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Example 16 with ConsistencyGroupUID

use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointImageManagementUtils method isGroupCopyImageEnabledForAPIT.

 * Verify that a group copy image is enabled for an APIT time. Not a "wait for", just a check
 * @param port - RP handle to use for RP operations
 * @param groupCopy - CG copy we are checking
 * @param expectLoggedAccess - We are explicitly checking for LOGGED_ACCESS
 * @param apitTime - An APIT time we are expecting to be enabled)
 * @return boolean - true (enabled) or false (not enabled)
 * @throws RecoverPointException, FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception, FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception,
 *             InterruptedException
private boolean isGroupCopyImageEnabledForAPIT(FunctionalAPIImpl port, ConsistencyGroupCopyUID groupCopy, boolean expectLoggedAccess, RecoverPointTimeStamp apitTime) throws FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception, FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception, RecoverPointException {
    ConsistencyGroupUID groupUID = groupCopy.getGroupUID();
    ConsistencyGroupState groupState;
    List<ConsistencyGroupCopyState> groupCopyStateList;
    groupState = port.getGroupState(groupUID);
    groupCopyStateList = groupState.getGroupCopiesStates();
    String cgName = port.getGroupName(groupCopy.getGroupUID());
    String cgCopyName = port.getGroupCopyName(groupCopy);
    Timestamp enabledApitTime = null;
    // logger.debug ("isGroupCopyImageEnabledForAPIT called for copy " + cgCopyName + " of group " + cgName);
    for (ConsistencyGroupCopyState groupCopyState : groupCopyStateList) {
        if (RecoverPointUtils.copiesEqual(groupCopyState.getCopyUID(), groupCopy)) {
            StorageAccessState accessState = groupCopyState.getStorageAccessState();
            if (accessState == StorageAccessState.DIRECT_ACCESS) {
                // Not enabled
      "Copy image copy " + cgCopyName + " of group " + cgName + " is in direct access mode.");
                return false;
            if (accessState == StorageAccessState.NO_ACCESS) {
                // Not enabled
      "Copy image copy " + cgCopyName + " of group " + cgName + " is in NO access mode.");
                return false;
            // Enabled. Check out the details
  "Copy image copy " + cgCopyName + " of group " + cgName + "  IS enabled. State is: " + accessState.toString());
            if (groupCopyState.getAccessedImage().getDescription().isEmpty()) {
                RecoverPointTimeStamp enabledTimeDisplay = groupCopyState.getAccessedImage().getClosingTimeStamp();
                enabledApitTime = new Timestamp(enabledTimeDisplay.getTimeInMicroSeconds() / numMicroSecondsInMilli);
                logger.debug("No name. Mounted snapshot timestamp: " + enabledApitTime.toString());
            } else {
                // Unexpected, this is
                throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.expectingAPITMountFoundBookmark(groupCopyState.getAccessedImage().getDescription());
            // Let's throw if its the wrong image
            if (apitTime != null) {
                // See if the time enabled is exactly the time we requested (regardless of whether it is
                // system generated, or AppSync generated.
                RecoverPointTimeStamp enabledTime = groupCopyState.getAccessedImage().getClosingTimeStamp();
                // Give it a 60 second variation
                if (Math.abs(enabledTime.getTimeInMicroSeconds() - apitTime.getTimeInMicroSeconds()) < (numMicroSecondsInSecond * 60)) {
                    if (expectLoggedAccess) {
                        logger.debug("Seeing if copy is enabled for LOGGED_ACCESS");
                        if (accessState == StorageAccessState.LOGGED_ACCESS) {
                  "Copy image copy " + cgCopyName + " of group " + cgName + "  IS enabled in LOGGED_ACCESS");
                            return true;
