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Example 11 with ScriptTag

use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ScriptTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class ActionBarCommand method parseArgs.

// <--[command]
// @Name ActionBar
// @Syntax actionbar [<text>] (targets:<player>|...) (format:<name>) (per_player)
// @Required 1
// @Maximum 4
// @Short Sends a message to a player's action bar.
// @group player
// @Description
// Sends a message to the target's action bar area.
// If no target is specified it will default to the attached player.
// Accepts the 'format:<name>' argument, which will reformat the text according to the specified format script. See <@link language Format Script Containers>.
// Optionally use 'per_player' with a list of player targets, to have the tags in the text input be reparsed for each and every player.
// So, for example, "- actionbar 'hello <>' targets:<server.online_players>"
// would normally show "hello bob" to every player (every player sees the exact same name in the text, ie bob sees "hello bob", steve also sees "hello bob", etc)
// but if you use "per_player", each player online would see their own name (so bob sees "hello bob", steve sees "hello steve", etc).
// @Tags
// None
// @Usage
// Use to send a message to the player's action bar.
// - actionbar "Hey there <>!"
// @Usage
// Use to send a message to a list of players.
// - actionbar "Hey, welcome to the server!" targets:<[thatplayer]>|<[player]>|<[someplayer]>
// @Usage
// Use to send a message to a list of players, with a formatted message.
// - actionbar "Hey there!" targets:<[thatplayer]>|<[player]> format:ServerChat
// -->
public void parseArgs(ScriptEntry scriptEntry) throws InvalidArgumentsException {
    for (Argument arg : ArgumentHelper.interpret(scriptEntry, scriptEntry.getOriginalArguments())) {
        if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("format") && arg.matchesPrefix("format", "f")) {
            String formatStr = TagManager.tag(arg.getValue(), scriptEntry.getContext());
            FormatScriptContainer format = ScriptRegistry.getScriptContainer(formatStr);
            if (format == null) {
                Debug.echoError("Could not find format script matching '" + formatStr + "'");
            scriptEntry.addObject("format", new ScriptTag(format));
        } else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("targets") && arg.matchesPrefix("targets", "target")) {
            scriptEntry.addObject("targets", ListTag.getListFor(TagManager.tagObject(arg.getValue(), scriptEntry.getContext()), scriptEntry.getContext()).filter(PlayerTag.class, scriptEntry));
        } else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("per_player") && arg.matches("per_player")) {
            scriptEntry.addObject("per_player", new ElementTag(true));
        } else if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("text")) {
            scriptEntry.addObject("text", arg.getRawElement());
        } else {
    if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("text")) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentsException("Must specify a message!");
    if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("targets") && !Utilities.entryHasPlayer(scriptEntry)) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentsException("Must specify target(s).");
    if (!scriptEntry.hasObject("targets")) {
        if (!Utilities.entryHasPlayer(scriptEntry)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentsException("Must specify valid player Targets!");
        } else {
            scriptEntry.addObject("targets", Collections.singletonList(Utilities.getEntryPlayer(scriptEntry)));
Also used : Argument(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.Argument) FormatScriptContainer(com.denizenscript.denizen.scripts.containers.core.FormatScriptContainer) ScriptTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ScriptTag) ElementTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag) InvalidArgumentsException(com.denizenscript.denizencore.exceptions.InvalidArgumentsException)

Example 12 with ScriptTag

use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ScriptTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class NarrateCommand method execute.

