use of com.couchbase.client.core.error.DocumentNotFoundException in project couchbase-jvm-clients by couchbase.
the class QueryChunkResponseParser method errorsToThrowable.
static CouchbaseException errorsToThrowable(final byte[] bytes, HttpResponse header, RequestContext ctx) {
int httpStatus = header != null ? header.status().code() : 0;
final List<ErrorCodeAndMessage> errors = bytes.length == 0 ? Collections.emptyList() : ErrorCodeAndMessage.fromJsonArray(bytes);
QueryErrorContext errorContext = new QueryErrorContext(ctx, errors, httpStatus);
if (errors.size() >= 1) {
ErrorCodeAndMessage codeAndMessage = errors.get(0);
int code = codeAndMessage.code();
String message = codeAndMessage.message();
int reasonCode = codeAndMessage.reason() != null ? (int) codeAndMessage.reason().getOrDefault("code", 0) : 0;
if (code == 3000) {
return new ParsingFailureException(errorContext);
} else if (PREPARED_ERROR_CODES.contains(code)) {
return new PreparedStatementFailureException(errorContext, RETRYABLE_PREPARED_ERROR_CODES.contains(code));
} else if (code == 4300 && message.matches("^.*index .*already exist.*")) {
return new IndexExistsException(errorContext);
} else if (code >= 4000 && code < 5000) {
return new PlanningFailureException(errorContext);
} else if (code == 12004 || code == 12016 || (code == 5000 && message.matches("^.*index .+ not found.*"))) {
return new IndexNotFoundException(errorContext);
} else if (code == 5000 && message.matches("^.*Index .*already exist.*")) {
return new IndexExistsException(errorContext);
} else if (code == 5000 && message.contains("limit for number of indexes that can be created per scope has been reached")) {
return new QuotaLimitedException(errorContext);
} else if (code >= 5000 && code < 6000) {
return new InternalServerFailureException(errorContext);
} else if (code == 12009) {
if (message.contains("CAS mismatch") || reasonCode == 12033) {
return new CasMismatchException(errorContext);
} else if (reasonCode == 17014) {
return new DocumentNotFoundException(errorContext);
} else if (reasonCode == 17012) {
return new DocumentExistsException(errorContext);
} else {
return new DmlFailureException(errorContext);
} else if ((code >= 10000 && code < 11000) || code == 13014) {
return new AuthenticationFailureException("Could not authenticate query", errorContext, null);
} else if ((code >= 12000 && code < 13000) || (code >= 14000 && code < 15000)) {
return new IndexFailureException(errorContext);
} else if (code == 1065) {
if (message.contains("query_context")) {
return FeatureNotAvailableException.scopeLevelQuery(ServiceType.QUERY);
if (message.contains("preserve_expiry")) {
return FeatureNotAvailableException.queryPreserveExpiry();
} else if (code == 1080) {
// engine will proactively send us a timeout and we need to convert it.
return new UnambiguousTimeoutException("Query timed out while streaming/receiving rows", new CancellationErrorContext(errorContext));
} else if (code == 1191 || code == 1192 || code == 1193 || code == 1194) {
return new RateLimitedException(errorContext);
} else if (code == 3230) {
String feature = null;
if (message.contains("Advisor") || message.contains("Advise")) {
feature = "Query Index Advisor";
} else if (message.contains("Window")) {
feature = "Query Window Functions";
return FeatureNotAvailableException.communityEdition(feature);
return new CouchbaseException("Unknown query error", errorContext);
use of com.couchbase.client.core.error.DocumentNotFoundException in project couchbase-jvm-clients by couchbase.
the class OpenTelemetryIntegrationTest method capturesTraceSpans.
