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Example 26 with ElementTag

use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class CuboidTag method registerTags.

// ///////////////////
// ObjectTag Tag Management
// ///////////////////
public static void registerTags() {
    AreaContainmentObject.registerTags(CuboidTag.class, tagProcessor);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.random>
    // @returns LocationTag
    // @description
    // Returns a random block location within the cuboid.
    // (Note: random selection will not be fairly weighted for multi-member cuboids).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(LocationTag.class, "random", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        LocationPair pair = cuboid.pairs.get(CoreUtilities.getRandom().nextInt(cuboid.pairs.size()));
        Vector range = pair.high.toVector().subtract(pair.low.toVector()).add(new Vector(1, 1, 1));
        LocationTag out = pair.low.clone();
        return out;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.members_size>
    // @returns ElementTag(Number)
    // @description
    // Returns the number of cuboids defined in the CuboidTag.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "members_size", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        return new ElementTag(cuboid.pairs.size());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.outline>
    // @returns ListTag(LocationTag)
    // @description
    // Returns each block location on the outline of the CuboidTag.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ListTag.class, "outline", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        return cuboid.getOutline();
    }, "get_outline");
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.outline_2d[<#.#>]>
    // @returns ListTag(LocationTag)
    // @description
    // Returns a list of block locations along the 2D outline of this CuboidTag, at the specified Y level.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ListTag.class, "outline_2d", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("CuboidTag.outline_2d[...] tag must have an input.");
            return null;
        double y = attribute.getDoubleParam();
        return cuboid.getOutline2D(y);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.intersects[<cuboid>]>
    // @returns ElementTag(Boolean)
    // @description
    // Returns whether this cuboid and another intersect.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "intersects", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("The tag CuboidTag.intersects[...] must have a value.");
            return null;
        CuboidTag cub2 = attribute.paramAsType(CuboidTag.class);
        if (cub2 != null) {
            boolean intersects = false;
            whole_loop: for (LocationPair pair : cuboid.pairs) {
                for (LocationPair pair2 : cub2.pairs) {
                    if (!pair.low.getWorld().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(pair2.low.getWorld().getName())) {
                        return new ElementTag("false");
                    if (pair2.low.getX() <= pair.high.getX() && pair2.low.getY() <= pair.high.getY() && pair2.low.getZ() <= pair.high.getZ() && pair2.high.getX() >= pair.low.getX() && pair2.high.getY() >= pair.low.getY() && pair2.high.getZ() >= pair.low.getZ()) {
                        intersects = true;
                        break whole_loop;
            return new ElementTag(intersects);
        return null;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.list_members>
    // @returns ListTag(CuboidTag)
    // @description
    // Returns a list of all sub-cuboids in this CuboidTag (for cuboids that contain multiple sub-cuboids).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ListTag.class, "list_members", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        List<LocationPair> pairs = cuboid.pairs;
        ListTag list = new ListTag();
        for (LocationPair pair : pairs) {
            list.addObject(new CuboidTag(pair.low.clone(), pair.high.clone()));
        return list;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.get[<index>]>
    // @returns CuboidTag
    // @description
    // Returns a cuboid representing the one component of this cuboid (for cuboids that contain multiple sub-cuboids).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(CuboidTag.class, "get", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("The tag CuboidTag.get[...] must have a value.");
            return null;
        } else {
            int member = attribute.getIntParam();
            if (member < 1) {
                member = 1;
            if (member > cuboid.pairs.size()) {
                member = cuboid.pairs.size();
            LocationPair pair = cuboid.pairs.get(member - 1);
            return new CuboidTag(pair.low.clone(), pair.high.clone());
    }, "member", "get_member");
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.set[<cuboid>].at[<index>]>
    // @returns CuboidTag
    // @mechanism CuboidTag.set_member
    // @description
    // Returns a modified copy of this cuboid, with the specific sub-cuboid index changed to hold the input cuboid.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(CuboidTag.class, "set", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("The tag CuboidTag.set[...] must have a value.");
            return null;
        } else {
            CuboidTag subCuboid = attribute.paramAsType(CuboidTag.class);
            if (!attribute.startsWith("at", 2)) {
                attribute.echoError("The tag CuboidTag.set[...] must be followed by an 'at'.");
                return null;
            if (!attribute.hasContext(2)) {
