use of com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException in project navajo by Dexels.
the class TslCompiler method fieldNode.
public String fieldNode(int ident, Element n, String className, String objectName, List<Dependency> dependencies, String tenant) throws UserException, MappingException, ClassNotFoundException, KeywordException, IOException, MetaCompileException, ParseException {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
String attributeOriginal = n.getAttribute("name");
String condition = n.getAttribute("condition");
String attribute = null;
String mapPath = null;
if (attributeOriginal.indexOf('/') != -1) {
attribute = attributeOriginal.substring(attributeOriginal.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, attributeOriginal.length());
mapPath = attributeOriginal.substring(0, attributeOriginal.lastIndexOf('/'));
} else {
attribute = attributeOriginal;
if (attribute == null || attribute.equals(""))
throw new UserException("Name attribute is required for field tags");
condition = (condition == null) ? "" : condition;
String totalMethodName = "set" + (attribute.charAt(0) + "").toUpperCase() + attribute.substring(1, attribute.length());
String methodName = null;
if (totalMethodName.indexOf('/') != -1) {
methodName = totalMethodName.substring(totalMethodName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, totalMethodName.length());
} else {
methodName = totalMethodName;
NodeList children = n.getChildNodes();
if (!condition.equals("")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if (Condition.evaluate(" + replaceQuotes(condition) + ", access.getInDoc(), currentMap, currentInMsg, currentParamMsg,access)) { \n");
} else {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if (true) {\n");
// Expression nodes.
boolean isMapped = false;
Element mapNode = null;
int exprCount = countNodes(children, "expression");
List<String> exprValues = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
// Has condition
if (children.item(i).getNodeName().equals("expression")) {
result.append(expressionNode(ident + 2, (Element) children.item(i), --exprCount, className, objectName));
Boolean b = false;
exprValues.add((String) getExpressionValue(((Element) children.item(i)), b)[0]);
} else if (children.item(i).getNodeName().equals("map")) {
isMapped = true;
mapNode = (Element) children.item(i);
if (!isMapped) {
String castedValue = "";
boolean isDomainObjectMapper = false;
try {
Class localContextClass = null;
try {
if (mapPath != null) {
localContextClass = locateContextClass(mapPath, 0);
} else {
if (Version.osgiActive()) {
localContextClass = resolveClassUsingService(className);
} else {
localContextClass = Class.forName(className, false, loader);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new UserException("Could not find adapter: " + className, e);
addDependency("dependentObjects.add( new JavaDependency( -1, \"" + className + "\"));\n", "JAVA" + className);
dependencies.add(new JavaDependency(-1, className));
String type = null;
try {
type = MappingUtils.getFieldType(localContextClass, attribute);
checkDependentFieldResource(localContextClass, attribute, exprValues, dependencies);
} catch (Exception e) {
isDomainObjectMapper = localContextClass.isAssignableFrom(DomainObjectMapper.class);
if (isDomainObjectMapper) {
type = "java.lang.Object";
} else {
throw new UserException("Could not find field: " + attribute + " in adapter " + localContextClass.getName(), e);
if (type.equals("java.lang.String")) {
castedValue = "(String) sValue";
} else if (type.equals("com.dexels.navajo.document.types.ClockTime")) {
castedValue = "(com.dexels.navajo.document.types.ClockTime) sValue";
} else if (type.equals("int")) {
castedValue = "((Integer) sValue).intValue()";
} else if (type.equals("double")) {
castedValue = "((Double) sValue).doubleValue()";
} else if (type.equals("java.util.Date")) {
castedValue = "((java.util.Date) sValue)";
} else if (type.equals("boolean")) {
castedValue = "((Boolean) sValue).booleanValue()";
} else if (type.equals("float")) {
// sValue is never float,
// internally always Double!
castedValue = "(new Float(sValue+\"\")).floatValue()";
} else if (type.equals("com.dexels.navajo.document.types.Binary")) {
castedValue = "((com.dexels.navajo.document.types.Binary) sValue)";
} else if (type.equals("com.dexels.navajo.document.types.Money")) {
castedValue = "((com.dexels.navajo.document.types.Money) sValue)";
} else if (type.equals("com.dexels.navajo.document.types.Percentage")) {
castedValue = "((com.dexels.navajo.document.types.Percentage) sValue)";
} else if (type.equals("java.lang.Integer")) {
castedValue = "((Integer) sValue)";
} else if (type.equals("java.lang.Long")) {
castedValue = "((Long) sValue)";
} else if (type.equals("java.lang.Float")) {
// sValue is never
// float,
// internally
// always
// Double!
