use of com.facebook.buck.util.Console in project buck by facebook.
the class DistBuildStatusCommand method runWithoutHelp.
public int runWithoutHelp(CommandRunnerParams params) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
StampedeId stampedeId = getStampedeId();
Console console = params.getConsole();
ObjectMapper objectMapper = params.getObjectMapper().copy();
try (DistBuildService service = DistBuildFactory.newDistBuildService(params)) {
BuildJob buildJob = service.getCurrentBuildJobState(getStampedeId());
objectMapper.writeValue(console.getStdOut(), buildJob);
console.printSuccess(String.format("Successfully fetched the build status for [%s].", stampedeId));
return 0;
use of com.facebook.buck.util.Console in project buck by facebook.
the class Main method runMainThenExit.
/* Define all error handling surrounding main command */
private void runMainThenExit(String[] args, Optional<NGContext> context, final long initTimestamp) {
Path projectRoot = Paths.get(".");
int exitCode = FAIL_EXIT_CODE;
BuildId buildId = getBuildId(context);
// Only post an overflow event if Watchman indicates a fresh instance event
// after our initial query.
WatchmanWatcher.FreshInstanceAction watchmanFreshInstanceAction = daemon == null ? WatchmanWatcher.FreshInstanceAction.NONE : WatchmanWatcher.FreshInstanceAction.POST_OVERFLOW_EVENT;
// Get the client environment, either from this process or from the Nailgun context.
ImmutableMap<String, String> clientEnvironment = getClientEnvironment(context);
try {
CommandMode commandMode = CommandMode.RELEASE;
exitCode = runMainWithExitCode(buildId, projectRoot, context, clientEnvironment, commandMode, watchmanFreshInstanceAction, initTimestamp, args);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (e.getMessage().startsWith("No space left on device")) {
(new Console(Verbosity.STANDARD_INFORMATION, stdOut, stdErr, new Ansi(AnsiEnvironmentChecking.environmentSupportsAnsiEscapes(platform, clientEnvironment)))).printBuildFailure(e.getMessage());
} else {
} catch (HumanReadableException e) {
Console console = new Console(Verbosity.STANDARD_INFORMATION, stdOut, stdErr, new Ansi(AnsiEnvironmentChecking.environmentSupportsAnsiEscapes(platform, clientEnvironment)));
} catch (InterruptionFailedException e) {
// Command could not be interrupted.
if (context.isPresent()) {
// Exit process to halt command execution.
} catch (BuckIsDyingException e) {
LOG.warn(e, "Fallout because buck was already dying");
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.error(t, "Uncaught exception at top level");
} finally {
// Exit explicitly so that non-daemon threads (of which we use many) don't
// keep the VM alive.
use of com.facebook.buck.util.Console in project buck by facebook.
the class JavaDepsFinder method findDepsForBuildFiles.
private DepsForBuildFiles findDepsForBuildFiles(final TargetGraph graph, final DependencyInfo dependencyInfo, final Console console) {
// For the rules that expect to have their deps generated, look through all of their required
// symbols and try to find the build rule that provides each symbols. Store these build rules in
// the depsForBuildFiles data structure.
// Currently, we process each rule with autodeps=True on a single thread. See the class overview
// for DepsForBuildFiles about what it would take to do this work in a multi-threaded way.
DepsForBuildFiles depsForBuildFiles = new DepsForBuildFiles();
for (final TargetNode<?, ?> rule : dependencyInfo.rulesWithAutodeps) {
final Set<BuildTarget> providedDeps = dependencyInfo.rulesWithAutodepsToProvidedDeps.get(rule);
final Predicate<TargetNode<?, ?>> isVisibleDepNotAlreadyInProvidedDeps = provider -> provider.isVisibleTo(graph, rule) && !providedDeps.contains(provider.getBuildTarget());
final boolean isJavaTestRule = rule.getDescription() instanceof JavaTestDescription;
for (DependencyType type : DependencyType.values()) {
HashMultimap<TargetNode<?, ?>, String> ruleToSymbolsMap;
switch(type) {
case DEPS:
ruleToSymbolsMap = dependencyInfo.ruleToRequiredSymbols;
ruleToSymbolsMap = dependencyInfo.ruleToExportedSymbols;
throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized type: " + type);
final DependencyType typeOfDepToAdd;
if (isJavaTestRule) {
// java_test rules do not honor exported_deps: add all dependencies to the ordinary deps.
typeOfDepToAdd = DependencyType.DEPS;
} else {
typeOfDepToAdd = type;
for (String requiredSymbol : ruleToSymbolsMap.get(rule)) {
BuildTarget provider = findProviderForSymbolFromBuckConfig(requiredSymbol);
if (provider != null) {
depsForBuildFiles.addDep(rule.getBuildTarget(), provider, typeOfDepToAdd);
Set<TargetNode<?, ?>> providers = dependencyInfo.symbolToProviders.get(requiredSymbol);
SortedSet<TargetNode<?, ?>> candidateProviders =<TargetNode<?, ?>>naturalOrder()));
int numCandidates = candidateProviders.size();
if (numCandidates == 1) {
depsForBuildFiles.addDep(rule.getBuildTarget(), Iterables.getOnlyElement(candidateProviders).getBuildTarget(), typeOfDepToAdd);
} else if (numCandidates > 1) {
// Warn the user that there is an ambiguity. This could be very common with macros that
// generate multiple versions of a java_library() with the same sources.