                attribute.echoError("The tag CuboidTag.set[...].at[...] must have an 'at' value.");
                return null;
            int member = attribute.getIntContext(2);
            if (member < 1) {
                member = 1;
            if (member > cuboid.pairs.size()) {
                member = cuboid.pairs.size();
            LocationPair pair = subCuboid.pairs.get(0);
            CuboidTag cloned = cuboid.clone();
            cloned.pairs.set(member - 1, new LocationPair(pair.low.clone(), pair.high.clone()));
            return cloned;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.add_member[<cuboid>|...]>
    // @returns CuboidTag
    // @mechanism CuboidTag.add_member
    // @description
    // Returns a modified copy of this cuboid, with the input cuboid(s) added at the end.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(CuboidTag.class, "add_member", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("The tag CuboidTag.add_member[...] must have a value.");
            return null;
        cuboid = cuboid.clone();
        int member = cuboid.pairs.size() + 1;
        ObjectTag param = attribute.getParamObject();
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("at", 2)) {
            if (!attribute.hasContext(2)) {
                attribute.echoError("The tag CuboidTag.add_member[...].at[...] must have an 'at' value.");
                return null;
            member = attribute.getIntContext(2);
        if (member < 1) {
            member = 1;
        if (member > cuboid.pairs.size() + 1) {
            member = cuboid.pairs.size() + 1;
        if (!(param instanceof CuboidTag) && param.toString().startsWith("li@")) {
            // Old cuboid identity used '|' symbol, so require 'li@' to be a list
            for (CuboidTag subCuboid : param.asType(ListTag.class, attribute.context).filter(CuboidTag.class, attribute.context)) {
                LocationPair pair = subCuboid.pairs.get(0);
                cuboid.pairs.add(member - 1, new LocationPair(pair.low.clone(), pair.high.clone()));
        } else {
            CuboidTag subCuboid = param.asType(CuboidTag.class, attribute.context);
            LocationPair pair = subCuboid.pairs.get(0);
            cuboid.pairs.add(member - 1, new LocationPair(pair.low.clone(), pair.high.clone()));
        return cuboid;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.remove_member[<#>]>
    // @returns CuboidTag
    // @mechanism CuboidTag.remove_member
    // @description
    // Returns a modified copy of this cuboid, with member at the input index removed.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(CuboidTag.class, "remove_member", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("The tag CuboidTag.remove_member[...] must have a value.");
            return null;
        cuboid = cuboid.clone();
        int member = attribute.getIntParam();
        if (member < 1) {
            member = 1;
        if (member > cuboid.pairs.size() + 1) {
            member = cuboid.pairs.size() + 1;
        cuboid.pairs.remove(member - 1);
        return cuboid;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <>
    // @returns LocationTag
    // @description
    // Returns the location of the exact center of the cuboid.
    // Not valid for multi-member CuboidTags.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(LocationTag.class, "center", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        LocationPair pair;
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            pair = cuboid.pairs.get(0);
        } else {
            // legacy
            int member = attribute.getIntParam();
            if (member < 1) {
                member = 1;
            if (member > cuboid.pairs.size()) {
                member = cuboid.pairs.size();
            pair = cuboid.pairs.get(member - 1);
        LocationTag base = pair.high.clone().add(pair.low).add(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
        base.setX(base.getX() / 2.0);
        base.setY(base.getY() / 2.0);
        base.setZ(base.getZ() / 2.0);
        return base;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.volume>
    // @returns ElementTag(Number)
    // @description
    // Returns the volume of the cuboid.
    // Effectively equivalent to: (size.x * size.y * size.z).
    // Not valid for multi-member CuboidTags.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "volume", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        LocationPair pair = cuboid.pairs.get(0);
        Location base = pair.high.clone().subtract(pair.low.clone()).add(1, 1, 1);
        return new ElementTag(base.getX() * base.getY() * base.getZ());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.size>
    // @returns LocationTag
    // @description
    // Returns the size of the cuboid.
    // Effectively equivalent to: (max - min) + (1,1,1)
    // Not valid for multi-member CuboidTags.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(LocationTag.class, "size", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        LocationPair pair;
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            pair = cuboid.pairs.get(0);
        } else {
            // legacy
            int member = attribute.getIntParam();
            if (member < 1) {
                member = 1;
            if (member > cuboid.pairs.size()) {
                member = cuboid.pairs.size();
            pair = cuboid.pairs.get(member - 1);
        Location base = pair.high.clone().subtract(pair.low.clone()).add(1, 1, 1);
        return new LocationTag(base);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.max>
    // @returns LocationTag
    // @description
    // Returns the highest-numbered (maximum) corner location.
