use of com.emc.storageos.workflow.Workflow in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class AbstractDefaultMaskingOrchestrator method generateExportMaskRemovePathsWorkflow.
* Generate export mask remove path workflow step
* @param workflow - The workflow
* @param storage - Storage system
* @param exportGroupURI - Export group URI
* @param exportMaskURI - Export mask URI
* @param adjustedPaths - Adjusted paths
* @param removePaths - Paths to be removed
* @param previousStep - previous step that this step will wait for
* @return The created step id
* @throws Exception
public String generateExportMaskRemovePathsWorkflow(Workflow workflow, StorageSystem storage, URI exportGroupURI, URI exportMaskURI, Map<URI, List<URI>> adjustedPaths, Map<URI, List<URI>> removePaths, String previousStep) throws Exception {
String maskingStep = workflow.createStepId();
ExportTaskCompleter exportTaskCompleter = new ExportMaskRemovePathsCompleter(exportGroupURI, exportMaskURI, maskingStep);
Workflow.Method executeMethod = new Workflow.Method("doExportMaskRemovePaths", storage.getId(), exportGroupURI, exportMaskURI, adjustedPaths, removePaths, exportTaskCompleter);
maskingStep = workflow.createStep(EXPORT_MASK_REMOVE_PATHS_TASK, String.format("Removeing paths to export mask %s", exportMaskURI.toString()), previousStep, storage.getId(), storage.getSystemType(), MaskingWorkflowEntryPoints.class, executeMethod, null, maskingStep);
return maskingStep;
use of com.emc.storageos.workflow.Workflow in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class BlockOrchestrationDeviceController method changeVirtualArray.
public void changeVirtualArray(List<VolumeDescriptor> volumeDescriptors, String taskId) throws ControllerException {
// The descriptors that contain descriptor parameters
// specifying the new target varray are the volumes being
// moved to the new virtual array.
List<URI> changeVArrayVolURIList = new ArrayList<URI>();
List<URI> migrationURIs = new ArrayList<URI>();
for (VolumeDescriptor volumeDescriptor : volumeDescriptors) {
Map<String, Object> descrParams = volumeDescriptor.getParameters();
if ((descrParams != null) && (!descrParams.isEmpty())) {
URI migrationURI = volumeDescriptor.getMigrationId();
if (!NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI(migrationURI)) {
// Create a completer that will update the task status for these
// volumes and associated migrations when the workflow completes.
VolumeVarrayChangeTaskCompleter completer = new VolumeVarrayChangeTaskCompleter(VolumeDescriptor.getVolumeURIs(volumeDescriptors), migrationURIs, taskId);
try {
// Validate the volume identities before proceeding
validator.volumeURIs(changeVArrayVolURIList, true, true, ValCk.ID, ValCk.VPLEX);
// Generate the Workflow.
String waitFor = null;
Workflow workflow = _workflowService.getNewWorkflow(this, CHANGE_VARRAY_WF_NAME, true, taskId);
// First, call the BlockDeviceController to add its steps.
// This will create the migration target volumes.
waitFor = _blockDeviceController.addStepsForCreateVolumes(workflow, waitFor, volumeDescriptors, taskId);
// Then call the VPlexDeviceController to add change virtual array steps.
waitFor = _vplexDeviceController.addStepsForChangeVirtualArray(workflow, waitFor, volumeDescriptors, taskId);
// Finish up and execute the plan.
// The Workflow will handle the TaskCompleter
String successMessage = String.format("Change virtual array suceeded for volumes: %s", changeVArrayVolURIList);
Object[] callbackArgs = new Object[] { changeVArrayVolURIList };
workflow.executePlan(completer, successMessage, new WorkflowCallback(), callbackArgs, null, null);
} catch (Exception ex) {
s_logger.error("Could not change virtual array for volumes: " + changeVArrayVolURIList, ex);
String opName = ResourceOperationTypeEnum.CHANGE_BLOCK_VOLUME_VARRAY.getName();
ServiceError serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.changeVirtualArrayFailed(changeVArrayVolURIList.toString(), opName, ex);
completer.error(s_dbClient, _locker, serviceError);
use of com.emc.storageos.workflow.Workflow in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class BlockOrchestrationDeviceController method deleteVolumes.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.emc.storageos.blockorchestrationcontroller.BlockOrchestrationController#deleteVolumes(java.util.List,
* java.lang.String)
public void deleteVolumes(List<VolumeDescriptor> volumes, String taskId) throws ControllerException {
List<URI> volUris = VolumeDescriptor.getVolumeURIs(volumes);
VolumeWorkflowCompleter completer = new VolumeWorkflowCompleter(volUris, taskId);
Workflow workflow = null;
try {
// Validate the volume identities before proceeding
validator.volumeURIs(volUris, true, true, ValCk.ID, ValCk.VPLEX);
// Generate the Workflow.