castedValue = "new Float(sValue+\"\")";
} else if (type.equals("java.lang.Double")) {
castedValue = "((Double) sValue)";
} else if (type.equals("java.lang.Boolean")) {
castedValue = "((Boolean) sValue)";
} else if (type.equals("java.util.List")) {
castedValue = "((List<Object>) sValue)";
} else {
castedValue = "sValue";
} catch (UserException e) {
throw new UserException(-1, "Error in script: could not find mappable object: " + className, e);
if (mapPath != null) {
if (!isDomainObjectMapper) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "((" + locateContextClass(mapPath, 0).getName() + ")findMapByPath(\"" + mapPath + "\"))." + methodName + "(" + castedValue + ");\n");
} else {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "((" + locateContextClass(mapPath, 0).getName() + ")findMapByPath(\"" + mapPath + "\")).setDomainObjectAttribute(\"" + attribute + "\"," + castedValue + ");\n");
} else {
if (!isDomainObjectMapper) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + objectName + "." + methodName + "(" + castedValue + ");\n");
} else {
// set attribute in excluded fields.
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + objectName + ".setDomainObjectAttribute(\"" + attribute + "\"," + castedValue + ");\n");
} else {
// Mappable)
if (mapNode == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected null mapNode");
String ref = mapNode.getAttribute("ref");
boolean isParam = false;
if (ref.indexOf("[") != -1) {
// remove square brackets...
ref = ref.replace('[', ' ');
ref = ref.replace(']', ' ');
ref = ref.trim();
if (ref.startsWith("/@")) {
// replace @ with __parms__ 'parameter'
// message indication.
ref = ref.replaceAll("@", "__parms__/");
isParam = true;
String filter = mapNode.getAttribute("filter");
filter = (filter == null) ? "" : filter;
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "// And by the way, my filter is " + filter + "\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "// Map message(s) to field\n");
String messageListName = "messages" + ident;
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "List " + messageListName + " = null;\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "inSelectionRef = MappingUtils.isSelection(currentInMsg, access.getInDoc(), \"" + ref + "\");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "if (!inSelectionRef)\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + messageListName + " = MappingUtils.getMessageList(currentInMsg, access.getInDoc(), \"" + ref + "\", \"" + "" + "\", currentMap, currentParamMsg,access);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "else\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + messageListName + " = MappingUtils.getSelectedItems(currentInMsg, access.getInDoc(), \"" + ref + "\");\n");
Class localContextClass = null;
try {
if (mapPath != null) {
localContextClass = locateContextClass(mapPath, 1);
} else {
localContextClass = contextClass;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new UserException("Could not find adapter: " + className, e);
String type = null;
try {
type = MappingUtils.getFieldType(localContextClass, attribute);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new UserException("Could not find field: " + attribute + " in adapter " + localContextClass.getName() + ", mappath = " + mapPath);
* END.
boolean isArray = MappingUtils.isArrayAttribute(localContextClass, attribute);
try {
contextClass = Class.forName(type, false, loader);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new UserException("Could not find adapter: " + type);
addDependency("dependentObjects.add( new JavaDependency( -1, \"" + type + "\"));\n", "JAVA" + type);
if (isArray) {
String subObjectsName = "subObject" + subObjectCounter;
String loopCounterName = "j" + subObjectCounter;
String objectDefinition = type + " [] " + subObjectsName + " = null;\n";
variableClipboard.add("int " + loopCounterName + ";\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + subObjectsName + " = new " + type + "[" + messageListName + ".size()];\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "for (" + loopCounterName + " = 0; " + loopCounterName + " < " + messageListName + ".size(); " + loopCounterName + "++) {\n if (!kill){\n");
// currentInMsg, inMsgStack
ident += 4;
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "inMsgStack.push(currentInMsg);\n");
if (isParam) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "paramMsgStack.push(currentParamMsg);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "inSelectionRefStack.push(new Boolean(inSelectionRef));\n");
if (isParam) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if (!inSelectionRef)\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentParamMsg = (Message) " + messageListName + ".get(" + loopCounterName + ");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if (!inSelectionRef)\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentInMsg = (Message) " + messageListName + ".get(" + loopCounterName + ");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "else\n");
// currentSelection.