    // Not valid for multi-member CuboidTags.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(LocationTag.class, "max", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            return cuboid.pairs.get(0).high;
        } else {
            // legacy
            int member = attribute.getIntParam();
            if (member < 1) {
                member = 1;
            if (member > cuboid.pairs.size()) {
                member = cuboid.pairs.size();
            return cuboid.pairs.get(member - 1).high;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.min>
    // @returns LocationTag
    // @description
    // Returns the lowest-numbered (minimum) corner location.
    // Not valid for multi-member CuboidTags.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(LocationTag.class, "min", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            return cuboid.pairs.get(0).low;
        } else {
            // legacy
            int member = attribute.getIntParam();
            if (member < 1) {
                member = 1;
            if (member > cuboid.pairs.size()) {
                member = cuboid.pairs.size();
            return cuboid.pairs.get(member - 1).low;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.corners>
    // @returns ListTag(LocationTag)
    // @description
    // Returns all 8 corners of the cuboid.
    // The 4 low corners, then the 4 high corners.
    // In order X-Z-, X+Z-, X-Z+, X+Z+
    // If the object is a multi-member cuboid, returns corners for all members in sequence.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ListTag.class, "corners", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        ListTag output = new ListTag();
        for (LocationPair pair : cuboid.pairs) {
            output.addObject(new LocationTag(pair.low.getX(), pair.low.getY(), pair.low.getZ(), pair.low.getWorldName()));
            output.addObject(new LocationTag(pair.high.getX(), pair.low.getY(), pair.low.getZ(), pair.low.getWorldName()));
            output.addObject(new LocationTag(pair.low.getX(), pair.low.getY(), pair.high.getZ(), pair.low.getWorldName()));
            output.addObject(new LocationTag(pair.high.getX(), pair.low.getY(), pair.high.getZ(), pair.low.getWorldName()));
            output.addObject(new LocationTag(pair.low.getX(), pair.high.getY(), pair.low.getZ(), pair.low.getWorldName()));
            output.addObject(new LocationTag(pair.high.getX(), pair.high.getY(), pair.low.getZ(), pair.low.getWorldName()));
            output.addObject(new LocationTag(pair.low.getX(), pair.high.getY(), pair.high.getZ(), pair.low.getWorldName()));
            output.addObject(new LocationTag(pair.high.getX(), pair.high.getY(), pair.high.getZ(), pair.low.getWorldName()));
        return output;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.shift[<vector>]>
    // @returns CuboidTag
    // @description
    // Returns a copy of this cuboid, with all members shifted by the given vector LocationTag.
    // For example, a cuboid from 5,5,5 to 10,10,10, shifted 100,0,100, would return a cuboid from 105,5,105 to 110,10,110.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(CuboidTag.class, "shift", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("The tag CuboidTag.shift[...] must have a value.");
            return null;
        LocationTag vector = attribute.paramAsType(LocationTag.class);
        if (vector != null) {
            return cuboid.shifted(vector);
        return null;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.include[<location>/<cuboid>]>
    // @returns CuboidTag
    // @description
    // Expands the first member of the CuboidTag to contain the given location (or entire cuboid), and returns the expanded cuboid.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(CuboidTag.class, "include", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("The tag CuboidTag.include[...] must have a value.");
            return null;
        CuboidTag newCuboid = CuboidTag.valueOf(attribute.getParam(), CoreUtilities.noDebugContext);
        if (newCuboid != null) {
            return cuboid.including(newCuboid.getLow(0)).including(newCuboid.getHigh(0));
        LocationTag loc = attribute.paramAsType(LocationTag.class);
        if (loc != null) {
            return cuboid.including(loc);
        return null;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.include_x[<number>]>
    // @returns CuboidTag
    // @description
    // Expands the first member of the CuboidTag to contain the given X value, and returns the expanded cuboid.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(CuboidTag.class, "include_x", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        cuboid = cuboid.clone();
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("The tag CuboidTag.include_x[...] must have a value.");
            return null;
        double x = attribute.getDoubleParam();
        if (x < cuboid.pairs.get(0).low.getX()) {
            cuboid.pairs.get(0).low = new LocationTag(cuboid.pairs.get(0).low.getWorld(), x, cuboid.pairs.get(0).low.getY(), cuboid.pairs.get(0).low.getZ());
        if (x > cuboid.pairs.get(0).high.getX()) {
            cuboid.pairs.get(0).high = new LocationTag(cuboid.pairs.get(0).high.getWorld(), x, cuboid.pairs.get(0).high.getY(), cuboid.pairs.get(0).high.getZ());
        return cuboid;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.include_y[<number>]>
    // @returns CuboidTag
    // @description
    // Expands the first member of the CuboidTag to contain the given Y value, and returns the expanded cuboid.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(CuboidTag.class, "include_y", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        cuboid = cuboid.clone();
