use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.
the class EntityPotionEffects method registerTags.
public static void registerTags() {
// <--[tag]
// @attribute <EntityTag.list_effects>
// @returns ListTag
// @group attribute
// @mechanism EntityTag.potion_effects
// @deprecated use 'effects_data' instead
// @description
// Deprecated in favor of <@link tag EntityTag.effects_data>
// -->
PropertyParser.<EntityPotionEffects, ListTag>registerTag(ListTag.class, "list_effects", (attribute, object) -> {
return object.getEffectsListTag();
// <--[tag]
// @attribute <EntityTag.effects_data>
// @returns ListTag(MapTag)
// @group attribute
// @mechanism EntityTag.potion_effects
// @description
// Returns the active potion effects on the entity, in the MapTag format of the mechanism.
// -->
PropertyParser.<EntityPotionEffects, ListTag>registerTag(ListTag.class, "effects_data", (attribute, object) -> {
return object.getEffectsMapTag();
// <--[tag]
// @attribute <EntityTag.has_effect[<effect>]>
// @returns ElementTag(Boolean)
// @group attributes
// @mechanism EntityTag.potion_effects
// @description
// Returns whether the entity has a specified effect.
// If no effect is specified, returns whether the entity has any effect.
// The effect type must be from <@link url>.
// -->
PropertyParser.<EntityPotionEffects, ElementTag>registerTag(ElementTag.class, "has_effect", (attribute, object) -> {
boolean returnElement = false;
if (attribute.hasParam()) {
PotionEffectType effectType = PotionEffectType.getByName(attribute.getParam());
if (effectType == null) {
attribute.echoError("Invalid effect type specified: " + attribute.getParam());
return null;
if (object.entity.isLivingEntity()) {
returnElement = object.entity.getLivingEntity().hasPotionEffect(effectType);
} else if (object.isArrow()) {
returnElement = object.getArrow().hasCustomEffect(effectType);
} else if (!object.getEffectsList().isEmpty()) {
returnElement = true;
return new ElementTag(returnElement);
use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.
the class HealCommand method parseArgs.
// <--[command]
// @Name Heal
// @Syntax heal (<#.#>) ({player}/<entity>|...)
// @Required 0
// @Maximum 2
// @Short Heals the player or list of entities.
// @Group entity
// @Description
// This command heals a player, list of players, entity or list of entities.
// If no amount is specified it will heal the specified player(s)/entity(s) fully.
// @Tags
// <>
// <EntityTag.health_max>
// @Usage
// Use to fully heal a player.
// - heal
// @Usage
// Use to heal a player 5 hearts.
// - heal 10
// @Usage
// Use to heal a defined player fully.
// - heal <[someplayer]>
// -->
public void parseArgs(ScriptEntry scriptEntry) throws InvalidArgumentsException {
boolean specified_targets = false;
for (Argument arg : scriptEntry) {
if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("amount") && arg.matchesFloat()) {
scriptEntry.addObject("amount", arg.asElement());
} else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("entities") && arg.matchesArgumentType(ListTag.class)) {
// Entity arg
scriptEntry.addObject("entities", arg.asType(ListTag.class).filter(EntityTag.class, scriptEntry));
specified_targets = true;
} else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("entities") && arg.matchesArgumentType(EntityTag.class)) {
// Entity arg
scriptEntry.addObject("entities", Collections.singletonList(arg.asType(EntityTag.class)));
specified_targets = true;
} else {
if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("amount")) {
scriptEntry.addObject("amount", new ElementTag(-1));
if (!specified_targets) {
List<EntityTag> entities = new ArrayList<>();
if (Utilities.getEntryPlayer(scriptEntry) != null) {
} else if (Utilities.getEntryNPC(scriptEntry) != null) {
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentsException("No valid target entities found.");
scriptEntry.addObject("entities", entities);
use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.
the class PushCommand method execute.
public void execute(final ScriptEntry scriptEntry) {
EntityTag originEntity = scriptEntry.getObjectTag("origin_entity");
LocationTag originLocation = scriptEntry.hasObject("origin_location") ? (LocationTag) scriptEntry.getObject("origin_location") : new LocationTag(originEntity.getEyeLocation().add(originEntity.getEyeLocation().getDirection()).subtract(0, 0.4, 0));
boolean no_rotate = scriptEntry.hasObject("no_rotate") && scriptEntry.getElement("no_rotate").asBoolean();
final boolean no_damage = scriptEntry.hasObject("no_damage") && scriptEntry.getElement("no_damage").asBoolean();
// If there is no destination set, but there is a shooter, get a point in front of the shooter and set it as the destination
final LocationTag destination = scriptEntry.hasObject("destination") ? (LocationTag) scriptEntry.getObject("destination") : (originEntity != null ? new LocationTag(originEntity.getEyeLocation().add(originEntity.getEyeLocation().getDirection().multiply(30))) : null);
// TODO: Should this be checked in argument parsing?
