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Example 1 with Iom_jObject

use of ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject in project ili2db by claeis.

the class Fgdb2iox method readGeometry.

private IomObject readGeometry() throws IOException, ParseException, IoxException {
    int typeInt = dis.readInt();
    int geometryType = typeInt & EsriShpConstants.shapeBasicTypeMask;
    if (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeNull) {
        return null;
    // determine if Z values are present
    hasZ = geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePointZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePointZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPointZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPointZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolylineZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolylineZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygonZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygonZ || (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPoint || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolyline || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolygon || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralMultiPoint || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralMultiPatch) && ((typeInt & EsriShpConstants.shapeHasZs) != 0);
    boolean hasM = geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePointZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePointM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPointZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPointM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolylineZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolylineM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygonZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygonM || (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPoint || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolyline || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolygon || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralMultiPoint || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralMultiPatch) && ((typeInt & EsriShpConstants.shapeHasMs) != 0);
    boolean hasCurves = (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolyline || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolygon) && (typeInt & EsriShpConstants.shapeNonBasicModifierMask) != 0 || (typeInt & EsriShpConstants.shapeHasCurves) != 0;
    inputDimension = hasZ ? 3 : 2;
    // only allocate ordValues buffer if necessary
    if (ordValues == null || ordValues.length < inputDimension)
        ordValues = new double[inputDimension];
    if (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePoint || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePointZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePointZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPoint) {
        double x = dis.readDouble();
        double y = dis.readDouble();
        IomObject ret = new ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject("COORD", null);
        ret.setattrvalue("C1", Double.toString(x));
        ret.setattrvalue("C2", Double.toString(y));
        if (hasZ) {
            double z = dis.readDouble();
            ret.setattrvalue("C3", Double.toString(z));
        return ret;
    if (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralMultiPatch) {
        throw new IoxException("unexpected geometryType " + geometryType);
    // boundingBox
    double min_x = dis.readDouble();
    double min_y = dis.readDouble();
    double max_x = dis.readDouble();
    double max_y = dis.readDouble();
    // cParts
    int cParts = 0;
    int[] partStart = null;
    if (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPoint || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPointZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPointZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralMultiPoint) {
    } else {
        cParts = dis.readInt();
        partStart = new int[cParts];
    // cPoints
    int cPoints = dis.readInt();
    // parts[cParts]
    if (cParts > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < cParts; i++) {
            partStart[i] = dis.readInt();
    // points[cPoints]
    Coordinate[] points = new Coordinate[cPoints];
    for (int i = 0; i < cPoints; i++) {
        points[i] = new Coordinate();
        points[i].x = dis.readDouble();
        points[i].y = dis.readDouble();
    if (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPoint || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPointZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPointZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralMultiPoint) {
        throw new IoxException("unexpected geometryType " + geometryType);
    } else if (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolyline || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolylineZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolylineZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolyline) {
    } else if (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygon || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygonZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygonZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolygon) {
    } else {
        throw new IoxException("unexpected geometryType " + geometryType);
    if (hasZ) {
        double min_z = dis.readDouble();
        double max_z = dis.readDouble();
        // Zs[cPoints]
        for (int i = 0; i < cPoints; i++) {
            points[i].z = dis.readDouble();
    if (hasM) {
        double min_m = dis.readDouble();
        double max_m = dis.readDouble();
        // Ms[cPoints]
        for (int i = 0; i < cPoints; i++) {
            // ignore
    java.util.Map<Integer, Arc> arcs = null;
    if (hasCurves) {
        int cSegmentModifiers = dis.readInt();
        arcs = new java.util.HashMap<Integer, Arc>();
        for (int i = 0; i < cSegmentModifiers; i++) {
            int startPointIndex = dis.readInt();
            int segmentType = dis.readInt();
            if (segmentType == EsriShpConstants.segmentArc) {
                double v1 = dis.readDouble();