workflow = _workflowService.getNewWorkflow(this, DELETE_VOLUMES_WF_NAME, true, taskId);
// the wait for key returned by previous call
String waitFor = null;
// Call the RPDeviceController to add its methods if there are RP protections.
waitFor = _rpDeviceController.addStepsForDeleteVolumes(workflow, waitFor, volumes, taskId);
// Call the ReplicaDeviceController to add its methods if volumes are removed from,
// and the CG associated with replication group(s)
waitFor = _replicaDeviceController.addStepsForDeleteVolumes(workflow, waitFor, volumes, taskId);
// Call the VPlexDeviceController to add its methods if there are VPLEX volumes.
waitFor = _vplexDeviceController.addStepsForDeleteVolumes(workflow, waitFor, volumes, taskId);
// Call the RPDeviceController to add its post-delete methods.
waitFor = _rpDeviceController.addStepsForPostDeleteVolumes(workflow, waitFor, volumes, taskId, completer, _blockDeviceController);
// Call the SRDFDeviceController to add its methods if there are SRDF volumes.
waitFor = _srdfDeviceController.addStepsForDeleteVolumes(workflow, waitFor, volumes, taskId);
// Next, call the BlockDeviceController to add its methods.
waitFor = _blockDeviceController.addStepsForDeleteVolumes(workflow, waitFor, volumes, taskId);
// Next, call the BlockDeviceController to add post deletion methods.
waitFor = _blockDeviceController.addStepsForPostDeleteVolumes(workflow, waitFor, volumes, taskId, completer);
// Call the VPlexDeviceController to add its post-delete methods.
waitFor = _vplexDeviceController.addStepsForPostDeleteVolumes(workflow, waitFor, volumes, taskId, completer);
// Finish up and execute the plan.
// The Workflow will handle the TaskCompleter
String successMessage = "Delete volumes successful for: " + volUris.toString();
Object[] callbackArgs = new Object[] { volUris };
workflow.executePlan(completer, successMessage, new WorkflowCallback(), callbackArgs, null, null);
} catch (Exception ex) {
s_logger.error("Could not delete volumes: " + volUris, ex);
String opName = ResourceOperationTypeEnum.DELETE_BLOCK_VOLUME.getName();
ServiceError serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.deleteVolumesFailed(volUris.toString(), opName, ex);
completer.error(s_dbClient, _locker, serviceError);
use of com.emc.storageos.workflow.Workflow in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class BlockOrchestrationDeviceController method restoreFromFullCopy.
public void restoreFromFullCopy(URI storage, List<URI> fullCopyURIs, String taskId) throws InternalException {
CloneRestoreCompleter completer = new CloneRestoreCompleter(fullCopyURIs, taskId);
// add the CG to the completer if this is a CG restore
Iterator<Volume> iter = getDbClient().queryIterativeObjects(Volume.class, fullCopyURIs);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Volume fc =;
if (!NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI(fc.getAssociatedSourceVolume())) {
BlockObject firstSource = BlockObject.fetch(getDbClient(), fc.getAssociatedSourceVolume());
if (firstSource != null) {
if (firstSource instanceof Volume && !NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI(firstSource.getConsistencyGroup())) {
}"Creating steps for restore from full copy.");
try {
// Validate the volume identities before proceeding
validator.volumeURIs(fullCopyURIs, true, true, ValCk.ID, ValCk.VPLEX);
// Generate the Workflow.