if (destination == null) {
Debug.echoError("No destination specified!");
List<EntityTag> entities = (List<EntityTag>) scriptEntry.getObject("entities");
final ScriptTag script = scriptEntry.getObjectTag("script");
final ListTag definitions = scriptEntry.getObjectTag("definitions");
ElementTag speedElement = scriptEntry.getElement("speed");
DurationTag duration = (DurationTag) scriptEntry.getObject("duration");
ElementTag force_along = scriptEntry.getElement("force_along");
ElementTag precision = scriptEntry.getElement("precision");
ElementTag ignore_collision = scriptEntry.getElement("ignore_collision");
if (scriptEntry.dbCallShouldDebug()) {, getName(), db("origin", originEntity != null ? originEntity : originLocation), db("entities", entities), destination, speedElement, duration, script, force_along, precision, (no_rotate ? db("no_rotate", "true") : ""), (no_damage ? db("no_damage", "true") : ""), ignore_collision, definitions);
final boolean ignoreCollision = ignore_collision != null && ignore_collision.asBoolean();
final double speed = speedElement.asDouble();
final int maxTicks = duration.getTicksAsInt();
final boolean forceAlong = force_along.asBoolean();
// Keep a ListTag of entities that can be called using <entry[name].pushed_entities> later in the script queue
final ListTag entityList = new ListTag();
for (EntityTag entity : entities) {
if (!no_rotate) {
NMSHandler.getEntityHelper().faceLocation(entity.getBukkitEntity(), destination);
if (entity.isProjectile() && originEntity != null) {
scriptEntry.addObject("pushed_entities", entityList);
final EntityTag lastEntity = entities.get(entities.size() - 1);
final Vector v2 = destination.toVector();
final Vector Origin = originLocation.toVector();
final int prec = precision.asInt();
BukkitRunnable task = new BukkitRunnable() {
int runs = 0;
LocationTag lastLocation;
public void run() {
if (runs < maxTicks && lastEntity.isValid()) {
Vector v1 = lastEntity.getLocation().toVector();
Vector v3 = v2.clone().subtract(v1).normalize();
if (forceAlong) {
Vector newDest = v2.clone().subtract(Origin).normalize().multiply(runs * speed).add(Origin);
lastEntity.teleport(new Location(lastEntity.getLocation().getWorld(), newDest.getX(), newDest.getY(), newDest.getZ(), lastEntity.getLocation().getYaw(), lastEntity.getLocation().getPitch()));
runs += prec;
// Check if the entity is close to its destination
if (Math.abs(v2.getX() - v1.getX()) < 1.5f && Math.abs(v2.getY() - v1.getY()) < 1.5f && Math.abs(v2.getZ() - v1.getZ()) < 1.5f) {
runs = maxTicks;
Vector newVel = v3.multiply(speed);
if (!ignoreCollision && lastEntity.isValid()) {
BoundingBox box = lastEntity.getBukkitEntity().getBoundingBox().expand(newVel);
Location ref = lastEntity.getLocation().clone();
for (int x = (int) Math.floor(box.getMinX()); x < Math.ceil(box.getMaxX()); x++) {
for (int y = (int) Math.floor(box.getMinY()); y < Math.ceil(box.getMaxY()); y++) {
for (int z = (int) Math.floor(box.getMinZ()); z < Math.ceil(box.getMaxZ()); z++) {
if (!isSafeBlock(ref)) {
runs = maxTicks;
if (no_damage && lastEntity.isLivingEntity()) {
// Record the location in case the entity gets lost (EG, if a pushed arrow hits a mob)
lastLocation = lastEntity.getLocation();
} else {
if (script != null) {
Consumer<ScriptQueue> configure = (queue) -> {
if (lastEntity.getLocation() != null) {
queue.addDefinition("location", lastEntity.getLocation());
} else {
queue.addDefinition("location", lastLocation);
queue.addDefinition("pushed_entities", entityList);
queue.addDefinition("last_entity", lastEntity);
ScriptUtilities.createAndStartQueue(script.getContainer(), null, scriptEntry.entryData, null, configure, null, null, definitions, scriptEntry);
task.runTaskTimer(Denizen.getInstance(), 0, prec);
use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.
the class PushCommand method parseArgs.