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("The tag CuboidTag.include_y[...] must have a value.");
            return null;
        double y = attribute.getDoubleParam();
        if (y < cuboid.pairs.get(0).low.getY()) {
            cuboid.pairs.get(0).low = new LocationTag(cuboid.pairs.get(0).low.getWorld(), cuboid.pairs.get(0).low.getX(), y, cuboid.pairs.get(0).low.getZ());
        if (y > cuboid.pairs.get(0).high.getY()) {
            cuboid.pairs.get(0).high = new LocationTag(cuboid.pairs.get(0).high.getWorld(), cuboid.pairs.get(0).high.getX(), y, cuboid.pairs.get(0).high.getZ());
        return cuboid;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.include_z[<number>]>
    // @returns CuboidTag
    // @description
    // Expands the first member of the CuboidTag to contain the given Z value, and returns the expanded cuboid.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(CuboidTag.class, "include_z", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        cuboid = cuboid.clone();
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("The tag CuboidTag.include_z[...] must have a value.");
            return null;
        double z = attribute.getDoubleParam();
        if (z < cuboid.pairs.get(0).low.getZ()) {
            cuboid.pairs.get(0).low = new LocationTag(cuboid.pairs.get(0).low.getWorld(), cuboid.pairs.get(0).low.getX(), cuboid.pairs.get(0).low.getY(), z);
        if (z > cuboid.pairs.get(0).high.getZ()) {
            cuboid.pairs.get(0).high = new LocationTag(cuboid.pairs.get(0).high.getWorld(), cuboid.pairs.get(0).high.getX(), cuboid.pairs.get(0).high.getY(), z);
        return cuboid;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.with_min[<location>]>
    // @returns CuboidTag
    // @description
    // Changes the cuboid to have the given minimum location, and returns the changed cuboid.
    // If values in the new min are higher than the existing max, the output max will contain the new min values,
    // and the output min will contain the old max values.
    // Note that this is equivalent to constructing a cuboid with the input value and the original cuboids max value.
    // Not valid for multi-member CuboidTags.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(CuboidTag.class, "with_min", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("The tag CuboidTag.with_min[...] must have a value.");
            return null;
        LocationTag location = attribute.paramAsType(LocationTag.class);
        return new CuboidTag(location, cuboid.pairs.get(0).high);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.with_max[<location>]>
    // @returns CuboidTag
    // @description
    // Changes the cuboid to have the given maximum location, and returns the changed cuboid.
    // If values in the new max are lower than the existing min, the output min will contain the new max values,
    // and the output max will contain the old min values.
    // Note that this is equivalent to constructing a cuboid with the input value and the original cuboids min value.
    // Not valid for multi-member CuboidTags.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(CuboidTag.class, "with_max", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("The tag CuboidTag.with_max[...] must have a value.");
            return null;
        LocationTag location = attribute.paramAsType(LocationTag.class);
        return new CuboidTag(location, cuboid.pairs.get(0).low);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.expand[<location>]>
    // @returns CuboidTag
    // @description
    // Expands the cuboid by the given amount, and returns the changed cuboid.
    // This will decrease the min coordinates by the given vector location, and increase the max coordinates by it.
    // Supplying a negative input will therefore contract the cuboid.
    // Note that you can also specify a single number to expand all coordinates by the same amount (equivalent to specifying a location that is that value on X, Y, and Z).
    // Not valid for multi-member CuboidTags.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(CuboidTag.class, "expand", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("The tag CuboidTag.expand[...] must have a value.");
            return null;
        Vector expandBy;
        if (ArgumentHelper.matchesInteger(attribute.getParam())) {
            int val = attribute.getIntParam();
            expandBy = new Vector(val, val, val);
        } else {
            expandBy = attribute.paramAsType(LocationTag.class).toVector();
        LocationPair pair = cuboid.pairs.get(0);
        return new CuboidTag(pair.low.clone().subtract(expandBy), pair.high.clone().add(expandBy));
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.expand_one_side[<location>]>
    // @returns CuboidTag
    // @description
    // Expands the cuboid by the given amount in just one direction, and returns the changed cuboid.
    // If a coordinate is positive, it will expand the high value. If it is negative, it will expand the low value.
    // Note that you can also specify a single number to expand all coordinates by the same amount (equivalent to specifying a location that is that value on X, Y, and Z).
    // Inverted by <@link tag CuboidTag.shrink_one_side>
    // Not valid for multi-member CuboidTags.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(CuboidTag.class, "expand_one_side", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("The tag CuboidTag.expand_one_side[...] must have a value.");
            return null;
        Vector expandBy;
        if (ArgumentHelper.matchesInteger(attribute.getParam())) {
            int val = attribute.getIntParam();
