use of cbit.vcell.solver.MeshSpecification in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SmoldynFileWriter method writeCompartments.
private void writeCompartments() throws ImageException, PropertyVetoException, GeometryException, ExpressionException {
MeshSpecification meshSpecification = simulation.getMeshSpecification();
ISize sampleSize = meshSpecification.getSamplingSize();
int numX = sampleSize.getX();
int numY = dimension < 2 ? 1 : sampleSize.getY();
int numZ = dimension < 3 ? 1 : sampleSize.getZ();
int numXY = numX * numY;
boolean bCellCentered = simulation.hasCellCenteredMesh();
double dx = meshSpecification.getDx(bCellCentered);
double dy = meshSpecification.getDy(bCellCentered);
double dz = meshSpecification.getDz(bCellCentered);
Origin origin = resampledGeometry.getGeometrySpec().getOrigin();
printWriter.println("# compartments");
resampledGeometry.precomputeAll(new GeometryThumbnailImageFactoryAWT());
for (SubVolume subVolume : resampledGeometry.getGeometrySpec().getSubVolumes()) {
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.start_compartment + " " + subVolume.getName());
for (SurfaceClass sc : resampledGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription().getSurfaceClasses()) {
if (sc.getAdjacentSubvolumes().contains(subVolume)) {
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.surface + " " + sc.getName());
if (boundaryXSubVolumes.contains(subVolume)) {
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.surface + " " + VCellSmoldynKeyword.bounding_wall_surface_X);
if (dimension > 1) {
if (boundaryYSubVolumes.contains(subVolume)) {
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.surface + " " + VCellSmoldynKeyword.bounding_wall_surface_Y);
if (dimension > 2) {
if (boundaryZSubVolumes.contains(subVolume)) {
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.surface + " " + VCellSmoldynKeyword.bounding_wall_surface_Z);
// if (DEBUG) {
// tmppw.println("points" + pointsCount + "=[");
// pointsCount ++;
// }
// gather all the points in all the regions
Geometry interiorPointGeometry = RayCaster.resampleGeometry(new GeometryThumbnailImageFactoryAWT(), resampledGeometry, resampledGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription().getVolumeSampleSize());
SubVolume interiorPointSubVolume = interiorPointGeometry.getGeometrySpec().getSubVolume(subVolume.getName());
GeometricRegion[] geometricRegions = interiorPointGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription().getGeometricRegions(interiorPointSubVolume);
RegionInfo[] regionInfos = interiorPointGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription().getRegionImage().getRegionInfos();
for (GeometricRegion geometricRegion : geometricRegions) {
VolumeGeometricRegion volumeGeometricRegion = (VolumeGeometricRegion) geometricRegion;
ArrayList<SelectPoint> selectPointList = new ArrayList<SelectPoint>();
for (RegionInfo regionInfo : regionInfos) {
if (regionInfo.getRegionIndex() != volumeGeometricRegion.getRegionID()) {
int volIndex = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < numZ; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < numY; j++) {
int starti = -1;
int endi = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numX; i++, volIndex++) {
boolean bInRegion = false;
if (regionInfo.isIndexInRegion(volIndex)) {
bInRegion = true;
if (starti == -1) {
starti = i;
endi = i;
} else {
if ((!bInRegion || i == numX - 1) && starti != -1) {
int midi = (endi + starti) / 2;
int midVolIndex = k * numXY + j * numX + midi;
boolean bOnBoundary = false;
int[] neighbors = { j == 0 ? -1 : midVolIndex - numX, j == numY - 1 ? -1 : midVolIndex + numX, k == 0 ? -1 : midVolIndex - numXY, k == numZ - 1 ? -1 : midVolIndex + numXY };
for (int n = 0; n < 2 * (dimension - 1); n++) {
if (neighbors[n] == -1 || !regionInfo.isIndexInRegion(neighbors[n])) {
bOnBoundary = true;
if (!bOnBoundary) {
selectPointList.add(new SelectPoint(starti, endi, j, k));
starti = -1;
// end i
// end j
// end k
for (int m = 0; m < selectPointList.size(); m++) {
SelectPoint thisPoint = selectPointList.get(m);
boolean bPrint = true;
for (int n = 0; n < selectPointList.size(); n++) {
if (n == m) {
SelectPoint point = selectPointList.get(n);
if (thisPoint.k == point.k && Math.abs(thisPoint.j - point.j) == 1 || thisPoint.j == point.j && Math.abs(thisPoint.k - point.k) == 1) {
if (point.same(thisPoint) && m < n) {
// found same one later, print the later one
bPrint = false;
if (point.contains(thisPoint) && point.length() < 2 * thisPoint.length()) {
// found a longer one, but not too much longer
bPrint = false;
if (bPrint) {
int midi = (thisPoint.starti + thisPoint.endi) / 2;
double coordX = origin.getX() + dx * midi;
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.point + " " + coordX);
if (dimension > 1) {
double coordY = origin.getY() + dy * thisPoint.j;
printWriter.print(" " + coordY);
if (dimension > 2) {
double coordZ = origin.getZ() + dz * thisPoint.k;
printWriter.print(" " + coordZ);
// end for (GeometricRegion
// end for (SubVolume
use of cbit.vcell.solver.MeshSpecification in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class XmlReader method getMeshSpecification.
