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Example 1 with InstallerException

use of in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class PackageManagerService method prepareAppDataLeafLIF.

private void prepareAppDataLeafLIF(PackageParser.Package pkg, int userId, int flags) {
    if (DEBUG_APP_DATA) {
        Slog.v(TAG, "prepareAppData for " + pkg.packageName + " u" + userId + " 0x" + Integer.toHexString(flags));
    final String volumeUuid = pkg.volumeUuid;
    final String packageName = pkg.packageName;
    final ApplicationInfo app = pkg.applicationInfo;
    final int appId = UserHandle.getAppId(app.uid);
    try {
        mInstaller.createAppData(volumeUuid, packageName, userId, flags, appId, app.seinfo, app.targetSdkVersion);
    } catch (InstallerException e) {
        if (app.isSystemApp()) {
            logCriticalInfo(Log.ERROR, "Failed to create app data for " + packageName + ", but trying to recover: " + e);
            destroyAppDataLeafLIF(pkg, userId, flags);
            try {
                mInstaller.createAppData(volumeUuid, packageName, userId, flags, appId, app.seinfo, app.targetSdkVersion);
                logCriticalInfo(Log.DEBUG, "Recovery succeeded!");
            } catch (InstallerException e2) {
                logCriticalInfo(Log.DEBUG, "Recovery failed!");
        } else {
            Slog.e(TAG, "Failed to create app data for " + packageName + ": " + e);
    if ((flags & StorageManager.FLAG_STORAGE_CE) != 0) {
        try {
            // CE storage is unlocked right now, so read out the inode and
            // remember for use later when it's locked
            // TODO: mark this structure as dirty so we persist it!
            final long ceDataInode = mInstaller.getAppDataInode(volumeUuid, packageName, userId, StorageManager.FLAG_STORAGE_CE);
            synchronized (mPackages) {
                final PackageSetting ps = mSettings.mPackages.get(packageName);
                if (ps != null) {
                    ps.setCeDataInode(ceDataInode, userId);
        } catch (InstallerException e) {
            Slog.e(TAG, "Failed to find inode for " + packageName + ": " + e);
    prepareAppDataContentsLeafLIF(pkg, userId, flags);
Also used : EphemeralApplicationInfo( ApplicationInfo( InstallerException(

Example 2 with InstallerException

use of in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class ActivityManagerService method finishBooting.

final void finishBooting() {
    synchronized (this) {
        if (!mBootAnimationComplete) {
            mCallFinishBooting = true;
        mCallFinishBooting = false;
    ArraySet<String> completedIsas = new ArraySet<String>();
    for (String abi : Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS) {
        final String instructionSet = VMRuntime.getInstructionSet(abi);
        if (!completedIsas.contains(instructionSet)) {
            try {
            } catch (InstallerException e) {
                Slog.w(TAG, "Unable to mark boot complete for abi: " + abi + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")");
    IntentFilter pkgFilter = new IntentFilter();
    mContext.registerReceiver(new BroadcastReceiver() {

        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            String[] pkgs = intent.getStringArrayExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PACKAGES);
            if (pkgs != null) {
                for (String pkg : pkgs) {
                    synchronized (ActivityManagerService.this) {
                        if (forceStopPackageLocked(pkg, -1, false, false, false, false, false, 0, "query restart")) {
    }, pkgFilter);
    IntentFilter dumpheapFilter = new IntentFilter();
    mContext.registerReceiver(new BroadcastReceiver() {