            expandBy = new Vector(val, val, val);
        } else {
            expandBy = attribute.paramAsType(LocationTag.class).toVector();
        LocationPair pair = cuboid.pairs.get(0);
        LocationTag low = pair.low.clone();
        LocationTag high = pair.high.clone();
        if (expandBy.getBlockX() < 0) {
            low.setX(low.getBlockX() + expandBy.getBlockX());
        } else {
            high.setX(high.getBlockX() + expandBy.getBlockX());
        if (expandBy.getBlockY() < 0) {
            low.setY(low.getBlockY() + expandBy.getBlockY());
        } else {
            high.setY(high.getBlockY() + expandBy.getBlockY());
        if (expandBy.getBlockZ() < 0) {
            low.setZ(low.getBlockZ() + expandBy.getBlockZ());
        } else {
            high.setZ(high.getBlockZ() + expandBy.getBlockZ());
        return new CuboidTag(low, high);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.shrink_one_side[<location>]>
    // @returns CuboidTag
    // @description
    // Shrinks the cuboid by the given amount in just one direction, and returns the changed cuboid.
    // If a coordinate is positive, it will shrink the high value. If it is negative, it will shrink the low value.
    // Note that you can also specify a single number to expand all coordinates by the same amount (equivalent to specifying a location that is that value on X, Y, and Z).
    // Inverted by <@link tag CuboidTag.expand_one_side>
    // Not valid for multi-member CuboidTags.
    // If you shrink past the limits of the cuboid's size, the cuboid will flip and start expanding the opposite direction.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(CuboidTag.class, "shrink_one_side", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("The tag CuboidTag.shrink_one_side[...] must have a value.");
            return null;
        Vector expandBy;
        if (ArgumentHelper.matchesInteger(attribute.getParam())) {
            int val = attribute.getIntParam();
            expandBy = new Vector(val, val, val);
        } else {
            expandBy = attribute.paramAsType(LocationTag.class).toVector();
        LocationPair pair = cuboid.pairs.get(0);
        LocationTag low = pair.low.clone();
        LocationTag high = pair.high.clone();
        if (expandBy.getBlockX() < 0) {
            low.setX(low.getBlockX() - expandBy.getBlockX());
        } else {
            high.setX(high.getBlockX() - expandBy.getBlockX());
        if (expandBy.getBlockY() < 0) {
            low.setY(low.getBlockY() - expandBy.getBlockY());
        } else {
            high.setY(high.getBlockY() - expandBy.getBlockY());
        if (expandBy.getBlockZ() < 0) {
            low.setZ(low.getBlockZ() - expandBy.getBlockZ());
        } else {
            high.setZ(high.getBlockZ() - expandBy.getBlockZ());
        return new CuboidTag(low, high);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.chunks>
    // @returns ListTag(ChunkTag)
    // @description
    // Gets a list of all chunks entirely within the CuboidTag (ignoring the Y axis).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ListTag.class, "chunks", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        ListTag chunks = new ListTag();
        for (LocationPair pair : cuboid.pairs) {
            int minY = pair.low.getBlockY();
            ChunkTag minChunk = new ChunkTag(pair.low);
            int minX = minChunk.getX();
            int minZ = minChunk.getZ();
            if (!cuboid.isInsideCuboid(new Location(cuboid.getWorld().getWorld(), minChunk.getX() * 16, minY, minChunk.getZ() * 16))) {
            ChunkTag maxChunk = new ChunkTag(pair.high);
            int maxX = maxChunk.getX();
            int maxZ = maxChunk.getZ();
            if (cuboid.isInsideCuboid(new Location(cuboid.getWorld().getWorld(), maxChunk.getX() * 16 + 15, minY, maxChunk.getZ() * 16 + 15))) {
            for (int x = minX; x < maxX; x++) {
                for (int z = minZ; z < maxZ; z++) {
                    chunks.addObject(new ChunkTag(cuboid.getWorld(), x, z));
        return chunks.deduplicate();
    }, "list_chunks");
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.partial_chunks>
    // @returns ListTag(ChunkTag)
    // @description
    // Gets a list of all chunks partially or entirely within the CuboidTag.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ListTag.class, "partial_chunks", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        ListTag chunks = new ListTag();
        for (LocationPair pair : cuboid.pairs) {
            ChunkTag minChunk = new ChunkTag(pair.low);
            ChunkTag maxChunk = new ChunkTag(pair.high);
            for (int x = minChunk.getX(); x <= maxChunk.getX(); x++) {
                for (int z = minChunk.getZ(); z <= maxChunk.getZ(); z++) {
                    chunks.addObject(new ChunkTag(cuboid.getWorld(), x, z));
        return chunks;
    }, "list_partial_chunks");
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <CuboidTag.note_name>
    // @returns ElementTag
    // @description
    // Gets the name of a noted CuboidTag. If the cuboid isn't noted, this is null.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "note_name", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        String noteName = NoteManager.getSavedId(cuboid);
        if (noteName == null) {
            return null;
        return new ElementTag(noteName);
    }, "notable_name");
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "full", (attribute, cuboid) -> {
        return new ElementTag(cuboid.identifyFull());
Also used : ListTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ListTag) ElementTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag) Vector(org.bukkit.util.Vector) Location(org.bukkit.Location)