* This method returns a MeshSpecification object from a XML Element.
* Creation date: (5/22/2001 12:05:21 PM)
* @return cbit.vcell.mesh.MeshSpecification
* @param param org.jdom.Element
private MeshSpecification getMeshSpecification(Element param, Geometry geometry) throws XmlParseException {
// *** create new MeshSpecification ***
MeshSpecification meshSpec = new MeshSpecification(geometry);
// get ISize
Element size = param.getChild(XMLTags.SizeTag, vcNamespace);
int x = Integer.parseInt(size.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.XAttrTag));
int y = Integer.parseInt(size.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.YAttrTag));
int z = Integer.parseInt(size.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.ZAttrTag));
ISize newsize = new ISize(x, y, z);
// set ISize
try {
} catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {
throw new XmlParseException("A PropertyVetoException was fired when setting the ISize object to a new MeshSpecification", e);
return meshSpec;
use of cbit.vcell.solver.MeshSpecification in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ITextWriter method writeSimulation.
// container can be a chapter or a section of a chapter.
protected void writeSimulation(Section container, Simulation sim) throws DocumentException {
if (sim == null) {
Section simSection = container.addSection(sim.getName(), container.numberDepth() + 1);
writeMetadata(simSection, sim.getName(), sim.getDescription(), null, "Simulation ");
// add overriden params
Table overParamTable = null;
MathOverrides mo = sim.getMathOverrides();
if (mo != null) {
String[] constants = mo.getOverridenConstantNames();
for (int i = 0; i < constants.length; i++) {
String actualStr = "", defStr = "";
Expression tempExp = mo.getDefaultExpression(constants[i]);
if (tempExp != null) {
defStr = tempExp.infix();
if (mo.isScan(constants[i])) {
actualStr = mo.getConstantArraySpec(constants[i]).toString();
} else {
tempExp = mo.getActualExpression(constants[i], 0);
if (tempExp != null) {
actualStr = tempExp.infix();
if (overParamTable == null) {
overParamTable = getTable(3, 75, 1, 3, 3);
overParamTable.addCell(createCell("Overriden Parameters", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 3, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
overParamTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Name", getBold(), 1));
overParamTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Actual Value", getBold(), 1));
overParamTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Default Value", getBold(), 1));
overParamTable.addCell(createCell(constants[i], getFont()));
overParamTable.addCell(createCell(actualStr, getFont()));
overParamTable.addCell(createCell(defStr, getFont()));
if (overParamTable != null) {
// add spatial details
// sim.isSpatial();
Table meshTable = null;
MeshSpecification mesh = sim.getMeshSpecification();
if (mesh != null) {
Geometry geom = mesh.getGeometry();
Extent extent = geom.getExtent();
String extentStr = "(" + extent.getX() + ", " + extent.getY() + ", " + extent.getZ() + ")";
ISize meshSize = mesh.getSamplingSize();
String meshSizeStr = "(" + meshSize.getX() + ", " + meshSize.getY() + ", " + meshSize.getZ() + ")";
meshTable = getTable(2, 75, 1, 3, 3);
meshTable.addCell(createCell("Geometry Setting", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
meshTable.addCell(createCell("Geometry Size (um)", getFont()));
meshTable.addCell(createCell(extentStr, getFont()));
meshTable.addCell(createCell("Mesh Size (elements)", getFont()));
meshTable.addCell(createCell(meshSizeStr, getFont()));
if (meshTable != null) {
// write advanced sim settings
Table simAdvTable = null;
SolverTaskDescription solverDesc = sim.getSolverTaskDescription();
if (solverDesc != null) {
String solverName = solverDesc.getSolverDescription().getDisplayLabel();
simAdvTable = getTable(2, 75, 1, 3, 3);
