use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class RecordQueryPlanner method planIndex.
private ScoredPlan planIndex(@Nonnull PlanContext planContext, @Nonnull QueryComponent filter, @Nullable Index index, @Nonnull KeyExpression indexExpr, @Nonnull List<ScoredPlan> intersectionCandidates) {
final KeyExpression sort = planContext.query.getSort();
final boolean sortReverse = planContext.query.isSortReverse();
final CandidateScan candidateScan = new CandidateScan(planContext, index, sortReverse);
ScoredPlan p = null;
if (index != null) {
if (indexTypes.getRankTypes().contains(index.getType())) {
GroupingKeyExpression grouping = (GroupingKeyExpression) indexExpr;
p = planRank(candidateScan, index, grouping, filter);
// Plan as just value index.
indexExpr = grouping.getWholeKey();
} else if (indexTypes.getTextTypes().contains(index.getType())) {
p = planText(candidateScan, index, filter, sort);
if (p != null) {
p = planRemoveDuplicates(planContext, p);
if (p != null) {
p = computeIndexFilters(planContext, p);
return p;
} else if (indexTypes.getLuceneTypes().contains(index.getType())) {
p = planLucene(candidateScan, index, filter, sort);
if (p != null) {
p = planRemoveDuplicates(planContext, p);
if (p != null) {
p = computeIndexFilters(planContext, p);
return p;
} else if (!indexTypes.getValueTypes().contains(index.getType())) {
return null;
if (p == null) {
p = planCandidateScan(candidateScan, indexExpr, filter, sort);
if (p == null) {
// we can't match the filter, but maybe the sort
p = planSortOnly(candidateScan, indexExpr, sort);
if (p != null) {
final List<QueryComponent> unsatisfiedFilters = filter instanceof AndComponent ? ((AndComponent) filter).getChildren() : Collections.singletonList(filter);
p = new ScoredPlan(0, p.plan, unsatisfiedFilters, p.createsDuplicates);
if (p != null) {
if (getConfiguration().shouldOptimizeForIndexFilters()) {
// partition index filters
if (index == null) {
// if we scan without an index all filters become index filters as we don't need a fetch
// to evaluate these filters
p = p.withFilters(p.combineNonSargables(), Collections.emptyList());
} else {
p = computeIndexFilters(planContext, p);
if (p != null) {
p = planRemoveDuplicates(planContext, p);
if (p != null && p.getNumNonSargables() > 0) {
PlanOrderingKey planOrderingKey = PlanOrderingKey.forPlan(metaData, p.plan, planContext.commonPrimaryKey);
if (planOrderingKey != null && (sort != null || planOrderingKey.isPrimaryKeyOrdered())) {
// If there is a sort, all chosen plans should be ordered by it and so compatible.
// Otherwise, by requiring pkey order, we miss out on the possible intersection of
// X < 10 AND X < 5, which should have been handled already. We gain simplicity
// in not trying X < 10 AND Y = 5 AND Z = 'foo', where we would need to throw
// some out as we fail to align them all.
p.planOrderingKey = planOrderingKey;
return p;
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class AvailableFields method fromIndex.
public static AvailableFields fromIndex(@Nonnull RecordType recordType, @Nonnull Index index, @Nonnull PlannableIndexTypes indexTypes, @Nullable KeyExpression commonPrimaryKey) {
final KeyExpression rootExpression = index.getRootExpression();
final List<KeyExpression> keyFields = new ArrayList<>();
final List<KeyExpression> valueFields = new ArrayList<>();
final List<KeyExpression> nonStoredLuceneExpressions = new ArrayList<>();
if (indexTypes.getTextTypes().contains(index.getType())) {
// Full text index entries have all of their fields except the tokenized one.
} else if (indexTypes.getValueTypes().contains(index.getType()) || indexTypes.getRankTypes().contains(index.getType())) {
} else if (indexTypes.getLuceneTypes().contains(index.getType())) {
// Todo: this will not take into account stored non-primary-key fields.
