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Example 1 with Iox2jtsException

use of ch.interlis.iox_j.jts.Iox2jtsException in project ili2db by claeis.

the class Fgdb2iox method readGeometry.

private IomObject readGeometry() throws IOException, ParseException, IoxException {
    int typeInt = dis.readInt();
    int geometryType = typeInt & EsriShpConstants.shapeBasicTypeMask;
    if (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeNull) {
        return null;
    // determine if Z values are present
    hasZ = geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePointZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePointZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPointZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPointZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolylineZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolylineZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygonZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygonZ || (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPoint || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolyline || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolygon || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralMultiPoint || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralMultiPatch) && ((typeInt & EsriShpConstants.shapeHasZs) != 0);
    boolean hasM = geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePointZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePointM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPointZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPointM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolylineZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolylineM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygonZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygonM || (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPoint || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolyline || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolygon || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralMultiPoint || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralMultiPatch) && ((typeInt & EsriShpConstants.shapeHasMs) != 0);
    boolean hasCurves = (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolyline || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolygon) && (typeInt & EsriShpConstants.shapeNonBasicModifierMask) != 0 || (typeInt & EsriShpConstants.shapeHasCurves) != 0;
    inputDimension = hasZ ? 3 : 2;
    // only allocate ordValues buffer if necessary
    if (ordValues == null || ordValues.length < inputDimension)
        ordValues = new double[inputDimension];
    if (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePoint || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePointZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePointZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPoint) {
        double x = dis.readDouble();
        double y = dis.readDouble();
        IomObject ret = new ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject("COORD", null);
        ret.setattrvalue("C1", Double.toString(x));
        ret.setattrvalue("C2", Double.toString(y));
        if (hasZ) {
            double z = dis.readDouble();
            ret.setattrvalue("C3", Double.toString(z));
        return ret;
    if (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralMultiPatch) {
        throw new IoxException("unexpected geometryType " + geometryType);
    // boundingBox
    double min_x = dis.readDouble();
    double min_y = dis.readDouble();
    double max_x = dis.readDouble();
    double max_y = dis.readDouble();
    // cParts
    int cParts = 0;
    int[] partStart = null;
    if (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPoint || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPointZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPointZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralMultiPoint) {
    } else {
        cParts = dis.readInt();
        partStart = new int[cParts];
    // cPoints
    int cPoints = dis.readInt();
    // parts[cParts]
    if (cParts > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < cParts; i++) {
            partStart[i] = dis.readInt();
    // points[cPoints]
    Coordinate[] points = new Coordinate[cPoints];
    for (int i = 0; i < cPoints; i++) {
        points[i] = new Coordinate();
        points[i].x = dis.readDouble();
        points[i].y = dis.readDouble();
    if (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPoint || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPointZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeMultiPointZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralMultiPoint) {
        throw new IoxException("unexpected geometryType " + geometryType);
    } else if (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolyline || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolylineZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolylineZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolyline) {
    } else if (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygon || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygonZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygonZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolygon) {
    } else {
        throw new IoxException("unexpected geometryType " + geometryType);
    if (hasZ) {
        double min_z = dis.readDouble();
        double max_z = dis.readDouble();
        // Zs[cPoints]
        for (int i = 0; i < cPoints; i++) {
            points[i].z = dis.readDouble();
    if (hasM) {
        double min_m = dis.readDouble();
        double max_m = dis.readDouble();
        // Ms[cPoints]
        for (int i = 0; i < cPoints; i++) {
            // ignore
    java.util.Map<Integer, Arc> arcs = null;
    if (hasCurves) {
        int cSegmentModifiers = dis.readInt();
        arcs = new java.util.HashMap<Integer, Arc>();
        for (int i = 0; i < cSegmentModifiers; i++) {
            int startPointIndex = dis.readInt();
            int segmentType = dis.readInt();
            if (segmentType == EsriShpConstants.segmentArc) {
                double v1 = dis.readDouble();
                double v2 = dis.readDouble();
                int bits = dis.readInt();
                // int skip1=dis.readInt();
                if ((bits & EsriShpConstants.arcIsEmpty) != 0) {
                // skip it
                } else if ((bits & EsriShpConstants.arcIsLine) != 0) {
                // straight line, skip it
