Search in sources :

Example 11 with RecordCoreArgumentException

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class VersionIndexTest method assertMaxVersionsForGroups.

private void assertMaxVersionsForGroups(@Nonnull Object... keyValue) {
    if (keyValue.length % 2 != 0) {
        throw new RecordCoreArgumentException("expected an even number of keys and values for grouping");
    TreeMap<Integer, FDBRecordVersion> groupsToVersions = new TreeMap<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < keyValue.length; i += 2) {
        Integer group = (Integer) keyValue[i];
        FDBRecordVersion version = (FDBRecordVersion) keyValue[i + 1];
        groupsToVersions.put(group, version);
Also used : RecordCoreArgumentException( TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) FDBRecordVersion(

Example 12 with RecordCoreArgumentException

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class LuceneIndexMaintainer method scan.

 * The scan uses the low element in the range to execute the
 * MultiFieldQueryParser.
 * @param scanType the {@link IndexScanType type} of scan to perform
 * @param range the range to scan
 * @param continuation any continuation from a previous scan invocation
 * @param scanProperties skip, limit and other properties of the scan
 * @return RecordCursor
public RecordCursor<IndexEntry> scan(@Nonnull IndexScanType scanType, @Nonnull TupleRange range, @Nullable byte[] continuation, @Nonnull ScanProperties scanProperties) {
    LOG.trace("scan scanType={}", scanType);
    Verify.verify(range.getLow() != null);
    Verify.verify(scanType == IndexScanType.BY_LUCENE || scanType == IndexScanType.BY_LUCENE_FULL_TEXT || scanType == IndexScanType.BY_LUCENE_AUTO_COMPLETE || scanType == IndexScanType.BY_LUCENE_SPELLCHECK);
    if (scanType == IndexScanType.BY_LUCENE_AUTO_COMPLETE) {
        if (!autoCompleteEnabled) {
            throw new RecordCoreArgumentException("Auto-complete unsupported due to not enabled on index").addLogInfo(LogMessageKeys.INDEX_NAME, state.index.getName());
        if (continuation != null) {
            throw new RecordCoreArgumentException("Auto complete does not support scanning with continuation").addLogInfo(LogMessageKeys.INDEX_NAME, state.index.getName());
        return new LuceneAutoCompleteResultCursor(getSuggester(Tuple.fromStream(range.getLow().stream().skip(1))), range.getLow().getString(0), executor, scanProperties, state, highlightForAutoCompleteIfEnabled);
    String[] fieldNames = indexTextFields(state.index,;
    if (scanType.equals(IndexScanType.BY_LUCENE_SPELLCHECK)) {
        if (continuation != null) {
            throw new RecordCoreArgumentException("Spellcheck does not currently support continuation scanning");
        return new LuceneSpellcheckRecordCursor(range.getLow().getString(0), executor, scanProperties, state, Tuple.fromStream(range.getLow().stream().skip(1)), fieldNames);
    try {
        // This cannot work with nested documents the way that we currently use them. BlockJoin will be essential for this
        // functionality in this way.
        QueryParser parser;
        if (scanType == IndexScanType.BY_LUCENE_FULL_TEXT) {
            parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(fieldNames, queryAnalyzer);
        } else {
            // initialize default to scan primary key.
            parser = new QueryParser(PRIMARY_KEY_SEARCH_NAME, queryAnalyzer);
        Query query = parser.parse(range.getLow().getString(0));
        return new LuceneRecordCursor(executor, state.context.getPropertyStorage().getPropertyValue(LuceneRecordContextProperties.LUCENE_EXECUTOR_SERVICE), scanProperties, state, query, continuation, state.index.getRootExpression().normalizeKeyForPositions(), Tuple.fromStream(range.getLow().stream().skip(1)));
    } catch (Exception ioe) {
        throw new RecordCoreArgumentException("Unable to parse range given for query", "range", range, "internalException", ioe);
Also used : MultiFieldQueryParser(org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.MultiFieldQueryParser) QueryParser(org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.QueryParser) MultiFieldQueryParser(org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.MultiFieldQueryParser) Query( RecordCoreArgumentException( RecordCoreException( RecordCoreArgumentException( IOException( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 13 with RecordCoreArgumentException

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class FDBDirectory method rename.