                double v2 = dis.readDouble();
                int bits = dis.readInt();
                // int skip1=dis.readInt();
                if ((bits & EsriShpConstants.arcIsEmpty) != 0) {
                // skip it
                } else if ((bits & EsriShpConstants.arcIsLine) != 0) {
                // straight line, skip it
                } else if ((bits & EsriShpConstants.arcIsPoint) != 0) {
                    throw new IoxException("not supported SegmentArc.Bits " + bits);
                } else if ((bits & EsriShpConstants.arcDefinedIP) != 0) {
                // throw new IoxException("not supported SegmentArc.Bits "+bits);
                } else {
                    if ((bits & EsriShpConstants.arcIsCCW) != 0) {
                    // counterclockwise
                    } else {
                    // clockwise
                // double skip1=dis.readDouble();
                // double skip2=dis.readDouble();
                // double skip3=dis.readDouble();
                arcs.put(startPointIndex, new Arc(startPointIndex, v1, v2, bits));
            } else if (segmentType == EsriShpConstants.segmentLine) {
            // will never appear; should be ignored
            } else if (segmentType == EsriShpConstants.segmentSpiral) {
            } else if (segmentType == EsriShpConstants.segmentBezier3Curve) {
                // two middle control points
                double skip1 = dis.readDouble();
                double skip2 = dis.readDouble();
                double skip3 = dis.readDouble();
                double skip4 = dis.readDouble();
            } else if (segmentType == EsriShpConstants.segmentEllipticArc) {
                // center
                double skip1 = dis.readDouble();
                double skip2 = dis.readDouble();
                // rotation or fromV
                double skip3 = dis.readDouble();
                // semiMajor
                double skip4 = dis.readDouble();
                // minorMajorRatio or deltaV
                double skip5 = dis.readDouble();
                // bits
                int skip6 = dis.readInt();
            } else if (segmentType == 0) {
            } else {
                throw new IoxException("unexpected segmentType " + segmentType);
            // EhiLogger.traceState(("unexpected segmentType "+segmentType));
            // continue;
    JtsextGeometryFactory fact = new JtsextGeometryFactory();
    if (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolyline || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolylineZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolylineZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolyline) {
        if (cParts == 1) {
            LineString line = getPolyline(fact, 0, points, partStart, arcs, false);
            IomObject ret;
            try {
                ret = Jtsext2iox.JTS2polyline(line);
            } catch (Iox2jtsException e) {
                throw new IoxException(e);
            return ret;
        IomObject ret = new Iom_jObject(Wkb2iox.OBJ_MULTIPOLYLINE, null);
        for (int i = 0; i < cParts; i++) {
            LineString line = getPolyline(fact, i, points, partStart, arcs, false);
            try {
                IomObject lineObj = Jtsext2iox.JTS2polyline(line);
                ret.addattrobj(Wkb2iox.ATTR_POLYLINE, lineObj);
            } catch (Iox2jtsException e) {
                throw new IoxException(e);
        return ret;
    } else if (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygon || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygonZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygonZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolygon) {
        if (cParts == 1) {
            LineString line = getPolyline(fact, 0, points, partStart, arcs, true);
            if (line.getCoordinateSequence().size() <= 3) {
                throw new IoxException("Not a Ring");
            Polygon polygon = fact.createCurvePolygon(fact.createRing(line));
            IomObject ret;
            try {
                ret = Jtsext2iox.JTS2surface(polygon);
            } catch (Iox2jtsException e) {
                throw new IoxException(e);
            return ret;
        ArrayList<LineString> shells = new ArrayList<LineString>();
        ArrayList<LineString> holes = new ArrayList<LineString>();
        for (int i = 0; i < cParts; i++) {
            LineString line = getPolyline(fact, i, points, partStart, arcs, true);
            if (line.getCoordinateSequence().size() <= 3) {
                throw new IoxException("Not a Ring");
            if (CGAlgorithms.isCCW(line.getCoordinates())) {
            } else {
        if (shells.size() == 0) {
            throw new IoxException("polygon without shell");
        } else if (shells.size() == 1) {
            LinearRing shell = fact.createRing(shells.get(0));
            Polygon polygon = null;
            if (holes.size() == 0) {
                polygon = fact.createPolygon(shell);
            } else {
                LinearRing[] hole = new LinearRing[holes.size()];
                int i = 0;
                for (LineString line : holes) {
                    hole[i] = fact.createRing(line);
                polygon = fact.createPolygon(shell, hole);
            IomObject ret = null;
            try {
                ret = Jtsext2iox.JTS2surface(polygon);
            } catch (Iox2jtsException e) {
                throw new IoxException(e);
            return ret;
        } else {
        // TODO  MultiSurface
        return null;
    } else {
        throw new IoxException("unexpected geometryType " + geometryType);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Iom_jObject(ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject) IomObject(ch.interlis.iom.IomObject) Coordinate(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate) LineString(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString) JtsextGeometryFactory(ch.interlis.iom_j.itf.impl.jtsext.geom.JtsextGeometryFactory) CurvePolygon(ch.interlis.iom_j.itf.impl.jtsext.geom.CurvePolygon) Polygon(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon) LinearRing(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing) IoxException(ch.interlis.iox.IoxException) Iox2jtsException(ch.interlis.iox_j.jts.Iox2jtsException)

