use of com.dexels.navajo.mapping.compiler.meta.ExtendDependency in project navajo by Dexels.
the class TslCompiler method messageNode.
public String messageNode(int ident, Element n, String className, String objectName, List<Dependency> deps, String tenant) throws MappingException, ClassNotFoundException, UserException, IOException, MetaCompileException, ParseException {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
String messageName = n.getAttribute("name");
String condition = n.getAttribute("condition");
String type = n.getAttribute("type");
String mode = n.getAttribute("mode");
String count = n.getAttribute("count");
String startindex = n.getAttribute("start_index");
String orderby = n.getAttribute("orderby");
String extendsMsg = n.getAttribute("extends");
String scopeMsg = n.getAttribute("scope");
String method = n.getAttribute("method");
String subType = n.getAttribute("subtype");
type = (type == null) ? "" : type;
mode = (mode == null) ? "" : mode;
condition = (condition == null) ? "" : condition;
count = (count == null || count.equals("")) ? "1" : count;
method = (method == null) ? "" : method;
subType = (subType == null) ? "" : subType;
int startIndex = (startindex == null || startindex.equals("")) ? -1 : Integer.parseInt(startindex);
boolean conditionClause = false;
// If <message> node is conditional:
if (!condition.equals("")) {
conditionClause = true;
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if (Condition.evaluate(" + replaceQuotes(condition) + ", access.getInDoc(), currentMap, currentInMsg, currentParamMsg,access)) { \n");
ident += 2;
Element nextElt = getNextElement(n);
String ref = "";
String filter = "";
String startElement = "";
String elementOffset = "";
boolean isArrayAttr = false;
boolean isSubMapped = false;
boolean forceArray = false;
boolean isIterator = false;
boolean isMappedMessage = false;
String mapPath = null;
// Check if <message> is mapped to an object attribute:
if (nextElt != null && nextElt.getNodeName().equals("map") && nextElt.getAttribute("ref") != null && !nextElt.getAttribute("ref").equals("")) {
String refOriginal = null;
isSubMapped = true;
isMappedMessage = false;
refOriginal = nextElt.getAttribute("ref");
// Check if ref contains [ char, if it does, an array message of a selection property is mapped.
if (refOriginal.length() > 0 && refOriginal.charAt(0) == '[') {
refOriginal = refOriginal.replaceAll("\\[", "");
refOriginal = refOriginal.replaceAll("\\]", "");
isMappedMessage = true;
isArrayAttr = true;
type = Message.MSG_TYPE_ARRAY;
} else if (refOriginal.indexOf('$') != -1) {
// Remove leading $ (if present).
refOriginal = refOriginal.replaceAll("\\$", "");
if (!isMappedMessage && refOriginal.indexOf('/') != -1) {
ref = refOriginal.substring(refOriginal.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, refOriginal.length());
mapPath = refOriginal.substring(0, refOriginal.lastIndexOf('/'));
} else {
ref = refOriginal;
forceArray = type.equals(Message.MSG_TYPE_ARRAY);
filter = nextElt.getAttribute("filter");
if (filter != null) {
filter = filter.replace('\r', ' ');
filter = filter.replace('\n', ' ');
startElement = nextElt.getAttribute("start_element");
elementOffset = nextElt.getAttribute("element_offset");
startElement = ((startElement == null || startElement.equals("")) ? "" : startElement);
elementOffset = ((elementOffset == null || elementOffset.equals("")) ? "" : elementOffset);
if (!isMappedMessage) {
try {
if (mapPath != null) {
contextClass = locateContextClass(mapPath, 0);
className = contextClass.getName();
} else {
contextClass = Class.forName(className, false, loader);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MappingException("Error line " + nextElt.getAttribute("linenr") + ": Could not find field: " + className + "/" + mapPath, e);
addDependency("dependentObjects.add( new JavaDependency( -1, \"" + className + "\"));\n", "JAVA" + className);
if (DomainObjectMapper.class.isAssignableFrom(contextClass)) {
isArrayAttr = forceArray;
type = Message.MSG_TYPE_ARRAY;
} else {
try {
isArrayAttr = MappingUtils.isArrayAttribute(contextClass, ref);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MappingException("Error line " + nextElt.getAttribute("linenr") + ": " + e.getMessage());
isIterator = MappingUtils.isIteratorAttribute(contextClass, ref);
if (isIterator) {
isArrayAttr = true;
if (isArrayAttr) {
type = Message.MSG_TYPE_ARRAY;
// Create the message(s). Multiple messages are created if count > 1.
