use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class KeySpaceDirectory method listSubdirectoryAsync.
// SonarQube doesn't realize that the cursor is wrapped and returned
protected RecordCursor<ResolvedKeySpacePath> listSubdirectoryAsync(@Nullable KeySpacePath listFrom, @Nonnull FDBRecordContext context, @Nonnull String subdirName, @Nullable ValueRange<?> valueRange, @Nullable byte[] continuation, @Nonnull ScanProperties scanProperties) {
if (listFrom != null && listFrom.getDirectory() != this) {
throw new RecordCoreException("Provided path does not belong to this directory").addLogInfo("path", listFrom, "directory", this.getName());
final KeySpaceDirectory subdir = getSubdirectory(subdirName);
final CompletableFuture<ResolvedKeySpacePath> resolvedFromFuture = listFrom == null ? CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null) : listFrom.toResolvedPathAsync(context);
// The chained cursor cannot implement reverse scan, so we implement it by having the
// inner key value cursor do the reversing but telling the chained cursor we are moving
// forward.
final ScanProperties chainedCursorScanProperties;
if (scanProperties.isReverse()) {
chainedCursorScanProperties = scanProperties.setReverse(false);
} else {
chainedCursorScanProperties = scanProperties;
// For the read of the individual row keys, we only want to read a single key. In addition,
// the ChainedCursor is going to do counting of our reads to apply any limits that were specified
// on the ScanProperties. We don't want the inner KeyValueCursor in nextTuple() to ALSO count those
// same reads so we clear out its limits.
final ScanProperties keyReadScanProperties = scanProperties.with(props -> props.clearState().setReturnedRowLimit(1));
return new LazyCursor<>(resolvedFromFuture.thenCompose(resolvedFrom -> {
final Subspace subspace = resolvedFrom == null ? new Subspace() : resolvedFrom.toSubspace();
return subdir.getValueRange(context, valueRange, subspace).thenApply(range -> {
final RecordCursor<Tuple> cursor = new ChainedCursor<>(context, lastKey -> nextTuple(context, subspace, range, lastKey, keyReadScanProperties), Tuple::pack, Tuple::fromBytes, continuation, chainedCursorScanProperties);
return cursor.mapPipelined(tuple -> {
final Tuple key = Tuple.fromList(tuple.getItems());
return findChildForKey(context, resolvedFrom, key, 1, 0);
}, 1);
}), context.getExecutor());