Example 2 with Iom_jObject

use of ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject in project ili2db by claeis.

the class ToXtfRecordConverter method addAttrValue.

public int addAttrValue(java.sql.ResultSet rs, int valuei, long sqlid, Iom_jObject iomObj, AttributeDef attr, ArrayList<StructWrapper> structQueue, ViewableWrapper table, FixIomObjectRefs fixref) throws SQLException {
    if (attr.getExtending() == null) {
        String attrName = attr.getName();
        String sqlAttrName = ili2sqlName.mapIliAttributeDef(attr, table.getSqlTablename(), null);
        if (attr.isDomainBoolean()) {
            boolean value = rs.getBoolean(valuei);
            if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                if (value) {
                    iomObj.setattrvalue(attrName, "true");
                } else {
                    iomObj.setattrvalue(attrName, "false");
        } else if (attr.isDomainIli1Date()) {
            java.sql.Date value = rs.getDate(valuei);
            if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                java.text.SimpleDateFormat fmt = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
                GregorianCalendar date = new GregorianCalendar();
                iomObj.setattrvalue(attrName, fmt.format(value));
        } else if (attr.isDomainIli2Date()) {
            java.sql.Date value = rs.getDate(valuei);
            if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                java.text.SimpleDateFormat fmt = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
                GregorianCalendar date = new GregorianCalendar();
                iomObj.setattrvalue(attrName, fmt.format(value));
        } else if (attr.isDomainIli2Time()) {
            java.sql.Time value = rs.getTime(valuei);
            if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                java.text.SimpleDateFormat fmt = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS");
                iomObj.setattrvalue(attrName, fmt.format(value));
        } else if (attr.isDomainIli2DateTime()) {
            java.sql.Timestamp value = rs.getTimestamp(valuei);
            if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                // with timezone: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
                java.text.SimpleDateFormat fmt = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS");
                GregorianCalendar date = new GregorianCalendar();
                iomObj.setattrvalue(attrName, fmt.format(value));
        } else {
            Type type = attr.getDomainResolvingAliases();
            if (type instanceof CompositionType) {
                if (TrafoConfigNames.CATALOGUE_REF_TRAFO_COALESCE.equals(trafoConfig.getAttrConfig(attr, TrafoConfigNames.CATALOGUE_REF_TRAFO))) {
                    Table catalogueReferenceTyp = ((CompositionType) type).getComponentType();
                    long value = rs.getLong(valuei);
                    if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                        IomObject catref = iomObj.addattrobj(attrName, catalogueReferenceTyp.getScopedName(null));
                        IomObject ref = catref.addattrobj(IliNames.CHBASE1_CATALOGUEREFERENCE_REFERENCE, "REF");
                        mapSqlid2Xtfid(fixref, value, ref, ((ReferenceType) ((AttributeDef) catalogueReferenceTyp.getAttributes().next()).getDomain()).getReferred());
                } else if (TrafoConfigNames.MULTISURFACE_TRAFO_COALESCE.equals(trafoConfig.getAttrConfig(attr, TrafoConfigNames.MULTISURFACE_TRAFO))) {
                    MultiSurfaceMapping attrMapping = multiSurfaceAttrs.getMapping(attr);
                    Table multiSurfaceType = ((CompositionType) type).getComponentType();
                    Table surfaceStructureType = ((CompositionType) ((AttributeDef) multiSurfaceType.getElement(AttributeDef.class, attrMapping.getBagOfSurfacesAttrName())).getDomain()).getComponentType();
                    String multiSurfaceQname = multiSurfaceType.getScopedName(null);
                    String surfaceStructureQname = surfaceStructureType.getScopedName(null);
                    SurfaceType surface = ((SurfaceType) ((AttributeDef) surfaceStructureType.getElement(AttributeDef.class, attrMapping.getSurfaceAttrName())).getDomainResolvingAliases());
                    CoordType coord = (CoordType) surface.getControlPointDomain().getType();
                    boolean is3D = coord.getDimensions().length == 3;
                    Object geomobj = rs.getObject(valuei);
                    if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                        try {
                            IomObject iomMultiSurface = geomConv.toIomMultiSurface(geomobj, sqlAttrName, is3D);
                            IomObject iomChbaseMultiSurface = new Iom_jObject(multiSurfaceQname, null);
                            int surfacec = iomMultiSurface.getattrvaluecount("surface");
                            for (int surfacei = 0; surfacei < surfacec; surfacei++) {
                                IomObject iomSurface = iomMultiSurface.getattrobj("surface", surfacei);
                                IomObject iomChbaseSurfaceStructure = iomChbaseMultiSurface.addattrobj(attrMapping.getBagOfSurfacesAttrName(), surfaceStructureQname);
                                IomObject iomSurfaceClone = new ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject("MULTISURFACE", null);
                                iomSurfaceClone.addattrobj("surface", iomSurface);
                                iomChbaseSurfaceStructure.addattrobj(attrMapping.getSurfaceAttrName(), iomSurfaceClone);
                            iomObj.addattrobj(attrName, iomChbaseMultiSurface);
                        } catch (ConverterException ex) {
                            EhiLogger.logError("Object " + sqlid + ": failed to convert surface/area", ex);
                } else if (TrafoConfigNames.MULTILINE_TRAFO_COALESCE.equals(trafoConfig.getAttrConfig(attr, TrafoConfigNames.MULTILINE_TRAFO))) {
                    MultiLineMapping attrMapping = multiLineAttrs.getMapping(attr);
                    Table multiLineType = ((CompositionType) type).getComponentType();
                    Table lineStructureType = ((CompositionType) ((AttributeDef) multiLineType.getElement(AttributeDef.class, attrMapping.getBagOfLinesAttrName())).getDomain()).getComponentType();
                    String multiLineQname = multiLineType.getScopedName(null);
                    String lineStructureQname = lineStructureType.getScopedName(null);
                    PolylineType surface = ((PolylineType) ((AttributeDef) lineStructureType.getElement(AttributeDef.class, attrMapping.getLineAttrName())).getDomainResolvingAliases());
                    CoordType coord = (CoordType) surface.getControlPointDomain().getType();
                    boolean is3D = coord.getDimensions().length == 3;
                    Object geomobj = rs.getObject(valuei);
