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Example 81 with UserVmVO

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class UserVmDomRInvestigator method isVmAlive.

public boolean isVmAlive(final VirtualMachine vm, final Host host) throws UnknownVM {
    if (vm.getType() != VirtualMachine.Type.User) {
        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            s_logger.debug("Not a User Vm, unable to determine state of " + vm + " returning null");
        throw new UnknownVM();
    if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        s_logger.debug("testing if " + vm + " is alive");
    // to verify that the VM is alive, we ask the domR (router) to ping the VM (private IP)
    final UserVmVO userVm = _userVmDao.findById(vm.getId());
    final List<? extends Nic> nics = _networkMgr.getNicsForTraffic(userVm.getId(), TrafficType.Guest);
    for (final Nic nic : nics) {
        if (nic.getIPv4Address() == null) {
        final List<VirtualRouter> routers = _vnaMgr.getRoutersForNetwork(nic.getNetworkId());
        if (routers == null || routers.isEmpty()) {
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("Unable to find a router in network " + nic.getNetworkId() + " to ping " + vm);
        Boolean result = null;
        for (final VirtualRouter router : routers) {
            result = testUserVM(vm, nic, router);
            if (result != null) {
        if (result == null) {
        return result;
    if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        s_logger.debug("Returning null since we're unable to determine state of " + vm);
    throw new UnknownVM();
Also used : UserVmVO( Nic( VirtualRouter(

Example 82 with UserVmVO

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class ManagementServerImpl method getVMPassword.

public String getVMPassword(final GetVMPasswordCmd cmd) {
    final Account caller = getCaller();
    final UserVmVO vm = _userVmDao.findById(cmd.getId());
    if (vm == null) {
        final InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("No VM with specified id found.");
        ex.addProxyObject(cmd.getId().toString(), "vmId");
        throw ex;
    // make permission check
    _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, vm);
    final String password = vm.getDetail("Encrypted.Password");
    if (password == null || password.equals("")) {
        final InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("No password for VM with specified id found. " + "If VM is created from password enabled template and SSH keypair is assigned to VM then only password can be retrieved.");
        ex.addProxyObject(vm.getUuid(), "vmId");
        throw ex;
    return password;
Also used : Account( UserVmVO( InvalidParameterValueException(

Example 83 with UserVmVO

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class RulesManagerImpl method enableStaticNat.

private boolean enableStaticNat(final long ipId, final long vmId, final long networkId, final boolean isSystemVm, final String vmGuestIp) throws NetworkRuleConflictException, ResourceUnavailableException {
    final CallContext ctx = CallContext.current();
    final Account caller = ctx.getCallingAccount();
    CallContext.current().setEventDetails("Ip Id: " + ipId);
    // Verify input parameters
    IPAddressVO ipAddress = _ipAddressDao.findById(ipId);
    if (ipAddress == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find ip address by id " + ipId);
    // Verify input parameters
    boolean performedIpAssoc = false;
    final boolean isOneToOneNat = ipAddress.isOneToOneNat();
    final Long associatedWithVmId = ipAddress.getAssociatedWithVmId();
    final Nic guestNic;
    NicSecondaryIpVO nicSecIp = null;
    String dstIp = null;
    try {
        final Network network = _networkModel.getNetwork(networkId);
        if (network == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find network by id");
        // Check that vm has a nic in the network
        guestNic = _networkModel.getNicInNetwork(vmId, networkId);
        if (guestNic == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Vm doesn't belong to the network with specified id");
        dstIp = guestNic.getIPv4Address();
        if (!_networkModel.areServicesSupportedInNetwork(network.getId(), Service.StaticNat)) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to create static nat rule; StaticNat service is not " + "supported in network with specified id");
        if (!isSystemVm) {
            final UserVmVO vm = _vmDao.findById(vmId);
            if (vm == null) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't enable static nat for the address id=" + ipId + ", invalid virtual machine id specified (" + vmId + ").");
            // associate ip address to network (if needed)
            if (ipAddress.getAssociatedWithNetworkId() == null) {
                final boolean assignToVpcNtwk = network.getVpcId() != null && ipAddress.getVpcId() != null && ipAddress.getVpcId().longValue() == network.getVpcId();
                if (assignToVpcNtwk) {
                    _networkModel.checkIpForService(ipAddress, Service.StaticNat, networkId);
                    s_logger.debug("The ip is not associated with the VPC network id=" + networkId + ", so assigning");
                    try {
                        ipAddress = _ipAddrMgr.associateIPToGuestNetwork(ipId, networkId, false);
                    } catch (final Exception ex) {
                        s_logger.warn("Failed to associate ip id=" + ipId + " to VPC network id=" + networkId + " as " + "a part of enable static nat");
                        return false;
            } else if (ipAddress.getAssociatedWithNetworkId() != networkId) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid network Id=" + networkId + ". IP is associated with" + " a different network than passed network id");
            } else {
                _networkModel.checkIpForService(ipAddress, Service.StaticNat, null);
            if (ipAddress.getAssociatedWithNetworkId() == null) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Ip address " + ipAddress + " is not assigned to the network " + network);
            // Check permissions
            if (ipAddress.getSystem()) {
                // when system is enabling static NAT on system IP's (for EIP) ignore VM state
                checkIpAndUserVm(ipAddress, vm, caller, true);
            } else {
                checkIpAndUserVm(ipAddress, vm, caller, false);
            // dstIp = guestNic.getIp4Address();
            if (vmGuestIp != null) {
                if (!dstIp.equals(vmGuestIp)) {
                    // check whether the secondary ip set to the vm or not
                    final boolean secondaryIpSet = _networkMgr.isSecondaryIpSetForNic(guestNic.getId());
                    if (!secondaryIpSet) {
                        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("VM ip " + vmGuestIp + " address not belongs to the vm");
                    // check the ip belongs to the vm or not
                    nicSecIp = _nicSecondaryDao.findByIp4AddressAndNicId(vmGuestIp, guestNic.getId());
                    if (nicSecIp == null) {
                        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("VM ip " + vmGuestIp + " address not belongs to the vm");
                    dstIp = nicSecIp.getIp4Address();
                // Set public ip column with the vm ip
            // Verify ip address parameter
            // checking vm id is not sufficient, check for the vm ip
            isIpReadyForStaticNat(vmId, ipAddress, dstIp, caller, ctx.getCallingUserId());
        if (_ipAddressDao.update(ipAddress.getId(), ipAddress)) {
            // enable static nat on the backend
            s_logger.trace("Enabling static nat for ip address " + ipAddress + " and vm id=" + vmId + " on the backend");
            if (applyStaticNatForIp(ipId, false, caller, false)) {
                // ignor unassignIPFromVpcNetwork in finally block
                performedIpAssoc = false;
                return true;
            } else {
                s_logger.warn("Failed to enable static nat rule for ip address " + ipId + " on the backend");
                _ipAddressDao.update(ipAddress.getId(), ipAddress);
        } else {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to update ip address " + ipAddress + " in the DB as a part of enableStaticNat");
    } finally {
        if (performedIpAssoc) {
            // if the rule is the last one for the ip address assigned to VPC, unassign it from the network
            final IpAddress ip = _ipAddressDao.findById(ipAddress.getId());
            _vpcMgr.unassignIPFromVpcNetwork(ip.getId(), networkId);
    return false;
Also used : Account( UserVmVO( Nic( CallContext( TransactionCallbackWithException( NetworkRuleConflictException( InsufficientAddressCapacityException( InvalidParameterValueException( ResourceUnavailableException( CloudRuntimeException( NicSecondaryIpVO( InvalidParameterValueException( Network( IPAddressVO( IpAddress(