                } else if ((bits & EsriShpConstants.arcIsPoint) != 0) {
                    throw new IoxException("not supported SegmentArc.Bits " + bits);
                } else if ((bits & EsriShpConstants.arcDefinedIP) != 0) {
                // throw new IoxException("not supported SegmentArc.Bits "+bits);
                } else {
                    if ((bits & EsriShpConstants.arcIsCCW) != 0) {
                    // counterclockwise
                    } else {
                    // clockwise
                // double skip1=dis.readDouble();
                // double skip2=dis.readDouble();
                // double skip3=dis.readDouble();
                arcs.put(startPointIndex, new Arc(startPointIndex, v1, v2, bits));
            } else if (segmentType == EsriShpConstants.segmentLine) {
            // will never appear; should be ignored
            } else if (segmentType == EsriShpConstants.segmentSpiral) {
            } else if (segmentType == EsriShpConstants.segmentBezier3Curve) {
                // two middle control points
                double skip1 = dis.readDouble();
                double skip2 = dis.readDouble();
                double skip3 = dis.readDouble();
                double skip4 = dis.readDouble();
            } else if (segmentType == EsriShpConstants.segmentEllipticArc) {
                // center
                double skip1 = dis.readDouble();
                double skip2 = dis.readDouble();
                // rotation or fromV
                double skip3 = dis.readDouble();
                // semiMajor
                double skip4 = dis.readDouble();
                // minorMajorRatio or deltaV
                double skip5 = dis.readDouble();
                // bits
                int skip6 = dis.readInt();
            } else if (segmentType == 0) {
            } else {
                throw new IoxException("unexpected segmentType " + segmentType);
            // EhiLogger.traceState(("unexpected segmentType "+segmentType));
            // continue;
    JtsextGeometryFactory fact = new JtsextGeometryFactory();
    if (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolyline || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolylineZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolylineZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolyline) {
        if (cParts == 1) {
            LineString line = getPolyline(fact, 0, points, partStart, arcs, false);
            IomObject ret;
            try {
                ret = Jtsext2iox.JTS2polyline(line);
            } catch (Iox2jtsException e) {
                throw new IoxException(e);
            return ret;
        IomObject ret = new Iom_jObject(Wkb2iox.OBJ_MULTIPOLYLINE, null);
        for (int i = 0; i < cParts; i++) {
            LineString line = getPolyline(fact, i, points, partStart, arcs, false);
            try {
                IomObject lineObj = Jtsext2iox.JTS2polyline(line);
                ret.addattrobj(Wkb2iox.ATTR_POLYLINE, lineObj);
            } catch (Iox2jtsException e) {
                throw new IoxException(e);
        return ret;
    } else if (geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygon || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygonZM || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapePolygonZ || geometryType == EsriShpConstants.ShapeGeneralPolygon) {
        if (cParts == 1) {
            LineString line = getPolyline(fact, 0, points, partStart, arcs, true);
            if (line.getCoordinateSequence().size() <= 3) {
                throw new IoxException("Not a Ring");
            Polygon polygon = fact.createCurvePolygon(fact.createRing(line));
            IomObject ret;
            try {
                ret = Jtsext2iox.JTS2surface(polygon);
            } catch (Iox2jtsException e) {
                throw new IoxException(e);
            return ret;
        ArrayList<LineString> shells = new ArrayList<LineString>();
        ArrayList<LineString> holes = new ArrayList<LineString>();
        for (int i = 0; i < cParts; i++) {
            LineString line = getPolyline(fact, i, points, partStart, arcs, true);
            if (line.getCoordinateSequence().size() <= 3) {
                throw new IoxException("Not a Ring");
            if (CGAlgorithms.isCCW(line.getCoordinates())) {
            } else {
        if (shells.size() == 0) {
            throw new IoxException("polygon without shell");
        } else if (shells.size() == 1) {
            LinearRing shell = fact.createRing(shells.get(0));
            Polygon polygon = null;
            if (holes.size() == 0) {
                polygon = fact.createPolygon(shell);
            } else {
                LinearRing[] hole = new LinearRing[holes.size()];
                int i = 0;
                for (LineString line : holes) {
                    hole[i] = fact.createRing(line);
                polygon = fact.createPolygon(shell, hole);
            IomObject ret = null;
            try {
                ret = Jtsext2iox.JTS2surface(polygon);
            } catch (Iox2jtsException e) {
                throw new IoxException(e);
            return ret;
        } else {
        // TODO  MultiSurface
        return null;
    } else {
        throw new IoxException("unexpected geometryType " + geometryType);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Iom_jObject(ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject) IomObject(ch.interlis.iom.IomObject) Coordinate(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate) LineString(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString) JtsextGeometryFactory(ch.interlis.iom_j.itf.impl.jtsext.geom.JtsextGeometryFactory) CurvePolygon(ch.interlis.iom_j.itf.impl.jtsext.geom.CurvePolygon) Polygon(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon) LinearRing(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing) IoxException(ch.interlis.iox.IoxException) Iox2jtsException(ch.interlis.iox_j.jts.Iox2jtsException)


IomObject (ch.interlis.iom.IomObject)1 Iom_jObject (ch.interlis.iom_j.Iom_jObject)1 CurvePolygon (ch.interlis.iom_j.itf.impl.jtsext.geom.CurvePolygon)1 JtsextGeometryFactory (ch.interlis.iom_j.itf.impl.jtsext.geom.JtsextGeometryFactory)1 IoxException (ch.interlis.iox.IoxException)1 Iox2jtsException (ch.interlis.iox_j.jts.Iox2jtsException)1 Coordinate (com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate)1 LineString (com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString)1 LinearRing (com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing)1 Polygon (com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1