public void execute(ScriptEntry scriptEntry) {
    if (scriptEntry.getResidingQueue().procedural) {
        Debug.echoError("'Narrate' should not be used in a procedure script. Consider the 'debug' command instead.");
    List<PlayerTag> targets = (List<PlayerTag>) scriptEntry.getObject("targets");
    String text = scriptEntry.getElement("text").asString();
    ScriptTag formatObj = scriptEntry.getObjectTag("format");
    ElementTag perPlayerObj = scriptEntry.getElement("per_player");
    ElementTag from = scriptEntry.getElement("from");
    boolean perPlayer = perPlayerObj != null && perPlayerObj.asBoolean();
    BukkitTagContext context = (BukkitTagContext) scriptEntry.getContext();
    if (!perPlayer || targets == null) {
        text = TagManager.tag(text, context);
    if (scriptEntry.dbCallShouldDebug()) {, getName(), db("Narrating", text), db("Targets", targets), formatObj, perPlayerObj, from);
    UUID fromId = null;
    if (from != null) {
        if (from.asString().startsWith("p@")) {
            fromId = UUID.fromString(from.asString().substring("p@".length()));
        } else {
            fromId = UUID.fromString(from.asString());
    FormatScriptContainer format = formatObj == null ? null : (FormatScriptContainer) formatObj.getContainer();
    if (targets == null) {
        Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender().spigot().sendMessage(FormattedTextHelper.parse(format != null ? format.getFormattedText(text, scriptEntry) : text, ChatColor.WHITE));
    for (PlayerTag player : targets) {
        if (player != null) {
            if (!player.isOnline()) {
                Debug.echoDebug(scriptEntry, "Player is offline, can't narrate to them. Skipping.");
            String personalText = text;
            if (perPlayer) {
                context.player = player;
                personalText = TagManager.tag(personalText, context);
            BaseComponent[] component = FormattedTextHelper.parse(format != null ? format.getFormattedText(personalText, scriptEntry) : personalText, ChatColor.WHITE);
            if (fromId == null) {
            } else {
                player.getPlayerEntity().spigot().sendMessage(ChatMessageType.CHAT, fromId, component);
        } else {
            Debug.echoError("Narrated to non-existent player!?");
Also used : BaseComponent( BukkitTagContext(com.denizenscript.denizen.tags.BukkitTagContext) PlayerTag(com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.PlayerTag) FormatScriptContainer(com.denizenscript.denizen.scripts.containers.core.FormatScriptContainer) ScriptTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ScriptTag) List(java.util.List) ElementTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag) UUID(java.util.UUID)

Example 13 with ScriptTag

use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ScriptTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class ModifyBlockCommand method execute.

public void execute(final ScriptEntry scriptEntry) {
    final ListTag materials = scriptEntry.getObjectTag("materials");
    final List<LocationTag> locations = (List<LocationTag>) scriptEntry.getObject("locations");
    final ListTag location_list = scriptEntry.getObjectTag("location_list");
    final ElementTag physics = scriptEntry.getElement("physics");
    final ItemTag natural = scriptEntry.getObjectTag("natural");
    final ElementTag delayed = scriptEntry.getElement("delayed");
    final ElementTag maxDelayMs = scriptEntry.getElement("max_delay_ms");
    final ElementTag radiusElement = scriptEntry.getElement("radius");
    final ElementTag heightElement = scriptEntry.getElement("height");
    final ElementTag depthElement = scriptEntry.getElement("depth");
    final ScriptTag script = scriptEntry.getObjectTag("script");
    final PlayerTag source = scriptEntry.getObjectTag("source");
    ListTag percents = scriptEntry.getObjectTag("percents");
    if (percents != null && percents.size() != materials.size()) {
        Debug.echoError(scriptEntry, "Percents length != materials length");
        percents = null;
    final List<MaterialTag> materialList = materials.filter(MaterialTag.class, scriptEntry);
    for (MaterialTag mat : materialList) {
        if (!mat.getMaterial().isBlock()) {
            Debug.echoError("Material '" + mat.getMaterial().name() + "' is not a block material");
    if (scriptEntry.dbCallShouldDebug()) {, getName(), materials, physics, radiusElement, heightElement, depthElement, natural, delayed, maxDelayMs, script, percents, source, (locations == null ? location_list : db("locations", locations)));
    Player sourcePlayer = source == null ? null : source.getPlayerEntity();
    final boolean doPhysics = physics.asBoolean();
    final int radius = radiusElement.asInt();
    final int height = heightElement.asInt();
    final int depth = depthElement.asInt();
    List<Float> percentages = null;
    if (percents != null) {
        percentages = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String str : percents) {
            percentages.add(new ElementTag(str).asFloat());
    final List<Float> percs = percentages;
    if (locations == null && location_list == null) {
        Debug.echoError("Must specify a valid location!");
    if ((location_list != null && location_list.isEmpty()) || (locations != null && locations.isEmpty())) {
    if (materialList.isEmpty()) {
        Debug.echoError("Must specify a valid material!");
    no_physics = !doPhysics;
    if (delayed.asBoolean()) {
        final long maxDelay = maxDelayMs.asLong();
        new BukkitRunnable() {

            int index = 0;

