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Example 1 with VirtualMachine

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class ListLoadBalancerRuleInstancesCmdByAdmin method execute.

public void execute() {
    final Pair<List<? extends UserVm>, List<String>> vmServiceMap = _lbService.listLoadBalancerInstances(this);
    final List<? extends UserVm> result = vmServiceMap.first();
    final List<String> serviceStates = vmServiceMap.second();
    if (!isListLbVmip()) {
        // list lb instances
        final ListResponse<UserVmResponse> response = new ListResponse<>();
        List<UserVmResponse> vmResponses = new ArrayList<>();
        if (result != null) {
            vmResponses = _responseGenerator.createUserVmResponse(ResponseView.Restricted, "loadbalancerruleinstance", result.toArray(new UserVm[result.size()]));
            for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
    } else {
        final ListResponse<LoadBalancerRuleVmMapResponse> lbRes = new ListResponse<>();
        List<UserVmResponse> vmResponses = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<LoadBalancerRuleVmMapResponse> listlbVmRes = new ArrayList<>();
        if (result != null) {
            vmResponses = _responseGenerator.createUserVmResponse(ResponseView.Full, "loadbalancerruleinstance", result.toArray(new UserVm[result.size()]));
            final List<String> ipaddr = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
                final LoadBalancerRuleVmMapResponse lbRuleVmIpResponse = new LoadBalancerRuleVmMapResponse();
                // get vm id from the uuid
                final VirtualMachine lbvm = _entityMgr.findByUuid(VirtualMachine.class, vmResponses.get(i).getId());
                lbRuleVmIpResponse.setIpAddr(_lbService.listLbVmIpAddress(getId(), lbvm.getId()));
Also used : ListResponse( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LoadBalancerRuleVmMapResponse( UserVmResponse( UserVm( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) VirtualMachine(

Example 2 with VirtualMachine

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class ExplicitDedicationProcessor method process.