                    if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                        try {
                            IomObject iomMultiPolygon = geomConv.toIomMultiPolyline(geomobj, sqlAttrName, is3D);
                            IomObject iomChbaseMultiLine = new Iom_jObject(multiLineQname, null);
                            int linec = iomMultiPolygon.getattrvaluecount(Wkb2iox.ATTR_POLYLINE);
                            for (int linei = 0; linei < linec; linei++) {
                                IomObject iomPolygon = iomMultiPolygon.getattrobj(Wkb2iox.ATTR_POLYLINE, linei);
                                IomObject iomChbaseSurfaceStructure = iomChbaseMultiLine.addattrobj(attrMapping.getBagOfLinesAttrName(), lineStructureQname);
                                iomChbaseSurfaceStructure.addattrobj(attrMapping.getLineAttrName(), iomPolygon);
                            iomObj.addattrobj(attrName, iomChbaseMultiLine);
                        } catch (ConverterException ex) {
                            EhiLogger.logError("Object " + sqlid + ": failed to convert polyline", ex);
                } else if (TrafoConfigNames.MULTIPOINT_TRAFO_COALESCE.equals(trafoConfig.getAttrConfig(attr, TrafoConfigNames.MULTIPOINT_TRAFO))) {
                    MultiPointMapping attrMapping = multiPointAttrs.getMapping(attr);
                    Table multiPointType = ((CompositionType) type).getComponentType();
                    Table pointStructureType = ((CompositionType) ((AttributeDef) multiPointType.getElement(AttributeDef.class, attrMapping.getBagOfPointsAttrName())).getDomain()).getComponentType();
                    String multiPointQname = multiPointType.getScopedName(null);
                    String pointStructureQname = pointStructureType.getScopedName(null);
                    CoordType coord = ((CoordType) ((AttributeDef) pointStructureType.getElement(AttributeDef.class, attrMapping.getPointAttrName())).getDomainResolvingAliases());
                    boolean is3D = coord.getDimensions().length == 3;
                    Object geomobj = rs.getObject(valuei);
                    if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                        try {
                            IomObject iomMultiPoint = geomConv.toIomMultiCoord(geomobj, sqlAttrName, is3D);
                            IomObject iomChbaseMultiPoint = new Iom_jObject(multiPointQname, null);
                            int pointc = iomMultiPoint.getattrvaluecount(Wkb2iox.ATTR_COORD);
                            for (int pointi = 0; pointi < pointc; pointi++) {
                                IomObject iomPoint = iomMultiPoint.getattrobj(Wkb2iox.ATTR_COORD, pointi);
                                IomObject iomChbasePointStructure = iomChbaseMultiPoint.addattrobj(attrMapping.getBagOfPointsAttrName(), pointStructureQname);
                                iomChbasePointStructure.addattrobj(attrMapping.getPointAttrName(), iomPoint);
                            iomObj.addattrobj(attrName, iomChbaseMultiPoint);
                        } catch (ConverterException ex) {
                            EhiLogger.logError("Object " + sqlid + ": failed to convert coord", ex);
                } else if (TrafoConfigNames.ARRAY_TRAFO_COALESCE.equals(trafoConfig.getAttrConfig(attr, TrafoConfigNames.ARRAY_TRAFO))) {
                    ArrayMapping attrMapping = arrayAttrs.getMapping(attr);
                    Object dbValue = rs.getObject(valuei);
                    if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                        try {
                            Table valueStructType = ((CompositionType) type).getComponentType();
                            String valueStructQname = valueStructType.getScopedName(null);
                            String[] iomArray = geomConv.toIomArray(attrMapping.getValueAttr(), dbValue, enumTypes);
                            for (int elei = 0; elei < iomArray.length; elei++) {
                                IomObject iomValueStruct = new Iom_jObject(valueStructQname, null);
                                iomValueStruct.setattrvalue(attrMapping.getValueAttr().getName(), iomArray[elei]);
                                iomObj.addattrobj(attrName, iomValueStruct);
                        } catch (ConverterException ex) {
                            EhiLogger.logError("Object " + sqlid + ": failed to convert array", ex);
                } else if (TrafoConfigNames.MULTILINGUAL_TRAFO_EXPAND.equals(trafoConfig.getAttrConfig(attr, TrafoConfigNames.MULTILINGUAL_TRAFO))) {
                    IomObject iomMulti = null;
                    Table multilingualTextType = ((CompositionType) type).getComponentType();
                    String multilingualTextQname = multilingualTextType.getScopedName(null);
                    String localizedTextQname = ((CompositionType) ((AttributeDef) multilingualTextType.getAttributes().next()).getDomain()).getComponentType().getScopedName(null);
                    for (String sfx : DbNames.MULTILINGUAL_TXT_COL_SUFFIXS) {
                        String value = rs.getString(valuei);
                        if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                            if (iomMulti == null) {
                                iomMulti = new Iom_jObject(multilingualTextQname, null);
                            IomObject iomTxt = iomMulti.addattrobj(IliNames.CHBASE1_LOCALISEDTEXT, localizedTextQname);
                            iomTxt.setattrvalue(IliNames.CHBASE1_LOCALISEDTEXT_LANGUAGE, sfx.length() == 0 ? null : sfx.substring(LEN_LANG_PREFIX));
                            iomTxt.setattrvalue(IliNames.CHBASE1_LOCALISEDTEXT_TEXT, value);
                    if (iomMulti != null) {
                        iomObj.addattrobj(attrName, iomMulti);
                } else {
                    // enque iomObj as parent
                    structQueue.add(new StructWrapper(sqlid, attr, iomObj, table));
            } else if (type instanceof PolylineType) {
                Object geomobj = rs.getObject(valuei);
                if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                    try {
                        boolean is3D = ((CoordType) ((PolylineType) type).getControlPointDomain().getType()).getDimensions().length == 3;
                        IomObject polyline = geomConv.toIomPolyline(geomobj, sqlAttrName, is3D);
                        iomObj.addattrobj(attrName, polyline);
                    } catch (ConverterException ex) {
                        EhiLogger.logError("Object " + sqlid + ": failed to convert polyline", ex);
            } else if (type instanceof SurfaceOrAreaType) {
                if (createItfLineTables) {
                } else {
                    Object geomobj = rs.getObject(valuei);
                    if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                        try {
                            boolean is3D = ((CoordType) ((SurfaceOrAreaType) type).getControlPointDomain().getType()).getDimensions().length == 3;