// <--[command]
// @Name Push
// @Syntax push [<entity>|...] (origin:<entity>/<location>) (destination:<location>) (speed:<#.#>) (duration:<duration>) (script:<name>) (def:<element>|...) (force_along) (precision:<#>) (no_rotate) (no_damage) (ignore_collision)
// @Required 1
// @Maximum 12
// @Short Pushes entities through the air in a straight line.
// @Group entity
// @Description
// Pushes entities through the air in a straight line at a certain speed and for a certain duration,
// triggering a script when they hit an obstacle or stop flying.
// You must specify an entity to be pushed.
// Usually, you should specify the origin and the destination. If unspecified, they will be assumed from contextual data.
// You can specify the script to be run with the (script:<name>) argument,
// and optionally specify definitions to be available in this script with the (def:<element>|...) argument.
// Using the 'no_damage' argument causes the entity to receive no damage when they stop moving.
// Optionally use the "ignore_collision" argument to ignore block collisions.
// Optionally use "speed:#" to set how fast it should be pushed.
// Optionally use "force_along" to cause the entity to teleport through any blockage.
// Optionally use "no_rotate" to prevent entities being rotated at the start of the push.
// Optionally use "duration:#" to set the max length of time to continue pushing.
// The push command is ~waitable. Refer to <@link language ~waitable>.
// @Tags
// <EntityTag.velocity>
// <entry[saveName].pushed_entities> returns the list of pushed entities.
// @Usage
// Use to launch an arrow straight towards a target.
// - push arrow destination:<player.location>
// @Usage
// Use to launch an entity into the air.
// - push cow
// -->
public void parseArgs(ScriptEntry scriptEntry) throws InvalidArgumentsException {
for (Argument arg : scriptEntry) {
if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("origin") && arg.matchesPrefix("origin", "o", "source", "shooter", "s")) {
if (arg.matchesArgumentType(EntityTag.class)) {
scriptEntry.addObject("origin_entity", arg.asType(EntityTag.class));
} else if (arg.matchesArgumentType(LocationTag.class)) {
scriptEntry.addObject("origin_location", arg.asType(LocationTag.class));
} else {
Debug.echoError("Ignoring unrecognized argument: " + arg.getRawValue());
} else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("destination") && arg.matchesArgumentType(LocationTag.class) && arg.matchesPrefix("destination", "d")) {
scriptEntry.addObject("destination", arg.asType(LocationTag.class));
} else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("duration") && arg.matchesArgumentType(DurationTag.class) && arg.matchesPrefix("duration", "d")) {
scriptEntry.addObject("duration", arg.asType(DurationTag.class));
} else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("speed") && arg.matchesFloat() && arg.matchesPrefix("speed", "s")) {
scriptEntry.addObject("speed", arg.asElement());
} else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("script") && ((arg.matchesArgumentType(ScriptTag.class) && arg.asType(ScriptTag.class).getContainer() instanceof TaskScriptContainer) || arg.matchesPrefix("script"))) {
scriptEntry.addObject("script", arg.asType(ScriptTag.class));
} else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("entities") && arg.matchesArgumentList(EntityTag.class)) {
scriptEntry.addObject("entities", arg.asType(ListTag.class).filter(EntityTag.class, scriptEntry));
} else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("force_along") && arg.matches("force_along")) {
scriptEntry.addObject("force_along", new ElementTag(true));
} else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("no_rotate") && arg.matches("no_rotate")) {
scriptEntry.addObject("no_rotate", new ElementTag(true));
} else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("precision") && arg.matchesPrefix("precision")) {
scriptEntry.addObject("precision", arg.asElement());
} else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("no_damage") && arg.matches("no_damage")) {
scriptEntry.addObject("no_damage", new ElementTag(true));
} else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("ignore_collision") && arg.matches("ignore_collision")) {
scriptEntry.addObject("ignore_collision", new ElementTag(true));
} else if (arg.matchesPrefix("def", "define", "context")) {
scriptEntry.addObject("definitions", arg.asType(ListTag.class));
} else {
if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("origin_location")) {
scriptEntry.defaultObject("origin_entity", Utilities.entryDefaultEntity(scriptEntry, false));
scriptEntry.defaultObject("speed", new ElementTag(1.5));
scriptEntry.defaultObject("duration", new DurationTag(20));
scriptEntry.defaultObject("force_along", new ElementTag(false));
scriptEntry.defaultObject("precision", new ElementTag(2));
if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("entities")) {
throw new InvalidArgumentsException("Must specify entity/entities!");
if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("origin_entity") && !scriptEntry.hasObject("origin_location")) {
throw new InvalidArgumentsException("Must specify an origin location!");
use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.
