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Example 1 with QueryComponent

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class RecordQueryPlanner method planIntersection.

private ScoredPlan planIntersection(@Nonnull List<ScoredPlan> intersectionCandidates, @Nonnull KeyExpression comparisonKey) {
    // Prefer plans that handle more filters (leave fewer unhandled), more index filters
    // Since we limited to isPrimaryKeyOrdered(), comparisonKey will always work.
    ScoredPlan plan1 = intersectionCandidates.get(0);
    List<QueryComponent> nonSargables = new ArrayList<>(plan1.combineNonSargables());
    Set<RankComparisons.RankComparison> includedRankComparisons = mergeRankComparisons(null, plan1.includedRankComparisons);
    RecordQueryPlan plan = plan1.plan;
    List<RecordQueryPlan> includedPlans = new ArrayList<>(intersectionCandidates.size());
    // TODO optimize so that we don't do excessive intersections
    for (int i = 1; i < intersectionCandidates.size(); i++) {
        ScoredPlan nextPlan = intersectionCandidates.get(i);
        List<QueryComponent> nextNonSargables = new ArrayList<>(nextPlan.combineNonSargables());
        int oldCount = nonSargables.size();
        if (nonSargables.size() < oldCount) {
            if (plan.isReverse() != nextPlan.plan.isReverse()) {
                // Cannot intersect plans with incompatible reverse settings.
                return null;
        includedRankComparisons = mergeRankComparisons(includedRankComparisons, nextPlan.includedRankComparisons);
    if (includedPlans.size() > 1) {
        // Calculating the new score would require more state, not doing, because we currently ignore the score
        // after this call.
        final RecordQueryPlan intersectionPlan = RecordQueryIntersectionPlan.from(includedPlans, comparisonKey);
        if (intersectionPlan.getComplexity() > configuration.getComplexityThreshold()) {
            throw new RecordQueryPlanComplexityException(intersectionPlan);
        return new ScoredPlan(intersectionPlan, nonSargables, Collections.emptyList(), plan1.score, plan1.createsDuplicates, includedRankComparisons);
    } else {
        return null;
Also used : RecordQueryPlan( QueryComponent( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 2 with QueryComponent

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class RecordQueryPlanner method planRankWithAnd.

private ScoredPlan planRankWithAnd(@Nonnull CandidateScan candidateScan, @Nonnull Index index, @Nonnull GroupingKeyExpression indexExpr, @Nonnull AndComponent and) {
    final List<QueryComponent> filters = and.getChildren();
    for (QueryComponent filter : filters) {
        if (filter instanceof QueryRecordFunctionWithComparison) {
            final QueryRecordFunctionWithComparison filterComparison = (QueryRecordFunctionWithComparison) filter;
            final RankComparisons.RankComparison rankComparison = candidateScan.planContext.rankComparisons.getPlanComparison(filterComparison);
            if (rankComparison != null && rankComparison.getIndex() == index && RankComparisons.matchesSort(indexExpr, candidateScan.planContext.query.getSort())) {
                ScanComparisons scanComparisons = rankComparison.getScanComparisons();
                final Set<RankComparisons.RankComparison> includedRankComparisons = new HashSet<>();
                final List<QueryComponent> unsatisfiedFilters = new ArrayList<>(filters);
                for (int i = 0; i < unsatisfiedFilters.size(); i++) {
                    final QueryComponent otherFilter = unsatisfiedFilters.get(i);
                    if (otherFilter instanceof QueryRecordFunctionWithComparison) {
                        final QueryRecordFunctionWithComparison otherComparison = (QueryRecordFunctionWithComparison) otherFilter;
                        final RankComparisons.RankComparison otherRank = candidateScan.planContext.rankComparisons.getPlanComparison(otherComparison);
                        if (otherRank != null) {
                            ScanComparisons mergedScanComparisons = scanComparisons.merge(otherRank.getScanComparisons());
                            if (mergedScanComparisons != null) {
                                scanComparisons = mergedScanComparisons;
                final RecordQueryPlan scan = rankScan(candidateScan, filterComparison, scanComparisons);
                final boolean createsDuplicates = RankComparisons.createsDuplicates(index, indexExpr);
                return new ScoredPlan(scan, unsatisfiedFilters, Collections.emptyList(), indexExpr.getColumnSize(), createsDuplicates, includedRankComparisons);
    return null;
Also used : RecordQueryPlan( QueryComponent( QueryRecordFunctionWithComparison( RankComparisons( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TimeWindowScanComparisons( IndexScanComparisons( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 3 with QueryComponent

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class RecordQueryPlanner method normalizeAndOrForInAsOr.

private QueryComponent normalizeAndOrForInAsOr(@Nonnull QueryComponent component) {
    if (!(component instanceof AndComponent)) {
        return component;
    final AndComponent and = (AndComponent) component;
    OrComponent singleOrChild = null;
    final List<QueryComponent> otherChildren = new ArrayList<>();
    for (QueryComponent child : and.getChildren()) {
        if (child instanceof OrComponent) {
            if (singleOrChild == null) {
                singleOrChild = (OrComponent) child;
            } else {
                return and;
        } else if (Query.isSingleFieldComparison(child)) {
        } else {
            return and;
    if (singleOrChild == null) {
        return and;
    // We have exactly one OR child and the others are single field comparisons
    return OrComponent.from(distributeAnd(otherChildren, singleOrChild.getChildren()));
Also used : QueryComponent( OrComponent( AndComponent( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 4 with QueryComponent

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class RecordQueryPlanner method planAndWithNesting.