            public void run() {
                try {
                    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    LocationTag loc;
                    if (locations != null) {
                        loc = locations.get(0);
                    } else {
                        loc = getLocAt(location_list, 0, scriptEntry);
                    if (isLocationBad(scriptEntry, loc)) {
                    boolean was_static = preSetup(loc);
                    while ((locations != null && locations.size() > index) || (location_list != null && location_list.size() > index)) {
                        LocationTag nLoc;
                        if (locations != null) {
                            nLoc = locations.get(index);
                        } else {
                            nLoc = getLocAt(location_list, index, scriptEntry);
                        if (isLocationBad(scriptEntry, nLoc)) {
                        handleLocation(nLoc, index, materialList, doPhysics, natural, radius, height, depth, percs, sourcePlayer, scriptEntry);
                        if (System.currentTimeMillis() - start > maxDelay) {
                    postComplete(loc, was_static);
                    if ((locations != null && locations.size() == index) || (location_list != null && location_list.size() == index)) {
                        if (script != null) {
                            ScriptUtilities.createAndStartQueue(script.getContainer(), null, scriptEntry.entryData, null, null, null, null, null, scriptEntry);
                } catch (Throwable ex) {
        }.runTaskTimer(Denizen.getInstance(), 1, 1);
    } else {
        LocationTag loc;
        if (locations != null) {
            loc = locations.get(0);
        } else {
            loc = getLocAt(location_list, 0, scriptEntry);
        if (isLocationBad(scriptEntry, loc)) {
        boolean was_static = preSetup(loc);
        int index = 0;
        if (locations != null) {
            for (LocationTag obj : locations) {
                if (isLocationBad(scriptEntry, obj)) {
                handleLocation(obj, index, materialList, doPhysics, natural, radius, height, depth, percentages, sourcePlayer, scriptEntry);
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < location_list.size(); i++) {
                LocationTag obj = getLocAt(location_list, i, scriptEntry);
                if (isLocationBad(scriptEntry, obj)) {
                handleLocation(obj, index, materialList, doPhysics, natural, radius, height, depth, percentages, sourcePlayer, scriptEntry);
        postComplete(loc, was_static);
Also used : Player(org.bukkit.entity.Player) BukkitRunnable(org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable) ListTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ListTag) ScriptTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ScriptTag) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ElementTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag)

Example 14 with ScriptTag

use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ScriptTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class ChatTrigger method processSingle.

