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Example 36 with ElementTag

use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class PluginTag method registerTags.

public static void registerTags() {
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <>
    // @returns ElementTag
    // @description
    // Gets the name of this plugin.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "name", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ElementTag(object.plugin.getName());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <PluginTag.version>
    // @returns ElementTag
    // @description
    // Gets the version for the plugin specified.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "version", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ElementTag(object.plugin.getDescription().getVersion());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <PluginTag.description>
    // @returns ElementTag
    // @description
    // Gets the description for the plugin specified.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "description", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ElementTag(object.plugin.getDescription().getDescription());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <PluginTag.authors>
    // @returns ListTag
    // @description
    // Gets the list of authors for the plugin specified.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ListTag.class, "authors", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ListTag(object.plugin.getDescription().getAuthors());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <PluginTag.depends>
    // @returns ListTag
    // @description
    // Gets the list of hard dependencies for the plugin specified.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ListTag.class, "depends", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ListTag(object.plugin.getDescription().getDepend());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <PluginTag.soft_depends>
    // @returns ListTag
    // @description
    // Gets the list of soft dependencies for the plugin specified.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ListTag.class, "soft_depends", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ListTag(object.plugin.getDescription().getSoftDepend());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <PluginTag.commands>
    // @returns MapTag(MapTag)
    // @description
    // Gets a map of commands registered this plugin registers by default.
    // Note that dynamically registered commands won't show up (for example, command scripts won't be listed under Denizen).
    // Map key is command name, map value is a sub-mapping with keys:
    // description (ElementTag), usage (ElementTag), permission (ElementTag), aliases (ListTag)
    // Not all keys will be present.
    // For example, <plugin[denizen].commands.get[ex]> will return a MapTag with:
    // [description=Executes a Denizen script command.;usage=/ex (-q) <Denizen script command> (arguments);permission=denizen.ex]
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(MapTag.class, "commands", (attribute, object) -> {
        Map<String, Map<String, Object>> commands = object.plugin.getDescription().getCommands();
        MapTag output = new MapTag();
        if (commands == null || commands.isEmpty()) {
            return output;
        for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> command : commands.entrySet()) {
            MapTag dataMap = new MapTag();
            if (command.getValue().containsKey("description")) {
                dataMap.putObject("description", new ElementTag(command.getValue().get("description").toString(), true));
            if (command.getValue().containsKey("usage")) {
                dataMap.putObject("usage", new ElementTag(command.getValue().get("usage").toString(), true));
            if (command.getValue().containsKey("permission")) {
                dataMap.putObject("permission", new ElementTag(command.getValue().get("permission").toString(), true));
            if (command.getValue().containsKey("aliases")) {
                Object obj = command.getValue().get("aliases");
                if (obj instanceof List) {
                    ListTag aliases = new ListTag();
                    for (Object entry : (List) obj) {
                        aliases.addObject(new ElementTag(String.valueOf(entry), true));
                    dataMap.putObject("aliases", aliases);
            output.putObject(command.getKey(), dataMap);
        return output;
Also used : FlaggableObject(com.denizenscript.denizencore.flags.FlaggableObject) List(java.util.List) ElementTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag) ListTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ListTag) Map(java.util.Map) MapTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.MapTag)

Example 37 with ElementTag

use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class BukkitListProperties method registerTags.