                            IomObject surface = geomConv.toIomSurface(geomobj, sqlAttrName, is3D);
                            iomObj.addattrobj(attrName, surface);
                        } catch (ConverterException ex) {
                            EhiLogger.logError("Object " + sqlid + ": failed to convert surface/area", ex);
                if (createItfAreaRef) {
                    if (type instanceof AreaType) {
                        Object geomobj = rs.getObject(valuei);
                        if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                            try {
                                boolean is3D = false;
                                IomObject coord = geomConv.toIomCoord(geomobj, sqlAttrName, is3D);
                                iomObj.addattrobj(attrName, coord);
                            } catch (ConverterException ex) {
                                EhiLogger.logError("Object " + sqlid + ": failed to convert coord", ex);
            } else if (type instanceof CoordType) {
                Object geomobj = rs.getObject(valuei);
                if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                    try {
                        boolean is3D = ((CoordType) type).getDimensions().length == 3;
                        IomObject coord = geomConv.toIomCoord(geomobj, sqlAttrName, is3D);
                        iomObj.addattrobj(attrName, coord);
                    } catch (ConverterException ex) {
                        EhiLogger.logError("Object " + sqlid + ": failed to convert coord", ex);
            } else if (type instanceof EnumerationType) {
                if (createEnumColAsItfCode) {
                    int value = rs.getInt(valuei);
                    if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                        iomObj.setattrvalue(attrName, mapItfCode2XtfCode((EnumerationType) type, value));
                } else {
                    String value = rs.getString(valuei);
                    if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                        iomObj.setattrvalue(attrName, value);
            } else if (type instanceof ReferenceType) {
                ArrayList<ViewableWrapper> targetTables = getTargetTables(((ReferenceType) type).getReferred());
                boolean refAlreadyDefined = false;
                for (ViewableWrapper targetTable : targetTables) {
                    long value = rs.getLong(valuei);
                    if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                        if (refAlreadyDefined) {
                            sqlAttrName = ili2sqlName.mapIliAttributeDef(attr, table.getSqlTablename(), targetTable.getSqlTablename(), targetTables.size() > 1);
                            EhiLogger.logAdaption("Table " + table.getSqlTablename() + "(id " + sqlid + ") more than one value for refattr " + attrName + "; value of " + sqlAttrName + " ignored");
                        } else {
                            IomObject ref = iomObj.addattrobj(attrName, "REF");
                            mapSqlid2Xtfid(fixref, value, ref, ((ReferenceType) type).getReferred());
                            refAlreadyDefined = true;
            } else if (type instanceof BlackboxType) {
                if (((BlackboxType) type).getKind() == BlackboxType.eXML) {
                    Object obj = rs.getObject(valuei);
                    if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                        try {
                            iomObj.setattrvalue(attrName, geomConv.toIomXml(obj));
                        } catch (ConverterException ex) {
                            EhiLogger.logError("Object " + sqlid + ": failed to convert blackbox xml", ex);
                } else {
                    Object obj = rs.getObject(valuei);
                    if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                        try {
                            iomObj.setattrvalue(attrName, geomConv.toIomBlob(obj));
                        } catch (ConverterException ex) {
                            EhiLogger.logError("Object " + sqlid + ": failed to convert blackbox binary", ex);
            } else {
                String value = rs.getString(valuei);
                if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                    iomObj.setattrvalue(attrName, value);
    return valuei;
Also used : ConverterException(ch.ehi.ili2db.converter.ConverterException) SurfaceOrAreaType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.SurfaceOrAreaType) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ViewableWrapper(ch.ehi.ili2db.mapping.ViewableWrapper) CompositionType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.CompositionType) AreaType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.AreaType) SurfaceOrAreaType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.SurfaceOrAreaType) Iom_jObject(ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject) ReferenceType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.ReferenceType) IomObject(ch.interlis.iom.IomObject) AttributeDef(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.AttributeDef) PolylineType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.PolylineType) Table(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.Table) Iom_jObject(ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject) MultiPointMapping(ch.ehi.ili2db.mapping.MultiPointMapping) BlackboxType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.BlackboxType) GregorianCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar) EnumerationType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.EnumerationType) SurfaceType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.SurfaceType) MultiSurfaceMapping(ch.ehi.ili2db.mapping.MultiSurfaceMapping) SurfaceType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.SurfaceType) CompositionType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.CompositionType) PolylineType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.PolylineType) Type(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.Type) EnumerationType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.EnumerationType) BlackboxType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.BlackboxType) AreaType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.AreaType) ReferenceType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.ReferenceType) SurfaceOrAreaType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.SurfaceOrAreaType) ObjectType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.ObjectType) CoordType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.CoordType) ArrayMapping(ch.ehi.ili2db.mapping.ArrayMapping) Iom_jObject(ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject) IomObject(ch.interlis.iom.IomObject) MultiLineMapping(ch.ehi.ili2db.mapping.MultiLineMapping) CoordType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.CoordType)