the class RenameCommand method execute.
public void execute(final ScriptEntry scriptEntry) {
final ElementTag name = scriptEntry.getElement("name");
ElementTag perPlayer = scriptEntry.getElement("per_player");
ElementTag listNameOnly = scriptEntry.getElement("list_name_only");
ListTag targets = scriptEntry.getObjectTag("targets");
List<PlayerTag> players = (List<PlayerTag>) scriptEntry.getObject("players");
if (perPlayer != null && perPlayer.asBoolean()) {
if (scriptEntry.dbCallShouldDebug()) {, getName(), name, targets, perPlayer, listNameOnly, db("for", players));
for (ObjectTag target : targets.objectForms) {
EntityTag entity = target.asType(EntityTag.class, CoreUtilities.noDebugContext);
if (entity != null) {
Entity bukkitEntity = entity.getBukkitEntity();
if (bukkitEntity == null) {
Debug.echoError("Invalid entity in rename command.");
if (name.asString().equals("cancel")) {
if (bukkitEntity.isCustomNameVisible()) {
if (players == null) {
for (Player player : NMSHandler.getEntityHelper().getPlayersThatSee(bukkitEntity)) {
NMSHandler.getPacketHelper().sendRename(player, bukkitEntity, bukkitEntity.getCustomName(), false);
} else {
for (PlayerTag player : players) {
NMSHandler.getPacketHelper().sendRename(player.getPlayerEntity(), bukkitEntity, bukkitEntity.getCustomName(), false);
} else {
// Force a metadata update
} else {
final BukkitTagContext originalContext = (BukkitTagContext) scriptEntry.context.clone();
HashMap<UUID, RenameData> playerToFuncMap = customNames.computeIfAbsent(bukkitEntity.getUniqueId(), k -> new HashMap<>());
Function<Player, String> nameGetter = p -> {
originalContext.player = new PlayerTag(p);
return TagManager.tag(name.asString(), originalContext);
RenameData renamer = new RenameData();
renamer.nameFunction = nameGetter;
renamer.listOnly = listNameOnly != null && listNameOnly.asBoolean();
if (players == null) {
playerToFuncMap.put(null, renamer);
} else {
for (PlayerTag player : players) {
playerToFuncMap.put(player.getUUID(), renamer);
if (players == null) {
for (Player player : NMSHandler.getEntityHelper().getPlayersThatSee(bukkitEntity)) {
NMSHandler.getPacketHelper().sendRename(player, bukkitEntity, "", renamer.listOnly);
} else {
for (PlayerTag player : players) {
NMSHandler.getPacketHelper().sendRename(player.getPlayerEntity(), bukkitEntity, "", renamer.listOnly);
String nameString = TagManager.tag(name.asString(), scriptEntry.context);
if (nameString.length() > 256) {
nameString = nameString.substring(0, 256);
if (scriptEntry.dbCallShouldDebug()) {, getName(), db("name", nameString), listNameOnly, targets);
for (ObjectTag target : targets.objectForms) {
EntityFormObject entity = target.asType(EntityTag.class, CoreUtilities.noDebugContext);
if (entity == null) {
entity = target.asType(NPCTag.class, scriptEntry.context);
} else {
entity = ((EntityTag) entity).getDenizenObject();
if (entity == null) {
Debug.echoError("Invalid entity in rename command.");
if (entity instanceof NPCTag) {
NPC npc = ((NPCTag) entity).getCitizen();
if (npc.isSpawned()) {
Location prev = npc.getStoredLocation().clone();
} else {
} else if (entity instanceof PlayerTag) {
if (listNameOnly != null && listNameOnly.asBoolean()) {
AdvancedTextImpl.instance.setPlayerListName(((PlayerTag) entity).getPlayerEntity(), nameString);
} else {
String limitedName = nameString.length() > 16 ? nameString.substring(0, 16) : nameString;
NMSHandler.getInstance().getProfileEditor().setPlayerName(((PlayerTag) entity).getPlayerEntity(), limitedName);
} else {
Entity bukkitEntity = entity.getDenizenEntity().getBukkitEntity();