 * This method will process the affinity group of type 'Explicit Dedication' for a deployment of a VM that demands dedicated resources.
 * For ExplicitDedicationProcessor we need to add dedicated resources into the IncludeList based on the level we have dedicated resources available.
 * For eg. if admin dedicates a pod to a domain, then all the user in that domain can use the resources of that pod.
 * We need to take care of the situation when dedicated resources further have resources dedicated to sub-domain/account.
 * This IncludeList is then used to update the avoid list for a given data center.
public void process(final VirtualMachineProfile vmProfile, final DeploymentPlan plan, ExcludeList avoid) {
    final VirtualMachine vm = vmProfile.getVirtualMachine();
    final List<AffinityGroupVMMapVO> vmGroupMappings = _affinityGroupVMMapDao.findByVmIdType(vm.getId(), getType());
    final Zone zone = zoneRepository.findById(vm.getDataCenterId()).orElse(null);
    final List<DedicatedResourceVO> resourceList = new ArrayList<>();
    if (vmGroupMappings != null && !vmGroupMappings.isEmpty()) {
        for (final AffinityGroupVMMapVO vmGroupMapping : vmGroupMappings) {
            if (vmGroupMapping != null) {
                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    s_logger.debug("Processing affinity group " + vmGroupMapping.getAffinityGroupId() + "of type 'ExplicitDedication' for VM Id: " + vm.getId());
                final long affinityGroupId = vmGroupMapping.getAffinityGroupId();
                final List<DedicatedResourceVO> dr = _dedicatedDao.listByAffinityGroupId(affinityGroupId);
        boolean canUse = false;
        if (plan.getHostId() != null) {
            final HostVO host = _hostDao.findById(plan.getHostId());
            final ClusterVO clusterofHost = _clusterDao.findById(host.getClusterId());
            final HostPodVO podOfHost = _podDao.findById(host.getPodId());
            final Zone zoneOfHost = zoneRepository.findById(host.getDataCenterId()).orElse(null);
            if (resourceList != null && resourceList.size() != 0) {
                for (final DedicatedResourceVO resource : resourceList) {
                    if ((resource.getHostId() != null && resource.getHostId().longValue() == plan.getHostId().longValue()) || (resource.getClusterId() != null && resource.getClusterId().longValue() == clusterofHost.getId()) || (resource.getPodId() != null && resource.getPodId().longValue() == podOfHost.getId()) || (resource.getDataCenterId() != null && resource.getDataCenterId().longValue() == zoneOfHost.getId())) {
                        canUse = true;
            if (!canUse) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Cannot use this host " + host.getName() + " for explicit dedication");
        } else if (plan.getClusterId() != null) {
            final ClusterVO cluster = _clusterDao.findById(plan.getClusterId());
            final HostPodVO podOfCluster = _podDao.findById(cluster.getPodId());
            final Zone zoneOfCluster = zoneRepository.findById(cluster.getDataCenterId()).orElse(null);
            final List<HostVO> hostToUse = new ArrayList<>();
            // check whether this cluster or its pod is dedicated
            if (resourceList != null && resourceList.size() != 0) {
                for (final DedicatedResourceVO resource : resourceList) {
                    if ((resource.getClusterId() != null && resource.getClusterId() == cluster.getId()) || (resource.getPodId() != null && resource.getPodId() == podOfCluster.getId()) || (resource.getDataCenterId() != null && resource.getDataCenterId() == zoneOfCluster.getId())) {
                        canUse = true;
                    // cluster
                    if (!canUse) {
                        if (resource.getHostId() != null) {
                            final HostVO dHost = _hostDao.findById(resource.getHostId());
                            if (dHost.getClusterId() == cluster.getId()) {
            if (hostToUse.isEmpty() && !canUse) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Cannot use this cluster " + cluster.getName() + " for explicit dedication");
            if (hostToUse != null && hostToUse.size() != 0) {
                // add other non-dedicated hosts to avoid list
                final List<HostVO> hostList = _hostDao.findByClusterId(cluster.getId());
                for (final HostVO host : hostList) {
                    if (!hostToUse.contains(host)) {
        } else if (plan.getPodId() != null) {
            final HostPodVO pod = _podDao.findById(plan.getPodId());
            final Zone zoneOfPod = zoneRepository.findById(pod.getDataCenterId()).orElse(null);
            final List<ClusterVO> clustersToUse = new ArrayList<>();
            final List<HostVO> hostsToUse = new ArrayList<>();
            // check whether this cluster or its pod is dedicated
            if (resourceList != null && resourceList.size() != 0) {
                for (final DedicatedResourceVO resource : resourceList) {
                    if ((resource.getPodId() != null && resource.getPodId() == pod.getId()) || (resource.getDataCenterId() != null && resource.getDataCenterId() == zoneOfPod.getId())) {
                        canUse = true;
                    // this pod
                    if (!canUse) {
                        if (resource.getClusterId() != null) {
                            final ClusterVO dCluster = _clusterDao.findById(resource.getClusterId());
                            if (dCluster.getPodId() == pod.getId()) {
                        if (resource.getHostId() != null) {
                            final HostVO dHost = _hostDao.findById(resource.getHostId());
                            if (dHost.getPodId() == pod.getId()) {
            if (hostsToUse.isEmpty() && clustersToUse.isEmpty() && !canUse) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Cannot use this pod " + pod.getName() + " for explicit dedication");
            if (clustersToUse != null && clustersToUse.size() != 0) {
                // add other non-dedicated clusters to avoid list
                final List<ClusterVO> clusterList = _clusterDao.listByPodId(pod.getId());
                for (final ClusterVO cluster : clusterList) {
                    if (!clustersToUse.contains(cluster)) {
            if (hostsToUse != null && hostsToUse.size() != 0) {
                // add other non-dedicated hosts to avoid list
                final List<HostVO> hostList = _hostDao.findByPodId(pod.getId());
                for (final HostVO host : hostList) {
                    if (!hostsToUse.contains(host)) {
        } else {
            // check all resources under this zone
            if (resourceList != null && resourceList.size() != 0) {
                avoid = updateAvoidList(resourceList, avoid, zone);
            } else {
                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    s_logger.debug("No dedicated resources available for this domain or account under this group");
            s_logger.debug("ExplicitDedicationProcessor returns Avoid List as: {}", avoid.toString());
Also used : ClusterVO( Zone( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HostPodVO( HostVO( CloudRuntimeException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ExcludeList( DedicatedResourceVO( VirtualMachine(

