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Example 1 with USER_AGENT

use of in project aws-sdk-android by aws-amplify.

the class S3CryptoModuleBase method completeMultipartUploadSecurely.

public CompleteMultipartUploadResult completeMultipartUploadSecurely(CompleteMultipartUploadRequest req) {
    appendUserAgent(req, USER_AGENT);
    final String uploadId = req.getUploadId();
    final T uploadContext = multipartUploadContexts.get(uploadId);
    if (uploadContext != null && !uploadContext.hasFinalPartBeenSeen()) {
        throw new AmazonClientException("Unable to complete an encrypted multipart upload without being told which part was the last.  " + "Without knowing which part was the last, the encrypted data in Amazon S3 is incomplete and corrupt.");
    final CompleteMultipartUploadResult result = s3.completeMultipartUpload(req);
    // after the whole upload has completed correctly.
    if (uploadContext != null && cryptoConfig.getStorageMode() == InstructionFile) {
        // Put the instruction file into S3
        s3.putObject(createInstructionPutRequest(uploadContext.getBucketName(), uploadContext.getKey(), uploadContext.getContentCryptoMaterial()));
    return result;
Also used : DOT( USER_AGENT( AmazonClientException(com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException) CompleteMultipartUploadResult(

Example 2 with USER_AGENT

use of in project aws-sdk-android by aws-amplify.

the class S3CryptoModuleBase method uploadPartSecurely.

 * {@inheritDoc}
 * <p>
 * <b>NOTE:</b> Because the encryption process requires context from
 * previous blocks, parts uploaded with the AmazonS3EncryptionClient (as
 * opposed to the normal AmazonS3Client) must be uploaded serially, and in
 * order. Otherwise, the previous encryption context isn't available to use
 * when encrypting the current part.
public UploadPartResult uploadPartSecurely(UploadPartRequest req) {
    appendUserAgent(req, USER_AGENT);
    final int blockSize = contentCryptoScheme.getBlockSizeInBytes();
    final boolean isLastPart = req.isLastPart();
    final String uploadId = req.getUploadId();
    final long partSize = req.getPartSize();
    final boolean partSizeMultipleOfCipherBlockSize = 0 == (partSize % blockSize);
    if (!isLastPart && !partSizeMultipleOfCipherBlockSize) {
        throw new AmazonClientException("Invalid part size: part sizes for encrypted multipart uploads must be multiples " + "of the cipher block size (" + blockSize + ") with the exception of the last part.");
    final T uploadContext = multipartUploadContexts.get(uploadId);
    if (uploadContext == null) {
        throw new AmazonClientException("No client-side information available on upload ID " + uploadId);
    final UploadPartResult result;
    // Checks the parts are uploaded in series
    final CipherLite cipherLite = cipherLiteForNextPart(uploadContext);
    final File fileOrig = req.getFile();
    final InputStream isOrig = req.getInputStream();
    SdkFilterInputStream isCurr = null;
    try {
        final CipherLiteInputStream clis = newMultipartS3CipherInputStream(req, cipherLite);
        // so the clis will be closed (in the finally block below) upon
        isCurr = clis;
        // unexpected failure should we opened a file undereath
        isCurr = wrapForMultipart(clis, partSize);
        // Treat all encryption requests as input stream upload requests,
        // not as file upload requests.
        // 16-byte mac
        if (isLastPart) {
            // We only change the size of the last part
            final long lastPartSize = computeLastPartSize(req);
            if (lastPartSize > -1) {
            if (uploadContext.hasFinalPartBeenSeen()) {
                throw new AmazonClientException("This part was specified as the last part in a multipart upload, but a previous part was already marked as the last part.  " + "Only the last part of the upload should be marked as the last part.");
        result = s3.uploadPart(req);
    } finally {
        cleanupDataSource(req, fileOrig, isOrig, isCurr, log);
    if (isLastPart) {
    updateUploadContext(uploadContext, isCurr);
    return result;
Also used : UploadPartResult( DOT( USER_AGENT( LengthCheckInputStream(com.amazonaws.util.LengthCheckInputStream) ByteArrayInputStream( ReleasableInputStream(com.amazonaws.internal.ReleasableInputStream) ResettableInputStream(com.amazonaws.internal.ResettableInputStream) SdkFilterInputStream(com.amazonaws.internal.SdkFilterInputStream) InputStream( AmazonClientException(com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException) SdkFilterInputStream(com.amazonaws.internal.SdkFilterInputStream) InstructionFile( File(

