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Example 81 with UserException

use of com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException in project navajo by Dexels.

the class RESTAdapter method setDoSend.

public void setDoSend(String url, Navajo od) throws UserException, ConditionErrorException, SystemException {
    this.url = url.trim();
    if (dateFormat != null && !dateFormat.equals("")) {
        json.setDateFormat(new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat));
    Writer w = new StringWriter();
    Binary bContent = new Binary();
    if (textContent == null) {
        // Remove globals and parms message
        if (od.getMessage("__globals__") != null)
        if (od.getMessage(Message.MSG_PARAMETERS_BLOCK) != null)
        if (od.getMessage(Message.MSG_TOKEN_BLOCK) != null)
        if (od.getMessage(Message.MSG_AAA_BLOCK) != null)
        try {
            json.format(od, w, true);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Exception on parsing input navajo as JSON! Not performing REST call!");
            throw new UserException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } else {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.error("IOException on writing textcontent! Not performing REST call!");
            throw new UserException(e.getMessage(), e);
    HTTPMap http = new HTTPMap();
    setupHttpMap(http, bContent);
    Binary result = http.getResult();
    responseCode = http.getResponseCode();
    responseMessage = http.getResponseMessage();
    try {
        if (result == null) {
            throw new UserException(-1, "Null result");
        if (responseCode >= 300) {
            logger.warn("Got a non-200 response code: {}!", responseCode);
            if (breakOnException) {
                throw new UserException(responseCode, responseMessage);
        rawResult = new String(result.getData());
        if (jsonResponse) {
            if (http.getResponseContentType() != null && http.getResponseContentType().contains("application/json")) {
                try {
                    inDoc = json.parse(result.getDataAsStream(), topMessage);
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    logger.warn("Unable to parse response as JSON!", t);
                    if (breakOnException) {
                        throw t;
            } else if (http.getResponseContentType() == null) {
      "No response content type - creating empty navajo as response");
                inDoc = NavajoFactory.getInstance().createNavajo();
            } else {
                logger.warn("Unexpected output content type: {}", http.getResponseContentType());
                if (breakOnException) {
                    throw new UserException(-1, "Unexpected content type: " + http.getResponseContentType());
        } else {
            logger.debug("Non-json response - creating empty Navajo");
            inDoc = NavajoFactory.getInstance().createNavajo();
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        logger.error("Exception on getting response", e);
        if (breakOnException) {
            logger.warn("Raw response data: {}", rawResult);
            throw new UserException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } else {
            logger.warn("Exception on getting response, but breakOnException was set. Continuing!");
    if (inDoc == null) {
        logger.warn("No indoc - creating empty one");
        inDoc = NavajoFactory.getInstance().createNavajo();
Also used : StringWriter( Binary(com.dexels.navajo.document.types.Binary) UserException(com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException) IOException( SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) StringWriter( Writer( IOException( UserException(com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException) MappableException(com.dexels.navajo.script.api.MappableException) SystemException(com.dexels.navajo.script.api.SystemException) ConditionErrorException(com.dexels.navajo.server.ConditionErrorException)

Example 82 with UserException

use of com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException in project navajo by Dexels.

the class SQLMaintenanceMap method load.

public void load(Access access) throws MappableException, UserException {
    // if (noAccess)
    // throw new MappableException("Cannot enter maintenance object, already in use");
    logger.debug("In SQLMaintenanceMap");
    this.access = access;
    this.config = DispatcherFactory.getInstance().getNavajoConfig();
    try {
        // sqlMapConfigFile = XMLutils.createNavajoInstance(config. getConfigPath() + "/sqlmap.xml");
        sqlMapConfigFile = config.readConfig("/sqlmap.xml");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new MappableException(e.getMessage());
// logger.debug(sqlMapConfigFile.toString());
Also used : MappableException(com.dexels.navajo.script.api.MappableException) IOException( NavajoException(com.dexels.navajo.document.NavajoException) UserException(com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException) MappableException(com.dexels.navajo.script.api.MappableException)

Example 83 with UserException

use of com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException in project navajo by Dexels.

the class PropertyMap method store.