Example 3 with VirtualMachine

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl method finalizeReservation.

public String finalizeReservation(final DeployDestination plannedDestination, final VirtualMachineProfile vmProfile, final DeploymentPlan plan, final ExcludeList avoids, final DeploymentPlanner planner) throws InsufficientServerCapacityException {
    final VirtualMachine vm = vmProfile.getVirtualMachine();
    final long vmGroupCount = _affinityGroupVMMapDao.countAffinityGroupsForVm(vm.getId());
    return Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallback<String>() {

        public String doInTransaction(final TransactionStatus status) {
            boolean saveReservation = true;
            if (vmGroupCount > 0) {
                final List<Long> groupIds = _affinityGroupVMMapDao.listAffinityGroupIdsByVmId(vm.getId());
                final SearchCriteria<AffinityGroupVO> criteria = _affinityGroupDao.createSearchCriteria();
                criteria.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.IN, groupIds.toArray(new Object[groupIds.size()]));
                _affinityGroupDao.lockRows(criteria, null, true);
                for (final AffinityGroupProcessor processor : _affinityProcessors) {
                    if (!processor.check(vmProfile, plannedDestination)) {
                        saveReservation = false;
            if (saveReservation) {
                final VMReservationVO vmReservation = new VMReservationVO(vm.getId(), plannedDestination.getZone().getId(), plannedDestination.getPod().getId(), plannedDestination.getCluster().getId(), plannedDestination.getHost().getId());
                if (planner != null) {
                final Map<Long, Long> volumeReservationMap = new HashMap<>();
                for (final Volume vo : plannedDestination.getStorageForDisks().keySet()) {
                    volumeReservationMap.put(vo.getId(), plannedDestination.getStorageForDisks().get(vo).getId());
                return vmReservation.getUuid();
            return null;
Also used : TransactionStatus( SearchCriteria( VMReservationVO( Volume( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ExcludeList( List(java.util.List) AffinityGroupProcessor( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) VirtualMachine( DB(

Example 4 with VirtualMachine

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class FirstFitPlanner method scanClustersForDestinationInZoneOrPod.

private List<Long> scanClustersForDestinationInZoneOrPod(final long id, final boolean isZone, final VirtualMachineProfile vmProfile, final DeploymentPlan plan, final ExcludeList avoid) {
    final VirtualMachine vm = vmProfile.getVirtualMachine();
    final ServiceOffering offering = vmProfile.getServiceOffering();
    final int requiredCpu = offering.getCpu();
    final long requiredRam = offering.getRamSize() * 1024L * 1024L;
    // list clusters under this zone by cpu and ram capacity
    final Pair<List<Long>, Map<Long, Double>> clusterCapacityInfo = listClustersByCapacity(id, requiredCpu, requiredRam, avoid, isZone);
    final List<Long> prioritizedClusterIds = clusterCapacityInfo.first();
    if (!prioritizedClusterIds.isEmpty()) {
        if (avoid.getClustersToAvoid() != null) {
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("Removing from the clusterId list these clusters from avoid set: " + avoid.getClustersToAvoid());
        if (!isRootAdmin(vmProfile)) {
            List<Long> disabledClusters = new ArrayList<>();
            if (isZone) {
                disabledClusters = listDisabledClusters(plan.getDataCenterId(), null);
            } else {
                disabledClusters = listDisabledClusters(plan.getDataCenterId(), id);
            if (!disabledClusters.isEmpty()) {
                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    s_logger.debug("Removing from the clusterId list these clusters that are disabled/clusters under disabled pods: " + disabledClusters);
        removeClustersCrossingThreshold(prioritizedClusterIds, avoid, vmProfile, plan);
    } else {
        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            s_logger.debug("No clusters found having a host with enough capacity, returning.");
        return null;
    if (!prioritizedClusterIds.isEmpty()) {
        // return checkClustersforDestination(clusterList, vmProfile, plan, avoid, dc);
        return reorderClusters(id, isZone, clusterCapacityInfo, vmProfile, plan);
    } else {
        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            s_logger.debug("No clusters found after removing disabled clusters and clusters in avoid list, returning.");
        return null;
Also used : ServiceOffering( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) VirtualMachine(