              "Copy image copy " + cgCopyName + " of group " + cgName + "  is NOT enabled in LOGGED_ACCESS. Image state is: " + accessState.toString());
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        logger.debug("APIT enabled for same time requested");
                        return true;
                // It IS possible that an APIT image is not quite exactly the same time requested, but it is "close enough"
                // How do we tell? Well, we get the list of system snaps + or - 5 minutes from requested time, see if the one before the
                // requested APIT time is the one we are looking for. Limit the snaps we look at to 1 hour before/after requested APIT
                // time
                final Long timeDeviationInMicroSeconds = Long.valueOf(5 * 60 * numMicroSecondsInMilli * numMillisInSecond);
                TimeFrame window = new TimeFrame();
                RecoverPointTimeStamp endTime = new RecoverPointTimeStamp();
                RecoverPointTimeStamp startTime = new RecoverPointTimeStamp();
                RecoverPointTimeStamp prevSnapTime = null;
                // RecoverPointTimeStamp now = new RecoverPointTimeStamp();
                // now.setTimeInMicroSeconds (System.currentTimeMillis() * numMicroSecondsInMilli );
                // endTime.setTimeInMicroSeconds(now.getTimeInMicroSeconds() + timeDeviationInMicroSeconds);
                // startTime.setTimeInMicroSeconds(now.getTimeInMicroSeconds() - timeDeviationInMicroSeconds);
                endTime.setTimeInMicroSeconds(apitTime.getTimeInMicroSeconds() + timeDeviationInMicroSeconds);
                startTime.setTimeInMicroSeconds(apitTime.getTimeInMicroSeconds() - timeDeviationInMicroSeconds);
                // + " snapshots in the timeframe");
                for (Snapshot snapItem : port.getGroupCopySnapshotsForTimeFrameAndName(groupCopy, window, null).getSnapshots()) {
                    //"Checking snap with time: " + apitTimeStr.toString());
                    if (prevSnapTime == null) {
                        prevSnapTime = snapItem.getClosingTimeStamp();
                    } else {
                        if (prevSnapTime.getTimeInMicroSeconds() < snapItem.getClosingTimeStamp().getTimeInMicroSeconds()) {
                            prevSnapTime = snapItem.getClosingTimeStamp();
                if (prevSnapTime != null) {
                    RecoverPointTimeStamp enabledTimeDisplay = groupCopyState.getAccessedImage().getClosingTimeStamp();
                    enabledApitTime = new Timestamp(enabledTimeDisplay.getTimeInMicroSeconds() / numMicroSecondsInMilli);
                    logger.debug("Previous snap time is : " + enabledApitTime.toString());
                    if (Math.abs(enabledTime.getTimeInMicroSeconds() - prevSnapTime.getTimeInMicroSeconds()) < numMicroSecondsInSecond) {
                        logger.debug("Currently enabled image is requested snap!");
                        if (expectLoggedAccess) {
                            logger.debug("Seeing if copy is enabled for LOGGED_ACCESS");
                            if (accessState == StorageAccessState.LOGGED_ACCESS) {
                      "Copy image copy " + cgCopyName + " of group " + cgName + "  IS enabled in LOGGED_ACCESS");
                                return true;
                  "Copy image copy " + cgCopyName + " of group " + cgName + "  is NOT enabled in LOGGED_ACCESS. Image state is: " + accessState.toString());
                            return false;
                        } else {
                            return true;
                    } else {
                        throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.wrongTimestampEnabled(enabledApitTime);
            } else {
                return false;
    logger.error("Could not locate CG copy state");
    return false;
Also used : TimeFrame( RecoverPointTimeStamp( Snapshot( ConsistencyGroupCopyState( ConsistencyGroupUID( StorageAccessState( Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) ConsistencyGroupState(