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "count = " + (count.equals("1") ? "1" : "((Integer) Expression.evaluate(\"" + count + "\", access.getInDoc(), currentMap, currentInMsg, currentParamMsg,null,null,getEvaluationParams()).value).intValue()") + ";\n");
String messageList = "messageList" + (messageListCounter++);
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "Message [] " + messageList + " = null;\n");
String orderbyExpression = ("".equals(orderby) ? "\"\"" : "(String) Expression.evaluate(" + replaceQuotes(orderby) + ", access.getInDoc(), currentMap, currentInMsg, currentParamMsg,null,null,getEvaluationParams()).value");
if (n.getNodeName().equals("message")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + messageList + " = MappingUtils.addMessage(access.getOutputDoc(), currentOutMsg, \"" + messageName + "\", \"\", count, \"" + type + "\", \"" + mode + "\", " + orderbyExpression + ");\n");
} else if (n.getNodeName().equals("loop")) {
// create a message array of size 1 as placeholder.
result.append(printIdent(ident) + messageList + " = new Message[1];\n");
} else {
// must be parammessage.
result.append(printIdent(ident) + messageList + " = MappingUtils.addMessage(access.getInDoc(), currentParamMsg, \"" + messageName + "\", \"\", count, \"" + type + "\", \"" + mode + "\");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "for (int messageCount" + (ident) + " = 0; messageCount" + (ident) + " < " + messageList + ".length; messageCount" + (ident) + "++) {\n if (!kill) {\n");
if (n.getNodeName().equals("message")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "outMsgStack.push(currentOutMsg);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentOutMsg = " + messageList + "[messageCount" + (ident) + "];\n");
if (subType != null && !subType.equals("")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentOutMsg.setSubType(\"" + subType + "\");\n");
String[] subTypeElements = subType.split(",");
for (String subTypeElement : subTypeElements) {
if (subTypeElement.startsWith("interface=")) {
for (String iface : subTypeElement.replace("interface=", "").split(";")) {
String version = "0";
if (iface.indexOf(".") != -1) {
version = iface.substring(iface.indexOf(".") + 1, iface.indexOf("?") == -1 ? iface.length() : iface.indexOf("?"));
String replace = "." + version;
iface = iface.replace(replace, "");
String options = null;
if (iface.indexOf('?') > 0) {
options = iface.split("\\?")[1];
iface = iface.split("\\?")[0];
addDependency("dependentObjects.add( new ExtendDependency( Long.valueOf(\"" + ExtendDependency.getScriptTimeStamp(iface) + "\"), \"" + iface + "\"));\n", "EXTEND" + iface);
deps.add(new ExtendDependency(ExtendDependency.getScriptTimeStamp(iface), iface));
if (extendsMsg != null && !extendsMsg.equals("")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentOutMsg.setExtends(\"" + extendsMsg + "\");\n");
if (extendsMsg.startsWith("navajo://")) {
String ext = extendsMsg.substring(9);
String version = "0";
if (ext.indexOf('.') != -1) {
version = ext.substring(ext.indexOf('.') + 1, ext.indexOf('?') == -1 ? ext.length() : ext.indexOf('?'));
String rep = "." + version;
ext = ext.replace(rep, "");
String[] superEntities = ext.split(",");
for (String superEntity : superEntities) {
if (superEntity.indexOf('?') > 0) {
superEntity = superEntity.split("\\?")[0];
addDependency("dependentObjects.add( new ExtendDependency( Long.valueOf(\"" + ExtendDependency.getScriptTimeStamp(superEntity) + "\"), \"" + superEntity + "\"));\n", "EXTEND" + superEntity);
deps.add(new ExtendDependency(ExtendDependency.getScriptTimeStamp(superEntity), superEntity));
if (scopeMsg != null) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentOutMsg.setScope(\"" + scopeMsg + "\");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentOutMsg.setMethod(\"" + method + "\");\n");
} else if (n.getNodeName().equals("loop")) {
// do nothing.
} else {
// must be parammessage.