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentSelection = (Selection) " + messageListName + ".get(" + loopCounterName + ");\n");
if (!filter.equals("")) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "if (inSelectionRef || Condition.evaluate(" + replaceQuotes(filter) + ", access.getInDoc(), currentMap, currentInMsg, currentParamMsg,access)) {\n");
ident += 2;
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "treeNodeStack.push(currentMap);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentMap = new MappableTreeNode(access, currentMap, classLoader.getClass(\"" + type + "\").newInstance(), false);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "currentMap.setNavajoLineNr(" + n.getAttribute("linenr") + ");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if ( currentMap.myObject instanceof Mappable ) { ((Mappable) currentMap.myObject).load(access);}\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + subObjectsName + "[" + loopCounterName + "] = (" + type + ") currentMap.myObject;\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "try {\n");
ident = ident + 2;
children = mapNode.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
result.append(compile(ident + 2, children.item(i), type, subObjectsName + "[" + loopCounterName + "]", dependencies, tenant));
ident = ident - 2;
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "} catch (Exception e" + ident + ") {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "MappingUtils.callKillOrStoreMethod( " + subObjectsName + "[" + loopCounterName + "], e" + ident + ");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "throw e" + ident + ";\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "}\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "MappingUtils.callStoreMethod(" + subObjectsName + "[" + loopCounterName + "]);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentMap.setEndtime();\ncurrentMap = (MappableTreeNode) treeNodeStack.pop();\n");
if (!filter.equals("")) {
ident -= 2;
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "}\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentInMsg = (Message) inMsgStack.pop();\n");
if (isParam) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentParamMsg = (Message) paramMsgStack.pop();\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "inSelectionRef = ((Boolean) inSelectionRefStack.pop()).booleanValue();\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentSelection = null;\n");
ident -= 4;
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "}\n} // FOR loop for " + loopCounterName + "\n");
if (mapPath == null) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + objectName + "." + methodName + "(" + subObjectsName + ");\n");
} else {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "((" + locateContextClass(mapPath, 1).getName() + ") findMapByPath(\"" + mapPath + "\"))." + methodName + "(" + subObjectsName + ");\n");
} else {
// Not an array type field, but single Mappable object.
// Push current mappable object on stack.
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "treeNodeStack.push(currentMap);\n");
// Create instance of object.
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentMap = new MappableTreeNode(access, currentMap, classLoader.getClass(\"" + type + "\").newInstance(), false);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 4) + "currentMap.setNavajoLineNr(" + n.getAttribute("linenr") + ");\n");
// Create local variable to address new object.
String subObjectsName = "subObject" + subObjectCounter;
// push currentInMsg, currentParamMsg and inSelectionRef
ident += 4;
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "inMsgStack.push(currentInMsg);\n");
if (isParam) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "paramMsgStack.push(currentParamMsg);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "inSelectionRefStack.push(new Boolean(inSelectionRef));\n");
if (isParam) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if (!inSelectionRef)\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentParamMsg = (Message) " + messageListName + ".get(0);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if (!inSelectionRef)\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentInMsg = (Message) " + messageListName + ".get(0);\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "else\n");
// currentSelection.
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "currentSelection = (Selection) " + messageListName + ".get(0);\n");
// Call load on object.
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "if ( currentMap.myObject instanceof Mappable) { ((Mappable) currentMap.myObject).load(access);}\n");
// Assign local variable reference.
result.append(printIdent(ident) + type + " " + subObjectsName + " = (" + type + ") currentMap.myObject;\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "try {\n");
ident = ident + 2;
// Recursively dive into children.
children = mapNode.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
result.append(compile(ident + 2, children.item(i), type, subObjectsName, dependencies, tenant));
ident = ident - 2;
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "} catch (Exception e" + ident + ") {\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "MappingUtils.callKillOrStoreMethod( " + subObjectsName + ", e" + ident + ");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "throw e" + ident + ";\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "}\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "MappingUtils.callStoreMethod(" + subObjectsName + ");\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentInMsg = (Message) inMsgStack.pop();\n");
if (isParam) {
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentParamMsg = (Message) paramMsgStack.pop();\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "inSelectionRef = ((Boolean) inSelectionRefStack.pop()).booleanValue();\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentSelection = null;\n");
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "currentMap.setEndtime();\ncurrentMap = (MappableTreeNode) treeNodeStack.pop();\n");
if (mapPath == null) {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + objectName + "." + methodName + "(" + subObjectsName + ");\n");
} else {
result.append(printIdent(ident + 2) + "((" + locateContextClass(mapPath, 1).getName() + ") findMapByPath(\"" + mapPath + "\"))." + methodName + "(" + subObjectsName + ");\n");
contextClass = contextClassStack.pop();
result.append(printIdent(ident) + "}\n");
return result.toString();
use of com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException in project navajo by Dexels.
the class TslCompiler method locateContextClass.