Example 3 with Iom_jObject

use of ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject in project ili2db by claeis.

the class OracleColumnConverter method toIomPolyline.

public IomObject toIomPolyline(Object geomobj, String sqlAttrName, boolean is3D) throws java.sql.SQLException, ConverterException {
    JGeometry geometry = JGeometry.load((oracle.sql.STRUCT) geomobj);
    if (geometry.getType() != JGeometry.GTYPE_MULTICURVE) {
        throw new ConverterException("unexpected GTYPE (" + OracleUtility.gtype2str(geometry.getType()) + ") in attribute " + sqlAttrName);
    } else {
        int dim = geometry.getDimensions();
        boolean isCurrentValue3D = (dim == 3);
        if (is3D != isCurrentValue3D) {
            throw new ConverterException("unexpected dimension (" + Integer.toString(dim) + ") in attribute " + sqlAttrName);
        } else {
            int[] elev = geometry.getElemInfo();
            double[] ordv = geometry.getOrdinatesArray();
            final int SDO_STARTING_OFFSET = 0;
            final int SDO_ETYPE = 1;
            final int SDO_INTERPRETATION = 2;
            final int NEXT_TRIPLET = 3;
            final int COMPOUND_LINESTRING = 4;
            final int LINESTRING = 2;
            final int STRAIGHT = 1;
            final int ARC = 2;
            int elei = 0;
            if (elev[elei + SDO_ETYPE] != COMPOUND_LINESTRING) {
                throw new ConverterException("unexpected SDO_ETYPE (" + Integer.toString(elev[elei + SDO_ETYPE]) + ") in attribute " + sqlAttrName);
            } else {
                elei += NEXT_TRIPLET;
                IomObject polylineValue = new Iom_jObject("POLYLINE", null);
                // unclipped polyline, add one sequence
                IomObject sequence = polylineValue.addattrobj("sequence", "SEGMENTS");
                while (elei < elev.length) {
                    if (elev[elei + SDO_ETYPE] != LINESTRING) {
                        throw new ConverterException("unexpected SDO_ETYPE (" + Integer.toString(elev[elei + SDO_ETYPE]) + ") in attribute " + sqlAttrName);
                    } else {
                        if (elev[elei + SDO_INTERPRETATION] == STRAIGHT) {
                            int start = elev[elei + SDO_STARTING_OFFSET] - 1;
                            int end;
                            if (elei + NEXT_TRIPLET >= elev.length) {
                                end = ordv.length;
                            } else {
                                end = elev[elei + NEXT_TRIPLET + SDO_STARTING_OFFSET] - 1;
                            for (int i = start; i < end; ) {
                                // add control point
                                IomObject coordValue = sequence.addattrobj("segment", "COORD");
                                coordValue.setattrvalue("C1", Double.toString(ordv[i]));
                                coordValue.setattrvalue("C2", Double.toString(ordv[i + 1]));
                                if (isCurrentValue3D) {
                                    coordValue.setattrvalue("C3", Double.toString(ordv[i + 2]));
                                    i += 3;
                                } else {
                                    i += 2;
                        } else if (elev[elei + SDO_INTERPRETATION] == ARC) {
                            int start = elev[elei + SDO_STARTING_OFFSET] - 1;
                            int end;
                            if (elei + NEXT_TRIPLET >= elev.length) {
                                end = ordv.length;
                            } else {
                                end = elev[elei + NEXT_TRIPLET + SDO_STARTING_OFFSET] - 1;
                            for (int i = start; i < end; ) {
                                // add control point
                                IomObject coordValue = sequence.addattrobj("segment", "ARC");
                                coordValue.setattrvalue("A1", Double.toString(ordv[i]));
                                coordValue.setattrvalue("A2", Double.toString(ordv[i + 1]));
                                if (isCurrentValue3D) {
                                    // no A3 in XTF!
                                    i += 3;
                                } else {
                                    i += 2;
                                coordValue.setattrvalue("C1", Double.toString(ordv[i]));
                                coordValue.setattrvalue("C2", Double.toString(ordv[i + 1]));
                                if (isCurrentValue3D) {
                                    coordValue.setattrvalue("C3", Double.toString(ordv[i + 2]));
                                    i += 3;
                                } else {
                                    i += 2;
                        } else {
                            throw new ConverterException("unexpected SDO_INTERPRETATION (" + Integer.toString(elev[elei + SDO_INTERPRETATION]) + ") in attribute " + sqlAttrName);
                    elei += NEXT_TRIPLET;
                return polylineValue;
Also used : ConverterException(ch.ehi.ili2db.converter.ConverterException) IomObject(ch.interlis.iom.IomObject) JGeometry(oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry) Iom_jObject(ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject)