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "paramMsgStack.push(currentParamMsg);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentParamMsg = " + messageList + "[messageCount" + (ident) + "];\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "access.setCurrentOutMessage(currentOutMsg);\n");
if (isSubMapped && isMappedMessage) {
boolean isParam = false;
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "// Map message(s) to message\n");
String messageListName = "messages" + ident;
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "List " + messageListName + " = null;\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "inSelectionRef = MappingUtils.isSelection(currentInMsg, access.getInDoc(), \"" + ref + "\");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "if (!inSelectionRef)\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + messageListName + " = MappingUtils.getMessageList(currentInMsg, access.getInDoc(), \"" + ref + "\", \"" + "" + "\", currentMap, currentParamMsg,access);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "else\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + messageListName + " = MappingUtils.getSelectedItems(currentInMsg, access.getInDoc(), \"" + ref + "\");\n");
String loopCounterName = "j" + subObjectCounter++;
variableClipboard.add("int " + loopCounterName + ";\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "for (" + loopCounterName + " = 0; " + loopCounterName + " < " + messageListName + ".size(); " + loopCounterName + "++) {\n if (!kill){\n");
// currentInMsg, inMsgStack
ident += 4;
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "inMsgStack.push(currentInMsg);\n");
if (isParam) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "paramMsgStack.push(currentParamMsg);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "inSelectionRefStack.push(new Boolean(inSelectionRef));\n");
if (isParam) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if (!inSelectionRef)\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentParamMsg = (Message) " + messageListName + ".get(" + loopCounterName + ");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if (!inSelectionRef)\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentInMsg = (Message) " + messageListName + ".get(" + loopCounterName + ");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "else \n");
// currentSelection.
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentSelection = (Selection) " + messageListName + ".get(" + loopCounterName + ");\n");
// If filter is specified, evaluate filter first:
if (!filter.equals("")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "if (inSelectionRef || Condition.evaluate(" + replaceQuotes(filter) + ", access.getInDoc(), currentMap, currentInMsg, currentParamMsg,access)) {\n");
ident += 2;
if (n.getNodeName().equals("message")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "outMsgStack.push(currentOutMsg);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "currentOutMsg = MappingUtils.getMessageObject(\"" + MappingUtils.getBaseMessageName(messageName) + "\", currentOutMsg, true, access.getOutputDoc(), false, \"\", " + "-1" + ");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "access.setCurrentOutMessage(currentOutMsg);\n");
} else if (n.getNodeName().equals("loop")) {
// do nothing.
} else {
// parammessage.
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "paramMsgStack.push(currentParamMsg);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "currentParamMsg = MappingUtils.getMessageObject(\"" + MappingUtils.getBaseMessageName(messageName) + "\", currentParamMsg, true, access.getInDoc(), false, \"\", " + "-1" + ");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "try {\n");
ident = ident + 2;
NodeList children = nextElt.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
if (children.item(i) instanceof Element) {
result.append(compile(ident + 4, children.item(i), className, objectName, deps, tenant));
ident = ident - 2;
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "} catch (Exception e" + ident + ") {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "}\n");
if (n.getNodeName().equals("message")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentOutMsg = (Message) outMsgStack.pop();\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "access.setCurrentOutMessage(currentOutMsg);\n");
} else if (n.getNodeName().equals("loop")) {
// do nothing.
} else {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentParamMsg = (Message) paramMsgStack.pop();\n");
if (filter != null && !filter.equals("")) {
ident -= 2;
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "}\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentInMsg = (Message) inMsgStack.pop();\n");
if (isParam) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentParamMsg = (Message) paramMsgStack.pop();\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "inSelectionRef = ((Boolean) inSelectionRefStack.pop()).booleanValue();\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentSelection = null;\n");
ident -= 4;
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "}\n} // FOR loop for " + loopCounterName + "\n");
} else if (isSubMapped && isArrayAttr) {
String lengthName = "length" + (lengthCounter++);
String mappableArrayName = "mappableObject" + (objectCounter++);
boolean isDomainObjectMapper = false;
String subClassName = null;
NodeList children = nextElt.getChildNodes();
try {
subClassName = MappingUtils.getFieldType(contextClass, ref);
contextClass = Class.forName(subClassName, false, loader);
} catch (Exception e) {
isDomainObjectMapper = contextClass.isAssignableFrom(DomainObjectMapper.class);
subClassName = "com.dexels.navajo.mapping.bean.DomainObjectMapper";
contextClass = com.dexels.navajo.mapping.bean.DomainObjectMapper.class;
if (isDomainObjectMapper) {
type = "java.lang.Object";
} else {
throw new MappingException("Could not find adapter: " + subClassName);
addDependency("dependentObjects.add( new JavaDependency( -1, \"" + subClassName + "\"));\n", "JAVA" + subClassName);
// Extract ref....