Example 27 with ElementTag

use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class BiomeTag method registerTags.

public static void registerTags() {
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <BiomeTag.downfall_type>
    // @returns ElementTag
    // @mechanism BiomeTag.downfall_type
    // @description
    // Returns this biome's downfall type for when a world has weather.
    // This can be RAIN, SNOW, or NONE.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "downfall_type", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ElementTag(CoreUtilities.toLowerCase(object.biome.getDownfallType().name()));
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <>
    // @returns ElementTag
    // @description
    // Returns this biome's name.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "name", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ElementTag(CoreUtilities.toLowerCase(object.biome.getName()));
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <BiomeTag.humidity>
    // @returns ElementTag(Decimal)
    // @mechanism BiomeTag.humidity
    // @description
    // Returns the humidity of this biome.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "humidity", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ElementTag(object.biome.getHumidity());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <BiomeTag.temperature>
    // @returns ElementTag(Decimal)
    // @mechanism BiomeTag.temperature
    // @description
    // Returns the temperature of this biome.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "temperature", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ElementTag(object.biome.getTemperature());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <BiomeTag.spawnable_entities[(<type>)]>
    // @returns ListTag(EntityTag)
    // @description
    // Returns all entities that spawn naturally in this biome.
    // Optionally specify a type as: AMBIENT, CREATURES, MONSTERS, WATER, or ALL.
    // (By default, will be "ALL").
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ListTag.class, "spawnable_entities", (attribute, object) -> {
        List<EntityType> entityTypes;
        if (attribute.startsWith("ambient", 2)) {
            entityTypes = object.biome.getAmbientEntities();
        } else if (attribute.startsWith("creatures", 2)) {
            entityTypes = object.biome.getCreatureEntities();
        } else if (attribute.startsWith("monsters", 2)) {
            entityTypes = object.biome.getMonsterEntities();
        } else if (attribute.startsWith("water", 2)) {
            entityTypes = object.biome.getWaterEntities();
        } else {
            String type = attribute.hasParam() ? CoreUtilities.toLowerCase(attribute.getParam()) : "all";
            switch(type) {
                case "ambient":
                    entityTypes = object.biome.getAmbientEntities();
                case "creatures":
                    entityTypes = object.biome.getCreatureEntities();
                case "monsters":
                    entityTypes = object.biome.getMonsterEntities();
                case "water":
                    entityTypes = object.biome.getWaterEntities();
                    entityTypes = object.biome.getAllEntities();
        ListTag list = new ListTag();
        for (EntityType entityType : entityTypes) {
        return list;
Also used : EntityType(org.bukkit.entity.EntityType) ElementTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag) ListTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ListTag)

Example 28 with ElementTag

use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class ColorTag method registerTags.

public static void registerTags() {
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ColorTag.hex>
    // @returns ElementTag
    // @description
    // Returns a hex code formatting of this color, like '#ff00ff'.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "hex", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ElementTag("#" + CoreUtilities.hexEncode(new byte[] { (byte) object.color.getRed(), (byte) object.color.getGreen(), (byte) object.color.getBlue() }));
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <>
    // @returns ElementTag(Number)
    // @description
    // Returns the red value of this color (0 to 255).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "red", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ElementTag(object.color.getRed());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <>
    // @returns ElementTag(Number)
    // @description
    // Returns the green value of this color (0 to 255).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "green", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ElementTag(object.color.getGreen());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <>
    // @returns ElementTag(Number)
    // @description
    // Returns the blue value of this color (0 to 255).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "blue", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ElementTag(object.color.getBlue());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ColorTag.rgb>
    // @returns ElementTag
    // @description
    // Returns the RGB value of this color.
    // EG, 255,0,255
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "rgb", (attribute, object) -> {
        Color color = object.color;
        return new ElementTag(color.getRed() + "," + color.getGreen() + "," + color.getBlue());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ColorTag.hue>
    // @returns ElementTag(Number)
    // @description
    // Returns the hue value of this color (0 to 255).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "hue", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ElementTag(object.toHSB()[0]);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ColorTag.saturation>
    // @returns ElementTag(Number)
    // @description
    // Returns the saturation value of this color (0 to 255).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "saturation", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ElementTag(object.toHSB()[1]);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ColorTag.brightness>
    // @returns ElementTag(Number)
    // @description
    // Returns the brightness value of this color (0 to 255).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "brightness", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ElementTag(object.toHSB()[2]);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ColorTag.hsv>
    // @returns ElementTag
    // @description
    // Returns the HSV value of this color.
    // EG, 100,100,255
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "hsv", (attribute, object) -> {
        int[] HSV = object.toHSB();
        return new ElementTag(HSV[0] + "," + HSV[1] + "," + HSV[2]);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ColorTag.with_red[<red>]>
    // @returns ColorTag
    // @description
    // Returns a copy of this color object with a different red value (0 to 255).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ColorTag.class, "with_red", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ColorTag(object.color.setRed(attribute.getIntParam()));
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ColorTag.with_green[<green>]>
    // @returns ColorTag
    // @description
    // Returns a copy of this color object with a different green value (0 to 255).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ColorTag.class, "with_green", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ColorTag(object.color.setGreen(attribute.getIntParam()));
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ColorTag.with_blue[<blue>]>
    // @returns ColorTag
    // @description
    // Returns a copy of this color object with a different blue value (0 to 255).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ColorTag.class, "with_blue", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ColorTag(object.color.setBlue(attribute.getIntParam()));
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ColorTag.with_hue[<hue>]>
    // @returns ColorTag
    // @description
    // Returns a copy of this color object with a different hue value (0 to 255).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ColorTag.class, "with_hue", (attribute, object) -> {
        int[] HSB = object.toHSB();
        HSB[0] = attribute.getIntParam();
        return fromHSB(HSB);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ColorTag.with_saturation[<saturation>]>
    // @returns ColorTag
    // @description
    // Returns a copy of this color object with a different saturation value (0 to 255).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ColorTag.class, "with_saturation", (attribute, object) -> {
        int[] HSB = object.toHSB();
        HSB[1] = attribute.getIntParam();
        return fromHSB(HSB);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ColorTag.with_brightness[<brightness>]>
    // @returns ColorTag
    // @description
    // Returns a copy of this color object with a different brightness value (0 to 255).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ColorTag.class, "with_brightness", (attribute, object) -> {
        int[] HSB = object.toHSB();
        HSB[2] = attribute.getIntParam();
        return fromHSB(HSB);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <>
    // @returns ElementTag
    // @description
    // Returns the name of this color (or red,green,blue if none).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "name", (attribute, object) -> {
        return new ElementTag(object.identify().substring(3));
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ColorTag.mix[<color>]>
    // @returns ColorTag
    // @description
    // Returns the color that results if you mix this color with another.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ColorTag.class, "mix", (attribute, object) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            Debug.echoError("The tag ListTag.insert[...] must have a value.");
            return null;
        ColorTag mixed_with = attribute.paramAsType(ColorTag.class);
        if (mixed_with != null) {
            return new ColorTag(object.color.mixColors(mixed_with.getColor()));
        } else {
            Debug.echoError("'" + attribute.getParam() + "' is not a valid color!");
            return null;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <ColorTag.to_particle_offset>
    // @returns LocationTag
    // @description
    // Returns the color as a particle offset, for use with <@link command playeffect>.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(LocationTag.class, "to_particle_offset", (attribute, object) -> {
        Color valid = object.color;
        if (valid.asRGB() == 0) {
            valid = Color.fromRGB(1, 0, 0);
        return new LocationTag(null, valid.getRed() / 255F, valid.getGreen() / 255F, valid.getBlue() / 255F);
Also used : ChatColor(org.bukkit.ChatColor) DyeColor(org.bukkit.DyeColor) Color(org.bukkit.Color) ElementTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag)