Example 84 with UserVmVO

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class DhcpSubNetRules method accept.

public boolean accept(final NetworkTopologyVisitor visitor, final VirtualRouter router) throws ResourceUnavailableException {
    _router = router;
    final UserVmDao userVmDao = visitor.getVirtualNetworkApplianceFactory().getUserVmDao();
    final UserVmVO vm = userVmDao.findById(_profile.getId());
    final NicDao nicDao = visitor.getVirtualNetworkApplianceFactory().getNicDao();
    // check if this is not the primary subnet.
    final NicVO domrGuestNic = nicDao.findByInstanceIdAndIpAddressAndVmtype(_router.getId(), nicDao.getIpAddress(_nic.getNetworkId(), _router.getId()), VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter);
    // networks.
    if (!NetUtils.sameSubnet(domrGuestNic.getIPv4Address(), _nic.getIPv4Address(), _nic.getIPv4Netmask())) {
        return true;
    return true;
Also used : UserVmVO( NicDao( UserVmDao( NicVO(

Example 85 with UserVmVO

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class TemplateManagerImpl method attachISOToVM.

private boolean attachISOToVM(final long vmId, final long isoId, final boolean attach) {
    final UserVmVO vm = _userVmDao.findById(vmId);
    if (vm == null) {
        return false;
    } else if (vm.getState() != State.Running) {
        return true;
    // prepare ISO ready to mount on hypervisor resource level
    final TemplateInfo tmplt = prepareIso(isoId, vm.getDataCenterId());
    final String vmName = vm.getInstanceName();
    final HostVO host = _hostDao.findById(vm.getHostId());
    if (host == null) {
        s_logger.warn("Host: " + vm.getHostId() + " does not exist");
        return false;
    final DataTO isoTO = tmplt.getTO();
    final DiskTO disk = new DiskTO(isoTO, null, null, Volume.Type.ISO);
    final Command cmd;
    if (attach) {
        cmd = new AttachCommand(disk, vmName);
    } else {
        cmd = new DettachCommand(disk, vmName);
    final Answer a = _agentMgr.easySend(vm.getHostId(), cmd);
    return a != null && a.getResult();
Also used : Answer( UserVmVO( TemplateInfo( DataTO( DettachCommand( DestroyCommand( Command( TemplateOrVolumePostUploadCommand( AttachCommand( ComputeChecksumCommand( DettachCommand( StoragePoolHostVO( VMTemplateHostVO( HostVO( AttachCommand( DiskTO(


UserVmVO ( CloudRuntimeException ( Account ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)45 InvalidParameterValueException ( HostVO ( VMSnapshotVO ( ConcurrentOperationException ( ResourceUnavailableException ( InvalidParameterValueException ( HypervisorType ( VolumeVO ( VMInstanceVO ( ActionEvent ( ResourceAllocationException ( GuestOSVO ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)19 ConfigurationException (javax.naming.ConfigurationException)19 Test (org.junit.Test)19 OperationTimedoutException (