Workflow workflow = _workflowService.getNewWorkflow(this, RESTORE_FROM_FULLCOPY_WF_NAME, true, taskId);
// the wait for key returned by previous call
String waitFor = null;
// First, call the RP controller to add RP steps for volume restore
waitFor = _rpDeviceController.addPreRestoreFromFullcopySteps(workflow, waitFor, storage, fullCopyURIs, taskId);
// Call the VplexDeviceController to add its steps for restore volume from full copy
waitFor = _vplexDeviceController.addStepsForRestoreFromFullcopy(workflow, waitFor, storage, fullCopyURIs, taskId, completer);
// Call the BlockDeviceController to add its steps for restore volume from full copy
waitFor = _blockDeviceController.addStepsForRestoreFromFullcopy(workflow, waitFor, storage, fullCopyURIs, taskId, completer);
// Call the RPDeviceController to add its steps for post restore volume from full copy
waitFor = _rpDeviceController.addPostRestoreFromFullcopySteps(workflow, waitFor, storage, fullCopyURIs, taskId);
// Finish up and execute the plan.
// The Workflow will handle the TaskCompleter
String successMessage = "Restore from full copy completed successfully";
Object[] callbackArgs = new Object[] { new ArrayList<URI>(fullCopyURIs) };
workflow.executePlan(completer, successMessage, new WorkflowCallback(), callbackArgs, null, null);
} catch (Exception ex) {
s_logger.error("Could not restore volume: ", ex);
ServiceError serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.jobFailed(ex);
completer.error(s_dbClient, _locker, serviceError);
use of com.emc.storageos.workflow.Workflow in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class BlockOrchestrationDeviceController method createVolumes.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.emc.storageos.blockorchestrationcontroller.BlockOrchestrationController#createVolumes(java.util.List,
* java.lang.String)
public void createVolumes(List<VolumeDescriptor> volumes, String taskId) throws ControllerException {
List<URI> volUris = VolumeDescriptor.getVolumeURIs(volumes);
VolumeCreateWorkflowCompleter completer = new VolumeCreateWorkflowCompleter(volUris, taskId, volumes);
Workflow workflow = null;
try {
// Generate the Workflow.
workflow = _workflowService.getNewWorkflow(this, CREATE_VOLUMES_WF_NAME, true, taskId);
// the wait for key returned by previous call
String waitFor = null;"Generating steps for create Volume");
// First, call the BlockDeviceController to add its methods.
waitFor = _blockDeviceController.addStepsForCreateVolumes(workflow, waitFor, volumes, taskId);"Checking for SRDF steps");
// Call the SRDFDeviceController to add its methods if there are SRDF volumes.
waitFor = _srdfDeviceController.addStepsForCreateVolumes(workflow, waitFor, volumes, taskId);"Checking for VPLEX steps");
// Call the VPlexDeviceController to add its methods if there are VPLEX volumes.
waitFor = _vplexDeviceController.addStepsForCreateVolumes(workflow, waitFor, volumes, taskId);"Checking for RP steps");
// Call the RPDeviceController to add its methods if there are RP protections
waitFor = _rpDeviceController.addStepsForCreateVolumes(workflow, waitFor, volumes, taskId);"Checking for Replica steps");
// Call the ReplicaDeviceController to add its methods if volumes are added to CG, and the CG associated
// with replication
// group(s)
waitFor = _replicaDeviceController.addStepsForCreateVolumes(workflow, waitFor, volumes, taskId);
// Finish up and execute the plan.
// The Workflow will handle the TaskCompleter
String successMessage = "Create volumes successful for: " + volUris.toString();
Object[] callbackArgs = new Object[] { volUris };
workflow.executePlan(completer, successMessage, new WorkflowCallback(), callbackArgs, null, null);
} catch (LockRetryException ex) {
* Added this catch block to mark the current workflow as completed so that lock retry will not get exception while creating new
* workflow using the same taskid.
*/"Lock retry exception key: %s remaining time %d", ex.getLockIdentifier(), ex.getRemainingWaitTimeSeconds()));
if (workflow != null && !NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI(workflow.getWorkflowURI()) && workflow.getWorkflowState() == WorkflowState.CREATED) {
com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Workflow wf = s_dbClient.queryObject(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Workflow.class, workflow.getWorkflowURI());
if (!wf.getCompleted()) {
s_logger.error("Marking the status to completed for the newly created workflow {}", wf.getId());
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
s_logger.error("Could not create volumes: " + volUris, ex);
String opName = ResourceOperationTypeEnum.CREATE_BLOCK_VOLUME.getName();
ServiceError serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.createVolumesFailed(volUris.toString(), opName, ex);
completer.error(s_dbClient, _locker, serviceError);