public static void registerTags() {
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ListTag.formatted>
    // @returns ElementTag
    // @description
    // Returns the list in a human-readable format.
    // Note that this will parse the values within the list to be human-readable as well when possible.
    // EG, a list of "<npc>|<player>|potato" will return "GuardNPC, bob, and potato".
    // The exact formatting rules that will be followed are not guaranteed, other than that it will be a semi-clean human-readable format.
    // -->
    PropertyParser.<BukkitListProperties, ElementTag>registerTag(ElementTag.class, "formatted", (attribute, listObj) -> {
        ListTag list = listObj.list;
        if (list.isEmpty()) {
            return new ElementTag("");
        StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
            ObjectTag object = list.getObject(i);
            String val = object.toString();
            boolean handled = false;
            if (val.startsWith("p@")) {
                PlayerTag gotten = object.asType(PlayerTag.class, attribute.context);
                if (gotten != null) {
                    handled = true;
            if (val.startsWith("e@") || val.startsWith("n@")) {
                EntityTag gotten = object.asType(EntityTag.class, attribute.context);
                if (gotten != null) {
                    if (gotten.isValid()) {
                    } else {
                    handled = true;
            if (val.startsWith("i@")) {
                ItemTag item = object.asType(ItemTag.class, attribute.context);
                if (item != null) {
                    handled = true;
            if (val.startsWith("m@")) {
                MaterialTag material = object.asType(MaterialTag.class, attribute.context);
                if (material != null) {
                    handled = true;
            if (!handled) {
                if (object instanceof ElementTag) {
                    output.append(val.replaceAll("\\w+@", ""));
                } else {
            if (i == list.size() - 2) {
                output.append(i == 0 ? " and " : ", and ");
            } else {
                output.append(", ");
        return new ElementTag(output.toString().substring(0, output.length() - 2));
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ListTag.to_polygon>
    // @returns PolygonTag
    // @description
    // Converts a list of locations to a PolygonTag.
    // The Y-Min and Y-Max values will be assigned based the range of Y values in the locations given.
    // -->
    PropertyParser.<BukkitListProperties, PolygonTag>registerTag(PolygonTag.class, "to_polygon", (attribute, listObj) -> {
        List<LocationTag> locations = listObj.list.filter(LocationTag.class, attribute.context);
        if (locations == null || locations.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        if (locations.size() > Settings.blockTagsMaxBlocks()) {
            return null;
        PolygonTag polygon = new PolygonTag(new WorldTag(locations.get(0).getWorldName()));
        polygon.yMin = locations.get(0).getY();
        polygon.yMax = polygon.yMin;
        for (LocationTag location : locations) {
            polygon.yMin = Math.min(polygon.yMin, location.getY());
            polygon.yMax = Math.max(polygon.yMax, location.getY());
            polygon.corners.add(new PolygonTag.Corner(location.getX(), location.getZ()));
        return polygon;
Also used : ListTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ListTag) ObjectTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.ObjectTag) ElementTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag)

Example 38 with ElementTag

use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class BukkitScriptProperties method registerTags.

