use of claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode in project claw-compiler by C2SM-RCM.
the class Serialization method createSavepoint.
* Create function call to fs_create_savepoint
* @param xcodeml Current XcodeML translation unit.
* @param savepointName Name of the savepoint.
* @return Newly create functionCall node.
private static Xnode createSavepoint(XcodeProgram xcodeml, String savepointName) {
FfunctionType serType = xcodeml.createSubroutineType();
// Create the char constant type
Xnode nameArg = xcodeml.createCharConstant(savepointName);
Xnode savepointArg = xcodeml.createVar(FortranType.STRUCT, SER_PPSER_SAVEPOINT, Xscope.GLOBAL);
Xnode serCall = xcodeml.createFctCall(serType, SER_FS_CREATE_SAVEPOINT);
return xcodeml.createNode(Xcode.EXPR_STATEMENT).insert(serCall);
use of claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode in project claw-compiler by C2SM-RCM.
the class Serialization method insertNodes.
* Insert nodes for an input or output serialization.
* @param step Serialization step information.
* @param hook Hook node to start insertion.
* @param nodes List of nodes to be inserted.
private static Xnode insertNodes(SerializationStep step, Xnode hook, List<Xnode> nodes) {
Xnode crtHook = hook;
for (Xnode node : nodes) {
if (step == SerializationStep.SER_OUT) {
crtHook = node;
} else if (step == SerializationStep.SER_IN) {
if (crtHook.equals(hook)) {
} else {
crtHook = node;
return crtHook;
use of claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode in project claw-compiler by C2SM-RCM.
the class Serialization method createReadWriteFctCall.
* @param xcodeml Current XcodeML translation unit.
* @param savepointName Name of the savepoint (will be part of the serialized
* name)
* @param field Representation of the field.
* @param callType Type of serialization call from the enum.
* @return exprStmt node created with the specific function call inside.
private static Xnode createReadWriteFctCall(XcodeProgram xcodeml, String savepointName, String field, String fieldName, SerializationCall callType) {
// Create the char constant type
Xnode nameArg = xcodeml.createCharConstant(savepointName + "_" + fieldName);
Xnode varArg = xcodeml.createVar(FortranType.REAL, field, Xscope.GLOBAL);
FunctionCall serCall = createBaseSerFctCall(xcodeml, callType);
if (callType == SerializationCall.SER_READ_PERTURB) {
Xnode perturbArg = xcodeml.createVar(FortranType.REAL, SER_PPSER_ZPERTURB, Xscope.GLOBAL);
Xnode exprStmt = xcodeml.createNode(Xcode.EXPR_STATEMENT);
return exprStmt;
use of claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode in project claw-compiler by C2SM-RCM.
the class ExpandNotation method generateDoStmtNotation.
* Generate the corresponding do statements for the array notations. A do
* statement is generated per dimension of the arrays. Iteration index range are
* computed with array dimensions.
* @param xcodeml The XcodeML on which the transformations are applied.
* @param translator The translator used to applied the transformations.
* @param fctDef The function definition in which the array notation is
* nested.
* @param ranges The list of iteration ranges to be applied to the created
* do statements.
* @param statements The list of assign statements (array notation) that will be
* included in the nested do statements.
* @param doStmtGrip Grip for the code insertion. Do statements will be inserted
* after the grip element.
* @return Block surrounding the do statements generated.