* Locate a contextclass in the class stack based upon a mappath. Depending
* on the way this method is called an additional offset to stack index must
* be supplied...
private Class locateContextClass(String mapPath, int offset) throws UserException {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(mapPath, "/");
int count = 0;
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String element = st.nextToken();
if (!"..".equals(element)) {
logger.debug("Huh? : {}", element);
if (count == 0) {
return contextClass;
if (contextClassStack.size() - count - offset < 0) {
throw new UserException("Could not resolve field: " + mapPath);
return contextClassStack.get(contextClassStack.size() - count - offset);
use of com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException in project navajo by Dexels.
the class TslCompiler method generateValidations.
* Check condition/validation rules inside the script.
* @param f
* @return
* @throws Exception
private final void generateValidations(Document d, StringBuilder generatedCode) throws Exception {
boolean hasValidations = false;
StringBuilder conditionString = new StringBuilder("conditionArray = new String[]{\n");
StringBuilder ruleString = new StringBuilder("ruleArray = new String[]{\n");
StringBuilder codeString = new StringBuilder("codeArray = new String[]{\n");
StringBuilder descriptionString = new StringBuilder("descriptionArray = new String[]{\n");
NodeList list = d.getElementsByTagName("validations");
for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
NodeList rules = list.item(i).getChildNodes();
for (int j = 0; j < rules.getLength(); j++) {
if (rules.item(j).getNodeName().equals("check")) {
Element rule = (Element) rules.item(j);
String code = rule.getAttribute("code");
String description = rule.getAttribute("description");
String value = rule.getAttribute("value");
String condition = rule.getAttribute("condition");
if (value.equals("")) {
value = rule.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
if (code.equals("")) {
throw new UserException(-1, "Validation syntax error: code attribute missing or empty");
if (value.equals("")) {
throw new UserException(-1, "Validation syntax error: value attribute missing or empty");
value = value.replaceAll("\r", "");
// Check if condition evaluates to true, for evaluating
// validation ;)
hasValidations = true;
conditionString.append("\"" + condition.replace('\n', ' ').trim() + "\"");
ruleString.append("\"" + value.replace('\n', ' ').trim() + "\"");
codeString.append("\"" + code.replace('\n', ' ').trim() + "\"");
descriptionString.append("\"" + description.replace('\n', ' ').trim() + "\"");
if (j != (rules.getLength() - 2)) {
// Add ","
if (i < list.getLength() - 1) {
generatedCode.append("public final void setValidations() {\n");
if (hasValidations) {
use of com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException in project navajo by Dexels.
the class DomainObjectMapper method mapAllPropertiesToObject.
* Automatically maps all properties to appropriate 'setters'.
* @throws Exception
private void mapAllPropertiesToObject(Class myClass) throws Exception {
Message mapMsg = (myAccess.getCompiledScript() != null ? myAccess.getCompiledScript().getCurrentInMsg() : myAccess.getInDoc().getMessage(currentMessageName));
if (mapMsg == null) {
throw new UserException(-1, "No mappable message specified.");
List<Property> allProperties = mapMsg.getAllProperties();
for (int i = 0; i < allProperties.size(); i++) {
Property p = allProperties.get(i);
if (!isAnExcludedProperty(p.getName())) {
try {
Class[] parameters = null;
Object myValue = null;
if (!p.getType().equals(Property.SELECTION_PROPERTY)) {
parameters = new Class[] { p.getTypedValue().getClass() };
myValue = p.getTypedValue();
} else {
// Is selection.
parameters = new Class[] { String.class };
// Guess cardinality '1'.
if (p.getCardinality().equals("+")) {
throw new Exception("Multiple cardinality selections not yet supported in automatic mapping.");
myValue = p.getSelected().getValue();
Method m = setMethodReference(myClass, p.getName(), parameters);
m.invoke(myObject, myValue);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!isIgnoreNonExistingAttributes()) {
throw e;
} else {
// Ignore non existing attribute.
use of com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException in project navajo by Dexels.
the class Dispatcher method processNavajo.
* Handle a webservice.
* @param inMessage
* @param userCertificate
* @param clientInfo
* @param origRunnable
* @param skipAuth
* , always skip authorization part.
