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Example 1 with HostStatsEntry

use of in project CloudStack-archive by CloudStack-extras.

the class MockAgentManagerImpl method getHostStatistic.

public GetHostStatsAnswer getHostStatistic(GetHostStatsCommand cmd) {
    String hostGuid = cmd.getHostGuid();
    MockHost host = _mockHostDao.findByGuid(hostGuid);
    if (host == null) {
        return null;
    List<MockVMVO> vms = _mockVmDao.findByHostId(host.getId());
    double usedMem = 0.0;
    double usedCpu = 0.0;
    for (MockVMVO vm : vms) {
        usedMem += vm.getMemory();
        usedCpu += vm.getCpu();
    HostStatsEntry hostStats = new HostStatsEntry();
    hostStats.setFreeMemoryKBs(host.getMemorySize() - usedMem);
    hostStats.setCpuUtilization(usedCpu / (host.getCpuCount() * host.getCpuSpeed()));
    return new GetHostStatsAnswer(cmd, hostStats);
Also used : MockVMVO( GetHostStatsAnswer( MockHost( HostStatsEntry(

Example 2 with HostStatsEntry

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class Ovm3HypervisorSupport method execute.

public Answer execute(GetHostStatsCommand cmd) {
    try {
        CloudstackPlugin cSp = new CloudstackPlugin(c);
        Map<String, String> stats = cSp.ovsDom0Stats(config.getAgentPublicNetworkName());
        Double cpuUtil = Double.parseDouble(stats.get("cpu"));
        Double rxBytes = Double.parseDouble(stats.get("rx"));
        Double txBytes = Double.parseDouble(stats.get("tx"));
        Double totalMemory = Double.parseDouble(stats.get("total"));
        Double freeMemory = Double.parseDouble(stats.get("free"));
        HostStatsEntry hostStats = new HostStatsEntry(cmd.getHostId(), cpuUtil, rxBytes, txBytes, "host", totalMemory, freeMemory, 0, 0);
        return new GetHostStatsAnswer(cmd, hostStats);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.debug("Unable to get host stats for: " + cmd.getHostName(), e);
        return new Answer(cmd, false, e.getMessage());
Also used : FenceAnswer( ReadyAnswer( Answer( MaintainAnswer( GetHostStatsAnswer( CheckOnHostAnswer( CheckVirtualMachineAnswer( CheckHealthAnswer( GetHostStatsAnswer( HostStatsEntry( CloudstackPlugin( ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) CloudRuntimeException( IOException( Ovm3ResourceException(

Example 3 with HostStatsEntry

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class VmwareResource method getHyperHostStats.

private static HostStatsEntry getHyperHostStats(VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost) throws Exception {
    ComputeResourceSummary hardwareSummary = hyperHost.getHyperHostHardwareSummary();
    if (hardwareSummary == null)
        return null;
    HostStatsEntry entry = new HostStatsEntry();
    double cpuUtilization = ((double) (hardwareSummary.getTotalCpu() - hardwareSummary.getEffectiveCpu()) / (double) hardwareSummary.getTotalCpu() * 100);
    entry.setTotalMemoryKBs(hardwareSummary.getTotalMemory() / 1024);
    entry.setFreeMemoryKBs(hardwareSummary.getEffectiveMemory() * 1024);
    return entry;
Also used : HostStatsEntry( ComputeResourceSummary(com.vmware.vim25.ComputeResourceSummary)

Example 4 with HostStatsEntry

use of in project CloudStack-archive by CloudStack-extras.

the class LibvirtComputingResource method execute.

