use of com.chattriggers.ctjs.utils.Cancellable in project Hyperium by HyperiumClient.
the class AsyncScreenshotSaver method run.
* Threaded task that creates the image and uploads to Imgur if able to
public void run() {
// Create the colors and image
processPixelValues(pixelValues, width, height);
// Make an image to be posted
BufferedImage image;
// Create the screenshot file
File screenshot = getTimestampedPNGFileForDirectory(screenshotDir);
// Allow a developer to stop the screenshot process if they want to
Cancellable cancellable = new Cancellable();
// Screenshot is taken, so trigger all ChatTriggers modules using it
TriggerType.SCREENSHOT_TAKEN.triggerAll(screenshot, cancellable);
// Cancel the process if made to cancel
if (cancellable.isCancelled())
try {
// Create the image
if (OpenGlHelper.isFramebufferEnabled()) {
image = new BufferedImage(frameBuffer.framebufferWidth, frameBuffer.framebufferHeight, 1);
int texHeight;
for (int heightSize = texHeight = frameBuffer.framebufferTextureHeight - frameBuffer.framebufferHeight; texHeight < frameBuffer.framebufferTextureHeight; ++texHeight) {
for (int widthSize = 0; widthSize < frameBuffer.framebufferWidth; ++widthSize) {
// Set the image colors
image.setRGB(widthSize, texHeight - heightSize, pixelValues[texHeight * frameBuffer.framebufferTextureWidth + widthSize]);
} else {
// Fallback if the computer doesnt support Frame buffering
image = new BufferedImage(width, height, 1);
// Set the image colors
image.setRGB(0, 0, width, height, pixelValues, 0, width);
// Write the image
ImageIO.write(image, "png", screenshot);
// If the user doesn't want the screenshot to be uploaded, run this
if (!upload) {
IChatComponent chatComponent = new ChatComponentText(ChatColor.RED + "[Hyperium] " + ChatColor.WHITE + "Captured to " + ChatColor.UNDERLINE + screenshot.getName());
chatComponent.getChatStyle().setChatClickEvent(new ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.OPEN_FILE, screenshot.getCanonicalPath()));
} else {
// Otherwise allow the Imgur uploading process to run
new ImgurUploader("649f2fb48e59767", screenshot).run();
} catch (Exception e) {
// If an issue is caught, tell the user it couldn't be saved and then give them the error
Hyperium.LOGGER.warn("Couldn't save {} : {}", screenshot, e);
Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentTranslation("screenshot.failure", e.getMessage()));