Example 29 with ElementTag

use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class EllipsoidTag method registerTags.

public static void registerTags() {
    AreaContainmentObject.registerTags(EllipsoidTag.class, tagProcessor);
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <EllipsoidTag.random>
    // @returns LocationTag
    // @description
    // Returns a random decimal location within the ellipsoid.
    // Note that distribution of results will not be completely even.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(LocationTag.class, "random", (attribute, object) -> {
        // This is an awkward hack to try to weight towards the center a bit (to counteract the weight-away-from-center that would otherwise happen).
        double y = (Math.sqrt(CoreUtilities.getRandom().nextDouble()) * 2 - 1) * object.size.getY();
        Vector result = new Vector();
        double yProg = Math.abs(y) / object.size.getY();
        double subWidth = Math.sqrt(1.0 - yProg * yProg);
        double maxX = object.size.getX() * subWidth;
        double maxZ = object.size.getZ() * subWidth;
        result.setX(maxX * (CoreUtilities.getRandom().nextDouble() * 2 - 1));
        result.setZ(maxZ * (CoreUtilities.getRandom().nextDouble() * 2 - 1));
        LocationTag out =;
        return out;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <EllipsoidTag.location>
    // @returns LocationTag
    // @description
    // Returns the location of the ellipsoid.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(LocationTag.class, "location", (attribute, object) -> {
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <EllipsoidTag.size>
    // @returns LocationTag
    // @description
    // Returns the size of the ellipsoid.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(LocationTag.class, "size", (attribute, object) -> {
        return object.size;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <EllipsoidTag.add[<location>]>
    // @returns EllipsoidTag
    // @description
    // Returns a copy of this ellipsoid, shifted by the input location.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(EllipsoidTag.class, "add", (attribute, object) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("ellipsoid.add[...] tag must have an input.");
            return null;
        return new EllipsoidTag(, object.size.clone());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <EllipsoidTag.include[<location>]>
    // @returns EllipsoidTag
    // @description
    // Returns a copy of this ellipsoid, with the size value adapted to include the specified world location.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(EllipsoidTag.class, "include", (attribute, object) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("ellipsoid.include[...] tag must have an input.");
            return null;
        LocationTag target = attribute.paramAsType(LocationTag.class);
        if (object.contains(target)) {
            return object;
        LocationTag size = object.size.clone();
        Vector relative = target.toVector().subtract(;
        // Cuboid minimum expansion
        size.setX(Math.max(size.getX(), Math.abs(relative.getX())));
        size.setY(Math.max(size.getY(), Math.abs(relative.getY())));
        size.setZ(Math.max(size.getZ(), Math.abs(relative.getZ())));
        EllipsoidTag result = new EllipsoidTag(, new LocationTag(size));
        if (result.contains(target)) {
            return result;
        double sizeLen = size.length();
        // Ellipsoid additional expand
        while (!result.contains(target)) {
            // I gave up on figuring out the math for this, so here's an awful loop-hack
            double projX = (relative.getX() * relative.getX()) / (size.getX() * size.getX());
            double projY = (relative.getY() * relative.getY()) / (size.getY() * size.getY());
            double projZ = (relative.getZ() * relative.getZ()) / (size.getZ() * size.getZ());
            double scale = Math.max(projX + projY + projZ, sizeLen * 0.01);
            if (projX >= projY && projX >= projZ) {
                size.setX(size.getX() + scale);
            } else if (projY >= projX && projY >= projZ) {
                size.setY(size.getY() + scale);
            } else if (projZ >= projX && projZ >= projY) {
                size.setZ(size.getZ() + scale);
            } else {
                size = size.add(scale, scale, scale);
            result.size = size;
        return result;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <EllipsoidTag.with_location[<location>]>
    // @returns EllipsoidTag
    // @description
    // Returns a copy of this ellipsoid, set to the specified location.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(EllipsoidTag.class, "with_location", (attribute, object) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("ellipsoid.with_location[...] tag must have an input.");