public void processSingle(String message, Player player, NPCTag npc, Map<String, ObjectTag> context, InteractScriptContainer script, ChatContext returnable) {
    context = new HashMap<>(context);
    PlayerTag denizenPlayer = PlayerTag.mirrorBukkitPlayer(player);
    if (script.shouldDebug()) {, name, ArgumentHelper.debugObj("Player", player.getName()) + ArgumentHelper.debugObj("NPC", npc.toString()) + ArgumentHelper.debugObj("Radius(Max)", npc.getLocation().distance(player.getLocation()) + "(" + npc.getTriggerTrait().getRadius(name) + ")") + ArgumentHelper.debugObj("Trigger text", message) + ArgumentHelper.debugObj("LOS", String.valueOf(player.hasLineOfSight(npc.getEntity()))) + ArgumentHelper.debugObj("Facing", String.valueOf(NMSHandler.getEntityHelper().isFacingEntity(player, npc.getEntity(), 45))));
    String step = InteractScriptHelper.getCurrentStep(denizenPlayer, script.getName());
    if (!script.containsTriggerInStep(step, ChatTrigger.class)) {
        if (!Settings.chatGloballyIfNoChatTriggers()) {
            Debug.echoDebug(script, player.getName() + " says to " + npc.getNicknameTrait().getNickname() + ", " + message);
        } else {
            if (Debug.verbose) {
                Debug.log("No trigger in step, chatting globally");
    String id = null;
    boolean matched = false;
    String replacementText = null;
    String regexId = null;
    String regexMessage = null;
    String messageLow = CoreUtilities.toLowerCase(message);
    Map<String, String> idMap = script.getIdMapFor(ChatTrigger.class, denizenPlayer);
    if (!idMap.isEmpty()) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : idMap.entrySet()) {
            // Check if the chat trigger specified in the specified id's 'trigger:' key
            // matches the text the player has said
            // TODO: script arg?
            String triggerText = TagManager.tag(entry.getValue(), new BukkitTagContext(denizenPlayer, npc, null, false, null));
            Matcher matcher = triggerPattern.matcher(triggerText);
            while (matcher.find()) {
                // TODO: script arg?
                String keyword = TagManager.tag("/", ""), new BukkitTagContext(denizenPlayer, npc, null, false, null));
                String[] split = keyword.split("\\\\\\+REPLACE:", 2);
                String replace = null;
                if (split.length == 2) {
                    keyword = split[0];
                    replace = split[1];
                String keywordLow = CoreUtilities.toLowerCase(keyword);
                // match already (thus using alphabetical priority for triggers)
                if (regexId == null && keywordLow.startsWith("regex:")) {
                    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(keyword.substring(6));
                    Matcher m = pattern.matcher(message);
                    if (m.find()) {
                        // REGEX matches are left for last, so save it in case non-REGEX
                        // matches don't exist
                        regexId = entry.getKey();
                        regexMessage = triggerText.replace(,;
                        context.put("keyword", new ElementTag(;
                        if (replace != null) {
                            regexMessage = replace;
                } else if (keyword.contains("|")) {
                    for (String subkeyword : CoreUtilities.split(keyword, '|')) {
                        if (messageLow.contains(CoreUtilities.toLowerCase(subkeyword))) {
                            id = entry.getKey();
                            replacementText = triggerText.replace(, subkeyword);
                            matched = true;
                            context.put("keyword", new ElementTag(subkeyword));
                            if (replace != null) {
                                replacementText = replace;
                } else if (keyword.equals("*")) {
                    id = entry.getKey();
                    replacementText = triggerText.replace("/*/", message);
                    matched = true;
                    if (replace != null) {
                        replacementText = replace;
                } else if (keywordLow.startsWith("strict:") && messageLow.equals(keywordLow.substring("strict:".length()))) {
                    id = entry.getKey();
                    replacementText = triggerText.replace(, keyword.substring("strict:".length()));
                    matched = true;
                    if (replace != null) {
                        replacementText = replace;
                } else if (messageLow.contains(keywordLow)) {
                    id = entry.getKey();
                    replacementText = triggerText.replace(, keyword);
                    matched = true;
                    if (replace != null) {
                        replacementText = replace;
            if (matched) {
    if (!matched && regexId != null) {
        id = regexId;
        replacementText = regexMessage;
    // If there was a match, the id of the match should have been returned.
    String showNormalChat = script.getString("STEPS." + step + ".CHAT TRIGGER." + id + ".SHOW AS NORMAL CHAT", "false");
    if (id != null) {
        String hideTriggerMessage = script.getString("STEPS." + step + ".CHAT TRIGGER." + id + ".HIDE TRIGGER MESSAGE", "false");
        if (!hideTriggerMessage.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
            Utilities.talkToNPC(replacementText, denizenPlayer, npc, Settings.chatToNpcOverhearingRange(), new ScriptTag(script));
        parse(npc, denizenPlayer, script, id, context);
        if (Debug.verbose) {
            Debug.log("chat to NPC");
        if (!showNormalChat.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
            returnable.triggered = true;
    } else {
        if (!Settings.chatGloballyIfFailedChatTriggers()) {
            Utilities.talkToNPC(message, denizenPlayer, npc, Settings.chatToNpcOverhearingRange(), new ScriptTag(script));
            if (Debug.verbose) {
                Debug.log("Chat globally");
            if (!showNormalChat.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
                returnable.triggered = true;
    // No matching chat triggers, and the config.yml says we
    // should just ignore the interaction...
    if (Debug.verbose) {
        Debug.log("Finished calculating");
    returnable.changed_text = message;
Also used : Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) PlayerTag(com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.PlayerTag) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) BukkitTagContext(com.denizenscript.denizen.tags.BukkitTagContext) ScriptTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ScriptTag) ElementTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag)

Example 15 with ScriptTag

use of com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ScriptTag in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class DamageTrigger method damageTrigger.