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Advanced Settings", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Solver Name", getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell(solverName, getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Time Bounds - Starting", getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + solverDesc.getTimeBounds().getStartingTime(), getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Time Bounds - Ending", getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + solverDesc.getTimeBounds().getEndingTime(), getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Time Step - Min", getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + solverDesc.getTimeStep().getMinimumTimeStep(), getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Time Step - Default", getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + solverDesc.getTimeStep().getDefaultTimeStep(), getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Time Step - Max", getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + solverDesc.getTimeStep().getMaximumTimeStep(), getFont()));
ErrorTolerance et = solverDesc.getErrorTolerance();
if (et != null) {
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Error Tolerance - Absolute", getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + et.getAbsoluteErrorTolerance(), getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Error Tolerance - Relative", getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + et.getRelativeErrorTolerance(), getFont()));
OutputTimeSpec ots = solverDesc.getOutputTimeSpec();
if (ots.isDefault()) {
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Keep Every", getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + ((DefaultOutputTimeSpec) ots).getKeepEvery(), getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Keep At Most", getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + ((DefaultOutputTimeSpec) ots).getKeepAtMost(), getFont()));
} else if (ots.isUniform()) {
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Output Time Step", getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + ((UniformOutputTimeSpec) ots).getOutputTimeStep(), getFont()));
} else if (ots.isExplicit()) {
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Output Time Points", getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + ((ExplicitOutputTimeSpec) ots).toCommaSeperatedOneLineOfString(), getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Use Symbolic Jacobian (T/F)", getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell((solverDesc.getUseSymbolicJacobian() ? " T " : " F "), getFont()));
Constant sp = solverDesc.getSensitivityParameter();
if (sp != null) {
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Sensitivity Analysis Param", getFont()));
simAdvTable.addCell(createCell(sp.getName(), getFont()));
if (simAdvTable != null) {
use of cbit.vcell.solver.MeshSpecification in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SimulationWorkspace method checkSimulationParameters.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (5/11/2004 2:57:10 PM)
* @return boolean
* @param simulation cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation
private static boolean checkSimulationParameters(Simulation simulation, Component parent) {
SimulationSymbolTable simSymbolTable = new SimulationSymbolTable(simulation, 0);
String errorMessage = null;
long maxTimepoints = Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_NON_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS;
long warningTimepoints = Simulation.WARNING_NON_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS;
boolean bSpatial = simulation.isSpatial();
if (bSpatial) {
maxTimepoints = Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS;
warningTimepoints = Simulation.WARNING_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS;
long maxSizeBytes = megabytesToBytes(Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_0DE_MEGABYTES);
long warningSizeBytes = megabytesToBytes(Simulation.WARNING_0DE_MEGABYTES);
if (bSpatial) {
maxSizeBytes = megabytesToBytes(Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_PDE_MEGABYTES);
warningSizeBytes = megabytesToBytes(Simulation.WARNING_PDE_MEGABYTES);
} else if (simulation.getMathDescription().isNonSpatialStoch()) {
maxSizeBytes = megabytesToBytes(Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_STOCH_MEGABYTES);
warningSizeBytes = megabytesToBytes(Simulation.WARNING_STOCH_MEGABYTES);
long expectedNumTimePoints = getExpectedNumTimePoints(simulation);
long expectedSizeBytes = getExpectedSizeBytes(simSymbolTable);
// check for error conditions (hard limits on resources) ... Note: each user should have it's own limits (and quotas).
