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Example 76 with Transaction

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class FDBRecordStore method addIndexStateReadConflict.

 * Add a read conflict key so that the transaction will fail if the index state has changed.
 * @param indexName the index to conflict on, if it's state changes
private void addIndexStateReadConflict(@Nonnull String indexName) {
    if (!getRecordMetaData().hasIndex(indexName)) {
        throw new MetaDataException("Index " + indexName + " does not exist in meta-data.");
    if (indexStateReadConflicts.contains(indexName)) {
    } else {
    Transaction tr = ensureContextActive();
    byte[] indexStateKey = getSubspace().pack(Tuple.from(INDEX_STATE_SPACE_KEY, indexName));
Also used : Transaction( ReadTransaction( MetaDataException(

Example 77 with Transaction

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class PermutedMinMaxIndexMaintainer method updateIndexKeys.

protected <M extends Message> CompletableFuture<Void> updateIndexKeys(@Nonnull final FDBIndexableRecord<M> savedRecord, final boolean remove, @Nonnull final List<IndexEntry> indexEntries) {
    final int groupPrefixSize = getGroupingCount();
    final int totalSize = state.index.getColumnSize();
    final Subspace permutedSubspace = getSecondarySubspace();
    for (IndexEntry indexEntry : indexEntries) {
        final Tuple groupKey = TupleHelpers.subTuple(indexEntry.getKey(), 0, groupPrefixSize);
        final Tuple value = TupleHelpers.subTuple(indexEntry.getKey(), groupPrefixSize, totalSize);
        final int permutePosition = groupPrefixSize - permutedSize;
        final Tuple groupPrefix = TupleHelpers.subTuple(groupKey, 0, permutePosition);
        final Tuple groupSuffix = TupleHelpers.subTuple(groupKey, permutePosition, groupPrefixSize);
        if (remove) {
            // First remove from ordinary tree.
            return updateOneKeyAsync(savedRecord, remove, indexEntry).thenCompose(vignore -> {
                final byte[] permutedKeyToRemove = permutedSubspace.pack(groupPrefix.addAll(value).addAll(groupSuffix));
                // See if value is the current minimum/maximum.
                return -> {
                    if (permutedValueExists == null) {
                        // No, nothing more to do.
                        return AsyncUtil.DONE;
                    return getExtremum(groupKey).thenApply(extremum -> {
                        if (extremum == null) {
                            // No replacement, just remove.
                        } else {
                            final Tuple remainingValue = TupleHelpers.subTuple(extremum, groupPrefixSize, totalSize);
                            if (!value.equals(remainingValue)) {
                                // New extremum: remove existing and store it.
                                final byte[] permutedKeyToAdd = permutedSubspace.pack(groupPrefix.addAll(remainingValue).addAll(groupSuffix));
                                final Transaction tr =;
                                tr.set(permutedKeyToAdd, TupleHelpers.EMPTY.pack());
                        return null;
        } else {
            // Get existing minimum/maximum.
            return getExtremum(groupKey).thenApply(extremum -> {
                final boolean addPermuted;
                if (extremum == null) {
                    // New group.
                    addPermuted = true;
                } else {
                    final Tuple currentValue = TupleHelpers.subTuple(extremum, groupPrefixSize, totalSize);
                    int compare = value.compareTo(currentValue);
                    addPermuted = type == Type.MIN ? compare < 0 : compare > 0;
                    // Replace if new value is better.
                    if (addPermuted) {
                        final byte[] permutedKeyToRemove = permutedSubspace.pack(groupPrefix.addAll(currentValue).addAll(groupSuffix));
                if (addPermuted) {
                    final byte[] permutedKeyToAdd = permutedSubspace.pack(groupPrefix.addAll(value).addAll(groupSuffix));
          , TupleHelpers.EMPTY.pack());
                return null;
            }).thenCompose(// Ordinary is second.
            vignore -> updateOneKeyAsync(savedRecord, remove, indexEntry));
    return AsyncUtil.DONE;
Also used : IndexEntry( LogMessageKeys( IndexMaintainerState( CompletableFuture(java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture) AsyncUtil( MetaDataException( Subspace( Key( Transaction( IndexScanType( Tuple( RecordCoreException( ScanProperties( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable) QueryToKeyMatcher( FDBIndexableRecord( KeyValue( IndexOptions( FDBStoreTimer( TupleRange( KeyValueCursor( List(java.util.List) Index( TupleHelpers( Message( RecordCursor( IndexTypes( API( Transaction( Subspace( IndexEntry( Tuple(

Example 78 with Transaction

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class SplitHelper method clearPreviousSplitRecord.

private static void clearPreviousSplitRecord(@Nonnull final FDBRecordContext context, @Nonnull final Subspace subspace, @Nonnull final Tuple key, final boolean clearBasedOnPreviousSizeInfo, @Nullable FDBStoredSizes previousSizeInfo) {
    final Transaction tr = context.ensureActive();
    final Subspace keySplitSubspace = subspace.subspace(key);
    if (clearBasedOnPreviousSizeInfo) {
        if (previousSizeInfo != null) {
            if (previousSizeInfo.isSplit() || previousSizeInfo.isVersionedInline()) {
                // Record might be shorter than previous split.
            } else {
                // Record was previously unsplit and had unsplit suffix because we are splitting long records.
    } else {
        // Clears both unsplit and previous longer split.
    final byte[] versionKey = keySplitSubspace.pack(RECORD_VERSION);
    context.getLocalVersion(versionKey).ifPresent(localVersion -> context.removeVersionMutation(versionKey));
Also used : Transaction( ReadTransaction( Subspace(

Example 79 with Transaction

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class SplitHelper method saveWithSplit.

