use of com.couchbase.client.core.error.IndexFailureException in project couchbase-jvm-clients by couchbase.
the class QueryChunkResponseParser method errorsToThrowable.
static CouchbaseException errorsToThrowable(final byte[] bytes, HttpResponse header, RequestContext ctx) {
int httpStatus = header != null ? header.status().code() : 0;
final List<ErrorCodeAndMessage> errors = bytes.length == 0 ? Collections.emptyList() : ErrorCodeAndMessage.fromJsonArray(bytes);
QueryErrorContext errorContext = new QueryErrorContext(ctx, errors, httpStatus);
if (errors.size() >= 1) {
ErrorCodeAndMessage codeAndMessage = errors.get(0);
int code = codeAndMessage.code();
String message = codeAndMessage.message();
int reasonCode = codeAndMessage.reason() != null ? (int) codeAndMessage.reason().getOrDefault("code", 0) : 0;
if (code == 3000) {
return new ParsingFailureException(errorContext);
} else if (PREPARED_ERROR_CODES.contains(code)) {
return new PreparedStatementFailureException(errorContext, RETRYABLE_PREPARED_ERROR_CODES.contains(code));
} else if (code == 4300 && message.matches("^.*index .*already exist.*")) {
return new IndexExistsException(errorContext);
} else if (code >= 4000 && code < 5000) {
return new PlanningFailureException(errorContext);
} else if (code == 12004 || code == 12016 || (code == 5000 && message.matches("^.*index .+ not found.*"))) {
return new IndexNotFoundException(errorContext);
} else if (code == 5000 && message.matches("^.*Index .*already exist.*")) {
return new IndexExistsException(errorContext);
} else if (code == 5000 && message.contains("limit for number of indexes that can be created per scope has been reached")) {
return new QuotaLimitedException(errorContext);
} else if (code >= 5000 && code < 6000) {
return new InternalServerFailureException(errorContext);
} else if (code == 12009) {
if (message.contains("CAS mismatch") || reasonCode == 12033) {
return new CasMismatchException(errorContext);
} else if (reasonCode == 17014) {
return new DocumentNotFoundException(errorContext);
} else if (reasonCode == 17012) {
return new DocumentExistsException(errorContext);
} else {
return new DmlFailureException(errorContext);
} else if ((code >= 10000 && code < 11000) || code == 13014) {
return new AuthenticationFailureException("Could not authenticate query", errorContext, null);
} else if ((code >= 12000 && code < 13000) || (code >= 14000 && code < 15000)) {
return new IndexFailureException(errorContext);
} else if (code == 1065) {
if (message.contains("query_context")) {
return FeatureNotAvailableException.scopeLevelQuery(ServiceType.QUERY);
if (message.contains("preserve_expiry")) {
return FeatureNotAvailableException.queryPreserveExpiry();
} else if (code == 1080) {
// engine will proactively send us a timeout and we need to convert it.
return new UnambiguousTimeoutException("Query timed out while streaming/receiving rows", new CancellationErrorContext(errorContext));
} else if (code == 1191 || code == 1192 || code == 1193 || code == 1194) {
return new RateLimitedException(errorContext);
} else if (code == 3230) {
String feature = null;
if (message.contains("Advisor") || message.contains("Advise")) {
feature = "Query Index Advisor";
} else if (message.contains("Window")) {
feature = "Query Window Functions";
return FeatureNotAvailableException.communityEdition(feature);
return new CouchbaseException("Unknown query error", errorContext);
use of com.couchbase.client.core.error.IndexFailureException in project spring-data-couchbase by spring-projects.
the class ClusterAwareIntegrationTests method setup.
static void setup(TestClusterConfig config) {
testClusterConfig = config;
try (CouchbaseClientFactory couchbaseClientFactory = new SimpleCouchbaseClientFactory(connectionString(), authenticator(), bucketName())) {
couchbaseClientFactory.getCluster().queryIndexes().createPrimaryIndex(bucketName(), CreatePrimaryQueryIndexOptions.createPrimaryQueryIndexOptions().ignoreIfExists(true));
// this is for the N1qlJoin test
List<String> fieldList = new ArrayList<>();
couchbaseClientFactory.getCluster().queryIndexes().createIndex(bucketName(), "parent_idx", fieldList, CreateQueryIndexOptions.createQueryIndexOptions().ignoreIfExists(true));
// .with("_class", ""));
} catch (IndexFailureException ife) {
LOGGER.warn("IndexFailureException occurred - ignoring: ", ife);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new RuntimeException(ioe);