SolverTaskDescription solverTaskDescription = simulation.getSolverTaskDescription();
SolverDescription solverDescription = solverTaskDescription.getSolverDescription();
if (expectedNumTimePoints > maxTimepoints) {
errorMessage = "Errors in Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The simulation has too many timepoints (" + expectedNumTimePoints + ") to be saved, which has exceeded our limit.\n\n" + "maximum saving timepoints limits are:\n" + " " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_NON_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS + " for compartmental simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS + " for spatial simulations\n" + "suggested saving timepoints limits are:\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_NON_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS + " for compartmental simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS + " for spatial simulations\n" + "Try saving fewer timepoints\n" + "If you need to exceed the quota, please contact us";
// not used for multiple stochastic run
if (solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt() != null && solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt().getNumOfTrials() > 1) {
errorMessage = null;
} else if (expectedSizeBytes > maxSizeBytes) {
errorMessage = "Errors in Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The simulation's result dataset (" + CodeUtil.humanBytePrint(expectedSizeBytes) + ") is too large, which has exceeded our limit.\n\n" + "maximum size limits are:\n" + " " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_0DE_MEGABYTES + " MB for compartmental ODE simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_PDE_MEGABYTES + " MB for spatial simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_STOCH_MEGABYTES + " MB for compartmental stochastic simulations\n" + "suggested size limits are:\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_0DE_MEGABYTES + " MB for compartmental ODE simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_PDE_MEGABYTES + " MB for spatial simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_STOCH_MEGABYTES + " MB for compartmental stochastic simulations\n" + "Try saving fewer timepoints or using a smaller mesh (if spatial)\n" + "If you need to exceed the quota, please contact us";
// not used for multiple stochastic run
if (solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt() != null && solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt().getNumOfTrials() > 1) {
errorMessage = null;
} else if (simulation.getScanCount() > Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_SCAN_JOBS) {
errorMessage = "Errors in Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The simulation generates too many simulations (" + simulation.getScanCount() + ") required for parameter scan, which has exceeded our limit.\n\n" + "maximum number of parameter sets is: " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_SCAN_JOBS + " \n" + "suggested limit for number of parameter sets is: " + Simulation.WARNING_SCAN_JOBS + " \n" + "Try choosing fewer parameters or reducing the size of scan for each parameter.";
// not used for multiple stochastic run
if (simulation.getMathDescription().isNonSpatialStoch() && solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt() != null && solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt().getNumOfTrials() > 1) {
errorMessage = null;
} else if (solverDescription.equals(SolverDescription.SundialsPDE)) {
if (solverTaskDescription.getOutputTimeSpec().isDefault()) {
DefaultOutputTimeSpec dot = (DefaultOutputTimeSpec) solverTaskDescription.getOutputTimeSpec();
int maxNumberOfSteps = dot.getKeepEvery() * dot.getKeepAtMost();
double maximumTimeStep = solverTaskDescription.getTimeStep().getMaximumTimeStep();
double maxSimTime = maxNumberOfSteps * maximumTimeStep;
double endingTime = solverTaskDescription.getTimeBounds().getEndingTime();
if (maxSimTime < endingTime) {
errorMessage = "Errors in Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The maximum possible simulation time (keepEvery * maxTimestep * keepAtMost = " + maxSimTime + ") is less than simulation end time (" + endingTime + ").\n\n" + "You have chosen a variable time step solver and specified a maximum number of time steps of " + maxNumberOfSteps + " (keepEvery*keepAtMost). " + "Actual time steps are often small, but even if all steps were at the maximum time step of " + maximumTimeStep + ", the simulation end time of " + endingTime + " would not be reached. \n\n" + "Either adjust the parameters or choose the \"Output Interval\" option.";
} else if (simulation.getMathDescription().isNonSpatialStoch() && !(solverDescription.isNonSpatialStochasticSolver())) {
// to guarantee stochastic model uses stochastic methods and deterministic model uses ODE/PDE methods.
errorMessage = "Errors in Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "Stochastic simulation(s) must use stochastic solver(s).\n" + solverDescription.getDisplayLabel() + " is not a stochastic solver!";
} else if (!simulation.getMathDescription().isNonSpatialStoch() && (solverDescription.isNonSpatialStochasticSolver())) {
errorMessage = "Errors in Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "ODE/PDE simulation(s) must use ODE/PDE solver(s).\n" + solverDescription.getDisplayLabel() + " is not a ODE/PDE solver!";
} else if (simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getSolverDescription().isChomboSolver()) {
MeshSpecification meshSpecification = simulation.getMeshSpecification();
boolean bCellCentered = simulation.hasCellCenteredMesh();
if (meshSpecification != null && !meshSpecification.isAspectRatioOK(1e-4, bCellCentered)) {
errorMessage = "Non uniform spatial step is detected. This will affect the accuracy of the solution.\n\n" + "\u0394x=" + meshSpecification.getDx(bCellCentered) + "\n" + "\u0394y=" + meshSpecification.getDy(bCellCentered) + (meshSpecification.getGeometry().getDimension() < 3 ? "" : "\n\u0394z=" + meshSpecification.getDz(bCellCentered));
} else {
errorMessage = null;
if (errorMessage != null) {
DialogUtils.showErrorDialog(parent, errorMessage);
return false;
} else if (simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getSolverDescription().isChomboSolver()) {
Geometry geometry = simulation.getMathDescription().getGeometry();
ChomboMeshValidator meshValidator = new ChomboMeshValidator(geometry, simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getChomboSolverSpec());
ChomboMeshRecommendation chomboMeshRecommendation = meshValidator.computeMeshSpecs();
boolean bValid = chomboMeshRecommendation.validate();
if (!bValid) {
String option = DialogUtils.showWarningDialog(parent, "Error", chomboMeshRecommendation.getErrorMessage(), chomboMeshRecommendation.getDialogOptions(), ChomboMeshRecommendation.optionClose);
if (ChomboMeshRecommendation.optionSuggestions.equals(option)) {
DialogUtils.showInfoDialog(parent, ChomboMeshRecommendation.optionSuggestions, chomboMeshRecommendation.getMeshSuggestions());
return bValid;
} else {
String warningMessage = null;
// don't check warning message for stochastic multiple trials, let it run.