} else {
// Aggregate index
if (rootExpression instanceof GroupingKeyExpression) {
GroupingKeyExpression groupingKeyExpression = (GroupingKeyExpression) rootExpression;
// Like FDBRecordStoreBase.indexEntryKey(), but with key expressions instead of actual values.
final List<KeyExpression> primaryKeys = new ArrayList<>(commonPrimaryKey == null ? Collections.emptyList() : commonPrimaryKey.normalizeKeyForPositions());
Map<KeyExpression, FieldData> fields = new HashMap<>();
final IndexKeyValueToPartialRecord.Builder builder = IndexKeyValueToPartialRecord.newBuilder(recordType);
for (int i = 0; i < keyFields.size(); i++) {
KeyExpression keyField = keyFields.get(i);
FieldData fieldData = FieldData.of(IndexKeyValueToPartialRecord.TupleSource.KEY, i);
if (!nonStoredLuceneExpressions.contains(keyField) && !keyField.createsDuplicates() && addCoveringField(keyField, fieldData, builder)) {
fields.put(keyField, fieldData);
for (int i = 0; i < valueFields.size(); i++) {
KeyExpression valueField = valueFields.get(i);
FieldData fieldData = FieldData.of(IndexKeyValueToPartialRecord.TupleSource.VALUE, i);
if (!nonStoredLuceneExpressions.contains(valueField) && !valueField.createsDuplicates() && addCoveringField(valueField, fieldData, builder)) {
fields.put(valueField, fieldData);
if (!builder.isValid()) {
return NO_FIELDS;
return new AvailableFields(fields);
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class ValueIndexMaintainer method evaluateAggregateFunction.
public CompletableFuture<Tuple> evaluateAggregateFunction(@Nonnull IndexAggregateFunction function, @Nonnull TupleRange range, @Nonnull final IsolationLevel isolationLevel) {
final boolean reverse;
if (function.getName().equals(FunctionNames.MIN)) {
reverse = false;
} else if (function.getName().equals(FunctionNames.MAX)) {
reverse = true;
} else {
throw new MetaDataException("do not index aggregate function: " + function);
final int totalSize = function.getOperand().getColumnSize();
final int groupSize = totalSize - (function.getOperand() instanceof GroupingKeyExpression ? ((GroupingKeyExpression) function.getOperand()).getGroupedCount() : 1);
return scan(IndexScanType.BY_VALUE, range, null, new ScanProperties(ExecuteProperties.newBuilder().setReturnedRowLimit(1).setIsolationLevel(isolationLevel).build(), reverse)).first().thenApply(kvo -> -> TupleHelpers.subTuple(kv.getKey(), groupSize, totalSize)).orElse(null));
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class Main method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Get a database connection.
FDBDatabase fdb = FDBDatabaseFactory.instance().getDatabase();
// Create a subspace using the key space API to create a subspace within
// the cluster used by this record store. The key space API in general
// allows the user to specify a hierarchical structure of named sub-paths.
// Each record store can then fill in the named entries within the path
// with values relevant to that store. If the key space includes a directory
// layer directory, then the value supplied by the user will be replaced
// by a short prefix supplied by the the directory layer. The results from
// the directory layer are cached locally by the Record Layer to avoid excessive
// database reads.
// In this case, the key space implies that there are multiple "applications"
// that might be defined to run on the same FoundationDB cluster, and then
// each "application" might have multiple "environments". This could be used,
// for example, to connect to either the "prod" or "qa" environment for the same
// application from within the same code base.
final KeySpace keySpace = new KeySpace(new DirectoryLayerDirectory("application").addSubdirectory(new KeySpaceDirectory("environment", KeySpaceDirectory.KeyType.STRING)));
// Create a path for the "record-layer-sample" application's demo environment.