if (mapPath == null) {
if (isDomainObjectMapper) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "try {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + mappableArrayName + " = com.dexels.navajo.mapping.bean.DomainObjectMapper.createArray( (Object []) ((" + className + ") currentMap.myObject).getDomainObjectAttribute(\"" + ref + "\", null) ) ;\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "} catch (Exception e) {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + " String subtype = ((" + className + ") currentMap.myObject).getDomainObjectAttribute(\"" + ref + "\", null).getClass().getName();\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + " throw new Exception(\" Could not cast " + ref + "(type = \" + subtype + \") to an array\");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "}\n");
} else {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + mappableArrayName + " = ((" + className + ") currentMap.myObject).get" + ((ref.charAt(0) + "").toUpperCase() + ref.substring(1)) + "();\n");
} else {
if (isDomainObjectMapper) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "try {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + mappableArrayName + " = com.dexels.navajo.mapping.bean.DomainObjectMapper.createArray( (Object []) ((" + className + ") findMapByPath( \"" + mapPath + "\")).getDomainObjectAttribute(\"" + ref + "\", null) ) ;\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "} catch (Exception e) {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + " String subtype = ((" + className + ") findMapByPath( \"" + mapPath + "\")).getDomainObjectAttribute(\"" + ref + "\", null).getClass().getName();\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + " throw new Exception(\" Could not cast " + ref + "(type = \" + subtype + \") to an array\");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "}\n");
} else {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + mappableArrayName + " = ((" + className + ") findMapByPath( \"" + mapPath + "\")).get" + ((ref.charAt(0) + "").toUpperCase() + ref.substring(1)) + "();\n");
String mappableArrayDefinition = (isIterator ? "java.util.Iterator<" + subClassName + "> " + mappableArrayName + " = null;\n" : "Object [] " + mappableArrayName + " = null;\n");
if (!isIterator) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "int " + lengthName + " = " + "(" + mappableArrayName + " == null ? 0 : " + mappableArrayName + ".length);\n");
String startIndexVar = "startIndex" + (startIndexCounter++);
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "int " + startIndexVar + " = " + startIndex + ";\n");
String startElementVar = "startWith" + (startElementCounter);
String offsetElementVar = "offset" + (startElementCounter++);
// Use a different than 0 as start for for loop.
// result.append(printIdent(ident) + "count = " +
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "int " + startElementVar + " = " + (startElement.equals("") ? "0" : "((Integer) Expression.evaluate(\"" + startElement + "\", access.getInDoc(), currentMap, currentInMsg, currentParamMsg,null,null,getEvaluationParams()).value).intValue()") + ";\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "int " + offsetElementVar + " = " + (elementOffset.equals("") ? "1" : "((Integer) Expression.evaluate(\"" + elementOffset + "\", access.getInDoc(), currentMap, currentInMsg, currentParamMsg,null,null,getEvaluationParams()).value).intValue()") + ";\n");
if (!isIterator) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "for (int i" + (ident + 2) + " = " + startElementVar + "; i" + (ident + 2) + " < " + lengthName + "; i" + (ident + 2) + " = i" + (ident + 2) + "+" + offsetElementVar + ") {\n if (!kill) {\n");
} else {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "while (" + mappableArrayName + ".hasNext() ) {\n if (!kill) {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "treeNodeStack.push(currentMap);\n");
if (!isIterator) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "currentMap = new MappableTreeNode(access, currentMap, " + mappableArrayName + "[i" + (ident + 2) + "], true);\n");
} else {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "currentMap = new MappableTreeNode(access, currentMap, " + mappableArrayName + ".next(), true);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "currentMap.setNavajoLineNr(" + n.getAttribute("linenr") + ");\n");
// If filter is specified, evaluate filter first:
if (filter != null && !filter.equals("")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "if (Condition.evaluate(" + replaceQuotes(filter) + ", access.getInDoc(), currentMap, currentInMsg, currentParamMsg,access)) {\n");
ident += 2;
if (n.getNodeName().equals("message")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "outMsgStack.push(currentOutMsg);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "currentOutMsg = MappingUtils.getMessageObject(\"" + MappingUtils.getBaseMessageName(messageName) + "\", currentOutMsg, true, access.getOutputDoc(), false, \"\", " + ((startIndex == -1) ? "-1" : startIndexVar + "++") + ");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "access.setCurrentOutMessage(currentOutMsg);\n");
} else if (n.getNodeName().equals("loop")) {
// do nothing.
} else {
// parammessage.
