use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class IndexingScrubMissing method scrubRecordsRangeOnly.
private CompletableFuture<Boolean> scrubRecordsRangeOnly(@Nonnull FDBRecordStore store, byte[] startBytes, byte[] endBytes, @Nonnull AtomicLong recordsScanned) {
// return false when done
Index index = common.getIndex();
final RecordMetaData metaData = store.getRecordMetaData();
final RecordMetaDataProvider recordMetaDataProvider = common.getRecordStoreBuilder().getMetaDataProvider();
if (recordMetaDataProvider == null || !metaData.equals(recordMetaDataProvider.getRecordMetaData())) {
throw new MetaDataException("Store does not have the same metadata");
final IndexMaintainer maintainer = store.getIndexMaintainer(index);
// scrubbing only readable, VALUE, idempotence indexes (at least for now)
validateOrThrowEx(maintainer.isIdempotent(), "scrubbed index is not idempotent");
validateOrThrowEx(index.getType().equals(IndexTypes.VALUE) || scrubbingPolicy.ignoreIndexTypeCheck(), "scrubbed index is not a VALUE index");
validateOrThrowEx(store.getIndexState(index) == IndexState.READABLE, "scrubbed index is not readable");
RangeSet rangeSet = new RangeSet(indexScrubRecordsRangeSubspace(store, index));
AsyncIterator<Range> ranges = rangeSet.missingRanges(store.ensureContextActive(), startBytes, endBytes).iterator();
final ExecuteProperties.Builder executeProperties = ExecuteProperties.newBuilder().setIsolationLevel(IsolationLevel.SNAPSHOT).setReturnedRowLimit(// always respectLimit in this path; +1 allows a continuation item
getLimit() + 1);
final ScanProperties scanProperties = new ScanProperties(;
return ranges.onHasNext().thenCompose(hasNext -> {
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(hasNext)) {
// Here: no more missing ranges - all done
// To avoid stale metadata, we'll keep the scrubbed-ranges indicator empty until the next scrub call.
Transaction tr = store.getContext().ensureActive();
tr.clear(indexScrubRecordsRangeSubspace(store, index).range());
return AsyncUtil.READY_FALSE;
final Range range =;
final Tuple rangeStart = RangeSet.isFirstKey(range.begin) ? null : Tuple.fromBytes(range.begin);
final Tuple rangeEnd = RangeSet.isFinalKey(range.end) ? null : Tuple.fromBytes(range.end);
final TupleRange tupleRange = TupleRange.between(rangeStart, rangeEnd);
final RecordCursor<FDBStoredRecord<Message>> cursor = store.scanRecords(tupleRange, null, scanProperties);
final AtomicBoolean hasMore = new AtomicBoolean(true);
final AtomicReference<RecordCursorResult<FDBStoredRecord<Message>>> lastResult = new AtomicReference<>(RecordCursorResult.exhausted());
final long scanLimit = scrubbingPolicy.getEntriesScanLimit();
// Note that currently we only scrub idempotent indexes
final boolean isIdempotent = true;
return iterateRangeOnly(store, cursor, this::getRecordIfMissingIndex, lastResult, hasMore, recordsScanned, isIdempotent).thenApply(vignore -> hasMore.get() ? lastResult.get().get().getPrimaryKey() : rangeEnd).thenCompose(cont -> rangeSet.insertRange(store.ensureContextActive(), packOrNull(rangeStart), packOrNull(cont), true).thenApply(ignore -> {
if (scanLimit > 0) {
scanCounter += recordsScanned.get();
if (scanLimit <= scanCounter) {
return false;
return !Objects.equals(cont, rangeEnd);
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class SplitHelper method writeSplitRecord.
private static void writeSplitRecord(@Nonnull final FDBRecordContext context, @Nonnull final Subspace subspace, @Nonnull final Tuple key, @Nonnull final byte[] serialized, final boolean clearBasedOnPreviousSizeInfo, @Nullable final FDBStoredSizes previousSizeInfo, @Nullable SizeInfo sizeInfo) {
final Transaction tr = context.ensureActive();
final Subspace keySplitSubspace = subspace.subspace(key);
clearPreviousSplitRecord(context, subspace, key, clearBasedOnPreviousSizeInfo, previousSizeInfo);
long index = SplitHelper.START_SPLIT_RECORD;
int offset = 0;
while (offset < serialized.length) {
int nextOffset = offset + SplitHelper.SPLIT_RECORD_SIZE;
if (nextOffset > serialized.length) {
nextOffset = serialized.length;
final byte[] keyBytes = keySplitSubspace.pack(index);
final byte[] valueBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(serialized, offset, nextOffset);
tr.set(keyBytes, valueBytes);
if (sizeInfo != null) {
if (offset == 0) {
sizeInfo.set(keyBytes, valueBytes);
} else {
sizeInfo.add(keyBytes, valueBytes);
offset = nextOffset;
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class FDBRecordStore method addRecordCount.
