use of com.emc.storageos.workflow.Workflow in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class BlockDeviceController method attachNativeContinuousCopies.
public void attachNativeContinuousCopies(URI storage, URI sourceVolume, List<URI> mirrorList, String opId) throws ControllerException {"START attach continuous copies workflow");
Workflow workflow = _workflowService.getNewWorkflow(this, ATTACH_MIRRORS_WF_NAME, true, opId);
TaskCompleter taskCompleter = null;
Volume sourceVolumeObj = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, sourceVolume);
boolean isCG = sourceVolumeObj.isInCG();
try {
addStepsForCreateMirrors(workflow, null, storage, sourceVolume, mirrorList, isCG);
taskCompleter = new BlockMirrorTaskCompleter(BlockMirror.class, mirrorList, opId);
workflow.executePlan(taskCompleter, "Successfully attached continuous copies");
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = String.format("Failed to execute attach continuous copies workflow for volume %s", sourceVolume);
_log.error(msg, e);
if (taskCompleter != null) {
ServiceError serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.jobFailed(e);
taskCompleter.error(_dbClient, serviceError);
use of com.emc.storageos.workflow.Workflow in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class BlockDeviceController method addStepsForRestoreVolume.
public String addStepsForRestoreVolume(Workflow workflow, String waitFor, URI storage, URI pool, URI volume, URI snapshot, Boolean updateOpStatus, String syncDirection, String taskId, BlockSnapshotRestoreCompleter completer) throws ControllerException {
BlockSnapshot snap = _dbClient.queryObject(BlockSnapshot.class, snapshot);
URI parentVolumeURI = snap.getParent().getURI();
Volume parentVolume = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, parentVolumeURI);
Volume associatedVPlexVolume = Volume.fetchVplexVolume(_dbClient, parentVolume);
// VPlex controller will add the required block restore steps.
if (NullColumnValueGetter.isNotNullValue(snap.getTechnologyType()) && !snap.getTechnologyType().equals(TechnologyType.NATIVE.toString()) || associatedVPlexVolume != null) {
return waitFor;
Workflow.Method restoreVolumeMethod = new Workflow.Method(RESTORE_VOLUME_METHOD_NAME, storage, pool, volume, snapshot, Boolean.TRUE, syncDirection);
workflow.createStep(RESTORE_VOLUME_STEP, String.format("Restore volume %s from snapshot %s", volume, snapshot), waitFor, storage, getDeviceType(storage), BlockDeviceController.class, restoreVolumeMethod, rollbackMethodNullMethod(), null);"Created workflow step to restore block volume {} from snapshot {}", volume, snapshot);
use of com.emc.storageos.workflow.Workflow in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class BlockDeviceController method restoreVolume.
public void restoreVolume(URI storage, URI pool, URI volumeURI, URI snapshot, Boolean updateOpStatus, String syncDirection, String opId) throws ControllerException {
SimpleTaskCompleter completer = new SimpleTaskCompleter(BlockSnapshot.class, snapshot, opId);
try {
Workflow workflow = _workflowService.getNewWorkflow(this, RESTORE_VOLUME_WF_NAME, false, opId);"Created new restore workflow with operation id {}", opId);
Volume volume = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, volumeURI);
BlockSnapshot blockSnapshot = _dbClient.queryObject(BlockSnapshot.class, snapshot);
StorageSystem system = _dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, storage);
String description = String.format("Restore volume %s from snapshot %s", volumeURI, snapshot);
String waitFor = null;
URI srdfSourceStorageSystemURI = null;
Volume srdfSourceVolume = null;
Volume srdfTargetVolume = null;
boolean active = false;
* We need to split the SRDF link for R2 snap restore if it is not paused already.