 * It is the caller's responsibility to make the dest (destination) does not exist.
 * @param source source
 * @param dest desc
public void rename(@Nonnull final String source, @Nonnull final String dest) {
    if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.trace(getLogMessage("rename", LogMessageKeys.SOURCE_FILE, source, LogMessageKeys.DEST_FILE, dest));
    final byte[] key = metaSubspace.pack(source);
    context.asyncToSync(FDBStoreTimer.Waits.WAIT_LUCENE_RENAME, context.ensureActive().get(key).thenApply((Function<byte[], Void>) value -> {
        if (value == null) {
            throw new RecordCoreArgumentException("Invalid source name in rename function for source").addLogInfo(LogMessageKeys.SOURCE_FILE, source).addLogInfo(LogMessageKeys.INDEX_TYPE, IndexTypes.LUCENE).addLogInfo(LogMessageKeys.SUBSPACE, subspace).addLogInfo(LogMessageKeys.COMPRESSION_SUPPOSED, compressionEnabled).addLogInfo(LogMessageKeys.ENCRYPTION_SUPPOSED, encryptionEnabled);
        context.ensureActive().set(metaSubspace.pack(dest), value);
        return null;
Also used : Function(java.util.function.Function) RecordCoreArgumentException(

Example 14 with RecordCoreArgumentException

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class GeophileBoxLatLon method newBox.

 * Get a box with possible wraparound.
 * @param latLo low latitude value
 * @param latHi high latitude value
 * @param lonLo low longitude value
 * @param lonHi high longitude value
 * @return a new box representing the area between the given boundaries
public static SpatialObject newBox(double latLo, double latHi, double lonLo, double lonHi) {
    latLo = fixLat(latLo);
    latHi = fixLat(latHi);
    lonLo = fixLon(lonLo);
    lonHi = fixLon(lonHi);
    try {
        return lonLo <= lonHi ? new Box(latLo, latHi, lonLo, lonHi) : new GeophileBoxLatLonWithWraparound(latLo, latHi, lonLo, lonHi);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        throw new RecordCoreArgumentException(String.format("cannot make box: latLo = %s, latHi = %s, lonLo = %s, lonHi = %s", latLo, latHi, lonLo, lonHi), ex);
Also used : Box(com.geophile.z.spatialobject.d2.Box) RecordCoreArgumentException(

Example 15 with RecordCoreArgumentException

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class FDBRecordStore method repairRecordKeys.

 * Validate and repair known potential issues with record keys. Currently, this method is capable of identifying
 * and repairing the following scenarios:
 * <ul>
 *     <li>For record stores in which record splitting is disabled but the {@code omitUnsplitRecordSuffix} flag
 *         is {@code true}, keys found missing the {@link SplitHelper#UNSPLIT_RECORD} suffix will be repaired.</li>
 *     <li>For record stores in which record splitting is disabled, but the record key suffix is found to be
 *         a value other than {@link SplitHelper#UNSPLIT_RECORD}, the {@link FDBStoreTimer.Counts#INVALID_SPLIT_SUFFIX}
 *         counter will be incremented.
 *     <li>For record stores in which record splitting is disabled, but the record key is longer than expected,
 *         the {@link FDBStoreTimer.Counts#INVALID_KEY_LENGTH} counter will be incremented.
 * </ul>
 * @param continuation continuation from a previous repair attempt or {@code null} to start from the beginning
 * @param scanProperties properties to provide scan limits on the repair process
 *   record keys should be logged
 * @param isDryRun if true, no repairs are made, however counters involving irregular keys or keys that would
 *   would have been repaired are incremented
 * @return a future that completes to a continuation or {@code null} if the repair has been completed
public CompletableFuture<byte[]> repairRecordKeys(@Nullable byte[] continuation, @Nonnull ScanProperties scanProperties, final boolean isDryRun) {
    // If the records aren't split to begin with, then there is nothing to do.
    if (getRecordMetaData().isSplitLongRecords()) {
        return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
    if (scanProperties.getExecuteProperties().getIsolationLevel().isSnapshot()) {
        throw new RecordCoreArgumentException("Cannot repair record key split markers at SNAPSHOT isolation level").addLogInfo(LogMessageKeys.SCAN_PROPERTIES, scanProperties).addLogInfo(subspaceProvider.logKey(), subspaceProvider.toString(context));
    final Subspace recordSubspace = recordsSubspace();
    KeyValueCursor cursor = KeyValueCursor.Builder.withSubspace(recordSubspace).setContext(getRecordContext()).setContinuation(continuation).setScanProperties(scanProperties).build();
    final AtomicReference<byte[]> nextContinuation = new AtomicReference<>();
    final FDBRecordContext context = getContext();
    return AsyncUtil.whileTrue(() -> cursor.onNext().thenApply(result -> {
        if (!result.hasNext()) {
            if (result.hasStoppedBeforeEnd()) {
            return false;
        repairRecordKeyIfNecessary(context, recordSubspace, result.get(), isDryRun);
        return true;
    })).thenApply(ignored -> nextContinuation.get());
Also used : Subspace( AtomicReference(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference) RecordCoreArgumentException( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)


RecordCoreArgumentException ( Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)11 RecordCoreException ( ComponentWithComparison ( QueryComponent ( RecordQueryPlan ( Tuple ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 RecordCursor ( FDBRecordContext ( Subspace ( KeyValue ( ReadTransaction ( Transaction ( API ( EndpointType ( KeyRange ( TupleRange ( CompletionExceptionLogHelper (