Example 17 with ConsistencyGroupUID

use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointUtils method mapRPVolumeProtectionInfoToCGCopyUID.

 * @param rpProtectionInfo
 * @return
public static ConsistencyGroupCopyUID mapRPVolumeProtectionInfoToCGCopyUID(RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo rpProtectionInfo) {
    ConsistencyGroupUID cgUID = new ConsistencyGroupUID();
    ConsistencyGroupCopyUID cgCopyUID = new ConsistencyGroupCopyUID();
    if (rpProtectionInfo != null) {
        cgCopyUID.setGlobalCopyUID(new GlobalCopyUID());
        ClusterUID ClusterUID = new ClusterUID();
    return cgCopyUID;
Also used : GlobalCopyUID( ClusterUID( ConsistencyGroupUID( ConsistencyGroupCopyUID(

Example 18 with ConsistencyGroupUID

use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointClient method setCopyAsProduction.

 * Prepares the copy link settings and sets copy as production. This would typically be
 * called following a call to swapCopy.
 * @param copyParams the volume info for preparing the CG links and setting copy as production.
 * @throws RecoverPointException
public void setCopyAsProduction(RPCopyRequestParams copyParams) throws RecoverPointException {"Setting copy %s as production copy.", (copyParams.getCopyVolumeInfo() != null) ? copyParams.getCopyVolumeInfo().getRpCopyName() : "N/A"));
    // Make sure the copy is already enabled or RP will fail the operation. If it isn't enabled, enable it.
    RecoverPointImageManagementUtils imageManager = new RecoverPointImageManagementUtils();
    ConsistencyGroupCopyUID cgCopyUID = RecoverPointUtils.mapRPVolumeProtectionInfoToCGCopyUID(copyParams.getCopyVolumeInfo());
    // Prepare the link settings for new links
    // Set the failover copy as production to resume data flow
    imageManager.setCopyAsProduction(functionalAPI, cgCopyUID);
    // wait for links to become active
    ConsistencyGroupUID cgUID = cgCopyUID.getGroupUID();
    String cgName = null;
    try {
        cgName = functionalAPI.getGroupName(cgUID);
    } catch (FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception | FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception e) {
        // benign error -- cgName is only used for logging
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    boolean waitForLinkStates = false;
    // In a true DR scenario, we cant expect links to become active and that should not fail the swap/failover operation.
    if (waitForLinkStates) {"Waiting for links to become active for CG " + (cgName == null ? "unknown CG name" : cgName));
        (new RecoverPointImageManagementUtils()).waitForCGLinkState(functionalAPI, cgUID, PipeState.ACTIVE);
    } else {"Not waiting for links to become active for CG" + (cgName == null ? "unknown CG name" : cgName));
    }"Replication sets have been added to consistency group %s.", (cgName == null ? "unknown CG name" : cgName)));
Also used : FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception( FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception( ConsistencyGroupUID( RecoverPointImageManagementUtils(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.utils.RecoverPointImageManagementUtils) ConsistencyGroupCopyUID(

Example 19 with ConsistencyGroupUID

use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointClient method deleteReplicationSets.

 * Deletes one-to-many replication sets based on the volume information passed in.
 * @param volumeInfoList the volume information that relates to one or more replication sets.
 * @throws RecoverPointException
public void deleteReplicationSets(List<RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo> volumeInfoList) throws RecoverPointException {
    // Used to capture the volume WWNs associated with each replication set to remove.
    List<String> volumeWWNs = new ArrayList<String>();
    Map<Long, String> rsetNames = new HashMap<Long, String>();
    List<Long> rsetIDsToValidate = new ArrayList<Long>();
    try {
        ConsistencyGroupUID cgID = new ConsistencyGroupUID();
        ConsistencyGroupSettingsChangesParam cgSettingsParam = new ConsistencyGroupSettingsChangesParam();
        ConsistencyGroupSettings groupSettings = functionalAPI.getGroupSettings(cgID);
        List<ReplicationSetSettings> replicationSetSettings = groupSettings.getReplicationSetsSettings();
        for (RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo volumeInfo : volumeInfoList) {
            boolean found = false;
            // Validate that the requested replication sets to delete actually exist.
            for (ReplicationSetSettings replicationSet : replicationSetSettings) {
                if (replicationSet.getReplicationSetUID().getId() == volumeInfo.getRpVolumeRSetID()) {
                    rsetNames.put(volumeInfo.getRpVolumeRSetID(), replicationSet.getReplicationSetName());
                    found = true;
            if (!found) {
                logger.warn(String.format("No matching replication set for volume [%s] with replication set ID [%s] found." + " This will need to be checked on the RP System.", volumeInfo.getRpVolumeWWN(), volumeInfo.getRpVolumeRSetID()));
            ReplicationSetUID repSetUID = new ReplicationSetUID();
            if (!containsRepSetUID(cgSettingsParam.getRemovedReplicationSets(), repSetUID)) {
  "Adding replication set [%s] (%d) to be removed from RP CG [%s] (%d)", rsetNames.get(volumeInfo.getRpVolumeRSetID()), volumeInfo.getRpVolumeRSetID(), groupSettings.getName(), cgID.getId()));
        // to remove.
        if (cgSettingsParam.getRemovedReplicationSets() != null && !cgSettingsParam.getRemovedReplicationSets().isEmpty()) {
            if (replicationSetSettings.size() == cgSettingsParam.getRemovedReplicationSets().size()) {
                // We are removing all the replication sets in the CG so we need to disable
                // the entire CG.
            // Remove the replication sets
            // Validate that the RSets have been removed
            validateRSetsRemoved(rsetIDsToValidate, cgID, volumeWWNs);
  "Request to delete replication sets " + rsetNames.toString() + " from RP CG " + groupSettings.getName() + " completed.");
        } else {
            logger.warn(String.format("No replication sets found to be deleted from RP CG [%s] (%d)", groupSettings.getName(), cgID.getId()));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToDeleteReplicationSet(volumeWWNs.toString(), e);
Also used : ConsistencyGroupSettingsChangesParam( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ReplicationSetSettings( FunctionalAPIValidationException_Exception( FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception( FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception( RecoverPointException(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.exceptions.RecoverPointException) RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.responses.RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo) ConsistencyGroupUID( ReplicationSetUID( ConsistencyGroupSettings(