* @return
* @throws FatalException
private final Navajo processNavajo(Navajo inMessage, String instance, Object userCertificate, ClientInfo clientInfo, boolean skipAuth, TmlRunnable origRunnable, AfterWebServiceEmitter emit) throws FatalException {
Access access = null;
Navajo outMessage = null;
String rpcName = "";
String rpcUser = "";
String rpcPassword = "";
Throwable myException = null;
String origThreadName = null;
boolean scheduledWebservice = false;
boolean afterWebServiceActivated = false;
int accessSetSize = accessSet.size();
setRequestRate(clientInfo, accessSetSize);
Navajo result = handleCallbackPointers(inMessage, instance);
if (result != null) {
return result;
Header header = inMessage.getHeader();
rpcName = header.getRPCName();
rpcUser = header.getRPCUser();
rpcPassword = header.getRPCPassword();
boolean preventFinalize = false;
try {
* Phase II: Authorisation/Authentication of the user. Is the user
* known and valid and may it use the specified service? Also log
* the access.
long startAuth = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (rpcName == null) {
throw new FatalException("No script defined");
if (rpcName.equals("navajo_ping")) {
// Ping!
outMessage = NavajoFactory.getInstance().createNavajo();
Header h = NavajoFactory.getInstance().createHeader(outMessage, "", "", "", -1);
return outMessage;
access = new Access(1, 1, rpcUser, rpcName, "", "", "", userCertificate, false, null);
access.rpcPwd = rpcPassword;
if (clientInfo != null) {
access.ipAddress = clientInfo.getIP();
access.hostName = clientInfo.getHost();
NavajoEventRegistry.getInstance().publishEvent(new NavajoRequestEvent(access));
appendGlobals(inMessage, instance);
if (useAuthorisation && !skipAuth) {
try {
if (navajoConfig == null) {
// if (instance == null) {
// throw new SystemException(-1, "No tenant set -cannot authenticate!");
// }
// Determine authenticator
final AuthenticationMethod authenticator;
if (clientInfo == null) {
authenticator = authMethodBuilder.getInstanceForRequest(null);
} else {
authenticator = authMethodBuilder.getInstanceForRequest(clientInfo.getAuthHeader());
if (authenticator == null) {
throw new FatalException("Missing authenticator");
} catch (AuthorizationException ex) {
outMessage = generateAuthorizationErrorMessage(access, ex, rpcName);
AuditLog.log(AuditLog.AUDIT_MESSAGE_AUTHORISATION, "(service=" + rpcName + ", user=" + rpcUser + ", message=" + ex.getMessage(), Level.WARNING);
return outMessage;
}/*catch (SystemException se) { //
logger.error("SystemException on authenticateUser {} for {}: ", rpcUser, rpcName, se);
outMessage = generateErrorMessage(access, se.getMessage(), SystemException.NOT_AUTHORISED, 1, new Exception("NOT AUTHORISED"));
AuditLog.log(AuditLog.AUDIT_MESSAGE_AUTHORISATION, "(service=" + rpcName + ", user=" + rpcUser + ", message=" + se.getMessage(),
return outMessage;
catch (Throwable t) {
logger.error("Unexpected exception on authenticateUser {} for {}: ", rpcUser, rpcName, t);
outMessage = generateErrorMessage(access, t.getMessage(), SystemException.NOT_AUTHORISED, 1, new Exception("NOT AUTHORISED"));
return outMessage;
if (clientInfo != null) {
access.ipAddress = clientInfo.getIP();
access.hostName = clientInfo.getHost();
access.parseTime = clientInfo.getParseTime();
access.queueTime = clientInfo.getQueueTime();
access.requestEncoding = clientInfo.getEncoding();
access.compressedReceive = clientInfo.isCompressedRecv();
access.compressedSend = clientInfo.isCompressedSend();
access.contentLength = clientInfo.getContentLength();
access.created = clientInfo.getCreated();
access.queueId = clientInfo.getQueueId();
access.queueSize = clientInfo.getQueueSize();
// Set the name of this thread.
origThreadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
final GlobalManager gm;
if (instance != null) {
gm = globalManagers.get(instance);
} else {
gm = globalManagers.get("default");
if (gm != null) {
if (origRunnable != null) {
// and vice versa, for the endTransaction
origRunnable.setAttribute("access", access);
String fullLog = inMessage.getHeader().getHeaderAttribute("fullLog");
if ("true".equals(fullLog)) {"Full debug detected. Accesshash: {}", access.hashCode());
if ((access.userID == -1) || (access.serviceID == -1)) {
String errorMessage = "";
if (access.userID == -1) {
errorMessage = "Cannot authenticate user: " + rpcUser;
} else {
errorMessage = "Cannot authorise use of: " + rpcName;
outMessage = generateErrorMessage(access, errorMessage, SystemException.NOT_AUTHORISED, 1, new Exception("NOT AUTHORISED"));
return outMessage;
} else {
access.authorisationTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - startAuth);
// username might've changed as the username might've been a placeholder while we're authenticating using a bearer token
rpcUser = access.getRpcUser();
// Be very defensive not to add null values to the MDC, as they will fail at unexpected moments
if (access.accessID != null) {
MDC.put("accessId", access.accessID);
if (access.getRpcName() != null) {
MDC.put("rpcName", access.getRpcName());
if (access.getRpcUser() != null) {
MDC.put("rpcUser", access.getRpcUser());
if (access.getTenant() != null) {
MDC.put("tenant", access.getTenant());
if (getNavajoConfig().getRootPath() != null) {
MDC.put("rootPath", getNavajoConfig().getRootPath());
if (getNavajoConfig().getInstanceName() != null) {
MDC.put("instanceName", getNavajoConfig().getInstanceName());
if (getNavajoConfig().getInstanceGroup() != null) {
MDC.put("instanceGroup", getNavajoConfig().getInstanceGroup());
if (inMessage.getHeader().getSchedule() != null && !inMessage.getHeader().getSchedule().equals("")) {
if (validTimeSpecification(inMessage.getHeader().getSchedule())) {
scheduledWebservice = true;"Scheduling webservice: {} on {} ", inMessage.getHeader().getRPCName(), inMessage.getHeader().getSchedule());
TaskRunnerInterface trf = TaskRunnerFactory.getInstance();
TaskInterface ti = trf.createTask();
try {
// Make sure task gets persisted in tasks.xml
if (inMessage.getHeader().getHeaderAttribute("keeprequestresponse") != null && inMessage.getHeader().getHeaderAttribute("keeprequestresponse").equals("true")) {
outMessage = generateScheduledMessage(inMessage.getHeader(), ti.getId(), false);
} catch (TriggerException e) {"WARNING: Invalid trigger specified for task {}: {}", ti.getId(), inMessage.getHeader().getSchedule());
outMessage = generateErrorMessage(access, "Could not schedule task:" + e.getMessage(), -1, -1, e);
} else {
// obsolete time specification
outMessage = generateScheduledMessage(inMessage.getHeader(), null, true);
} else {
* Phase VI: Dispatch to proper servlet.
// Create beforeWebservice event.
long bstart = System.currentTimeMillis();
Navajo useProxy = (WebserviceListenerFactory.getInstance() != null ? WebserviceListenerFactory.getInstance().beforeWebservice(rpcName, access) : null);
access.setBeforeServiceTime((int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - bstart));
if (useAuthorisation) {
if (useProxy == null) {
outMessage = dispatch(access);
} else {
rpcName = access.rpcName;
outMessage = useProxy;
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("I've removed this code because I assumed it wasn't used any more");
} catch (AuthorizationException aee) {
outMessage = generateAuthorizationErrorMessage(access, aee, rpcName);
AuditLog.log(AuditLog.AUDIT_MESSAGE_AUTHORISATION, "(service=" + rpcName + ", user=" + rpcUser + ", message=" + aee.getMessage() + ")", Level.WARNING);
myException = aee;
return outMessage;
} catch (UserException ue) {
try {
outMessage = generateErrorMessage(access, ue.getMessage(), ue.code, 1, (ue.getCause() != null ? ue.getCause() : ue));
myException = ue;
return outMessage;
} catch (Exception ee) {
logger.error("Error: ", ee);
myException = ee;
return errorHandler(access, ee, inMessage);
} catch (SystemException se) {
logger.error("Error: ", se);
myException = se;
try {
outMessage = generateErrorMessage(access, se.getMessage(), se.code, 1, (se.getCause() != null ? se.getCause() : se));
return outMessage;
} catch (Exception ee) {
logger.error("Error: ", ee);
return errorHandler(access, ee, inMessage);
} catch (Throwable e) {
logger.error("Error: ", e);
myException = e;
return errorHandler(access, e, inMessage);
} finally {
if (!preventFinalize) {
finalizeService(inMessage, access, rpcName, rpcUser, myException, origThreadName, scheduledWebservice, afterWebServiceActivated, emit);
return access.getOutputDoc();