private Xblock generateDoStmtNotation(XcodeProgram xcodeml, ClawTranslator translator, FfunctionDefinition fctDef, List<Xnode> ranges, List<Xnode> statements, Xnode doStmtGrip) throws IllegalTransformationException {
String[] inductionVars = new String[ranges.size()];
Xnode[] doStmts = new Xnode[ranges.size()];
Xnode var = statements.get(0).matchSeq(Xcode.F_ARRAY_REF, Xcode.VAR_REF, Xcode.VAR);
if (var == null) {
var = statements.get(0).matchSeq(Xcode.F_ARRAY_REF, Xcode.VAR_REF, Xcode.F_MEMBER_REF);
// 1. Create do statements with induction variables
for (int i = 0; i < ranges.size(); ++i) {
// 1.1 Create induction variables
if (_clawStart.hasClause(ClawClause.INDUCTION)) {
// Use user names
inductionVars[i] = _clawStart.values(ClawClause.INDUCTION).get(i);
} else {
// generate new names
inductionVars[i] = "claw_induction_" + translator.getNextTransformationCounter();
// 2.2 inject a new entry in the symbol table
if (!fctDef.getSymbolTable().contains(inductionVars[i])) {
Xid inductionVarId = xcodeml.createId(FortranType.INTEGER, XstorageClass.F_LOCAL, inductionVars[i]);
fctDef.getSymbolTable().add(inductionVarId, false);
// 2.3 inject a new entry in the declaration table
if (!fctDef.getDeclarationTable().contains(inductionVars[i])) {
Xnode inductionVarDecl = xcodeml.createVarDecl(FortranType.INTEGER, inductionVars[i]);
// 2.4 create do statements
Xnode inductionVar = xcodeml.createVar(FortranType.INTEGER, inductionVars[i], Xscope.LOCAL);
Xnode range;
if (ranges.get(i).getBooleanAttribute(Xattr.IS_ASSUMED_SHAPE)) {
// Allocatable array
// dimension argument of size starts at one
range = xcodeml.createRangeForAssumedShapeArray(var, 1, i + 1);
} else {
range = ranges.get(i).cloneNode();
doStmts[i] = xcodeml.createDoStmt(inductionVar, range);
if (i == 0) {
// most outer loop goes after the pragma
} else {
// others loop go in the previous one
doStmts[i - 1].body().append(doStmts[i]);
for (Xnode stmt : statements) {
// 3. Adapt array reference with induction variables
List<Xnode> allArrayRef = stmt.matchAll(Xcode.F_ARRAY_REF);
for (Xnode arrayRef : allArrayRef) {
for (int i = 0; i < arrayRef.children().size() - 1; ++i) {
Xnode el = arrayRef.child(i + 1);
if (Xnode.isOfCode(el, Xcode.INDEX_RANGE) && i < doStmts.length) {
String induction = doStmts[i].matchSeq(Xcode.VAR).value();
Xnode inductionVar = xcodeml.createVar(FortranType.INTEGER, induction, Xscope.LOCAL);
Xnode arrayIdx = xcodeml.createNode(Xcode.ARRAY_INDEX);
stmt.matchAll(Xcode.FUNCTION_CALL).stream().map(FunctionCall::new).filter(x -> x.isIntrinsicCall(Xintrinsic.SUM)).forEach(FunctionCall::adaptIntrinsicSumCall);
stmt.matchAll(Xcode.FUNCTION_CALL).stream().map(FunctionCall::new).filter(x -> x.isIntrinsicCall(Xintrinsic.SPREAD)).forEach(FunctionCall::adaptIntrinsicSpreadCall);
// 4. Move assignment statement inside the most inner loop
doStmts[ranges.size() - 1].body().append(stmt, true);
// Add any additional transformation defined in the directive clauses
translator.generateAdditionalTransformation(_clawStart, xcodeml, doStmts[0]);
return new Xblock(doStmts[0]);
use of claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode in project claw-compiler by C2SM-RCM.
the class ExpandNotation method generateSavepoint.
* Generate serialization savepoints before and after the expand block.
* @param xcodeml Current XcodeML translation unit.
* @param hook Block around which serialization are generated
private Xblock generateSavepoint(Configuration cfg, XcodeProgram xcodeml, Xblock hook, List<String> readArrays, List<String> writtenArrays) {
final Context context = xcodeml.context();
Serialization.insertImports(cfg, xcodeml, hook.getStart().findParentFunction());
Xnode start = null;
Xnode end;
if (context.isTarget(Target.GPU)) {
// Read inputs
start = Serialization.generateReadSavepoint(cfg, xcodeml, hook.getStart(), _clawStart.getMetadataMap(), readArrays, _clawStart.value(ClawClause.SAVEPOINT), SerializationStep.SER_IN);
} else if (context.isTarget(Target.CPU)) {
// Write inputs
start = Serialization.generateWriteSavepoint(cfg, xcodeml, hook.getStart(), _clawStart.getMetadataMap(), readArrays, _clawStart.value(ClawClause.SAVEPOINT), SerializationStep.SER_IN);
// Write outputs
end = Serialization.generateWriteSavepoint(cfg, xcodeml, hook.getEnd(), _clawStart.getMetadataMap(), writtenArrays, _clawStart.value(ClawClause.SAVEPOINT), SerializationStep.SER_OUT);
return new Xblock(start, end);