* Refer OPT#476788
if (isNonSplitSRDFTargetVolume(volume)) {
URI srdfSourceVolumeURI = volume.getSrdfParent().getURI();
srdfSourceVolume = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, srdfSourceVolumeURI);
srdfTargetVolume = volume;
srdfSourceStorageSystemURI = srdfSourceVolume.getStorageController();
if (Mode.ACTIVE.equals(Mode.valueOf(volume.getSrdfCopyMode()))) {
active = true;
waitFor = suspendSRDFLinkWorkflowStep(waitFor, srdfSourceStorageSystemURI, srdfSourceVolumeURI, volumeURI, workflow);
} else {
// split all members the group
Workflow.Method splitMethod = srdfDeviceController.splitSRDFGroupLinkMethod(srdfSourceStorageSystemURI, srdfSourceVolumeURI, volumeURI, false);
Workflow.Method splitRollbackMethod = srdfDeviceController.resumeGroupPairsMethod(srdfSourceStorageSystemURI, srdfSourceVolumeURI, volumeURI);
waitFor = workflow.createStep(SRDFDeviceController.SPLIT_SRDF_MIRRORS_STEP_GROUP, SRDFDeviceController.SPLIT_SRDF_MIRRORS_STEP_DESC, waitFor, srdfSourceStorageSystemURI, getDeviceType(srdfSourceStorageSystemURI), SRDFDeviceController.class, splitMethod, splitRollbackMethod, null);
} else if (isNonSplitSRDFSourceVolume(volume)) {
srdfSourceVolume = volume;
srdfSourceStorageSystemURI = volume.getStorageController();
StringSet targets = volume.getSrdfTargets();
if (null != targets) {
for (String target : targets) {
if (NullColumnValueGetter.isNotNullValue(target)) {
srdfTargetVolume = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, URI.create(target));
if (null != srdfTargetVolume && Mode.ACTIVE.equals(Mode.valueOf(srdfTargetVolume.getSrdfCopyMode()))) {
active = true;
waitFor = suspendSRDFLinkWorkflowStep(waitFor, srdfSourceStorageSystemURI, volume.getId(), srdfTargetVolume.getId(), workflow);
if (system.checkIfVmax3()) {"Creating workflow for restore VMAX3 snapshot {}", blockSnapshot.getId());
// To restore the source from a linked target volume for VMAX3 SnapVX, we must
// do the following:
// 1. Terminate any stale restore sessions on the source.
// 2. Create a temporary snapvx snapshot session of the linked target volume or target group.
// 3. Link the source volume(s) of the BlockSnapshot(s) to the temporary snapshot session in copy mode.
// 4. Wait for the data from the session to be copied to the source volume(s)
// 5. Unlink the source volume(s) from the temporary snapvx snapshot session.
// 6. Delete the temporary session.
// This is essentially restoring by creating a cascaded snapshot session or group
// snapshot session on the linked target volume associated with the passed block
// snapshot or associated linked target group in the case of a group operation.
// Create a workflow step to terminate stale restore sessions.
waitFor = workflow.createStep(BLOCK_VOLUME_RESTORE_GROUP, String.format("Terminating VMAX restore session from %s to %s", blockSnapshot.getId(), volume.getId()), waitFor, system.getId(), system.getSystemType(), BlockDeviceController.class, terminateRestoreSessionsMethod(system.getId(), volume.getId(), blockSnapshot.getId()), rollbackMethodNullMethod(), null);
// Get all snapshots if this is a group snapshot.
String replicationGroupName = null;
List<BlockSnapshot> allSnapshots = new ArrayList<>();
String replicationGroupId = blockSnapshot.getReplicationGroupInstance();
if (!NullColumnValueGetter.isNullValue(replicationGroupId)) {
allSnapshots.addAll(ControllerUtils.getSnapshotsPartOfReplicationGroup(blockSnapshot, _dbClient));
int nameStartIndex = replicationGroupId.indexOf("+") + 1;
replicationGroupName = replicationGroupId.substring(nameStartIndex);
} else {
// Create a temporary BlockSnapshot instance to represent the parent source volumes
// for each block snapshot. Linking to a session required BlockSnapshot instances so
// we need to create some to represent the source volume(s).