public static void registerTags() {
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ScriptTag.cooled_down[<player>]>
    // @returns ElementTag(Boolean)
    // @description
    // Returns whether the script is currently cooled down for the player. Any global
    // cooldown present on the script will also be taken into account. Not specifying a player will result in
    // using the attached player available in the script entry. Not having a valid player will result in 'null'.
    // -->
    PropertyParser.<BukkitScriptProperties, ElementTag>registerTag(ElementTag.class, "cooled_down", (attribute, script) -> {
        PlayerTag player = (attribute.hasParam() ? attribute.paramAsType(PlayerTag.class) : ((BukkitScriptEntryData) attribute.getScriptEntry().entryData).getPlayer());
        if (player != null && player.isValid()) {
            return new ElementTag(CooldownCommand.checkCooldown(player, script.script.getContainer().getName()));
        } else {
            return null;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ScriptTag.cooldown[<player>]>
    // @returns DurationTag
    // @description
    // Returns the time left for the player to cooldown for the script.
    // -->
    PropertyParser.<BukkitScriptProperties, DurationTag>registerTag(DurationTag.class, "cooldown", (attribute, script) -> {
        PlayerTag player = (attribute.hasParam() ? attribute.paramAsType(PlayerTag.class) : ((BukkitScriptEntryData) attribute.getScriptEntry().entryData).getPlayer());
        return CooldownCommand.getCooldownDuration(player, script.script.getName());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ScriptTag.step[(<player>)]>
    // @returns ElementTag
    // @description
    // Returns the name of a script step that the player is currently on.
    // Must be an INTERACT script.
    // -->
    PropertyParser.<BukkitScriptProperties, ElementTag>registerTag(ElementTag.class, "step", (attribute, script) -> {
        PlayerTag player = attribute.hasParam() ? attribute.paramAsType(PlayerTag.class) : ((BukkitScriptEntryData) attribute.getScriptEntry().entryData).getPlayer();
        if (player != null && player.isValid()) {
            return new ElementTag(InteractScriptHelper.getCurrentStep(player, script.script.getContainer().getName()));
        } else {
            return null;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ScriptTag.step_expiration[(<player>)]>
    // @returns TimeTag
    // @description
    // Returns the time that an interact script step expires at, if applied by <@link command zap> with a duration limit.
    // -->
    PropertyParser.<BukkitScriptProperties, TimeTag>registerTag(TimeTag.class, "step_expiration", (attribute, script) -> {
        PlayerTag player = attribute.hasParam() ? attribute.paramAsType(PlayerTag.class) : ((BukkitScriptEntryData) attribute.getScriptEntry().entryData).getPlayer();
        if (player != null && player.isValid()) {
            return InteractScriptHelper.getStepExpiration(player, script.script.getContainer().getName());
        } else {
            return null;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ScriptTag.default_step>
    // @returns ElementTag
    // @description
    // Returns the name of the default step of an interact script.
    // -->
    PropertyParser.<BukkitScriptProperties, ElementTag>registerStaticTag(ElementTag.class, "default_step", (attribute, script) -> {
        String step = ((InteractScriptContainer) script.script.getContainer()).getDefaultStepName();
        return new ElementTag(step);
Also used : PlayerTag(com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.PlayerTag) BukkitScriptEntryData(com.denizenscript.denizen.utilities.implementation.BukkitScriptEntryData) TimeTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.TimeTag) InteractScriptContainer(com.denizenscript.denizen.scripts.containers.core.InteractScriptContainer) ElementTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag) DurationTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.DurationTag)

Example 39 with ElementTag

use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class EntityAttributeBaseValues method registerTags.