void capturesTraceSpans() {
Span parent = otelTesting.getOpenTelemetry().getTracer("integrationtest").spanBuilder("test").setSpanKind(SpanKind.SERVER).startSpan();
try (Scope ignored = parent.makeCurrent()) {
} catch (DocumentNotFoundException ignored) {
// expected
} finally {
waitUntilCondition(() -> {
otelTesting.assertTraces().hasTracesSatisfyingExactly(trace -> trace.hasSpansSatisfyingExactly(span -> span.hasName("test").hasKind(SpanKind.SERVER), span -> span.hasName("get").hasParentSpanId(parent.getSpanContext().getSpanId()).hasKind(SpanKind.INTERNAL).hasAttributesSatisfying(attributes -> assertThat(attributes).containsEntry("db.system", "couchbase").containsEntry("db.operation", "get").containsEntry("db.couchbase.service", "kv").containsEntry("db.couchbase.collection", "_default").containsEntry("db.couchbase.scope", "_default")), span -> span.hasName("dispatch_to_server").hasKind(SpanKind.INTERNAL).hasAttributesSatisfying(attributes -> assertThat(attributes).containsEntry("db.system", "couchbase"))));
return true;
use of com.couchbase.client.core.error.DocumentNotFoundException in project couchbase-jvm-clients by couchbase.
the class CouchbaseArrayList method set.
public E set(int index, E element) {
// fail fast on negative values, as they are interpreted as "starting from the back of the array" otherwise
if (index < 0) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index: " + index);
String idx = "[" + index + "]";
for (int i = 0; i < arrayListOptions.casMismatchRetries(); i++) {
try {
LookupInResult current = collection.lookupIn(id, Collections.singletonList(LookupInSpec.get(idx)), lookupInOptions);
long returnCas = current.cas();
// this loop ensures we return exactly what we replaced
final E result = current.contentAs(0, entityTypeClass);
collection.mutateIn(id, Collections.singletonList(MutateInSpec.replace(idx, element)), arrayListOptions.mutateInOptions().cas(returnCas));
return result;
} catch (DocumentNotFoundException e) {
} catch (CasMismatchException ex) {
// will need to retry get-and-set
} catch (PathNotFoundException ex) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index: " + index);
throw new CouchbaseException("CouchbaseArrayList set failed", new RetryExhaustedException("Couldn't perform set in less than " + arrayListOptions.casMismatchRetries() + " iterations. It is likely concurrent modifications of this document are the reason"));
use of com.couchbase.client.core.error.DocumentNotFoundException in project couchbase-jvm-clients by couchbase.
the class Get method main.
public static void main(String... args) {
* Connect to the cluster and open a collection to work with.
Cluster cluster = Cluster.connect("", "Administrator", "password");
Bucket bucket = cluster.bucket("travel-sample");
Collection collection = bucket.defaultCollection();
try {
System.out.println("Found Airport: " + collection.get("airport_1291"));
} catch (DocumentNotFoundException ex) {
System.out.println("Airport not found!");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* If only a couple fields of a document are needed (a projection), then this can be provided
* through the options.
GetResult airline = collection.get("airline_10", getOptions().project("airportname", "country"));
System.out.println("Found airline with fields: " + airline);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* In the previous examples, the expiration field has always been empty on the GetResult.
* If you need to fetch the expiration time of a document, you can also pass it via the
* options.
GetResult airline2 = collection.get("airline_10", getOptions().withExpiry(true));
System.out.println("Expiration is: " + airline2.expiry());
use of com.couchbase.client.core.error.DocumentNotFoundException in project couchbase-jvm-clients by couchbase.
the class KeyValueErrorIntegrationTest method verifyUnlockExceptions.
void verifyUnlockExceptions() {
assertThrows(InvalidArgumentException.class, () -> collection.unlock(null, 0));
assertThrows(InvalidArgumentException.class, () -> collection.unlock("foo", 0));
assertThrows(InvalidArgumentException.class, () -> collection.unlock("foo", 0, null));
DocumentNotFoundException thrown = assertThrows(DocumentNotFoundException.class, () -> collection.unlock(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), 1));