StringSet linkedTargets = new StringSet();
List<BlockSnapshot> sourceSnapshots = new ArrayList<>();
List<URI> sourceSnapshotURIs = new ArrayList<>();
URI cgURI = blockSnapshot.getConsistencyGroup();
for (BlockSnapshot aSnapshot : allSnapshots) {
BlockObject aSourceObj = BlockObject.fetch(_dbClient, aSnapshot.getParent().getURI());
BlockSnapshot sourceSnapshot = new BlockSnapshot();
URI sourceSnapshotURI = URIUtil.createId(BlockSnapshot.class);
sourceSnapshot.setParent(new NamedURI(aSnapshot.getId(), aSnapshot.getLabel()));
if (!NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI(cgURI)) {
// Create a BlockSnapshotSession instance to represent the temporary snapshot session.
BlockSnapshotSession snapSession = new BlockSnapshotSession();
URI snapSessionURI = URIUtil.createId(BlockSnapshotSession.class);
snapSession.setLabel(blockSnapshot.getLabel() + System.currentTimeMillis());
if (!NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI(cgURI) && NullColumnValueGetter.isNotNullValue(replicationGroupName)) {
} else {
snapSession.setParent(new NamedURI(blockSnapshot.getId(), blockSnapshot.getLabel()));
// Now create a workflow step that will create the snapshot session.
// This will create a group session in the case of a group operation.
waitFor = workflow.createStep(CREATE_SNAPSHOT_SESSION_STEP_GROUP, String.format("Create snapshot session %s for snapshot target volume %s", snapSessionURI, snapshot), waitFor, storage, getDeviceType(storage), BlockDeviceController.class, createBlockSnapshotSessionMethod(storage, snapSessionURI, replicationGroupName), deleteBlockSnapshotSessionMethod(storage, snapSessionURI, replicationGroupName, Boolean.TRUE), null);
// Create a workflow step to link the source volume for the passed snapshot
// to the snapshot session create by the previous step. We link the source
// volume in copy mode so that that the point-in-time copy of the snapshot
// target volume represented by the snapshot session is copied to the source
// volume. This is essentially the restore step so that the source will now
// reflect the data on the snapshot target volume. This step will not complete
// until the data is copied and the link has achieved the copied state. If this
// is group operation the source target group will be linked to the created
// group session.
Workflow.Method linkMethod;
if (!NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI(cgURI) && NullColumnValueGetter.isNotNullValue(replicationGroupName)) {
linkMethod = linkBlockSnapshotSessionTargetGroupMethod(storage, snapSessionURI, sourceSnapshotURIs,, Boolean.TRUE);
} else {
linkMethod = linkBlockSnapshotSessionTargetMethod(storage, snapSessionURI, sourceSnapshotURIs.get(0),, Boolean.TRUE);
waitFor = workflow.createStep(LINK_SNAPSHOT_SESSION_TARGET_STEP_GROUP, String.format("Link source volume %s to snapshot session for snapshot target volume %s", volume, snapshot), waitFor, storage, getDeviceType(storage), BlockDeviceController.class, linkMethod, unlinkBlockSnapshotSessionTargetMethod(storage, snapSessionURI, sourceSnapshotURIs.get(0), Boolean.FALSE), null);
// Once the data is fully copied to the source, we can unlink the source from the session.
// Again, for a group operation, this will unlink the source group from the group session.
waitFor = workflow.createStep(UNLINK_SNAPSHOT_SESSION_TARGET_STEP_GROUP, String.format("Unlink source volume %s from snapshot session for snapshot target volume %s", volumeURI, snapshot), waitFor, storage, getDeviceType(storage), BlockDeviceController.class, unlinkBlockSnapshotSessionTargetMethod(storage, snapSessionURI, sourceSnapshotURIs.get(0), Boolean.FALSE), rollbackMethodNullMethod(), null);
// Finally create a step to delete the snapshot session we created on the snapshot
// target volume.
waitFor = workflow.createStep(DELETE_SNAPSHOT_SESSION_STEP_GROUP, String.format("Delete snapshot session %s for snapshot target volume %s", snapSessionURI, snapshot), waitFor, storage, getDeviceType(storage), BlockDeviceController.class, deleteBlockSnapshotSessionMethod(storage, snapSessionURI, replicationGroupName, Boolean.TRUE), rollbackMethodNullMethod(), null);
* If Active mode then create a step to resume srdf group or restore R2 To R1 or do nothing.