private <M extends Message> void addRecordCount(@Nonnull RecordMetaData metaData, @Nonnull FDBStoredRecord<M> rec, @Nonnull byte[] increment) {
if (metaData.getRecordCountKey() == null) {
final Transaction tr = ensureContextActive();
Key.Evaluated subkey = metaData.getRecordCountKey().evaluateSingleton(rec);
final byte[] keyBytes = getSubspace().pack(Tuple.from(RECORD_COUNT_KEY).addAll(subkey.toTupleAppropriateList()));
tr.mutate(MutationType.ADD, keyBytes, increment);
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class FDBRecordStore method addRebuildRecordCountsJob.
public void addRebuildRecordCountsJob(List<CompletableFuture<Void>> work) {
final KeyExpression recordCountKey = getRecordMetaData().getRecordCountKey();
if (recordCountKey == null) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug(KeyValueLogMessage.of("recounting all records", subspaceProvider.logKey(), subspaceProvider.toString(context)));
final Map<Key.Evaluated, Long> counts = new HashMap<>();
final RecordCursor<FDBStoredRecord<Message>> records = scanRecords(null, ScanProperties.FORWARD_SCAN);
CompletableFuture<Void> future = records.forEach(rec -> {
Key.Evaluated subkey = recordCountKey.evaluateSingleton(rec);
counts.compute(subkey, (k, v) -> (v == null) ? 1 : v + 1);
}).thenApply(vignore -> {
final Transaction tr = ensureContextActive();
final byte[] bytes = new byte[8];
final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
for (Map.Entry<Key.Evaluated, Long> entry : counts.entrySet()) {
tr.set(getSubspace().pack(Tuple.from(RECORD_COUNT_KEY).addAll(entry.getKey().toTupleAppropriateList())), bytes);
return null;
future = context.instrument(FDBStoreTimer.Events.RECOUNT_RECORDS, future);
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class FDBRecordStore method getPrimaryKeyBoundaries.
* Return a cursor of boundaries separating the key ranges maintained by each FDB server. This information can be
* useful for splitting a large task (e.g., rebuilding an index for a large record store) into smaller tasks (e.g.,
* rebuilding the index for records in certain primary key ranges) more evenly so that they can be executed in a
* parallel fashion efficiently. The returned boundaries are an estimate from FDB's locality API and may not
* represent the exact boundary locations at any database version.
* <p>
* The boundaries are returned as a cursor which is sorted and does not contain any duplicates. The first element of
* the list is greater than or equal to <code>low</code>, and the last element is less than or equal to
* <code>high</code>.
* <p>
* This implementation may not work when there are too many shard boundaries to complete in a single transaction.
* <p>
* Note: the returned cursor is blocking and must not be used in an asynchronous context
* @param low low endpoint of primary key range (inclusive)
* @param high high endpoint of primary key range (exclusive)
* @return the list of boundary primary keys
public RecordCursor<Tuple> getPrimaryKeyBoundaries(@Nonnull Tuple low, @Nonnull Tuple high) {
final Transaction transaction = ensureContextActive();
byte[] rangeStart = recordsSubspace().pack(low);
byte[] rangeEnd = recordsSubspace().pack(high);
CloseableAsyncIterator<byte[]> cursor = context.getDatabase().getLocalityProvider().getBoundaryKeys(transaction, rangeStart, rangeEnd);
final boolean hasSplitRecordSuffix = hasSplitRecordSuffix();
DistinctFilterCursorClosure closure = new DistinctFilterCursorClosure();
return RecordCursor.flatMapPipelined(ignore -> RecordCursor.fromIterator(getExecutor(), cursor), (result, ignore) -> RecordCursor.fromIterator(getExecutor(), transaction.snapshot().getRange(result, rangeEnd, 1).iterator()), null, DEFAULT_PIPELINE_SIZE).map(keyValue -> {
Tuple recordKey = recordsSubspace().unpack(keyValue.getKey());
return hasSplitRecordSuffix ? recordKey.popBack() : recordKey;