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "paramMsgStack.push(currentParamMsg);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "currentParamMsg = MappingUtils.getMessageObject(\"" + MappingUtils.getBaseMessageName(messageName) + "\", currentParamMsg, true, access.getInDoc(), false, \"\", " + ((startIndex == -1) ? "-1" : startIndexVar + "++") + ");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if ( currentMap.myObject instanceof Mappable ) { ((Mappable) currentMap.myObject).load(access);}\n");
String subObjectName = "mappableObject" + (objectCounter++);
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + subObjectName + " = (" + subClassName + ") currentMap.myObject;\n");
String objectDefinition = subClassName + " " + subObjectName + " = null;\n";
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
if (children.item(i) instanceof Element) {
result.append(compile(ident + 4, children.item(i), subClassName, subObjectName, deps, tenant));
contextClass = contextClassStack.pop();
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "MappingUtils.callStoreMethod(currentMap.myObject);\n");
if (n.getNodeName().equals("message")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentOutMsg = (Message) outMsgStack.pop();\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "access.setCurrentOutMessage(currentOutMsg);\n");
} else if (n.getNodeName().equals("loop")) {
// do nothing.
} else {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentParamMsg = (Message) paramMsgStack.pop();\n");
if (filter != null && !filter.equals("")) {
ident -= 2;
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "}\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentMap.setEndtime();\n" + "currentMap = (MappableTreeNode) treeNodeStack.pop();\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "}\n} // EOF Array map result from contextMap \n");
} else if (isSubMapped) {
if (n.getNodeName().equals("loop")) {
throw new MappingException("Can only loop over arrays");
if (mapPath == null) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "treeNodeStack.push(currentMap);\n");
if (className.equals("com.dexels.navajo.mapping.bean.DomainObjectMapper")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentMap = new MappableTreeNode(access, currentMap, new com.dexels.navajo.mapping.bean.DomainObjectMapper( ((" + className + ") currentMap.myObject).getDomainObjectAttribute(\"" + ref + "\", null) ), false);\n");
} else {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentMap = new MappableTreeNode(access, currentMap, ((" + className + ") currentMap.myObject).get" + ((ref.charAt(0) + "").toUpperCase() + ref.substring(1)) + "(), false);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "currentMap.setNavajoLineNr(" + n.getAttribute("linenr") + ");\n");
} else {
String localObjectName = "mappableObject" + (objectCounter++);
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "Object " + localObjectName + " = findMapByPath( \"" + mapPath + "\");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "treeNodeStack.push(currentMap);\n");
if (className.equals("com.dexels.navajo.mapping.bean.DomainObjectMapper")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentMap = new MappableTreeNode(access, currentMap,new com.dexels.navajo.mapping.bean.DomainObjectMapper( ((" + className + ")" + localObjectName + ").getDomainObjectAttribute(\"" + ref + "\", null) ), false);\n");
} else {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentMap = new MappableTreeNode(access, currentMap, ((" + className + ")" + localObjectName + ").get" + ((ref.charAt(0) + "").toUpperCase() + ref.substring(1)) + "(), false);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "currentMap.setNavajoLineNr(" + n.getAttribute("linenr") + ");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "if (currentMap.myObject != null) {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if ( currentMap.myObject instanceof Mappable ) { ((Mappable) currentMap.myObject).load(access);}\n");
String subClassName = null;
if (DomainObjectMapper.class.isAssignableFrom(contextClass)) {
subClassName = "com.dexels.navajo.mapping.bean.DomainObjectMapper";
contextClass = DomainObjectMapper.class;
} else {
subClassName = MappingUtils.getFieldType(contextClass, ref);
contextClass = null;
try {
contextClass = Class.forName(subClassName, false, loader);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MappingException("Could not find adapter " + subClassName);
addDependency("dependentObjects.add( new JavaDependency( -1, \"" + subClassName + "\"));\n", "JAVA" + subClassName);
String subObjectName = "mappableObject" + (objectCounter++);
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + subObjectName + " = (" + subClassName + ") currentMap.myObject;\n");
String objectDefinition = subClassName + " " + subObjectName + " = null;\n";
NodeList children = nextElt.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
result.append(compile(ident + 4, children.item(i), subClassName, subObjectName, deps, tenant));
contextClass = contextClassStack.pop();
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "}\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentMap.setEndtime();\n" + "MappingUtils.callStoreMethod(currentMap.myObject);\n" + "currentMap = (MappableTreeNode) treeNodeStack.pop();\n");
} else {
if (n.getNodeName().equals("loop")) {
throw new MappingException("Can only loop over arrays");
NodeList children = n.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
result.append(compile(ident + 2, children.item(i), className, objectName, deps, tenant));
if (n.getNodeName().equals("message")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentOutMsg = (Message) outMsgStack.pop();\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "access.setCurrentOutMessage(currentOutMsg);\n");
} else if (n.getNodeName().equals("loop")) {
// do nothing.