Example 20 with ConsistencyGroupUID

use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointClient method validateCGRemoved.

 * Validate that the CG has been removed from the RP system by calling out
 * to get all CGs and ensuring the one we are trying to delete is gone.
 * If we still see the CG being returned, wait and try again until max attempts is
 * reached.
 * @param cgToValidate The CG UID to check
 * @param cgName The CG name to check
 * @throws RecoverPointException RP Exception to throw if we hit it
private void validateCGRemoved(ConsistencyGroupUID cgToValidate, String cgName) throws RecoverPointException {
    try {"Validating that RP CG [%s] (%d) has been removed.", cgName, cgToValidate.getId()));
        int cgDeleteAttempt = 0;
        while (cgDeleteAttempt < MAX_WAIT_FOR_RP_DELETE_ATTEMPTS) {
            boolean cgDeleted = true;
  "Validation attempt %d of %d", cgDeleteAttempt + 1, MAX_WAIT_FOR_RP_DELETE_ATTEMPTS));
            // Get all the CGs from RecoverPoint
            List<ConsistencyGroupUID> allCGs = functionalAPI.getAllConsistencyGroups();
            // If not, wait and check again.
            for (ConsistencyGroupUID cgUID : allCGs) {
                if (cgToValidate.getId() == cgUID.getId()) {
          "RP CG [%s] (%d) has not been removed yet. Will wait and check again...", cgName, cgToValidate.getId()));
                    cgDeleted = false;
                    // to RecoverPoint to ensure we do not have a stale connection.
                    if (cgDeleteAttempt == (MAX_WAIT_FOR_RP_DELETE_ATTEMPTS / 2)) {
            if (cgDeleted) {
                // RP CG appears to have been removed from RP
      "RP CG [%s] (%d) has been removed.", cgName, cgToValidate.getId()));
        // If we reached max attempts alert the user and continue on with delete operation.
        if (cgDeleteAttempt >= MAX_WAIT_FOR_RP_DELETE_ATTEMPTS) {
            // Allow the cleanup to continue in ViPR but warn the user
            logger.error(String.format("Max attempts reached waiting for RP CG [%s] (%d) to be removed from RP. " + "Please check RP System. Delete operation will continue...", cgName, cgToValidate.getId()));
            throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToDeleteConsistencyGroup(cgName, new Exception("Max attempts reached waiting for RP CG to be removed from RP."));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error(String.format("Exception hit while waiting for RP CG [%s] to be removed.", cgName));
        throw RecoverPointException.exceptions.failedToDeleteConsistencyGroup(cgName, e);
Also used : ConsistencyGroupUID( FunctionalAPIValidationException_Exception( FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception( FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception( RecoverPointException(com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.exceptions.RecoverPointException)


ConsistencyGroupUID ( FunctionalAPIActionFailedException_Exception ( FunctionalAPIInternalError_Exception ( ConsistencyGroupCopyUID ( ConsistencyGroupSettings ( ConsistencyGroupState ( FunctionalAPIValidationException_Exception ( RecoverPointException (com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.exceptions.RecoverPointException)8 RecoverPointImageManagementUtils (com.emc.storageos.recoverpoint.utils.RecoverPointImageManagementUtils)7 ConsistencyGroupCopyState ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 ClusterUID ( ReplicationSetSettings ( ConsistencyGroupSettingsChangesParam ( StorageAccessState ( UserVolumeSettings ( ConsistencyGroupCopySettings ( ConsistencyGroupLinkSettings ( FullConsistencyGroupPolicy (