public void store() throws MappableException, UserException {
    try {
        Message msg = access.getCurrentOutMessage();
        if (msg == null) {
            throw new UserException(-1, "PropertyMap adapter can only be called from within a constructed output message");
        Property prop = null;
        prop = msg.getProperty(name);
        if (prop != null && !removeExisting) {
            throw new UserException(-1, "Cannot add already existing property " + name + " when removeExisting is false.");
        // this will create if property not found and otherwise update value and other attributes, except for subtype and the options
        // Do not have to pass inDoc as we're not creating a param
        prop = MappingUtils.setProperty(false, msg, name, currentValue, type, null, direction, description, length == null ? -1 : length, outMessage, null, false);
        if (subtype != null) {
        // For the selection property, parse the given optionList and the multiple setting
        if (Property.SELECTION_PROPERTY.equals(type)) {
            if (optionList != null) {
                for (Option o : optionList) {
                    Selection sel = NavajoFactory.getInstance().createSelection(outMessage, o.getName(), o.getValue(), o.getSelected());
            prop.setCardinality(multiple ? "+" : "1");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new UserException(-1, e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : Message(com.dexels.navajo.document.Message) Selection(com.dexels.navajo.document.Selection) UserException(com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException) Property(com.dexels.navajo.document.Property) UserException(com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException) MappableException(com.dexels.navajo.script.api.MappableException)

Example 84 with UserException

use of com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException in project navajo by Dexels.

the class QueryMap method store.

public void store() throws MappableException, UserException {
    // Construct Navajo message.
    try {
        Message recordSet = NavajoFactory.getInstance().createMessage(outputDoc, "RecordSet", Message.MSG_TYPE_ARRAY);
        try {
        } catch (NavajoException ex) {
            throw new UserException(-1, ex.getMessage(), ex);
        ResultSetMap[] resultSet = getResultSet();
        for (int i = 0; i < resultSet.length; i++) {
            Message record = NavajoFactory.getInstance().createMessage(outputDoc, "RecordSet", Message.MSG_TYPE_ARRAY_ELEMENT);
            RecordMap[] columns = resultSet[i].getRecords();
            for (int j = 0; j < columns.length; j++) {
                try {
                    Object value = columns[j].getRecordValue();
                    String type = (value != null ? MappingUtils.determineNavajoType(value) : "unknown");
                    Property prop = NavajoFactory.getInstance().createProperty(outputDoc, columns[j].recordName, type, null, 0, "", Property.DIR_IN);
                } catch (Exception ex1) {
                    throw new UserException(-1, ex1.getMessage(), ex1);
    } finally {;
Also used : RecordMap(com.dexels.navajo.adapter.sqlmap.RecordMap) Message(com.dexels.navajo.document.Message) NavajoException(com.dexels.navajo.document.NavajoException) ResultSetMap(com.dexels.navajo.adapter.sqlmap.ResultSetMap) UserException(com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException) Property(com.dexels.navajo.document.Property) UserException(com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException) MappableException(com.dexels.navajo.script.api.MappableException) NavajoException(com.dexels.navajo.document.NavajoException)

Example 85 with UserException

use of com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException in project navajo by Dexels.

the class NavajoMap method setAppend.