// <--[language]
// @name Damage Triggers
// @group NPC Interact Scripts
// @description
// Damage Triggers are triggered when when a player left clicks the NPC.
// Despite the name, these do not actually require the NPC take any damage, only that the player left clicks the NPC.
// In scripts, use <context.damage> to measure how much damage was done to the NPC
// (though note that invincible NPCs don't necessarily take any damage even when this is non-zero).
// These are very basic with no extraneous complexity.
// -->
// <--[action]
// @Actions
// no damage trigger
// @Triggers when the NPC is damaged by a player but no damage trigger fires.
// @Context
// None
// -->
// Technically defined in TriggerTrait, but placing here instead.
// <--[action]
// @Actions
// damage
// @Triggers when the NPC is damaged by a player.
// @Context
// <context.damage> returns how much damage was done.
// @Determine
// "cancelled" to cancel the damage event.
// -->
// <--[action]
// @Actions
// damaged
// @Triggers when the NPC is damaged by an entity.
// @Context
// <context.damage> returns how much damage was done.
// <context.damager> returns the entity that did the damage.
// @Determine
// "cancelled" to cancel the damage event.
// -->
public void damageTrigger(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) {
    Map<String, ObjectTag> context = new HashMap<>();
    context.put("damage", new ElementTag(event.getDamage()));
    if (CitizensAPI.getNPCRegistry().isNPC(event.getEntity())) {
        NPCTag npc = new NPCTag(CitizensAPI.getNPCRegistry().getNPC(event.getEntity()));
        if (npc == null) {
        if (npc.getCitizen() == null) {
        EntityTag damager = new EntityTag(event.getDamager());
        if (damager.isProjectile() && damager.hasShooter()) {
            damager = damager.getShooter();
        context.put("damager", damager.getDenizenObject());
        ListTag determ = npc.action("damaged", null, context);
        if (determ != null && determ.containsCaseInsensitive("cancelled")) {
        if (!damager.isPlayer()) {
        PlayerTag dplayer = damager.getDenizenPlayer();
        if (!npc.getCitizen().hasTrait(TriggerTrait.class)) {
        if (!npc.getTriggerTrait().isEnabled(name)) {
        TriggerTrait.TriggerContext trigger = npc.getTriggerTrait().trigger(this, dplayer);
        if (!trigger.wasTriggered()) {
        if (trigger.hasDetermination() && trigger.getDeterminations().containsCaseInsensitive("cancelled")) {
        List<InteractScriptContainer> scripts = InteractScriptHelper.getInteractScripts(npc, dplayer, true, ClickTrigger.class);
        boolean any = false;
        if (scripts != null) {
            for (InteractScriptContainer script : scripts) {
                String id = null;
                Map<String, String> idMap = script.getIdMapFor(ClickTrigger.class, dplayer);
                if (!idMap.isEmpty()) {
                    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : idMap.entrySet()) {
                        String entry_value = TagManager.tag(entry.getValue(), new BukkitTagContext(dplayer, npc, null, false, new ScriptTag(script)));
                        if (ItemTag.valueOf(entry_value, script).comparesTo(dplayer.getPlayerEntity().getEquipment().getItemInMainHand()) >= 0) {
                            id = entry.getKey();
                if (parse(npc, dplayer, script, id, context)) {
                    any = true;
        if (!any) {
            npc.action("no damage trigger", dplayer);
Also used : TriggerTrait(com.denizenscript.denizen.npc.traits.TriggerTrait) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) PlayerTag(com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.PlayerTag) ListTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ListTag) ObjectTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.ObjectTag) BukkitTagContext(com.denizenscript.denizen.tags.BukkitTagContext) NPCTag(com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.NPCTag) ScriptTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ScriptTag) EntityTag(com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.EntityTag) InteractScriptContainer(com.denizenscript.denizen.scripts.containers.core.InteractScriptContainer) ElementTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) EventHandler(org.bukkit.event.EventHandler)


ScriptTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ScriptTag)38 ElementTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag)17 BukkitTagContext (com.denizenscript.denizen.tags.BukkitTagContext)16 PlayerTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.PlayerTag)8 ListTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ListTag)8 List (java.util.List)7 ItemTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.ItemTag)5 InvalidArgumentsException (com.denizenscript.denizencore.exceptions.InvalidArgumentsException)5 ObjectTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.ObjectTag)5 DurationTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.DurationTag)5 EntityTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.EntityTag)4 LocationTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.LocationTag)4 FormatScriptContainer (com.denizenscript.denizen.scripts.containers.core.FormatScriptContainer)4 ScriptEntry (com.denizenscript.denizencore.scripts.ScriptEntry)4 Player (org.bukkit.entity.Player)4 ImprovedOfflinePlayer (com.denizenscript.denizen.nms.abstracts.ImprovedOfflinePlayer)3 NPCTag (com.denizenscript.denizen.objects.NPCTag)3 AssignmentScriptContainer (com.denizenscript.denizen.scripts.containers.core.AssignmentScriptContainer)3 InteractScriptContainer (com.denizenscript.denizen.scripts.containers.core.InteractScriptContainer)3 ScriptQueue (com.denizenscript.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue)3