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Example 1 with DataSource

use of in project LSPatch by LSPosed.

the class SigningBlockUtils method extractBlock.

 * Extract a block with the given id from the APK. If there is more than one block with the same
 * ID, the first block will be returned. If there are no block with the give id, {@code null} will
 * be returned.
 * @param apk APK file
 * @param blockId id of the block to be extracted.
public static ByteBuffer extractBlock(File apk, int blockId) throws IOException, ZipFormatException, ApkSigningBlockNotFoundException {
    try (RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(apk, "r")) {
        DataSource apkDataSource = DataSources.asDataSource(file);
        ApkSigningBlock signingBlockInfo = ApkUtils.findApkSigningBlock(apkDataSource, ApkUtils.findZipSections(apkDataSource));
        DataSource wholeV2Block = signingBlockInfo.getContents();
        final int lengthAndIdByteCount = BLOCK_LENGTH_NUM_BYTES + BLOCK_ID_NUM_BYTES;
        DataSource signingBlock = wholeV2Block.slice(SIZE_OF_BLOCK_NUM_BYTES, wholeV2Block.size() - SIZE_OF_BLOCK_NUM_BYTES - MAGIC_NUM_BYTES);
        ByteBuffer lengthAndId = ByteBuffer.allocate(lengthAndIdByteCount).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        for (int index = 0; index <= signingBlock.size() - lengthAndIdByteCount; ) {
            signingBlock.copyTo(index, lengthAndIdByteCount, lengthAndId);
            int blockLength = (int) lengthAndId.getLong();
            int id = lengthAndId.getInt();
            if (id == blockId) {
                ByteBuffer block = ByteBuffer.allocate(blockLength - BLOCK_ID_NUM_BYTES);
                signingBlock.copyTo(index + lengthAndIdByteCount, blockLength - BLOCK_ID_NUM_BYTES, block);
                return block;
            index += blockLength + BLOCK_LENGTH_NUM_BYTES;
        return null;
Also used : RandomAccessFile( ApkSigningBlock( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) DataSource( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 2 with DataSource

use of in project apksig by venshine.

the class ApkSigningBlockUtils method computeOneMbChunkContentDigests.

static void computeOneMbChunkContentDigests(RunnablesExecutor executor, Set<ContentDigestAlgorithm> digestAlgorithms, DataSource[] contents, Map<ContentDigestAlgorithm, byte[]> outputContentDigests) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, DigestException {
    long chunkCountLong = 0;
    for (DataSource input : contents) {
        chunkCountLong += getChunkCount(input.size(), CONTENT_DIGESTED_CHUNK_MAX_SIZE_BYTES);
    if (chunkCountLong > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
        throw new DigestException("Input too long: " + chunkCountLong + " chunks");
    int chunkCount = (int) chunkCountLong;
    List<ChunkDigests> chunkDigestsList = new ArrayList<>(digestAlgorithms.size());
    for (ContentDigestAlgorithm algorithms : digestAlgorithms) {
        chunkDigestsList.add(new ChunkDigests(algorithms, chunkCount));
    ChunkSupplier chunkSupplier = new ChunkSupplier(contents);
    executor.execute(() -> new ChunkDigester(chunkSupplier, chunkDigestsList));
    // Compute and write out final digest for each algorithm.
    for (ChunkDigests chunkDigests : chunkDigestsList) {
        MessageDigest messageDigest = chunkDigests.createMessageDigest();
        outputContentDigests.put(chunkDigests.algorithm, messageDigest.digest(chunkDigests.concatOfDigestsOfChunks));
Also used : DigestException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MessageDigest( DataSource( ChainedDataSource( ByteBufferDataSource(

Example 3 with DataSource

use of in project apksig by venshine.

the class ApkUtils method getAndroidManifest.

 * Returns the contents of the APK's {@code AndroidManifest.xml}.
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while reading the APK
 * @throws ApkFormatException if the APK is malformed
public static ByteBuffer getAndroidManifest(DataSource apk) throws IOException, ApkFormatException {
    ZipSections zipSections;
    try {
        zipSections = findZipSections(apk);
    } catch (ZipFormatException e) {
        throw new ApkFormatException("Not a valid ZIP archive", e);
    List<CentralDirectoryRecord> cdRecords = V1SchemeVerifier.parseZipCentralDirectory(apk, zipSections);
    CentralDirectoryRecord androidManifestCdRecord = null;
    for (CentralDirectoryRecord cdRecord : cdRecords) {
        if (ANDROID_MANIFEST_ZIP_ENTRY_NAME.equals(cdRecord.getName())) {
            androidManifestCdRecord = cdRecord;
    if (androidManifestCdRecord == null) {
        throw new ApkFormatException("Missing " + ANDROID_MANIFEST_ZIP_ENTRY_NAME);
    DataSource lfhSection = apk.slice(0, zipSections.getZipCentralDirectoryOffset());
    try {
        return ByteBuffer.wrap(LocalFileRecord.getUncompressedData(lfhSection, androidManifestCdRecord, lfhSection.size()));
    } catch (ZipFormatException e) {
        throw new ApkFormatException("Failed to read " + ANDROID_MANIFEST_ZIP_ENTRY_NAME, e);
Also used : CentralDirectoryRecord( ZipFormatException( DataSource(

Example 4 with DataSource

use of in project apksig by venshine.

the class SigningCertificateLineageTest method testLineageFromAPKContainsExpectedSigners.

public void testLineageFromAPKContainsExpectedSigners() throws Exception {
    SignerConfig firstSigner = getSignerConfigFromResources(FIRST_RSA_2048_SIGNER_RESOURCE_NAME);
    SignerConfig secondSigner = getSignerConfigFromResources(SECOND_RSA_2048_SIGNER_RESOURCE_NAME);
    SignerConfig thirdSigner = getSignerConfigFromResources(THIRD_RSA_2048_SIGNER_RESOURCE_NAME);
    List<SignerConfig> expectedSigners = Arrays.asList(firstSigner, secondSigner, thirdSigner);
    DataSource apkDataSource = Resources.toDataSource(getClass(), "v1v2v3-with-rsa-2048-lineage-3-signers.apk");
    SigningCertificateLineage lineageFromApk = SigningCertificateLineage.readFromApkDataSource(apkDataSource);
    assertLineageContainsExpectedSigners(lineageFromApk, expectedSigners);
Also used : SignerConfig( DataSource( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with DataSource

use of in project apksig by venshine.

the class SigningCertificateLineageTest method testLineageFromAPKWithInvalidZipCDSizeFails.

@Test(expected = ApkFormatException.class)
public void testLineageFromAPKWithInvalidZipCDSizeFails() throws Exception {
    // This test verifies that attempting to read the lineage from an APK where the zip
    // sections cannot be parsed fails. This APK is based off the
    // v1v2v3-with-rsa-2048-lineage-3-signers.apk with a modified CD size in the EoCD.
    DataSource apkDataSource = Resources.toDataSource(getClass(), "v1v2v3-with-rsa-2048-lineage-3-signers-invalid-zip.apk");
Also used : DataSource( Test(org.junit.Test)


DataSource ( RandomAccessFile ( Test (org.junit.Test)10 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)7 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 ApkFormatException ( ApkSigningBlockUtils ( IOException ( ApkUtils ( ByteBufferDataSource ( SignerConfig ( CentralDirectoryRecord ( DataSink ( File ( MessageDigest ( ApkSigningBlockNotFoundException ( SignatureInfo ( ChainedDataSource ( Pair ( ZipFormatException (