// Clear all existing data and then return the subspace associated with the key space path.
final KeySpacePath path = keySpace.path("application", "record-layer-sample").add("environment", "demo");
// Clear out any data that may be in the record store."Clearing the Record Store ..."); -> {
return null;
// Build the metadata. This simple approach only works for primary
// keys and secondary indexes defined in the Protobuf message types.
RecordMetaData rmd =;
FDBRecordStore.Builder recordStoreBuilder = FDBRecordStore.newBuilder().setMetaDataProvider(rmd).setKeySpacePath(path);
// Write records for Vendor and Item."Writing Vendor and Item record ..."); cx) -> {
FDBRecordStore store = recordStoreBuilder.copyBuilder().setContext(cx).create();
store.saveRecord(SampleProto.Vendor.newBuilder().setVendorId(1066L).setVendorName("Buy n Large").build());
store.saveRecord(SampleProto.Item.newBuilder().setItemId(9970L).setItemName("Personal Transport").setVendorId(1066L).build());
store.saveRecord(SampleProto.Item.newBuilder().setItemId(8380L).setItemName("Piles of Garbage").setVendorId(1066L).build());
return null;
// Use the primary key declared in the Vendor message type to read a
// record."Reading Vendor record with primary key 9375L ...");
SampleProto.Vendor.Builder readBuilder = cx) -> {
FDBRecordStore store = recordStoreBuilder.copyBuilder().setContext(cx).open();
return SampleProto.Vendor.newBuilder().mergeFrom(store.loadRecord(Key.Evaluated.scalar(9375L).toTuple()).getRecord());
});" Result -> Id: {}, Name: {}", readBuilder.getVendorId(), readBuilder.getVendorName());
// Using the secondary index declared in the message type, query
// Item by vendor ID, then look up the item ID."Looking for item IDs with vendor ID 9375L ...");
ArrayList<Long> ids = cx) -> {
ArrayList<Long> itemIDs = new ArrayList<>();
FDBRecordStore store = recordStoreBuilder.copyBuilder().setContext(cx).open();
RecordQuery query = RecordQuery.newBuilder().setRecordType("Item").setFilter(Query.field("vendor_id").equalsValue(9375L)).build();
try (RecordCursor<FDBQueriedRecord<Message>> cursor = store.executeQuery(query)) {
RecordCursorResult<FDBQueriedRecord<Message>> result;
do {
result = cursor.getNext();
if (result.hasNext()) {
} while (result.hasNext());
return itemIDs;
ids.forEach((Long res) ->" Result -> Vendor ID: 9375, Item ID: {}", res));
// A kind of hand-crafted "cross-table join" (in some sense). This returns a list
// linking the name of each vendor to the names of the products they sell.
// Note that this query is entirely non-blocking until the end.
// In SQL, this might look something like:
// SELECT, FROM Item JOIN Vendor ON Vendor.vendor_id = Item.vid
// One difference is that the above SQL query will flatten the results out so that there
// is exactly one returned row per item name (per vendor) where as the map returned by
// this RecordLayer query will feature exactly one entry per vendor where the key is the
// vendor name and the value is the vendor's items.
// Note that this query is not particularly efficient as is. To make this efficient, one
// might consider an index on vendor name. This could scan the index to get the vendor
// name of the Vendor record type and a second index on item by vendor ID, perhaps with
// the item name in the value portion of the index definition. This would allow the
// query to be satisfied with one scan of the vendor name index and another scan of the
// item's vendor ID index (one scan per vendor)."Grouping items by vendor ...");
Map<String, List<String>> namesToItems = cx) -> cx.asyncToSync(FDBStoreTimer.Waits.WAIT_EXECUTE_QUERY, recordStoreBuilder.copyBuilder().setContext(cx).openAsync().thenCompose(store -> {
// Outer plan gets all of the vendors
RecordQueryPlan outerPlan = store.planQuery(RecordQuery.newBuilder().setRecordType("Vendor").setRequiredResults(Arrays.asList(field("vendor_id"), field("vendor_name"))).build());
// Inner plan gets all items for the given vendor ID.