 * Save serialized representation using multiple keys if necessary, clearing only as much as needed.
 * @param context write transaction
 * @param subspace subspace to save in
 * @param key key within subspace
 * @param serialized serialized representation
 * @param version the version to store inline with this record
 * @param splitLongRecords <code>true</code> if multiple keys should be used; if <code>false</code>, <code>serialized</code> must fit in a single key
 * @param omitUnsplitSuffix if <code>splitLongRecords</code> is <code>false</code>, then this will omit a suffix added to the end of the key if <code>true</code> for backwards-compatibility reasons
 * @param clearBasedOnPreviousSizeInfo if <code>splitLongRecords</code>, whether to use <code>previousSizeInfo</code> to determine how much to clear
 * @param previousSizeInfo if <code>clearBasedOnPreviousSizeInfo</code>, the {@link FDBStoredSizes} for any old record, or <code>null</code> if there was no old record
 * @param sizeInfo optional size information to populate
public static void saveWithSplit(@Nonnull final FDBRecordContext context, @Nonnull final Subspace subspace, @Nonnull final Tuple key, @Nonnull final byte[] serialized, @Nullable final FDBRecordVersion version, final boolean splitLongRecords, final boolean omitUnsplitSuffix, final boolean clearBasedOnPreviousSizeInfo, @Nullable final FDBStoredSizes previousSizeInfo, @Nullable SizeInfo sizeInfo) {
    if (omitUnsplitSuffix && version != null) {
        throw new RecordCoreArgumentException("Cannot include version in-line using old unsplit record format").addLogInfo(LogMessageKeys.KEY_TUPLE, key).addLogInfo(LogMessageKeys.SUBSPACE, ByteArrayUtil2.loggable(subspace.pack())).addLogInfo(LogMessageKeys.VERSION, version);
    final Transaction tr = context.ensureActive();
    if (serialized.length > SplitHelper.SPLIT_RECORD_SIZE) {
        if (!splitLongRecords) {
            throw new RecordCoreException("Record is too long to be stored in a single value; consider split_long_records").addLogInfo(LogMessageKeys.KEY_TUPLE, key).addLogInfo(LogMessageKeys.SUBSPACE, ByteArrayUtil2.loggable(subspace.pack())).addLogInfo(LogMessageKeys.VALUE_SIZE, serialized.length);
        writeSplitRecord(context, subspace, key, serialized, clearBasedOnPreviousSizeInfo, previousSizeInfo, sizeInfo);
    } else {
        if (splitLongRecords || previousSizeInfo == null || previousSizeInfo.isVersionedInline()) {
            clearPreviousSplitRecord(context, subspace, key, clearBasedOnPreviousSizeInfo, previousSizeInfo);
        final Tuple recordKey;
        if (splitLongRecords || !omitUnsplitSuffix) {
            recordKey = key.add(SplitHelper.UNSPLIT_RECORD);
        } else {
            recordKey = key;
        final byte[] keyBytes = subspace.pack(recordKey);
        tr.set(keyBytes, serialized);
        if (sizeInfo != null) {
            sizeInfo.set(keyBytes, serialized);
    writeVersion(context, subspace, key, version, sizeInfo);
Also used : RecordCoreException( Transaction( ReadTransaction( RecordCoreArgumentException( Tuple(

Example 80 with Transaction

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class SplitHelper method writeVersion.

private static void writeVersion(@Nonnull final FDBRecordContext context, @Nonnull final Subspace subspace, @Nonnull final Tuple key, @Nullable final FDBRecordVersion version, @Nullable final SizeInfo sizeInfo) {
    if (version == null) {
        if (sizeInfo != null) {
    final Transaction tr = context.ensureActive();
    final byte[] keyBytes = subspace.pack(key.add(RECORD_VERSION));
    final byte[] valueBytes = packVersion(version);
    if (version.isComplete()) {
        tr.set(keyBytes, valueBytes);
    } else {
        context.addVersionMutation(MutationType.SET_VERSIONSTAMPED_VALUE, keyBytes, valueBytes);
        context.addToLocalVersionCache(keyBytes, version.getLocalVersion());
    if (sizeInfo != null) {
        sizeInfo.add(keyBytes, valueBytes);
        if (!version.isComplete()) {
            // If the version isn't complete, an offset gets added to the
            // end of the value to indicate where the version should be
            // written. This is not made durable, so remove it from the metric.
            sizeInfo.valueSize -= Integer.BYTES;
Also used : Transaction( ReadTransaction(


Transaction ( ReadTransaction ( Tuple ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)33 Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)28 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)26 List (java.util.List)26 CompletableFuture (java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture)26 AsyncUtil ( Subspace ( Collectors ( Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)19 KeyValue ( Map (java.util.Map)18 KeyValueLogMessage ( Range ( RecordCoreException ( AtomicReference (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference)16 Collections (java.util.Collections)15 RecordCursor (