateConstant()), AbstractConstraint.PHYSICAL_LIMIT, "ideal gas constant"));
// add K_fluxs
java.util.Enumeration<Variable> enumVars = mathDesc.getVariables();
while (enumVars.hasMoreElements()) {
Variable var = (Variable) enumVars.nextElement();
if (var.getName().startsWith("Kflux_") && var instanceof Function) {
Expression kfluxExp = new Expression(((Function) var).getExpression());
kfluxExp = MathUtilities.substituteFunctions(kfluxExp, mathDesc);
kfluxExp = kfluxExp.flatten();
ccImpl.addSimpleBound(new SimpleBounds(var.getName(), new RealInterval(kfluxExp.evaluateConstant()), AbstractConstraint.MODELING_ASSUMPTION, "flux conversion factor"));
return ccImpl;
} catch (cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException e) {
return null;
} catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {
return null;