Example 4 with Iom_jObject

use of ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject in project ili2db by claeis.

the class TransferToXtf method dumpObjHelper.

 * helper to dump all objects/structvalues of a given class/structure.
private void dumpObjHelper(IoxWriter out, Viewable aclass, Long basketSqlId, FixIomObjectRefs fixref, StructWrapper structWrapper, HashMap<String, IomObject> structelev) {
    String stmt = recConv.createQueryStmt(aclass, basketSqlId, structWrapper);
    java.sql.PreparedStatement dbstmt = null;
    try {
        dbstmt = conn.prepareStatement(stmt);
        recConv.setStmtParams(dbstmt, basketSqlId, fixref, structWrapper);
        java.sql.ResultSet rs = dbstmt.executeQuery();
        while ( {
            // list of not yet processed struct attrs
            ArrayList<StructWrapper> structQueue = new ArrayList<StructWrapper>();
            long sqlid = recConv.getT_ID(rs);
            Iom_jObject iomObj = null;
            if (structWrapper == null) {
                fixref = new FixIomObjectRefs();
            iomObj = recConv.convertRecord(rs, aclass, fixref, structWrapper, structelev, structQueue, sqlid);
            updateObjStat(iomObj.getobjecttag(), sqlid);
            // collect structvalues
            while (!structQueue.isEmpty()) {
                StructWrapper wrapper = (StructWrapper) structQueue.remove(0);
                dumpStructs(wrapper, fixref);
            if (structWrapper == null) {
                if (!fixref.needsFixing() || out instanceof ItfWriter) {
                    // no forward references
                    // write object
                    ObjectEvent objEvent = new ObjectEvent(iomObj);
                    if (languageFilter != null) {
                        objEvent = (ObjectEvent) languageFilter.filter(objEvent);
                    if (exportBaseModelFilter != null) {
                        objEvent = (ObjectEvent) exportBaseModelFilter.filter(objEvent);
                    if (objEvent != null) {
                        if (validator != null)
                        if (out != null) {
                } else {
    // while rs
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException ex) {
        EhiLogger.logError("failed to query " + aclass.getScopedName(null), ex);
    } catch (ch.interlis.iox.IoxException ex) {
        EhiLogger.logError("failed to write " + aclass.getScopedName(null), ex);
    } finally {
        if (dbstmt != null) {
            try {
            } catch (java.sql.SQLException ex) {
                EhiLogger.logError("failed to close query of " + aclass.getScopedName(null), ex);
Also used : ObjectEvent(ch.interlis.iox_j.ObjectEvent) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Iom_jObject(ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject) IoxException(ch.interlis.iox.IoxException) ItfWriter(ch.interlis.iom_j.itf.ItfWriter)

Example 5 with Iom_jObject

use of ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject in project ili2db by claeis.

the class TransferToXtf method dumpItfTableObject.