* If syncdirection is not specified means its null then after R1 snapshot restore, resume.
* If syncdirection is not specified means its null then after R2 snapshot restore, restore R2 to R1.
* If syncdirection is SOURCE_TO_TARGET then after R1 or R2 snapshot restore, resume.
* If syncdirection is TARGET_TO_SOURCE then after R1 or R2 snapshot restore, restore R2 to R1.
* If syncdirection is NONE then do nothing, RDF group will stay in suspend state.
if (active) {
if (null == syncDirection) {
if (null != srdfSourceVolume && volumeURI.equals(srdfSourceVolume.getId())) {
resumeSRDFLinkWorkflowStep(waitFor, srdfSourceStorageSystemURI, srdfSourceVolume.getId(), srdfTargetVolume.getId(), workflow);
} else if (null != srdfTargetVolume && volumeURI.equals(srdfTargetVolume.getId())) {
restoreWorkflowStep(waitFor, srdfTargetVolume.getStorageController(), srdfSourceVolume.getId(), srdfTargetVolume.getId(), workflow);
} else if (null != syncDirection) {
if (SRDFUtils.SyncDirection.SOURCE_TO_TARGET.toString().equals(syncDirection)) {
resumeSRDFLinkWorkflowStep(waitFor, srdfSourceStorageSystemURI, srdfSourceVolume.getId(), srdfTargetVolume.getId(), workflow);
} else if (SRDFUtils.SyncDirection.TARGET_TO_SOURCE.toString().equals(syncDirection)) {
restoreWorkflowStep(waitFor, srdfTargetVolume.getStorageController(), srdfSourceVolume.getId(), srdfTargetVolume.getId(), workflow);
} else if (SRDFUtils.SyncDirection.NONE.toString().equals(syncDirection)) {"Sync direction is specified as {} hence no action will be done after retsore snapshot which" + " means the RDF group for volume {} will be in a suspended state.", syncDirection, volume.getLabel());
} else {
waitFor = workflow.createStep(BLOCK_VOLUME_RESTORE_GROUP, description, waitFor, storage, getDeviceType(storage), BlockDeviceController.class, restoreVolumeMethod(storage, pool, volumeURI, snapshot, updateOpStatus), rollbackMethodNullMethod(), null);
// Skip the step for VMAX3, as restore operation may still be in progress (OPT#476325)
// Regardless, termination of restore session should be call before restore
// Note this is not needed for VNX
addPostRestoreVolumeSteps(workflow, system, volume, blockSnapshot, waitFor);
}"Executing workflow {}", BLOCK_VOLUME_RESTORE_GROUP);
String msg = String.format("Restore of volume %s from %s completed successfully", volumeURI, snapshot);
workflow.executePlan(completer, msg);
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = String.format("Could not restore volume %s from snapshot %s", volumeURI, snapshot);
_log.error(msg, e);
ServiceError serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.jobFailed(e);
completer.error(_dbClient, serviceError);
use of com.emc.storageos.workflow.Workflow in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class BlockDeviceExportController method exportGroupUpdate.
