use of com.almasb.fxgl.core.math.Vec2 in project FXGL by AlmasB.
the class GearJoint method solvePositionConstraints.
public boolean solvePositionConstraints(SolverData data) {
Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c;
float aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a;
Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c;
float aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a;
Vec2 cC = data.positions[m_indexC].c;
float aC = data.positions[m_indexC].a;
Vec2 cD = data.positions[m_indexD].c;
float aD = data.positions[m_indexD].a;
Rotation qA = pool.popRot();
Rotation qB = pool.popRot();
Rotation qC = pool.popRot();
Rotation qD = pool.popRot();
float linearError = 0.0f;
float coordinateA, coordinateB;
Vec2 temp = pool.popVec2();
Vec2 JvAC = pool.popVec2();
Vec2 JvBD = pool.popVec2();
float JwA, JwB, JwC, JwD;
float mass = 0.0f;
if (m_typeA.equals(RevoluteJoint.class)) {
JwA = 1.0f;
JwC = 1.0f;
mass += m_iA + m_iC;
coordinateA = aA - aC - m_referenceAngleA;
} else {
Vec2 rC = pool.popVec2();
Vec2 rA = pool.popVec2();
Vec2 pC = pool.popVec2();
Vec2 pA = pool.popVec2();
Rotation.mulToOutUnsafe(qC, m_localAxisC, JvAC);
Rotation.mulToOutUnsafe(qC, temp.set(m_localAnchorC).subLocal(m_lcC), rC);
Rotation.mulToOutUnsafe(qA, temp.set(m_localAnchorA).subLocal(m_lcA), rA);
JwC = Vec2.cross(rC, JvAC);
JwA = Vec2.cross(rA, JvAC);
mass += m_mC + m_mA + m_iC * JwC * JwC + m_iA * JwA * JwA;
Rotation.mulTransUnsafe(qC, temp.set(rA).addLocal(cA).subLocal(cC), pA);
coordinateA =, m_localAxisC);
if (m_typeB.equals(RevoluteJoint.class)) {
JwB = m_ratio;
JwD = m_ratio;
mass += m_ratio * m_ratio * (m_iB + m_iD);
coordinateB = aB - aD - m_referenceAngleB;
} else {
Vec2 u = pool.popVec2();
Vec2 rD = pool.popVec2();
Vec2 rB = pool.popVec2();
Vec2 pD = pool.popVec2();
Vec2 pB = pool.popVec2();
Rotation.mulToOutUnsafe(qD, m_localAxisD, u);
Rotation.mulToOutUnsafe(qD, temp.set(m_localAnchorD).subLocal(m_lcD), rD);
Rotation.mulToOutUnsafe(qB, temp.set(m_localAnchorB).subLocal(m_lcB), rB);
JwD = Vec2.cross(rD, u);
JwB = Vec2.cross(rB, u);
mass += m_ratio * m_ratio * (m_mD + m_mB) + m_iD * JwD * JwD + m_iB * JwB * JwB;
Rotation.mulTransUnsafe(qD, temp.set(rB).addLocal(cB).subLocal(cD), pB);
coordinateB =, m_localAxisD);
float C = coordinateA + m_ratio * coordinateB - m_constant;
float impulse = 0.0f;
if (mass > 0.0f) {
impulse = -C / mass;
cA.x += (m_mA * impulse) * JvAC.x;
cA.y += (m_mA * impulse) * JvAC.y;
aA += m_iA * impulse * JwA;
cB.x += (m_mB * impulse) * JvBD.x;
cB.y += (m_mB * impulse) * JvBD.y;
aB += m_iB * impulse * JwB;
cC.x -= (m_mC * impulse) * JvAC.x;
cC.y -= (m_mC * impulse) * JvAC.y;
aC -= m_iC * impulse * JwC;
cD.x -= (m_mD * impulse) * JvBD.x;
cD.y -= (m_mD * impulse) * JvBD.y;
aD -= m_iD * impulse * JwD;
// data.positions[m_indexA].c = cA;
data.positions[m_indexA].a = aA;
// data.positions[m_indexB].c = cB;
data.positions[m_indexB].a = aB;
// data.positions[m_indexC].c = cC;
data.positions[m_indexC].a = aC;
// data.positions[m_indexD].c = cD;
data.positions[m_indexD].a = aD;
// TODO_ERIN not implemented
return linearError < JBoxSettings.linearSlop;
use of com.almasb.fxgl.core.math.Vec2 in project FXGL by AlmasB.