// Using "equalsParameter" does the plan once and re-uses the plan for each vendor ID.
RecordQueryPlan innerPlan = store.planQuery(RecordQuery.newBuilder().setRecordType("Item").setRequiredResults(Collections.singletonList(field("item_name"))).setFilter(Query.field("vendor_id").equalsParameter("vid")).build());
return store.executeQuery(outerPlan).mapPipelined(record -> {
SampleProto.Vendor vendor = SampleProto.Vendor.newBuilder().mergeFrom(record.getRecord()).build();
return innerPlan.execute(store, EvaluationContext.forBinding("vid", vendor.getVendorId())).map(innerRecord -> SampleProto.Item.newBuilder().mergeFrom(innerRecord.getRecord()).getItemName()).asList().thenApply(list -> Pair.of(vendor.getVendorName(), list));
}, 10).asList().thenApply((List<Pair<String, List<String>>> list) ->, Pair::getValue)));
namesToItems.forEach((String name, List<String> items) ->" Result -> Vendor Name: {}, Item names: {}", name, items));
// Richer indexes:
// To build richer primary keys or secondary indexes (than those definable in the protobuf
// message types), you need to use the more verbose and powerful RecordMetaDataBuilder.
RecordMetaDataBuilder rmdBuilder = RecordMetaData.newBuilder().setRecords(SampleProto.getDescriptor());
// Order customers by last name, then first name, then their ID if otherwise equal.
// NOTE: This operation is dangerous if you have existing data! Existing records are *not*
// automatically migrated.
rmdBuilder.getRecordType("Customer").setPrimaryKey(concatenateFields("last_name", "first_name", "customer_id"));
// Add a global count index. Most record stores should probably add this index as it allows
// the database to make intelligent decisions based on the current size of the record store.
rmdBuilder.addUniversalIndex(new Index("globalCount", new GroupingKeyExpression(EmptyKeyExpression.EMPTY, 0), IndexTypes.COUNT));
// Add a FanType.FanOut secondary index for email_address, so that
// each value for email_address generates its own key in the index.
rmdBuilder.addIndex("Customer", new Index("email_address", field("email_address", FanType.FanOut), IndexTypes.VALUE));
// Add a FanType.Concatenate secondary index for preference_tag, so
// that all values for preference_tag generate a single key in the index.
rmdBuilder.addIndex("Customer", new Index("preference_tag", field("preference_tag", FanType.Concatenate), IndexTypes.VALUE));
// Add an index on the count of each preference tag. This allows us to
// quickly get the number of users for each preference tag. The key
// provided will create a separate "count" field for each value of the
// preference_tag field and keep track of the number of customer
// records with each value.
rmdBuilder.addIndex("Customer", new Index("preference_tag_count", new GroupingKeyExpression(field("preference_tag", FanType.FanOut), 0), IndexTypes.COUNT));
// Add a nested secondary index for order such that each value for
// quantity in Order generates a single key in the index.
rmdBuilder.addIndex("Customer", new Index("order", field("order", FanType.FanOut).nest("quantity"), IndexTypes.VALUE));
// Add an index on the sum of the quantity of each item in each
// order. This can be used to know how many of each item have been ordered across
// all customers. The grouping key here is a little hairy, but it
// specifies that the "item_id" column should be used as a grouping key
// and the quantity used as the sum value, so it will keep track of the
// quantity ordered of each item.
rmdBuilder.addIndex("Customer", new Index("item_quantity_sum", new GroupingKeyExpression(field("order", FanType.FanOut).nest(concatenateFields("item_id", "quantity")), 1), IndexTypes.SUM));
// Rebuild the metadata for the newly added indexes before reading or
// writing more data.