if (simulation.getMathDescription().isNonSpatialStoch() && simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getStochOpt() != null && simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getStochOpt().getNumOfTrials() > 1) {
return true;
if (expectedNumTimePoints > warningTimepoints) {
warningMessage = "Warnings from Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The simulation has large number of saving timepoints (" + expectedNumTimePoints + "), suggested saving timepoints limits are:\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_NON_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS + " for compartmental simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS + " for spatial simulations\n" + "Try saving fewer timepoints";
} else if (expectedSizeBytes > warningSizeBytes) {
warningMessage = "Warnings from Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The simulation has large result dataset (" + (expectedSizeBytes / 1000000L) + "MB), suggested size limits are:\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_0DE_MEGABYTES + " MB for compartmental ODE simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_PDE_MEGABYTES + " MB for spatial simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_STOCH_MEGABYTES + " MB for compartmental stochastic simulations\n" + "Try saving fewer timepoints or using a coarser mesh if spatial.";
} else if (simulation.getScanCount() > Simulation.WARNING_SCAN_JOBS) {
warningMessage = "Warnings from Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The simulation generates a large number of simulations (" + simulation.getScanCount() + ") required for parameter scan.\n" + "maximum number of parameter sets is: " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_SCAN_JOBS + " \n" + "suggested limit for the number of parameter sets is: " + Simulation.WARNING_SCAN_JOBS + " \n" + "Try choosing fewer parameters or reducing the size of scan for each parameter.";
if (solverDescription.equals(SolverDescription.SundialsPDE)) {
if (solverTaskDescription.getErrorTolerance().getRelativeErrorTolerance() > 1e-4) {
String msg = "Warnings from Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "Warning: it is not reccomended to use a relative tolerance that is greater than \n1e-4 for " + solverDescription.getDisplayLabel() + ".";
warningMessage = warningMessage == null ? msg : warningMessage + "\n\n" + msg;
} else if (solverDescription.isSemiImplicitPdeSolver()) {
if (solverTaskDescription.getErrorTolerance().getRelativeErrorTolerance() > 1e-8) {
String msg = "Warnings from Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "Warning: it is not reccomended to use a relative tolerance that is greater than \n1e-8 for " + solverDescription.getDisplayLabel() + ".";
warningMessage = warningMessage == null ? msg : warningMessage + "\n\n" + msg;
MeshSpecification meshSpecification = simulation.getMeshSpecification();
boolean bCellCentered = simulation.hasCellCenteredMesh();
if (meshSpecification != null && !meshSpecification.isAspectRatioOK(bCellCentered)) {
warningMessage = (warningMessage == null ? "" : warningMessage + "\n\n") + "Non uniform spatial step is detected. This might affect the accuracy of the solution.\n\n" + "\u0394x=" + meshSpecification.getDx(bCellCentered) + "\n" + "\u0394y=" + meshSpecification.getDy(bCellCentered) + (meshSpecification.getGeometry().getDimension() < 3 ? "" : "\n\u0394z=" + meshSpecification.getDz(bCellCentered));
if (warningMessage != null) {
String result = DialogUtils.showWarningDialog(parent, warningMessage + "\n\nDo you want to continue anyway?", new String[] { UserMessage.OPTION_OK, UserMessage.OPTION_CANCEL }, UserMessage.OPTION_OK);
return (result != null && result.equals(UserMessage.OPTION_OK));
} else {
return true;
use of cbit.vcell.solver.MeshSpecification in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SimulationSummaryPanel method setSimulation.
* Sets the simulation property (cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation) value.
* @param newValue The new value for the property.
* @see #getSimulation
public void setSimulation(Simulation newValue) {
Simulation oldValue = fieldSimulation;
if (oldValue != null) {
MeshSpecification meshSpecification = oldValue.getMeshSpecification();
if (meshSpecification != null) {
fieldSimulation = newValue;
if (newValue != null) {
// also set up a listener that will refresh when simulation is edited in place
MeshSpecification meshSpecification = newValue.getMeshSpecification();
if (meshSpecification != null) {