public static void registerTags() {
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <EntityTag.has_attribute[<attribute>]>
    // @returns ElementTag(Boolean)
    // @group properties
    // @description
    // Returns whether the entity has the named attribute.
    // Valid attribute names are listed at <@link url>
    // See also <@link language attribute modifiers>.
    // -->
    PropertyParser.<EntityAttributeBaseValues, ElementTag>registerTag(ElementTag.class, "has_attribute", (attribute, object) -> {
        if (!(attribute.hasParam() && attribute.getParamElement().matchesEnum(Attribute.class))) {
            attribute.echoError("Invalid entity.has_attribute[...] input: must be a valid attribute name.");
            return null;
        Attribute attr = Attribute.valueOf(attribute.getParam().toUpperCase());
        return new ElementTag(object.getAttributable().getAttribute(attr) != null);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <EntityTag.attribute_value[<attribute>]>
    // @returns ElementTag(Decimal)
    // @mechanism EntityTag.attribute_base_values
    // @group properties
    // @description
    // Returns the final calculated value of the named attribute for the entity.
    // See also <@link tag EntityTag.has_attribute>.
    // Valid attribute names are listed at <@link url>
    // See also <@link language attribute modifiers>.
    // -->
    PropertyParser.<EntityAttributeBaseValues, ElementTag>registerTag(ElementTag.class, "attribute_value", (attribute, object) -> {
        if (!(attribute.hasParam() && attribute.getParamElement().matchesEnum(Attribute.class))) {
            attribute.echoError("Invalid entity.attribute_value[...] input: must be a valid attribute name.");
            return null;
        Attribute attr = Attribute.valueOf(attribute.getParam().toUpperCase());
        AttributeInstance instance = object.getAttributable().getAttribute(attr);
        if (instance == null) {
            attribute.echoError("Attribute " + + " is not applicable to entity of type " + object.entity.getBukkitEntityType().name());
            return null;
        return new ElementTag(instance.getValue());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <EntityTag.attribute_base_value[<attribute>]>
    // @returns ElementTag(Decimal)
    // @mechanism EntityTag.attribute_base_values
    // @group properties
    // @description
    // Returns the base value of the named attribute for the entity.
    // See also <@link tag EntityTag.has_attribute>.
    // Valid attribute names are listed at <@link url>
    // See also <@link language attribute modifiers>.
    // -->
    PropertyParser.<EntityAttributeBaseValues, ElementTag>registerTag(ElementTag.class, "attribute_base_value", (attribute, object) -> {
        if (!(attribute.hasParam() && attribute.getParamElement().matchesEnum(Attribute.class))) {
            attribute.echoError("Invalid entity.attribute_base_value[...] input: must be a valid attribute name.");
            return null;
        Attribute attr = Attribute.valueOf(attribute.getParam().toUpperCase());
        AttributeInstance instance = object.getAttributable().getAttribute(attr);
        if (instance == null) {
            attribute.echoError("Attribute " + + " is not applicable to entity of type " + object.entity.getBukkitEntityType().name());
            return null;
        return new ElementTag(instance.getBaseValue());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <EntityTag.attribute_default_value[<attribute>]>
    // @returns ElementTag(Decimal)
    // @mechanism EntityTag.attribute_base_values
    // @group properties
    // @description
    // Returns the default value of the named attribute for the entity.
    // See also <@link tag EntityTag.has_attribute>.
    // Valid attribute names are listed at <@link url>
    // See also <@link language attribute modifiers>.
    // -->
    PropertyParser.<EntityAttributeBaseValues, ElementTag>registerTag(ElementTag.class, "attribute_default_value", (attribute, object) -> {
        if (!(attribute.hasParam() && attribute.getParamElement().matchesEnum(Attribute.class))) {
            attribute.echoError("Invalid entity.attribute_default_value[...] input: must be a valid attribute name.");
            return null;
        Attribute attr = Attribute.valueOf(attribute.getParam().toUpperCase());
        AttributeInstance instance = object.getAttributable().getAttribute(attr);
        if (instance == null) {
            attribute.echoError("Attribute " + + " is not applicable to entity of type " + object.entity.getBukkitEntityType().name());
            return null;
        return new ElementTag(instance.getDefaultValue());
Also used : Attribute(org.bukkit.attribute.Attribute) AttributeInstance(org.bukkit.attribute.AttributeInstance) ElementTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag)

Example 40 with ElementTag

use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class PolygonTag method registerTags.