RecordMetaData rmd2 = rmdBuilder.getRecordMetaData();
// Calling "open" on an existing record store with new meta-data will
// create the index and place them in a "disabled" mode that means that
// they cannot yet be used for queries. (In particular, the query planner
// will ignore this index and any attempt to read from the index will
// throw an error.) To enable querying, one must invoke the online index
// builder. This will scan through the record store across multiple
// transactions and populate the new indexes with data from the existing
// entries. During the build job, the record store remains available for
// reading and writing, but there may be additional conflicts if the index
// build job and normal operations happen to mutate the same records.
RecordStoreState storeState = -> {
FDBRecordStore store = recordStoreBuilder.copyBuilder().setContext(cx).open();
return store.getRecordStoreState();
});"Running index builds of new indexes:");
// Build all of the indexes in parallel by firing off a future for each and
// then wait for all of them.
fdb.asyncToSync(null, FDBStoreTimer.Waits.WAIT_ONLINE_BUILD_INDEX, AsyncUtil.whenAll(storeState.getDisabledIndexNames().stream().map(indexName -> {
// Build this index. It will begin the background job and return a future
// that will complete when the index is ready for querying.
OnlineIndexer indexBuilder = OnlineIndexer.newBuilder().setDatabase(fdb).setRecordStoreBuilder(recordStoreBuilder).setIndex(indexName).build();
return indexBuilder.buildIndexAsync().thenRun(() ->" Index build of {} is complete.", indexName)).whenComplete((vignore, eignore) -> indexBuilder.close());
// Write larger records for Customer (and Order)."Adding records with new secondary indexes ..."); cx) -> {
FDBRecordStore store = recordStoreBuilder.copyBuilder().setContext(cx).open();
store.saveRecord(SampleProto.Customer.newBuilder().setCustomerId(9264L).setFirstName("John").setLastName("Smith").addEmailAddress("").addEmailAddress("").addPreferenceTag("books").addPreferenceTag("movies").addOrder(SampleProto.Order.newBuilder().setOrderId(3875L).setItemId(9374L).setQuantity(2)).addOrder(SampleProto.Order.newBuilder().setOrderId(4828L).setItemId(2740L).setQuantity(1)).setPhoneNumber("(703) 555-8255").build());
store.saveRecord(SampleProto.Customer.newBuilder().setCustomerId(8365L).setFirstName("Jane").setLastName("Doe").addEmailAddress("").addEmailAddress("").addPreferenceTag("games").addPreferenceTag("lawn").addPreferenceTag("books").addOrder(SampleProto.Order.newBuilder().setOrderId(9280L).setItemId(2740L).setQuantity(3)).setPhoneNumber("(408) 555-0248").build());
return null;
// Get the record count. This uses the global count index to get the
// full number of records in the store.
Long recordCount = cx) -> cx.asyncToSync(FDBStoreTimer.Waits.WAIT_EXECUTE_QUERY, recordStoreBuilder.copyBuilder().setContext(cx).openAsync().thenCompose(FDBRecordStore::getSnapshotRecordCount)));"Store contains {} records.", recordCount);
// Query all records with the first name "Jane".
// Performs a full scan of the primary key index."Retrieving all customers with first name \"Jane\"...");
List<String> names = cx) -> {
RecordQuery query = RecordQuery.newBuilder().setRecordType("Customer").setFilter(Query.field("first_name").equalsValue("Jane")).build();
return readNames(recordStoreBuilder, cx, query);
names.forEach((String res) ->" Result -> {}", res));
// Query all records with last name "Doe".
// Scans only the customers from the primary key index."Retrieving all customers with last name \"Doe\"...");
names = cx) -> {
RecordQuery query = RecordQuery.newBuilder().setRecordType("Customer").setFilter(Query.field("last_name").equalsValue("Doe")).build();
return readNames(recordStoreBuilder, cx, query);
names.forEach((String res) ->" Result -> {}", res));
// Query all records with first_name "Jane" and last_name "Doe"
// Scans only the customers from the primary key index."Retrieving all customers with name \"Jane Doe\"...");
names = cx) -> {
RecordQuery query = RecordQuery.newBuilder().setRecordType("Customer").setFilter(Query.and(Query.field("first_name").equalsValue("Jane"), Query.field("last_name").equalsValue("Doe"))).build();
return readNames(recordStoreBuilder, cx, query);
names.forEach((String res) ->" Result -> {}", res));
// Query all records with an email address beginning with "john".