Example 5 with VirtualMachine

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class FirstFitPlanner method orderClusters.

public List<Long> orderClusters(final VirtualMachineProfile vmProfile, final DeploymentPlan plan, final ExcludeList avoid) throws InsufficientServerCapacityException {
    final VirtualMachine vm = vmProfile.getVirtualMachine();
    final Zone zone = zoneRepository.findById(vm.getDataCenterId()).orElse(null);
    // check if datacenter is in avoid set
    if (avoid.shouldAvoid(zone)) {
        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            s_logger.debug("DataCenter id = '" + zone.getId() + "' provided is in avoid set, DeploymentPlanner cannot allocate the VM, returning.");
        return null;
    List<Long> clusterList = new ArrayList<>();
    if (plan.getClusterId() != null) {
        final Long clusterIdSpecified = plan.getClusterId();
        s_logger.debug("Searching resources only under specified Cluster: " + clusterIdSpecified);
        final ClusterVO cluster = clusterDao.findById(plan.getClusterId());
        if (cluster != null) {
            if (avoid.shouldAvoid(cluster)) {
                s_logger.debug("The specified cluster is in avoid set, returning.");
            } else {
                removeClustersCrossingThreshold(clusterList, avoid, vmProfile, plan);
        } else {
            s_logger.debug("The specified cluster cannot be found, returning.");
            return null;
    } else if (plan.getPodId() != null) {
        // consider clusters under this pod only
        final Long podIdSpecified = plan.getPodId();
        s_logger.debug("Searching resources only under specified Pod: " + podIdSpecified);
        final HostPodVO pod = podDao.findById(podIdSpecified);
        if (pod != null) {
            if (avoid.shouldAvoid(pod)) {
                s_logger.debug("The specified pod is in avoid set, returning.");
            } else {
                clusterList = scanClustersForDestinationInZoneOrPod(podIdSpecified, false, vmProfile, plan, avoid);
                if (clusterList == null) {
        } else {
            s_logger.debug("The specified Pod cannot be found, returning.");
            return null;
    } else {
        s_logger.debug("Searching all possible resources under this Zone: " + plan.getDataCenterId());
        final boolean applyAllocationAtPods = Boolean.parseBoolean(configDao.getValue(Config.ApplyAllocationAlgorithmToPods.key()));
        if (applyAllocationAtPods) {
            // start scan at all pods under this zone.
            clusterList = scanPodsForDestination(vmProfile, plan, avoid);
        } else {
            // start scan at clusters under this zone.
            clusterList = scanClustersForDestinationInZoneOrPod(plan.getDataCenterId(), true, vmProfile, plan, avoid);
    if (clusterList != null && !clusterList.isEmpty()) {
        final ServiceOffering offering = vmProfile.getServiceOffering();
        // In case of non-GPU VMs, protect GPU enabled Hosts and prefer VM deployment on non-GPU Hosts.
        if ((serviceOfferingDetailsDao.findDetail(offering.getId(), GPU.Keys.vgpuType.toString()) == null) && !(hostGpuGroupsDao.listHostIds().isEmpty())) {
            final int requiredCpu = offering.getCpu();
            final long requiredRam = offering.getRamSize() * 1024L * 1024L;
            reorderClustersBasedOnImplicitTags(clusterList, requiredCpu, requiredRam);
    return clusterList;
Also used : ClusterVO( ServiceOffering( Zone( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HostPodVO( VirtualMachine(


VirtualMachine ( CloudRuntimeException ( ConcurrentOperationException ( InvalidParameterValueException ( ResourceUnavailableException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)17 HostVO ( AsyncJobExecutionContext ( VmWorkJobVO ( List (java.util.List)12 Test (org.junit.Test)10 OperationTimedoutException ( VMInstanceVO ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)9 ServerApiException ( SystemVmResponse ( VirtualMachineMigrationException ( AgentUnavailableException ( InsufficientCapacityException ( Account (