Example 3 with USER_AGENT

use of in project aws-sdk-android by aws-amplify.

the class S3CryptoModuleBase method initiateMultipartUploadSecurely.

public InitiateMultipartUploadResult initiateMultipartUploadSecurely(InitiateMultipartUploadRequest req) {
    appendUserAgent(req, USER_AGENT);
    // Generate a one-time use symmetric key and initialize a cipher to
    // encrypt object data
    final ContentCryptoMaterial cekMaterial = createContentCryptoMaterial(req);
    if (cryptoConfig.getStorageMode() == ObjectMetadata) {
        ObjectMetadata metadata = req.getObjectMetadata();
        if (metadata == null) {
            metadata = new ObjectMetadata();
        // Store encryption info in metadata
        req.setObjectMetadata(updateMetadataWithContentCryptoMaterial(metadata, null, cekMaterial));
    final InitiateMultipartUploadResult result = s3.initiateMultipartUpload(req);
    final T uploadContext = newUploadContext(req, cekMaterial);
    if (req instanceof MaterialsDescriptionProvider) {
        final MaterialsDescriptionProvider p = (MaterialsDescriptionProvider) req;
    multipartUploadContexts.put(result.getUploadId(), uploadContext);
    return result;
Also used : MaterialsDescriptionProvider( InitiateMultipartUploadResult( DOT( USER_AGENT( ObjectMetadata( ObjectMetadata(

Example 4 with USER_AGENT

use of in project aws-sdk-android by aws-amplify.

the class AmazonS3EncryptionClient method deleteObject.

public void deleteObject(DeleteObjectRequest req) {
    // Delete the object
    // If it exists, delete the instruction file.
    InstructionFileId ifid = new S3ObjectId(req.getBucketName(), req.getKey()).instructionFileId();
    DeleteObjectRequest instructionDeleteRequest = (DeleteObjectRequest) req.clone();
Also used : DeleteObjectRequest( InstructionFileId( S3ObjectId(

Example 5 with USER_AGENT

use of in project aws-sdk-android by aws-amplify.

the class S3CryptoModuleAE method getObjectSecurely.

public S3Object getObjectSecurely(GetObjectRequest req) {
    appendUserAgent(req, USER_AGENT);
    // Adjust the crypto range to retrieve all of the cipher blocks needed to contain the user's desired
    // range of bytes.
    final long[] desiredRange = req.getRange();
    if (isStrict() && (desiredRange != null || req.getPartNumber() != null)) {
        throw new SecurityException("Range get and getting a part are not allowed in strict crypto mode");
    final long[] adjustedCryptoRange = getAdjustedCryptoRange(desiredRange);
    if (adjustedCryptoRange != null) {
        req.setRange(adjustedCryptoRange[0], adjustedCryptoRange[1]);
    // Get the object from S3
    final S3Object retrieved = s3.getObject(req);
    // would return null, so we simply return null as well.
    if (retrieved == null) {
        return null;
    String suffix = null;
    if (req instanceof EncryptedGetObjectRequest) {
        final EncryptedGetObjectRequest ereq = (EncryptedGetObjectRequest) req;
        suffix = ereq.getInstructionFileSuffix();
    try {
        return suffix == null || suffix.trim().isEmpty() ? decipher(req, desiredRange, adjustedCryptoRange, retrieved) : decipherWithInstFileSuffix(req, desiredRange, adjustedCryptoRange, retrieved, suffix);
    } catch (final RuntimeException ex) {
        // If we're unable to set up the decryption, make sure we close the
        // HTTP connection
        closeQuietly(retrieved, log);
        throw ex;
    } catch (final Error error) {
        closeQuietly(retrieved, log);
        throw error;
Also used : EncryptedGetObjectRequest( S3Object(


USER_AGENT ( DOT ( AmazonClientException (com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException)2 S3Object ( S3ObjectId ( ReleasableInputStream (com.amazonaws.internal.ReleasableInputStream)1 ResettableInputStream (com.amazonaws.internal.ResettableInputStream)1 SdkFilterInputStream (com.amazonaws.internal.SdkFilterInputStream)1 AbstractPutObjectRequest ( CompleteMultipartUploadResult ( InstructionFile ( ObjectMetadata ( DeleteObjectRequest ( EncryptedGetObjectRequest ( EncryptionMaterials ( GetObjectRequest ( InitiateMultipartUploadResult ( InstructionFileId ( MaterialsDescriptionProvider ( ObjectMetadata (