} else {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentParamMsg = (Message) paramMsgStack.pop();\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "}\n } // EOF messageList for \n");
if (conditionClause) {
ident -= 2;
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "} // EOF message condition \n");
return result.toString();
use of com.dexels.navajo.mapping.compiler.meta.ExtendDependency in project navajo by Dexels.
the class ScriptCompiler method generateEntityDs.
private void generateEntityDs(String packagePath, String script, String compiledDate, List<Dependency> dependencies, Set<String> dependentResources) throws IOException {
String fullName;
if (packagePath.equals("")) {
fullName = script;
} else {
fullName = packagePath + "/" + script;
String entityName = fullName.substring(fullName.indexOf('/') + 1).replaceAll("/", ".");
String symbolicName = rpcNameFromScriptPath(fullName).replaceAll("/", ".");
XMLElement xe = new CaseSensitiveXMLElement("scr:component");
xe.setAttribute("xmlns:scr", "");
xe.setAttribute("immediate", "true");
xe.setAttribute("name", "navajo.entities." + symbolicName);
xe.setAttribute("activate", "activate");
xe.setAttribute("deactivate", "deactivate");
xe.setAttribute("enabled", "true");
XMLElement implementation = new CaseSensitiveXMLElement("implementation");
implementation.setAttribute("class", "com.dexels.navajo.enterprise.entity.Entity");
XMLElement service = new CaseSensitiveXMLElement("service");
XMLElement provide = new CaseSensitiveXMLElement("provide");
provide.setAttribute("interface", "com.dexels.navajo.enterprise.entity.Entity");
addProperty("", "String", entityName, xe);
addProperty("", "String", fullName, xe);
addProperty("entity.message", "String", script, xe);
XMLElement refMan = new CaseSensitiveXMLElement("reference");
refMan.setAttribute("bind", "setEntityManager");
refMan.setAttribute("unbind", "clearEntityManager");
refMan.setAttribute("policy", "dynamic");
refMan.setAttribute("cardinality", "1..1");
refMan.setAttribute("interface", "com.dexels.navajo.enterprise.entity.EntityManager");
refMan.setAttribute("name", "EntityManager");
XMLElement refScript = new CaseSensitiveXMLElement("reference");
refScript.setAttribute("cardinality", "1..1");
refScript.setAttribute("bind", "setCompiledScript");
refScript.setAttribute("unbind", "clearCompiledScript");
refScript.setAttribute("interface", "com.dexels.navajo.script.api.CompiledScriptFactory");
refScript.setAttribute("name", "CompiledScript");
String target1 = "" + symbolicName.replace("/", ".");
String target2 = "navajo.compileddate=" + compiledDate;
refScript.setAttribute("target", "(&(" + target1 + ")(" + target2 + "))");
for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); i++) {
Dependency d = dependencies.get(i);
if (d instanceof ExtendDependency) {
String extendedEntity = d.getId().replaceAll("/", ".");
XMLElement depref = new CaseSensitiveXMLElement("reference");
depref.setAttribute("name", "SuperEntity" + i);
depref.setAttribute("policy", "static");
depref.setAttribute("cardinality", "1..1");
depref.setAttribute("interface", "com.dexels.navajo.enterprise.entity.Entity");
depref.setAttribute("target", "(" + extendedEntity + ")");
depref.setAttribute("bind", "addSuperEntity");
depref.setAttribute("unbind", "removeSuperEntity");
for (String resource : dependentResources) {
XMLElement dep = new CaseSensitiveXMLElement("reference");
dep.setAttribute("bind", "set" + resource);
dep.setAttribute("unbind", "clear" + resource);
dep.setAttribute("policy", "static");
dep.setAttribute("cardinality", "1..1");
dep.setAttribute("interface", "javax.sql.DataSource");
dep.setAttribute("target", "(" + resource + ")");
PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(navajoIOConfig.getOutputWriter(navajoIOConfig.getCompiledScriptPath(), packagePath, "entity", ".xml"));
w.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");