public static void registerTags() {
    AreaContainmentObject.registerTags(PolygonTag.class, tagProcessor);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <PolygonTag.max_y>
    // @returns ElementTag(Decimal)
    // @description
    // Returns the maximum Y level for this polygon.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "max_y", (attribute, polygon) -> {
        return new ElementTag(polygon.yMax);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <PolygonTag.min_y>
    // @returns ElementTag(Decimal)
    // @description
    // Returns the minimum Y level for this polygon.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "min_y", (attribute, polygon) -> {
        return new ElementTag(polygon.yMin);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <PolygonTag.note_name>
    // @returns ElementTag
    // @description
    // Gets the name of a noted PolygonTag. If the polygon isn't noted, this is null.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "note_name", (attribute, polygon) -> {
        String noteName = NoteManager.getSavedId(polygon);
        if (noteName == null) {
            return null;
        return new ElementTag(noteName);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <PolygonTag.corners>
    // @returns ListTag(LocationTag)
    // @description
    // Returns a list of the polygon's corners, as locations with Y coordinate set to the y-min value.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ListTag.class, "corners", (attribute, polygon) -> {
        ListTag list = new ListTag();
        for (Corner corner : polygon.corners) {
            list.addObject(new LocationTag(corner.x, polygon.yMin, corner.z,;
        return list;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <PolygonTag.shift[<vector>]>
    // @returns PolygonTag
    // @description
    // Returns a copy of the polygon, with all coordinates shifted by the given location-vector.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(PolygonTag.class, "shift", (attribute, polygon) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("PolygonTag.shift[...] tag must have an input.");
            return null;
        LocationTag shift = attribute.paramAsType(LocationTag.class);
        PolygonTag toReturn = polygon.clone();
        toReturn.yMin += shift.getY();
        toReturn.yMax += shift.getY();
        for (Corner corner : toReturn.corners) {
            corner.x += shift.getX();
            corner.z += shift.getZ();
        toReturn.boxMin.x += shift.getX();
        toReturn.boxMin.z += shift.getZ();
        toReturn.boxMax.x += shift.getX();
        toReturn.boxMax.z += shift.getZ();
        return toReturn;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <PolygonTag.with_corner[<location>]>
    // @returns PolygonTag
    // @mechanism PolygonTag.add_corner
    // @description
    // Returns a copy of the polygon, with the specified corner added to the end of the corner list.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(PolygonTag.class, "with_corner", (attribute, polygon) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("PolygonTag.with_corner[...] tag must have an input.");
            return null;
        LocationTag corner = attribute.paramAsType(LocationTag.class);
        PolygonTag toReturn = polygon.clone();
        Corner added = new Corner(corner.getX(), corner.getZ());
        return toReturn;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <PolygonTag.with_y_min[<#.#>]>
    // @returns PolygonTag
    // @description
    // Returns a copy of the polygon, with the specified minimum-Y value.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(PolygonTag.class, "with_y_min", (attribute, polygon) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("PolygonTag.with_y_min[...] tag must have an input.");
            return null;
        PolygonTag toReturn = polygon.clone();
        toReturn.yMin = attribute.getDoubleParam();
        return toReturn;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <PolygonTag.with_y_max[<#.#>]>
    // @returns PolygonTag
    // @description
    // Returns a copy of the polygon, with the specified maximum-Y value.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(PolygonTag.class, "with_y_max", (attribute, polygon) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("PolygonTag.with_y_max[...] tag must have an input.");
            return null;
        PolygonTag toReturn = polygon.clone();
        toReturn.yMax = attribute.getDoubleParam();
        return toReturn;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <PolygonTag.include_y[<#.#>]>
    // @returns PolygonTag
    // @description
    // Returns a copy of the polygon, with the specified Y value included as part of the Y range (expanding the Y-min or Y-max as needed).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(PolygonTag.class, "include_y", (attribute, polygon) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("PolygonTag.include_y[...] tag must have an input.");
            return null;
        PolygonTag toReturn = polygon.clone();
        double y = attribute.getDoubleParam();
        toReturn.yMin = Math.min(y, toReturn.yMin);
        toReturn.yMax = Math.max(y, toReturn.yMax);
        return toReturn;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <PolygonTag.outline_2d[<#.#>]>
    // @returns ListTag(LocationTag)
    // @description
    // Returns a list of locations along the 2D outline of this polygon, at the specified Y level (roughly a block-width of separation between each).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ListTag.class, "outline_2d", (attribute, polygon) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("PolygonTag.outline_2d[...] tag must have an input.");
            return null;
        double y = attribute.getDoubleParam();
        ListTag output = new ListTag();
        polygon.addOutline2D(y, output);
        return output;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <PolygonTag.outline>
    // @returns ListTag(LocationTag)
    // @description
    // Returns a list of locations along the 3D outline of this polygon (roughly a block-width of separation between each).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ListTag.class, "outline", (attribute, polygon) -> {
        return polygon.getOutline();
Also used : ElementTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag) ListTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ListTag)


ElementTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag)237 ListTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ListTag)86 EntityTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.EntityTag)66 LocationTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.LocationTag)49 PlayerTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.PlayerTag)48 InvalidArgumentsException (com.denizenscript.denizencore.exceptions.InvalidArgumentsException)43 DurationTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.DurationTag)40 List (java.util.List)40 Argument (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.Argument)28 Player (org.bukkit.entity.Player)28 MapTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.MapTag)27 EventHandler (org.bukkit.event.EventHandler)26 NPCTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.NPCTag)24 ObjectTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.ObjectTag)22 ItemTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.ItemTag)19 ScriptTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ScriptTag)18 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)16 Entity (org.bukkit.entity.Entity)16 MaterialTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.MaterialTag)12 ScriptEntry (com.denizenscript.denizencore.scripts.ScriptEntry)12