// Uses FanType.FanOut secondary index."Retrieving all customers with an email address beginning with \"john\"...");
Map<String, List<String>> addresses = cx) -> {
RecordQuery query = RecordQuery.newBuilder().setRecordType("Customer").setFilter(Query.field("email_address").oneOfThem().startsWith("john")).build();
return cx.asyncToSync(FDBStoreTimer.Waits.WAIT_EXECUTE_QUERY, recordStoreBuilder.copyBuilder().setContext(cx).openAsync().thenCompose(store -> {
Map<String, List<String>> addressMap = new HashMap<>();
return store.executeQuery(query).forEach((FDBQueriedRecord<Message> record) -> {
SampleProto.Customer.Builder builder = SampleProto.Customer.newBuilder().mergeFrom(record.getRecord());
addressMap.put(builder.getFirstName() + " " + builder.getLastName(), builder.getEmailAddressList());
}).thenApply(v -> addressMap);
addresses.forEach((String k, List<String> vals) ->" Result -> {} with emails {}", k, vals));
// Query all records with preference_tags "books" and "movies".
// Uses FanType.Concatenate secondary index."Retrieving all customers with preference tags \"books\" and \"movies\"...");
names = cx) -> {
RecordQuery query = RecordQuery.newBuilder().setRecordType("Customer").setFilter(Query.and(Query.field("preference_tag").oneOfThem().equalsValue("books"), Query.field("preference_tag").oneOfThem().equalsValue("movies"))).build();
return readNames(recordStoreBuilder, cx, query);
names.forEach((String res) ->" Result -> {}", res));
// Get the number of customers who have "books" listed as one of their preference tags
Long bookPreferenceCount = cx) -> cx.asyncToSync(FDBStoreTimer.Waits.WAIT_EXECUTE_QUERY, recordStoreBuilder.copyBuilder().setContext(cx).openAsync().thenCompose(store -> {
Index index = store.getRecordMetaData().getIndex("preference_tag_count");
IndexAggregateFunction function = new IndexAggregateFunction(FunctionNames.COUNT, index.getRootExpression(), index.getName());
return store.evaluateAggregateFunction(Collections.singletonList("Customer"), function, Key.Evaluated.scalar("books"), IsolationLevel.SERIALIZABLE).thenApply(tuple -> tuple.getLong(0));
})));"Number of customers with the \"books\" preference tag: {}", bookPreferenceCount);
// Query all customers with an order of quantity greater than 2.
// Uses nested secondary index."Retrieving all customers with an order of quantity greater than 2 ...");
names = cx) -> {
RecordQuery query = RecordQuery.newBuilder().setRecordType("Customer").setFilter(Query.field("order").oneOfThem().matches(Query.field("quantity").greaterThan(2))).build();
return readNames(recordStoreBuilder, cx, query);
names.forEach((String res) ->" Result -> {}", res));
// Get the sum of the quantity of items ordered for item ID 2740.
// Using the index, it can determine this by reading a single
// key in the database.
Long itemQuantitySum = cx) -> cx.asyncToSync(FDBStoreTimer.Waits.WAIT_EXECUTE_QUERY, recordStoreBuilder.copyBuilder().setContext(cx).openAsync().thenCompose(store -> {
Index index = store.getRecordMetaData().getIndex("item_quantity_sum");
IndexAggregateFunction function = new IndexAggregateFunction(FunctionNames.SUM, index.getRootExpression(), index.getName());
return store.evaluateAggregateFunction(Collections.singletonList("Customer"), function, Key.Evaluated.scalar(2740L), IsolationLevel.SERIALIZABLE).thenApply(tuple -> tuple.getLong(0));
})));"Total quantity ordered of item 2740L: {}", itemQuantitySum);
// Get the sum of the quantity of all items ordered.