        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            if (intent.getBooleanExtra(DumpHeapActivity.EXTRA_DELAY_DELETE, false)) {
                mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(POST_DUMP_HEAP_NOTIFICATION_MSG, 5 * 60 * 1000);
            } else {
    }, dumpheapFilter);
    // Let system services know.
    synchronized (this) {
        // Ensure that any processes we had put on hold are now started
        // up.
        final int NP = mProcessesOnHold.size();
        if (NP > 0) {
            ArrayList<ProcessRecord> procs = new ArrayList<ProcessRecord>(mProcessesOnHold);
            for (int ip = 0; ip < NP; ip++) {
                if (DEBUG_PROCESSES)
                    Slog.v(TAG_PROCESSES, "Starting process on hold: " + procs.get(ip));
                startProcessLocked(procs.get(ip), "on-hold", null);
        if (mFactoryTest != FactoryTest.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL) {
            // Start looking for apps that are abusing wake locks.
            Message nmsg = mHandler.obtainMessage(CHECK_EXCESSIVE_WAKE_LOCKS_MSG);
            mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(nmsg, POWER_CHECK_DELAY);
            // Tell anyone interested that we are done booting!
            SystemProperties.set("sys.boot_completed", "1");
            // And trigger dev.bootcomplete if we are not showing encryption progress
            if (!"trigger_restart_min_framework".equals(SystemProperties.get("vold.decrypt")) || "".equals(SystemProperties.get("vold.encrypt_progress"))) {
                SystemProperties.set("dev.bootcomplete", "1");
            mUserController.sendBootCompletedLocked(new IIntentReceiver.Stub() {

                public void performReceive(Intent intent, int resultCode, String data, Bundle extras, boolean ordered, boolean sticky, int sendingUser) {
                    synchronized (ActivityManagerService.this) {
                        requestPssAllProcsLocked(SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), true, false);
Also used : Context(android.content.Context) IntentFilter(android.content.IntentFilter) ArraySet(android.util.ArraySet) Message(android.os.Message) Bundle(android.os.Bundle) PersistableBundle(android.os.PersistableBundle) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PendingIntent( Intent(android.content.Intent) BroadcastReceiver(android.content.BroadcastReceiver) Point( IIntentReceiver(android.content.IIntentReceiver) InstallerException(

Example 3 with InstallerException

use of in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class PackageInstallerSession method destroyInternal.

private void destroyInternal() {
    synchronized (mLock) {
        mSealed = true;
        mDestroyed = true;
        // Force shut down all bridges
        for (FileBridge bridge : mBridges) {
    if (stageDir != null) {
        try {
        } catch (InstallerException ignored) {
    if (stageCid != null) {
Also used : FileBridge(android.os.FileBridge) InstallerException(

Example 4 with InstallerException

use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class PackageInstallerSession method destroyInternal.

private void destroyInternal() {
    synchronized (mLock) {
        mSealed = true;
        mDestroyed = true;
        // Force shut down all bridges
        for (FileBridge bridge : mBridges) {
    if (stageDir != null) {
        try {
        } catch (InstallerException ignored) {
    if (stageCid != null) {
Also used : FileBridge(android.os.FileBridge) InstallerException(

Example 5 with InstallerException

use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class Installer method getAppSize.

public void getAppSize(String uuid, String pkgname, int userid, int flags, long ceDataInode, String codePath, PackageStats stats) throws InstallerException {
    final String[] res = mInstaller.execute("get_app_size", uuid, pkgname, userid, flags, ceDataInode, codePath);
    try {
        stats.codeSize += Long.parseLong(res[1]);
        stats.dataSize += Long.parseLong(res[2]);
        stats.cacheSize += Long.parseLong(res[3]);
    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | NumberFormatException e) {
        throw new InstallerException("Invalid size result: " + Arrays.toString(res));
Also used : InstallerException(


InstallerException ( FileBridge (android.os.FileBridge)4 ApplicationInfo ( EphemeralApplicationInfo ( PendingIntent ( BroadcastReceiver (android.content.BroadcastReceiver)1 Context (android.content.Context)1 IIntentReceiver (android.content.IIntentReceiver)1 Intent (android.content.Intent)1 IntentFilter (android.content.IntentFilter)1 PackageParser.isApkFile ( Point ( Bundle (android.os.Bundle)1 Message (android.os.Message)1 PersistableBundle (android.os.PersistableBundle)1 ArraySet (android.util.ArraySet)1 StrictJarFile (android.util.jar.StrictJarFile)1 DexFile (dalvik.system.DexFile)1 File ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1