use of com.almasb.fxgl.entity.component.BoundingBoxComponent in project FXGL by AlmasB.
the class PhysicsWorld method createBody.
* Create physics body and attach to physics world.
* @param e physics entity
private void createBody(Entity e) {
BoundingBoxComponent bbox = e.getBoundingBoxComponent();
PhysicsComponent physics = e.getComponent(PhysicsComponent.class);
double w = bbox.getWidth();
double h = bbox.getHeight();
// if position is 0, 0 then probably not set, so set ourselves
if (physics.bodyDef.getPosition().x == 0 && physics.bodyDef.getPosition().y == 0) {
physics.bodyDef.getPosition().set(toMetersF(bbox.getMinXWorld() + w / 2), toMetersF(appHeight - (bbox.getMinYWorld() + h / 2)));
if (physics.bodyDef.getAngle() == 0) {
physics.bodyDef.setAngle((float) -Math.toRadians(e.getRotation()));
physics.body = jboxWorld.createBody(physics.bodyDef);
if (physics.isGenerateGroundSensor()) {
e.addControl(new PhysicsControl(this));
use of com.almasb.fxgl.entity.component.BoundingBoxComponent in project FXGL by AlmasB.
the class PhysicsWorld method createFixtures.
private void createFixtures(Entity e) {
BoundingBoxComponent bbox = e.getBoundingBoxComponent();
PhysicsComponent physics = e.getComponent(PhysicsComponent.class);
PositionComponent position = e.getPositionComponent();
Point2D entityCenter = bbox.getCenterWorld();
for (HitBox box : bbox.hitBoxesProperty()) {
Bounds bounds = box.translate(position.getX(), position.getY());
// take world center bounds and subtract from entity center (all in pixels) to get local center
Point2D boundsCenterWorld = new Point2D((bounds.getMinX() + bounds.getMaxX()) / 2, (bounds.getMinY() + bounds.getMaxY()) / 2);
Point2D boundsCenterLocal = boundsCenterWorld.subtract(entityCenter);
double w = bounds.getWidth();
double h = bounds.getHeight();
FixtureDef fd = physics.fixtureDef;
Shape b2Shape;
BoundingShape boundingShape = box.getShape();
switch(boundingShape.type) {
case CIRCLE:
CircleShape circleShape = new CircleShape();
circleShape.setRadius(toMetersF(w / 2));
circleShape.m_p.set(toMetersF(boundsCenterLocal.getX()), -toMetersF(boundsCenterLocal.getY()));
b2Shape = circleShape;
PolygonShape polygonShape = new PolygonShape();
polygonShape.setAsBox(toMetersF(w / 2), toMetersF(h / 2), new Vec2(toMetersF(boundsCenterLocal.getX()), -toMetersF(boundsCenterLocal.getY())), 0);
b2Shape = polygonShape;
case CHAIN:
if (physics.body.getType() != BodyType.STATIC) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("BoundingShape.chain() can only be used with static objects");
Point2D[] points = (Point2D[]);
Vec2[] vertices = new Vec2[points.length];
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
vertices[i] = toVector(points[i].subtract(boundsCenterLocal)).subLocal(toVector(bbox.getCenterLocal()));
ChainShape chainShape = new ChainShape();
chainShape.createLoop(vertices, vertices.length);
b2Shape = chainShape;
case EDGE:
log.warning("Unsupported hit box shape");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Using unsupported shape: " + boundingShape.type);
// we use definitions from user, but override shape
Fixture fixture = physics.body.createFixture(fd);
use of com.almasb.fxgl.entity.component.BoundingBoxComponent in project FXGL by AlmasB.
the class PhysicsWorld method createPhysicsParticles.
private void createPhysicsParticles(Entity e) {
double x = e.getX();
double y = e.getY();
double width = e.getWidth();
double height = e.getHeight();
ParticleGroupDef def = e.getComponent(PhysicsParticleComponent.class).getDefinition();
def.setPosition(toMetersF(x + width / 2), toMetersF(appHeight - (y + height / 2)));
Shape shape = null;
BoundingBoxComponent bbox = e.getBoundingBoxComponent();
if (!bbox.hitBoxesProperty().isEmpty()) {
if (bbox.hitBoxesProperty().get(0).getShape().type == ShapeType.POLYGON) {
PolygonShape rectShape = new PolygonShape();
rectShape.setAsBox(toMetersF(width / 2), toMetersF(height / 2));
shape = rectShape;
} else if (bbox.hitBoxesProperty().get(0).getShape().type == ShapeType.CIRCLE) {
CircleShape circleShape = new CircleShape();
circleShape.setRadius(toMetersF(width / 2));
shape = circleShape;
} else {
log.warning("Unknown hit box shape: " + bbox.hitBoxesProperty().get(0).getShape().type);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
if (shape == null) {
PolygonShape rectShape = new PolygonShape();
rectShape.setAsBox(toMetersF(width / 2), toMetersF(height / 2));
shape = rectShape;
ParticleGroup particleGroup = jboxWorld.createParticleGroup(def);
Color color = e.getComponent(PhysicsParticleComponent.class).getColor();
e.addControl(new PhysicsParticleControl(particleGroup, color, this));