 * Set this to a valid message path if the result of the webservices needs to be appended. If messageOffset = "/" the entire result will be appended to the
 * current output message pointer.
 * @param b
 * @throws UserException
 *             (!)if messageOffset is '', the received inDoc document will become the new output document for the Navajo service. if messageOffset is '/',
 *             the messages of the received inDoc will be appended to the output document.
public final void setAppend(String messageOffset) throws UserException {
    if (messageOffset.equals("")) {
    try {
        Navajo currentDoc = access.getOutputDoc();
        Message currentMsg = access.getCurrentOutMessage();
        List<Message> list = null;
        // If append message equals '/'.
        if (messageOffset.equals(Navajo.MESSAGE_SEPARATOR)) {
            list = inDoc.getAllMessages();
        } else if (inDoc.getMessage(messageOffset) == null) {
        } else if (!inDoc.getMessage(messageOffset).getType().equals(Message.MSG_TYPE_ARRAY)) {
            list = new ArrayList<>();
        } else {
            // For array messages...
            list = new ArrayList<>();
        // If no messages were found, there is nothing to append
        if (list.isEmpty()) {
         * appendTo logic. If appendTo ends with '/' append the entire append message to the defined appendTo message. If appendTo does not end with '/',
         * merge the append message with the defined appendTo message.
        boolean appendToComplete = (appendTo != null && !appendTo.equals(Navajo.MESSAGE_SEPARATOR) && appendTo.endsWith(Navajo.MESSAGE_SEPARATOR));
        if (appendToComplete) {
            // Strip last "/".
            appendTo = appendTo.substring(0, appendTo.length() - 1);
        // Check whether incoming array message needs to be expanded: if not
        // appendToComplete and if appendTo is defined and
        // appendTo is array message.
        boolean appendToIsArray = false;
        if (appendTo != null && currentMsg != null && currentMsg.getMessage(appendTo) != null && currentMsg.getMessage(appendTo).getType().equals(Message.MSG_TYPE_ARRAY)) {
            appendToIsArray = true;
        if (appendTo != null && currentDoc.getMessage(appendTo) != null && currentDoc.getMessage(appendTo).getType().equals(Message.MSG_TYPE_ARRAY)) {
            appendToIsArray = true;
        if (!appendToComplete && appendTo != null && list != null && list.get(0) != null && list.get(0).getType().equals(Message.MSG_TYPE_ARRAY) && appendToIsArray) {
            // Expand list if it contains an array message.
            list = list.get(0).getAllMessages();
        if (list == null) {
            logger.warn("Can not append: appendTo target can not be found");
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
            Message inMsg = list.get(i);
            // Clone message and append it to currentMsg if it exists, else
            // directly under currentDoc.
            // currentDoc.importMessage(inMsg)
            Message clone = inDoc.copyMessage(inMsg, currentDoc);
            if (currentMsg != null) {
                if (appendTo != null) {
                    if (appendTo.equals(Navajo.MESSAGE_SEPARATOR)) {
                        if (clone.getName().equals(currentMsg.getName())) {
                        } else {
                            currentDoc.addMessage(clone, true);
                    } else if (currentMsg.getMessage(appendTo) != null) {
                        if (currentMsg.getMessage(appendTo).getType().equals(Message.MSG_TYPE_ARRAY)) {
                            // For
                            // array
                            // messages
                            // do
                            // not
                            // overwrite.
                        } else {
                            if (appendToComplete) {
                            } else {
                    } else {
                        throw new UserException(-1, "Unknown appendTo message: " + appendTo);
                } else {
                    // Merge message with existing message.
                    if (clone.getName().equals(currentMsg.getName())) {
                    } else {
                        currentMsg.addMessage(clone, true);
            } else {
                if (appendTo != null) {
                    if (appendTo.equals(Navajo.MESSAGE_SEPARATOR)) {
                        currentDoc.addMessage(clone, true);
                    } else if (currentDoc.getMessage(appendTo) != null) {
                        if (currentDoc.getMessage(appendTo).getType().equals(Message.MSG_TYPE_ARRAY)) {
                            // For
                            // array
                            // messages
                            // do
                            // not
                            // overwrite.
                        } else {
                            if (appendToComplete) {
                            } else {
                    } else {
                        throw new UserException(-1, "Unknown appendTo message: " + appendTo);
                } else {
                    // existing message.
                    if (currentDoc.getMessage(clone.getName()) != null) {
                    } else {
                        currentDoc.addMessage(clone, true);
    } catch (NavajoException ne) {
        throw new UserException(-1, ne.getMessage());
Also used : Message(com.dexels.navajo.document.Message) NavajoException(com.dexels.navajo.document.NavajoException) Navajo(com.dexels.navajo.document.Navajo) UserException(com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException)


UserException (com.dexels.navajo.script.api.UserException)113 MappableException (com.dexels.navajo.script.api.MappableException)54 IOException ( NavajoException (com.dexels.navajo.document.NavajoException)25 Message (com.dexels.navajo.document.Message)22 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)19 SystemException (com.dexels.navajo.script.api.SystemException)18 Binary (com.dexels.navajo.document.types.Binary)14 ConditionErrorException (com.dexels.navajo.server.ConditionErrorException)13 Property (com.dexels.navajo.document.Property)12 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)12 Navajo (com.dexels.navajo.document.Navajo)11 AuthorizationException (com.dexels.navajo.script.api.AuthorizationException)11 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)11 MappingException (com.dexels.navajo.script.api.MappingException)10 ResultSetMetaData (java.sql.ResultSetMetaData)9 Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)8 CompilationException (com.dexels.navajo.script.api.CompilationException)7 File ( NodeList (org.w3c.dom.NodeList)7