public void exportGroupUpdate(URI export, Map<URI, Integer> addedBlockObjectMap, Map<URI, Integer> removedBlockObjectMap, Set<URI> addedClusters, Set<URI> removedClusters, Set<URI> addedHosts, Set<URI> removedHosts, Set<URI> addedInitiators, Set<URI> removedInitiators, String opId) throws ControllerException {
Map<URI, Map<URI, Integer>> addedStorageToBlockObjects = new HashMap<URI, Map<URI, Integer>>();
Map<URI, Map<URI, Integer>> removedStorageToBlockObjects = new HashMap<URI, Map<URI, Integer>>();
Workflow workflow = null;
List<Workflow> workflowList = new ArrayList<>();
try {
computeDiffs(export, addedBlockObjectMap, removedBlockObjectMap, addedStorageToBlockObjects, removedStorageToBlockObjects, addedInitiators, removedInitiators, addedHosts, removedHosts, addedClusters, removedClusters);
// Generate a flat list of volume/snap objects that will be added
// to the export update completer so the completer will know what
// to add upon task completion. We need not carry the block controller
// into the completer, so we strip that out of the map for the benefit of
// keeping the completer simple.
Map<URI, Integer> addedBlockObjects = new HashMap<>();
for (URI storageUri : addedStorageToBlockObjects.keySet()) {
// Generate a flat list of volume/snap objects that will be removed
// to the export update completer so the completer will know what
// to remove upon task completion.
Map<URI, Integer> removedBlockObjects = new HashMap<>();
for (URI storageUri : removedStorageToBlockObjects.keySet()) {
// Construct the export update completer with exactly which objects will
// be removed and added when it is complete.
ExportTaskCompleter taskCompleter = new ExportUpdateCompleter(export, addedBlockObjects, removedBlockObjects, addedInitiators, removedInitiators, addedHosts, removedHosts, addedClusters, removedClusters, opId);"Received request to update export group. Creating master workflow.");
workflow = _wfUtils.newWorkflow("exportGroupUpdate", false, opId);"Task id {} and workflow uri {}", opId, workflow.getWorkflowURI());
for (URI storageUri : addedStorageToBlockObjects.keySet()) {"Creating sub-workflow for storage system {}", String.valueOf(storageUri));
// TODO: Need to fix, getExportMask() returns a single mask,
// but there could be more than 1 for a array and ExportGroup
_wfUtils.generateExportGroupUpdateWorkflow(workflow, null, null, export, getExportMask(export, storageUri), addedStorageToBlockObjects.get(storageUri), removedStorageToBlockObjects.get(storageUri), new ArrayList(addedInitiators), new ArrayList(removedInitiators), storageUri, workflowList);
if (!workflow.getAllStepStatus().isEmpty()) {"The updateExportWorkflow has {} steps. Starting the workflow.", workflow.getAllStepStatus().size());
workflow.executePlan(taskCompleter, "Update the export group on all storage systems successfully.");
} else {
} catch (LockRetryException ex) {
* Added this catch block to mark the current workflow as completed so that lock retry will not get exception while creating new
* workflow using the same taskid.
*/"Lock retry exception key: %s remaining time %d", ex.getLockIdentifier(), ex.getRemainingWaitTimeSeconds()));
for (Workflow workflow2 : workflowList) {
if (workflow2 != null) {
boolean status = _wfUtils.getWorkflowService().releaseAllWorkflowLocks(workflow2);"Release locks from workflow {} status {}", workflow2.getWorkflowURI(), status);
if (workflow != null && !NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI(workflow.getWorkflowURI()) && workflow.getWorkflowState() == WorkflowState.CREATED) {
com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Workflow wf = _dbClient.queryObject(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Workflow.class, workflow.getWorkflowURI());
if (!wf.getCompleted()) {
_log.error("Marking the status to completed for the newly created workflow {}", wf.getId());
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
ExportTaskCompleter taskCompleter = new ExportUpdateCompleter(export, opId);
String message = "exportGroupUpdate caught an exception.";
_log.error(message, ex);
for (Workflow workflow2 : workflowList) {
if (workflow2 != null) {
boolean status = _wfUtils.getWorkflowService().releaseAllWorkflowLocks(workflow2);"Release locks from workflow {} status {}", workflow2.getWorkflowURI(), status);
ServiceError serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.jobFailed(ex);
taskCompleter.error(_dbClient, serviceError);
use of com.emc.storageos.workflow.Workflow in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class BlockDeviceExportController method updateVolumePathParams.