private Answer execute(GetHostStatsCommand cmd) {
    final Script cpuScript = new Script("/bin/bash", s_logger);
    cpuScript.add("idle=$(top -b -n 1|grep Cpu\\(s\\):|cut -d% -f4|cut -d, -f2);echo $idle");
    final OutputInterpreter.OneLineParser parser = new OutputInterpreter.OneLineParser();
    String result = cpuScript.execute(parser);
    if (result != null) {
        s_logger.debug("Unable to get the host CPU state: " + result);
        return new Answer(cmd, false, result);
    double cpuUtil = (100.0D - Double.parseDouble(parser.getLine()));
    long freeMem = 0;
    final Script memScript = new Script("/bin/bash", s_logger);
    memScript.add("freeMem=$(free|grep cache:|awk '{print $4}');echo $freeMem");
    final OutputInterpreter.OneLineParser Memparser = new OutputInterpreter.OneLineParser();
    result = memScript.execute(Memparser);
    if (result != null) {
        s_logger.debug("Unable to get the host Mem state: " + result);
        return new Answer(cmd, false, result);
    freeMem = Long.parseLong(Memparser.getLine());
    Script totalMem = new Script("/bin/bash", s_logger);
    totalMem.add("free|grep Mem:|awk '{print $2}'");
    final OutputInterpreter.OneLineParser totMemparser = new OutputInterpreter.OneLineParser();
    result = totalMem.execute(totMemparser);
    if (result != null) {
        s_logger.debug("Unable to get the host Mem state: " + result);
        return new Answer(cmd, false, result);
    long totMem = Long.parseLong(totMemparser.getLine());
    Pair<Double, Double> nicStats = getNicStats(_publicBridgeName);
    HostStatsEntry hostStats = new HostStatsEntry(cmd.getHostId(), cpuUtil, nicStats.first() / 1000, nicStats.second() / 1000, "host", totMem, freeMem, 0, 0);
    return new GetHostStatsAnswer(cmd, hostStats);
Also used : Script( FenceAnswer( ConsoleProxyLoadAnswer( DeleteSnapshotBackupAnswer( MaintainAnswer( GetHostStatsAnswer( CheckSshAnswer( GetVncPortAnswer( RebootAnswer( ManageSnapshotAnswer( CreatePrivateTemplateAnswer( AttachVolumeAnswer( ModifyStoragePoolAnswer( PrimaryStorageDownloadAnswer( CreateAnswer( StartAnswer( GetStorageStatsAnswer( MigrateAnswer( CreateVolumeFromSnapshotAnswer( CheckNetworkAnswer( GetVmStatsAnswer( StopAnswer( NetworkUsageAnswer( Answer( BackupSnapshotAnswer( CheckVirtualMachineAnswer( IpAssocAnswer( CheckHealthAnswer( CopyVolumeAnswer( ReadyAnswer( PrepareForMigrationAnswer( SecurityGroupRuleAnswer( GetHostStatsAnswer( HostStatsEntry( OutputInterpreter(

Example 5 with HostStatsEntry

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class LibvirtGetHostStatsCommandWrapper method execute.

public Answer execute(final GetHostStatsCommand command, final LibvirtComputingResource libvirtComputingResource) {
    final CpuStat cpuStat = libvirtComputingResource.getCpuStat();
    final MemStat memStat = libvirtComputingResource.getMemStat();
    final double cpuUtil = cpuStat.getCpuUsedPercent();
    final double totMem = memStat.getTotal();
    final double freeMem = memStat.getAvailable();
    final Pair<Double, Double> nicStats = libvirtComputingResource.getNicStats(libvirtComputingResource.getPublicBridgeName());
    final HostStatsEntry hostStats = new HostStatsEntry(command.getHostId(), cpuUtil, nicStats.first() / 1024, nicStats.second() / 1024, "host", totMem, freeMem, 0, 0);
    return new GetHostStatsAnswer(command, hostStats);
Also used : GetHostStatsAnswer( CpuStat( HostStatsEntry( MemStat(


HostStatsEntry ( GetHostStatsAnswer ( Answer ( CheckVirtualMachineAnswer ( MaintainAnswer ( ReadyAnswer ( CloudRuntimeException ( ConfigurationException (javax.naming.ConfigurationException)4 CheckHealthAnswer ( CheckNetworkAnswer ( FenceAnswer ( GetStorageStatsAnswer ( GetVmStatsAnswer ( GetVncPortAnswer ( MigrateAnswer ( ModifyStoragePoolAnswer ( PrepareForMigrationAnswer ( RebootAnswer ( StartAnswer ( StopAnswer (