private ScoredPlan planAndWithNesting(@Nonnull CandidateScan candidateScan, @Nonnull NestingKeyExpression indexExpr, @Nonnull AndComponent filter, @Nullable KeyExpression sort) {
    final FieldKeyExpression parent = indexExpr.getParent();
    if (parent.getFanType() == FanType.None) {
        // For non-spread case, we can do a better job trying to match more than one of the filter children if
        // they have the same nesting.
        final List<QueryComponent> nestedFilters = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<QueryComponent> remainingFilters = new ArrayList<>();
        for (QueryComponent filterChild : filter.getChildren()) {
            QueryComponent filterComponent = candidateScan.planContext.rankComparisons.planComparisonSubstitute(filterChild);
            if (filterComponent instanceof NestedField) {
                final NestedField nestedField = (NestedField) filterComponent;
                if (parent.getFieldName().equals(nestedField.getFieldName())) {
        if (nestedFilters.size() > 1) {
            final NestedField nestedAnd = new NestedField(parent.getFieldName(), Query.and(nestedFilters));
            final ScoredPlan plan = planNestedField(candidateScan, indexExpr, nestedAnd, sort);
            if (plan != null) {
                if (remainingFilters.isEmpty()) {
                    return plan;
                } else {
                    return plan.withUnsatisfiedFilters(remainingFilters);
            } else {
                return null;
    List<QueryComponent> unsatisfiedFilters = new ArrayList<>(filter.getChildren());
    for (QueryComponent filterChild : filter.getChildren()) {
        QueryComponent filterComponent = candidateScan.planContext.rankComparisons.planComparisonSubstitute(filterChild);
        if (filterComponent instanceof NestedField) {
            NestedField nestedField = (NestedField) filterComponent;
            final ScoredPlan plan = planNestedField(candidateScan, indexExpr, nestedField, sort);
            if (plan != null) {
                return plan.withUnsatisfiedFilters(unsatisfiedFilters);
    return null;
Also used : NestedField( QueryComponent( FieldKeyExpression( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 5 with QueryComponent

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class RecordQueryPlanner method planIndex.

private ScoredPlan planIndex(@Nonnull PlanContext planContext, @Nonnull QueryComponent filter, @Nullable Index index, @Nonnull KeyExpression indexExpr, @Nonnull List<ScoredPlan> intersectionCandidates) {
    final KeyExpression sort = planContext.query.getSort();
    final boolean sortReverse = planContext.query.isSortReverse();
    final CandidateScan candidateScan = new CandidateScan(planContext, index, sortReverse);
    ScoredPlan p = null;
    if (index != null) {
        if (indexTypes.getRankTypes().contains(index.getType())) {
            GroupingKeyExpression grouping = (GroupingKeyExpression) indexExpr;
            p = planRank(candidateScan, index, grouping, filter);
            // Plan as just value index.
            indexExpr = grouping.getWholeKey();
        } else if (indexTypes.getTextTypes().contains(index.getType())) {
            p = planText(candidateScan, index, filter, sort);
            if (p != null) {
                p = planRemoveDuplicates(planContext, p);
            if (p != null) {
                p = computeIndexFilters(planContext, p);
            return p;
        } else if (indexTypes.getLuceneTypes().contains(index.getType())) {
            p = planLucene(candidateScan, index, filter, sort);
            if (p != null) {
                p = planRemoveDuplicates(planContext, p);
            if (p != null) {
                p = computeIndexFilters(planContext, p);
            return p;
        } else if (!indexTypes.getValueTypes().contains(index.getType())) {
            return null;
    if (p == null) {
        p = planCandidateScan(candidateScan, indexExpr, filter, sort);
    if (p == null) {
        // we can't match the filter, but maybe the sort
        p = planSortOnly(candidateScan, indexExpr, sort);
        if (p != null) {
            final List<QueryComponent> unsatisfiedFilters = filter instanceof AndComponent ? ((AndComponent) filter).getChildren() : Collections.singletonList(filter);
            p = new ScoredPlan(0, p.plan, unsatisfiedFilters, p.createsDuplicates);
    if (p != null) {
        if (getConfiguration().shouldOptimizeForIndexFilters()) {
            // partition index filters
            if (index == null) {
                // if we scan without an index all filters become index filters as we don't need a fetch
                // to evaluate these filters
                p = p.withFilters(p.combineNonSargables(), Collections.emptyList());
            } else {
                p = computeIndexFilters(planContext, p);
    if (p != null) {
        p = planRemoveDuplicates(planContext, p);
        if (p != null && p.getNumNonSargables() > 0) {
            PlanOrderingKey planOrderingKey = PlanOrderingKey.forPlan(metaData, p.plan, planContext.commonPrimaryKey);
            if (planOrderingKey != null && (sort != null || planOrderingKey.isPrimaryKeyOrdered())) {
                // If there is a sort, all chosen plans should be ordered by it and so compatible.
                // Otherwise, by requiring pkey order, we miss out on the possible intersection of
                // X < 10 AND X < 5, which should have been handled already. We gain simplicity
                // in not trying X < 10 AND Y = 5 AND Z = 'foo', where we would need to throw
                // some out as we fail to align them all.
                p.planOrderingKey = planOrderingKey;
    return p;
Also used : QueryComponent( GroupingKeyExpression( AndComponent( RecordTypeKeyExpression( VersionKeyExpression( GroupingKeyExpression( KeyExpression( FieldKeyExpression( NestingKeyExpression( EmptyKeyExpression( ThenKeyExpression( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)


QueryComponent ( RecordQueryPlan ( RecordQuery ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)41 FDBRecordContext ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)30 ParameterizedTest (org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest)29 FDBQueriedRecord ( Index ( Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)23 Comparisons ( Message ( Query ( RecordQueryPlanner ( List (java.util.List)20 Collections (java.util.Collections)19 Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)18 Assertions.assertEquals (org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals)18 PlanHashable ( Expressions.field (