// Using the index, it will do a scan that will hit one key
// for each unique item id with a single range scan.
Long allItemsQuantitySum = cx) -> cx.asyncToSync(FDBStoreTimer.Waits.WAIT_EXECUTE_QUERY, recordStoreBuilder.copyBuilder().setContext(cx).openAsync().thenCompose(store -> {
Index index = store.getRecordMetaData().getIndex("item_quantity_sum");
IndexAggregateFunction function = new IndexAggregateFunction(FunctionNames.SUM, index.getRootExpression(), index.getName());
return store.evaluateAggregateFunction(Collections.singletonList("Customer"), function, TupleRange.ALL, IsolationLevel.SERIALIZABLE).thenApply(tuple -> tuple.getLong(0));
})));"Total quantity ordered of all items: {}", allItemsQuantitySum);
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class FDBNestedFieldQueryTest method nestedRankMap.
* Verify that a rank index on a map-like repeated nested message can be scanned for rank comparisons.
public void nestedRankMap() throws Exception {
final GroupingKeyExpression rankGroup = new GroupingKeyExpression(concat(field("other_id"), field("map").nest(field("entry", KeyExpression.FanType.FanOut).nest(concatenateFields("key", "value")))), 1);
final RecordMetaDataBuilder metaDataBuilder = RecordMetaData.newBuilder().setRecords(TestRecordsNestedMapProto.getDescriptor());
metaDataBuilder.addIndex("OuterRecord", new Index("rank_value_by_key", rankGroup, IndexTypes.RANK));
// TODO: This is not a very obvious way to specify this. But we don't have correlation names.
final QueryComponent keyCondition = Query.field("map").matches(Query.field("entry").oneOfThem().matches(Query.field("key").equalsValue("alpha")));
final QueryRecordFunction<Long> rank = Query.rank(rankGroup).withAdditionalCondition(keyCondition);
try (FDBRecordContext context = openContext()) {
createOrOpenRecordStore(context, metaDataBuilder.getRecordMetaData());
TestRecordsNestedMapProto.OuterRecord.Builder builder = TestRecordsNestedMapProto.OuterRecord.newBuilder().setOtherId(1);
TestRecordsNestedMapProto.MapRecord.Builder mapBuilder = builder.getMapBuilder();
RecordQuery query = RecordQuery.newBuilder().setRecordType("OuterRecord").setFilter(Query.and(Query.field("other_id").equalsValue(1L), Query.rank(rankGroup).lessThan(10L), keyCondition)).build();
RecordQueryPlan plan = planner.plan(query);
assertThat(plan, primaryKeyDistinct(indexScan(allOf(indexName("rank_value_by_key"), indexScanType(IndexScanType.BY_RANK), bounds(hasTupleString("([1, alpha, null],[1, alpha, 10])"))))));
assertEquals(1307013946, plan.planHash(PlanHashable.PlanHashKind.LEGACY));
assertEquals(-1725407749, plan.planHash(PlanHashable.PlanHashKind.FOR_CONTINUATION));
assertEquals(825274646, plan.planHash(PlanHashable.PlanHashKind.STRUCTURAL_WITHOUT_LITERALS));
try (FDBRecordContext context = openContext()) {
createOrOpenRecordStore(context, metaDataBuilder.getRecordMetaData());
try (RecordCursor<FDBQueriedRecord<Message>> cursor = recordStore.executeQuery(plan)) {
RecordCursorResult<FDBQueriedRecord<Message>> result = cursor.getNext();
assertEquals(Tuple.from(2), result.get().getPrimaryKey());
result = cursor.getNext();
assertEquals(Tuple.from(1), result.get().getPrimaryKey());
assertEquals(1, rank.eval(recordStore, EvaluationContext.EMPTY, result.get().getStoredRecord()).get());
result = cursor.getNext();