the class ParticleSystem method solveDamping.
private void solveDamping(TimeStep step) {
// reduces normal velocity of each contact
float damping = m_dampingStrength;
for (int k = 0; k < m_bodyContactCount; k++) {
final ParticleBodyContact contact = m_bodyContactBuffer[k];
int a = contact.index;
Body b = contact.body;
float w = contact.weight;
float m = contact.mass;
Vec2 n = contact.normal;
Vec2 p =[a];
final float tempX = p.x - b.m_sweep.c.x;
final float tempY = p.y - b.m_sweep.c.y;
final Vec2 velA =[a];
// getLinearVelocityFromWorldPointToOut, with -= velA
float vx = -b.getAngularVelocity() * tempY + b.getLinearVelocity().x - velA.x;
float vy = b.getAngularVelocity() * tempX + b.getLinearVelocity().y - velA.y;
// done
float vn = vx * n.x + vy * n.y;
if (vn < 0) {
final Vec2 f = tempVec;
f.x = damping * w * m * vn * n.x;
f.y = damping * w * m * vn * n.y;
final float invMass = getParticleInvMass();
velA.x += invMass * f.x;
velA.y += invMass * f.y;
f.x = -f.x;
f.y = -f.y;
b.applyLinearImpulse(f, p, true);
for (int k = 0; k < m_contactCount; k++) {
final ParticleContact contact = m_contactBuffer[k];
int a = contact.indexA;
int b = contact.indexB;
float w = contact.weight;
Vec2 n = contact.normal;
final Vec2 velA =[a];
final Vec2 velB =[b];
final float vx = velB.x - velA.x;
final float vy = velB.y - velA.y;
float vn = vx * n.x + vy * n.y;
if (vn < 0) {
float fx = damping * w * vn * n.x;
float fy = damping * w * vn * n.y;
velA.x += fx;
velA.y += fy;
velB.x -= fx;
velB.y -= fy;
use of com.almasb.fxgl.core.math.Vec2 in project FXGL by AlmasB.
the class ParticleSystem method solvePowder.
private void solvePowder(final TimeStep step) {
float powderStrength = m_powderStrength * getCriticalVelocity(step);
float minWeight = 1.0f - JBoxSettings.particleStride;
for (int k = 0; k < m_bodyContactCount; k++) {
final ParticleBodyContact contact = m_bodyContactBuffer[k];
int a = contact.index;
if (([a] & ParticleTypeInternal.b2_powderParticle) != 0) {
float w = contact.weight;
if (w > minWeight) {
Body b = contact.body;
float m = contact.mass;
Vec2 p =[a];
Vec2 n = contact.normal;
final Vec2 f = tempVec;
final Vec2 va =[a];
final float inter = powderStrength * m * (w - minWeight);
final float pInvMass = getParticleInvMass();
f.x = inter * n.x;
f.y = inter * n.y;
va.x -= pInvMass * f.x;
va.y -= pInvMass * f.y;
b.applyLinearImpulse(f, p, true);
for (int k = 0; k < m_contactCount; k++) {
final ParticleContact contact = m_contactBuffer[k];
if ((contact.flags & ParticleTypeInternal.b2_powderParticle) != 0) {
float w = contact.weight;
if (w > minWeight) {
int a = contact.indexA;
int b = contact.indexB;
Vec2 n = contact.normal;
final Vec2 va =[a];
final Vec2 vb =[b];
final float inter = powderStrength * (w - minWeight);
final float fx = inter * n.x;
final float fy = inter * n.y;
va.x -= fx;
va.y -= fy;
vb.x += fx;
vb.y += fy;
use of com.almasb.fxgl.core.math.Vec2 in project FXGL by AlmasB.
the class ParticleSystem method solvePressure.