            return null;
        return new EllipsoidTag(attribute.paramAsType(LocationTag.class), object.size.clone());
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <EllipsoidTag.with_size[<location>]>
    // @returns EllipsoidTag
    // @description
    // Returns a copy of this ellipsoid, set to the specified size.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(EllipsoidTag.class, "with_size", (attribute, object) -> {
        if (!attribute.hasParam()) {
            attribute.echoError("ellipsoid.with_size[...] tag must have an input.");
            return null;
        return new EllipsoidTag(, attribute.paramAsType(LocationTag.class));
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <EllipsoidTag.chunks>
    // @returns ListTag(ChunkTag)
    // @description
    // Returns a list of all chunks that this ellipsoid touches at all (note that no valid ellipsoid tag can ever totally contain a chunk, due to vertical limits and roundness).
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ListTag.class, "chunks", (attribute, object) -> {
        ListTag chunks = new ListTag();
        double minPossibleX = - object.size.getX();
        double minPossibleZ = - object.size.getZ();
        double maxPossibleX = + object.size.getX();
        double maxPossibleZ = + object.size.getZ();
        int minChunkX = (int) Math.floor(minPossibleX / 16);
        int minChunkZ = (int) Math.floor(minPossibleZ / 16);
        int maxChunkX = (int) Math.ceil(maxPossibleX / 16);
        int maxChunkZ = (int) Math.ceil(maxPossibleZ / 16);
        ChunkTag testChunk = new ChunkTag(;
        for (int x = minChunkX; x <= maxChunkX; x++) {
            testChunk.chunkX = x;
            for (int z = minChunkZ; z <= maxChunkZ; z++) {
                testChunk.chunkZ = z;
                if (object.intersects(testChunk)) {
                    chunks.addObject(new ChunkTag(, testChunk.chunkX, testChunk.chunkZ));
        return chunks;
    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <EllipsoidTag.note_name>
    // @returns ElementTag
    // @description
    // Gets the name of a noted EllipsoidTag. If the ellipsoid isn't noted, this is null.
    // -->
    tagProcessor.registerTag(ElementTag.class, "note_name", (attribute, ellipsoid) -> {
        String noteName = NoteManager.getSavedId(ellipsoid);
        if (noteName == null) {
            return null;
        return new ElementTag(noteName);
Also used : ElementTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag) Vector(org.bukkit.util.Vector) ListTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ListTag)

Example 30 with ElementTag

use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class DenizenNPCHelper method despawn.

// <--[action]
// @Actions
// despawn
// @Triggers when the NPC is despawned.
// This can be because a command was issued, or a chunk has been unloaded.
// @Context
// None
// -->
 * Fires a world script event and then NPC action when the NPC despawns.
 * @param event NPCDespawnEvent
public void despawn(NPCDespawnEvent event) {
    NPCTag npc = new NPCTag(event.getNPC());
    if (npc.isValid()) {
        EntityDespawnScriptEvent.instance.entity = new EntityTag(event.getNPC().getEntity());
        EntityDespawnScriptEvent.instance.cause = new ElementTag("CITIZENS");;
        npc.action("despawn", null);
Also used : NPCTag(com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.NPCTag) EntityTag(com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.EntityTag) ElementTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag) EventHandler(org.bukkit.event.EventHandler)


ElementTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag)237 ListTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ListTag)86 EntityTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.EntityTag)66 LocationTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.LocationTag)49 PlayerTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.PlayerTag)48 InvalidArgumentsException (com.denizenscript.denizencore.exceptions.InvalidArgumentsException)43 DurationTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.DurationTag)40 List (java.util.List)40 Argument (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.Argument)28 Player (org.bukkit.entity.Player)28 MapTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.MapTag)27 EventHandler (org.bukkit.event.EventHandler)26 NPCTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.NPCTag)24 ObjectTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.ObjectTag)22 ItemTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.ItemTag)19 ScriptTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ScriptTag)18 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)16 Entity (org.bukkit.entity.Entity)16 MaterialTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.MaterialTag)12 ScriptEntry (com.denizenscript.denizencore.scripts.ScriptEntry)12