private void dumpItfTableObject(IoxWriter out, AttributeDef attr, Long basketSqlId) {
    String stmt = createItfLineTableQueryStmt(attr, basketSqlId, geomConv);
    String sqlTabName = ili2sqlName.mapGeometryAsTable(attr);
    SurfaceOrAreaType type = (SurfaceOrAreaType) attr.getDomainResolvingAliases();
    String geomAttrName = ch.interlis.iom_j.itf.ModelUtilities.getHelperTableGeomAttrName(attr);
    String refAttrName = null;
    if (type instanceof SurfaceType) {
        refAttrName = ch.interlis.iom_j.itf.ModelUtilities.getHelperTableMainTableRef(attr);
    java.sql.PreparedStatement dbstmt = null;
    try {
        dbstmt = conn.prepareStatement(stmt);
        int paramIdx = 1;
        if (basketSqlId != null) {
            dbstmt.setLong(paramIdx++, basketSqlId);
        java.sql.ResultSet rs = dbstmt.executeQuery();
        while ( {
            int valuei = 1;
            long sqlid = rs.getLong(valuei);
            String sqlIliTid = null;
            if (writeIliTid) {
                sqlIliTid = rs.getString(valuei);
            } else {
                sqlIliTid = Long.toString(sqlid);
            Viewable aclass = (Viewable) attr.getContainer();
            Iom_jObject iomObj;
            iomObj = new Iom_jObject(aclass.getScopedName(null) + "_" + attr.getName(), sqlIliTid);
            // geomAttr
            Object geomobj = rs.getObject(valuei);
            if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                try {
                    boolean is3D = false;
                    IomObject polyline = geomConv.toIomPolyline(geomobj, ili2sqlName.getSqlColNameItfLineTableGeomAttr(attr, sqlTabName), is3D);
                    iomObj.addattrobj(geomAttrName, polyline);
                } catch (ConverterException ex) {
                    EhiLogger.logError("Object " + sqlid + ": failed to convert polyline", ex);
            // is of type SURFACE?
            if (type instanceof SurfaceType) {
                // -> mainTable
                IomObject ref = iomObj.addattrobj(refAttrName, "REF");
                long refSqlId = rs.getLong(valuei);
                if (sqlidPool.containsSqlid(refSqlId)) {
                    String refTid = sqlidPool.getXtfid(refSqlId);
                } else {
                    EhiLogger.logError("unknown referenced object " + attr.getContainer().getScopedName(null) + " sqlid " + refSqlId + " referenced from " + sqlTabName + " " + colT_ID + " " + sqlid);
            Table lineAttrTable = type.getLineAttributeStructure();
            if (lineAttrTable != null) {
                Iterator attri = lineAttrTable.getAttributes();
                while (attri.hasNext()) {
                    AttributeDef lineattr = (AttributeDef);
                    valuei = recConv.addAttrValue(rs, valuei, sqlid, iomObj, lineattr, null, class2wrapper.get(lineAttrTable), null);
            if (out != null) {
                // write object
                ObjectEvent objEvent = new ObjectEvent(iomObj);
                if (languageFilter != null) {
                    objEvent = (ObjectEvent) languageFilter.filter(objEvent);
                if (exportBaseModelFilter != null) {
                    objEvent = (ObjectEvent) exportBaseModelFilter.filter(objEvent);
                if (validator != null)
    } catch (java.sql.SQLException ex) {
        EhiLogger.logError("failed to query " + attr.getScopedName(null), ex);
    } catch (ch.interlis.iox.IoxException ex) {
        EhiLogger.logError("failed to write " + attr.getScopedName(null), ex);
    } finally {
        if (dbstmt != null) {
            try {
            } catch (java.sql.SQLException ex) {
                EhiLogger.logError("failed to close query of " + attr.getScopedName(null), ex);
Also used : ObjectEvent(ch.interlis.iox_j.ObjectEvent) ConverterException(ch.ehi.ili2db.converter.ConverterException) Table(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.Table) SurfaceOrAreaType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.SurfaceOrAreaType) SurfaceType(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.SurfaceType) Iom_jObject(ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject) IoxException(ch.interlis.iox.IoxException) IomObject(ch.interlis.iom.IomObject) Viewable(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.Viewable) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Iom_jObject(ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject) IomObject(ch.interlis.iom.IomObject) AttributeDef(ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.AttributeDef)


Iom_jObject (ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject)8 IomObject (ch.interlis.iom.IomObject)7 ConverterException (ch.ehi.ili2db.converter.ConverterException)5 AttributeDef (ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.AttributeDef)3 SurfaceOrAreaType (ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.SurfaceOrAreaType)3 SurfaceType (ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.SurfaceType)3 IoxException (ch.interlis.iox.IoxException)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 JGeometry (oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry)3 ViewableWrapper (ch.ehi.ili2db.mapping.ViewableWrapper)2 AreaType (ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.AreaType)2 BlackboxType (ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.BlackboxType)2 CompositionType (ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.CompositionType)2 CoordType (ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.CoordType)2 EnumerationType (ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.EnumerationType)2 ObjectType (ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.ObjectType)2 PolylineType (ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.PolylineType)2 ReferenceType (ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.ReferenceType)2 Table (ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.Table)2 Type (ch.interlis.ili2c.metamodel.Type)2