private void solvePressure(TimeStep step) {
// that means dimensionless density
for (int i = 0; i < m_count; i++) {
m_accumulationBuffer[i] = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < m_bodyContactCount; k++) {
ParticleBodyContact contact = m_bodyContactBuffer[k];
int a = contact.index;
float w = contact.weight;
m_accumulationBuffer[a] += w;
for (int k = 0; k < m_contactCount; k++) {
ParticleContact contact = m_contactBuffer[k];
int a = contact.indexA;
int b = contact.indexB;
float w = contact.weight;
m_accumulationBuffer[a] += w;
m_accumulationBuffer[b] += w;
// ignores powder particles
if ((m_allParticleFlags & k_noPressureFlags) != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_count; i++) {
if (([i] & k_noPressureFlags) != 0) {
m_accumulationBuffer[i] = 0;
// calculates pressure as a linear function of density
float pressurePerWeight = m_pressureStrength * getCriticalPressure(step);
for (int i = 0; i < m_count; i++) {
float w = m_accumulationBuffer[i];
float h = pressurePerWeight * Math.max(0.0f, Math.min(w, JBoxSettings.maxParticleWeight) - JBoxSettings.minParticleWeight);
m_accumulationBuffer[i] = h;
// applies pressure between each particles in contact
float velocityPerPressure = step.dt / (m_density * m_particleDiameter);
for (int k = 0; k < m_bodyContactCount; k++) {
ParticleBodyContact contact = m_bodyContactBuffer[k];
int a = contact.index;
Body b = contact.body;
float w = contact.weight;
float m = contact.mass;
Vec2 n = contact.normal;
Vec2 p =[a];
float h = m_accumulationBuffer[a] + pressurePerWeight * w;
final Vec2 f = tempVec;
final float coef = velocityPerPressure * w * m * h;
f.x = coef * n.x;
f.y = coef * n.y;
final Vec2 velData =[a];
final float particleInvMass = getParticleInvMass();
velData.x -= particleInvMass * f.x;
velData.y -= particleInvMass * f.y;
b.applyLinearImpulse(f, p, true);
for (int k = 0; k < m_contactCount; k++) {
ParticleContact contact = m_contactBuffer[k];
int a = contact.indexA;
int b = contact.indexB;
float w = contact.weight;
Vec2 n = contact.normal;
float h = m_accumulationBuffer[a] + m_accumulationBuffer[b];
final float fx = velocityPerPressure * w * h * n.x;
final float fy = velocityPerPressure * w * h * n.y;
final Vec2 velDataA =[a];
final Vec2 velDataB =[b];
velDataA.x -= fx;
velDataA.y -= fy;
velDataB.x += fx;
velDataB.y += fy;
use of com.almasb.fxgl.core.math.Vec2 in project FXGL by AlmasB.
the class ParticleSystem method solveElastic.
private void solveElastic(final TimeStep step) {
float elasticStrength = step.inv_dt * m_elasticStrength;
for (int k = 0; k < m_triadCount; k++) {
final Triad triad = m_triadBuffer[k];
if ((triad.flags & ParticleTypeInternal.b2_elasticParticle) != 0) {
int a = triad.indexA;
int b = triad.indexB;
int c = triad.indexC;
final Vec2 oa =;
final Vec2 ob = triad.pb;
final Vec2 oc = triad.pc;
final Vec2 pa =[a];
final Vec2 pb =[b];
final Vec2 pc =[c];
final float px = 1f / 3 * (pa.x + pb.x + pc.x);
final float py = 1f / 3 * (pa.y + pb.y + pc.y);
float rs = Vec2.cross(oa, pa) + Vec2.cross(ob, pb) + Vec2.cross(oc, pc);
float rc =, pa) +, pb) +, pc);
float r2 = rs * rs + rc * rc;
float invR = r2 == 0 ? Float.MAX_VALUE : FXGLMath.sqrtF(1f / r2);
rs *= invR;
rc *= invR;
final float strength = elasticStrength * triad.strength;
final float roax = rc * oa.x - rs * oa.y;
final float roay = rs * oa.x + rc * oa.y;
final float robx = rc * ob.x - rs * ob.y;
final float roby = rs * ob.x + rc * ob.y;
final float rocx = rc * oc.x - rs * oc.y;
final float rocy = rs * oc.x + rc * oc.y;
final Vec2 va =[a];
final Vec2 vb =[b];
final Vec2 vc =[c];
va.x += strength * (roax - (pa.x - px));
va.y += strength * (roay - (pa.y - py));
vb.x += strength * (robx - (pb.x - px));
vb.y += strength * (roby - (pb.y - py));
vc.x += strength * (rocx - (pc.x - px));
vc.y += strength * (rocy - (pc.y - py));