// If numProviders is 0, then hopefully the dep is provided by something the user
// hardcoded in the BUCK file.
console.printErrorText(String.format("WARNING: Multiple providers for %s: %s. " + "Consider adding entry to .buckconfig to eliminate ambiguity:\n" + "[autodeps]\n" + "java-package-mappings = %s => %s", requiredSymbol, Joiner.on(", ").join(candidateProviders), requiredSymbol, Iterables.getFirst(candidateProviders, null)));
} else {
// If there aren't any candidates, then see if there is a visible rule that can provide
// the symbol via its exported_deps. We make this a secondary check because we prefer to
// depend on the rule that defines the symbol directly rather than one of possibly many
// rules that provides it via its exported_deps.
ImmutableSortedSet<TargetNode<?, ?>> newCandidates = -> dependencyInfo.ruleToRulesThatExportIt.get(candidate).stream()).filter(ruleThatExportsCandidate -> ruleThatExportsCandidate.isVisibleTo(graph, rule)).collect(MoreCollectors.toImmutableSortedSet(Comparator.<TargetNode<?, ?>>naturalOrder()));
int numNewCandidates = newCandidates.size();
if (numNewCandidates == 1) {
depsForBuildFiles.addDep(rule.getBuildTarget(), Iterables.getOnlyElement(newCandidates).getBuildTarget(), typeOfDepToAdd);
} else if (numNewCandidates > 1) {
console.printErrorText(String.format("WARNING: No providers found for '%s' for build rule %s, " + "but there are multiple rules that export a rule to provide %s: %s", requiredSymbol, rule.getBuildTarget(), requiredSymbol, Joiner.on(", ").join(newCandidates)));
// In the case that numNewCandidates is 0, we assume that the user is taking
// responsibility for declaring a provider for the symbol by hardcoding it in the deps.
return depsForBuildFiles;
use of com.facebook.buck.util.Console in project buck by facebook.
the class BuildCommandTest method testGenerateBuildReportForConsole.
public void testGenerateBuildReportForConsole() {
String expectedReport = "[1m[42m[30mOK [0m //fake:rule1 " + "BUILT_LOCALLY " + MorePaths.pathWithPlatformSeparators("buck-out/gen/fake/rule1.txt") + "\n" + "[31mFAIL[0m //fake:rule2\n" + "[1m[42m[30mOK [0m //fake:rule3 FETCHED_FROM_CACHE\n" + "[31mFAIL[0m //fake:rule4\n";
String observedReport = new BuildReport(buildExecutionResult, resolver).generateForConsole(new Console(Verbosity.STANDARD_INFORMATION, new CapturingPrintStream(), new CapturingPrintStream(), Ansi.forceTty()));
assertEquals(expectedReport, observedReport);
use of com.facebook.buck.util.Console in project buck by facebook.
the class RageCommandIntegrationTest method testExtraInfo.
public void testExtraInfo() throws Exception {
ProjectWorkspace workspace = TestDataHelper.createProjectWorkspaceForScenario(this, "interactive_report", temporaryFolder);
RageConfig rageConfig = createRageConfig(0, "python,", RageProtocolVersion.SIMPLE);
ProjectFilesystem filesystem = new ProjectFilesystem(temporaryFolder.getRoot());
Console console = new TestConsole();
CapturingDefectReporter defectReporter = new CapturingDefectReporter();
AutomatedReport automatedReport = new AutomatedReport(defectReporter, filesystem, ObjectMappers.newDefaultInstance(), new TestConsole(), TestBuildEnvironmentDescription.INSTANCE, VcsInfoCollector.create(new NoOpCmdLineInterface()), rageConfig, new DefaultExtraInfoCollector(rageConfig, filesystem, new DefaultProcessExecutor(console)));
DefectReport defectReport = defectReporter.getDefectReport();
assertThat(defectReport.getExtraInfo(), Matchers.equalTo(Optional.of("Extra\n")));
assertThat(FluentIterable.from(defectReport.getIncludedPaths()).transform(Object::toString), Matchers.hasItem(Matchers.endsWith("extra.txt")));