public void updateVolumePathParams(URI volumeURI, URI newVpoolURI, String opId) throws ControllerException {"Received request to update Volume path parameters. Creating master workflow.");
VolumeVpoolChangeTaskCompleter taskCompleter = null;
Volume volume = null;
try {
// Read volume from database, update the Vpool to the new completer, and create task completer.
volume = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, volumeURI);
URI oldVpoolURI = volume.getVirtualPool();
List<URI> rollbackList = new ArrayList<URI>();
List<Volume> updatedVolumes = new ArrayList<Volume>();
// Check if it is a VPlex volume, and get backend volumes
Volume backendSrc = VPlexUtil.getVPLEXBackendVolume(volume, true, _dbClient, false);
if (backendSrc != null) {
// Change the back end volume's vpool too
// VPlex volume, check if it is distributed
Volume backendHa = VPlexUtil.getVPLEXBackendVolume(volume, false, _dbClient, false);
if (backendHa != null && backendHa.getVirtualPool() != null && backendHa.getVirtualPool().toString().equals(oldVpoolURI.toString())) {
// The VolumeVpoolChangeTaskCompleter will restore the old Virtual Pool in event of error.
taskCompleter = new VolumeVpoolChangeTaskCompleter(rollbackList, oldVpoolURI, opId);
updatedVolumes.add(volume);"Changing VirtualPool PathParams for volume %s (%s) from %s to %s", volume.getLabel(), volume.getId(), oldVpoolURI, newVpoolURI));
} catch (Exception ex) {
_log.error("Unexpected exception reading volume or generating taskCompleter: ", ex);
ServiceError serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.jobFailed(ex);
VolumeWorkflowCompleter completer = new VolumeWorkflowCompleter(volumeURI, opId);
completer.error(_dbClient, serviceError);
try {
Workflow workflow = _wfUtils.newWorkflow("updateVolumePathParams", false, opId);
// Locate all the ExportMasks containing the given volume, and their Export Group.
Map<ExportMask, ExportGroup> maskToGroupMap = ExportUtils.getExportMasks(volume, _dbClient);
Map<URI, StringSetMap> maskToZoningMap = new HashMap<URI, StringSetMap>();
// Store the original zoning maps of the export masks to be used to restore in case of a failure
for (ExportMask mask : maskToGroupMap.keySet()) {
maskToZoningMap.put(mask.getId(), mask.getZoningMap());
// Acquire all necessary locks for the workflow:
// For each export group lock initiator's hosts and storage array keys.
List<URI> initiatorURIs = new ArrayList<URI>();
for (ExportGroup exportGroup : maskToGroupMap.values()) {
List<String> lockKeys = ControllerLockingUtil.getHostStorageLockKeys(_dbClient, ExportGroup.ExportGroupType.valueOf(exportGroup.getType()), initiatorURIs, volume.getStorageController());
boolean acquiredLocks = _wfUtils.getWorkflowService().acquireWorkflowLocks(workflow, lockKeys, LockTimeoutValue.get(LockType.EXPORT_GROUP_OPS));
if (!acquiredLocks) {
throw DeviceControllerException.exceptions.failedToAcquireLock(lockKeys.toString(), "UpdateVolumePathParams: " + volume.getLabel());
// These steps are serialized, which is required in case an ExportMask appears
// in multiple Export Groups.
String stepId = null;
for (ExportGroup exportGroup : maskToGroupMap.values()) {
stepId = _wfUtils.generateExportChangePathParams(workflow, "changePathParams", stepId, volume.getStorageController(), exportGroup.getId(), volumeURI);
if (!workflow.getAllStepStatus().isEmpty()) {"The updateVolumePathParams workflow has {} steps. Starting the workflow.", workflow.getAllStepStatus().size());
workflow.executePlan(taskCompleter, "Update the export group on all storage systems successfully.");
} else {
} catch (Exception ex) {
_log.error("Unexpected exception: ", ex);
ServiceError serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.jobFailed(ex);
taskCompleter.error(_dbClient, serviceError);