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Example 1 with BarBuffer

use of com.github.mikephil.charting.buffer.BarBuffer in project MPAndroidChart by PhilJay.

the class BarChartRenderer method drawValues.

public void drawValues(Canvas c) {
    // if values are drawn
    if (isDrawingValuesAllowed(mChart)) {
        List<IBarDataSet> dataSets = mChart.getBarData().getDataSets();
        final float valueOffsetPlus = Utils.convertDpToPixel(4.5f);
        float posOffset = 0f;
        float negOffset = 0f;
        boolean drawValueAboveBar = mChart.isDrawValueAboveBarEnabled();
        for (int i = 0; i < mChart.getBarData().getDataSetCount(); i++) {
            IBarDataSet dataSet = dataSets.get(i);
            if (!shouldDrawValues(dataSet))
            // apply the text-styling defined by the DataSet
            boolean isInverted = mChart.isInverted(dataSet.getAxisDependency());
            // calculate the correct offset depending on the draw position of
            // the value
            float valueTextHeight = Utils.calcTextHeight(mValuePaint, "8");
            posOffset = (drawValueAboveBar ? -valueOffsetPlus : valueTextHeight + valueOffsetPlus);
            negOffset = (drawValueAboveBar ? valueTextHeight + valueOffsetPlus : -valueOffsetPlus);
            if (isInverted) {
                posOffset = -posOffset - valueTextHeight;
                negOffset = -negOffset - valueTextHeight;
            // get the buffer
            BarBuffer buffer = mBarBuffers[i];
            final float phaseY = mAnimator.getPhaseY();
            MPPointF iconsOffset = MPPointF.getInstance(dataSet.getIconsOffset());
            iconsOffset.x = Utils.convertDpToPixel(iconsOffset.x);
            iconsOffset.y = Utils.convertDpToPixel(iconsOffset.y);
            // if only single values are drawn (sum)
            if (!dataSet.isStacked()) {
                for (int j = 0; j < buffer.buffer.length * mAnimator.getPhaseX(); j += 4) {
                    float x = (buffer.buffer[j] + buffer.buffer[j + 2]) / 2f;
                    if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsRight(x))
                    if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsY(buffer.buffer[j + 1]) || !mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsLeft(x))
                    BarEntry entry = dataSet.getEntryForIndex(j / 4);
                    float val = entry.getY();
                    if (dataSet.isDrawValuesEnabled()) {
                        drawValue(c, dataSet.getValueFormatter(), val, entry, i, x, val >= 0 ? (buffer.buffer[j + 1] + posOffset) : (buffer.buffer[j + 3] + negOffset), dataSet.getValueTextColor(j / 4));
                    if (entry.getIcon() != null && dataSet.isDrawIconsEnabled()) {
                        Drawable icon = entry.getIcon();
                        float px = x;
                        float py = val >= 0 ? (buffer.buffer[j + 1] + posOffset) : (buffer.buffer[j + 3] + negOffset);
                        px += iconsOffset.x;
                        py += iconsOffset.y;
                        Utils.drawImage(c, icon, (int) px, (int) py, icon.getIntrinsicWidth(), icon.getIntrinsicHeight());
            // if we have stacks
            } else {
                Transformer trans = mChart.getTransformer(dataSet.getAxisDependency());
                int bufferIndex = 0;
                int index = 0;
                while (index < dataSet.getEntryCount() * mAnimator.getPhaseX()) {
                    BarEntry entry = dataSet.getEntryForIndex(index);
                    float[] vals = entry.getYVals();
                    float x = (buffer.buffer[bufferIndex] + buffer.buffer[bufferIndex + 2]) / 2f;
                    int color = dataSet.getValueTextColor(index);
                    // in between
                    if (vals == null) {
                        if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsRight(x))
                        if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsY(buffer.buffer[bufferIndex + 1]) || !mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsLeft(x))
                        if (dataSet.isDrawValuesEnabled()) {
                            drawValue(c, dataSet.getValueFormatter(), entry.getY(), entry, i, x, buffer.buffer[bufferIndex + 1] + (entry.getY() >= 0 ? posOffset : negOffset), color);
                        if (entry.getIcon() != null && dataSet.isDrawIconsEnabled()) {
                            Drawable icon = entry.getIcon();
                            float px = x;
                            float py = buffer.buffer[bufferIndex + 1] + (entry.getY() >= 0 ? posOffset : negOffset);
                            px += iconsOffset.x;
                            py += iconsOffset.y;
                            Utils.drawImage(c, icon, (int) px, (int) py, icon.getIntrinsicWidth(), icon.getIntrinsicHeight());
                    // draw stack values
                    } else {
                        float[] transformed = new float[vals.length * 2];
                        float posY = 0f;
                        float negY = -entry.getNegativeSum();
                        for (int k = 0, idx = 0; k < transformed.length; k += 2, idx++) {
                            float value = vals[idx];
                            float y;
                            if (value == 0.0f && (posY == 0.0f || negY == 0.0f)) {
                                // Take care of the situation of a 0.0 value, which overlaps a non-zero bar
                                y = value;
                            } else if (value >= 0.0f) {
                                posY += value;
                                y = posY;
                            } else {
                                y = negY;
                                negY -= value;
                            transformed[k + 1] = y * phaseY;
                        for (int k = 0; k < transformed.length; k += 2) {
                            final float val = vals[k / 2];
                            final boolean drawBelow = (val == 0.0f && negY == 0.0f && posY > 0.0f) || val < 0.0f;
                            float y = transformed[k + 1] + (drawBelow ? negOffset : posOffset);
                            if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsRight(x))
                            if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsY(y) || !mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsLeft(x))
                            if (dataSet.isDrawValuesEnabled()) {
                                drawValue(c, dataSet.getValueFormatter(), vals[k / 2], entry, i, x, y, color);
                            if (entry.getIcon() != null && dataSet.isDrawIconsEnabled()) {
                                Drawable icon = entry.getIcon();
                                Utils.drawImage(c, icon, (int) (x + iconsOffset.x), (int) (y + iconsOffset.y), icon.getIntrinsicWidth(), icon.getIntrinsicHeight());
                    bufferIndex = vals == null ? bufferIndex + 4 : bufferIndex + 4 * vals.length;
Also used : Transformer(com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Transformer) IBarDataSet(com.github.mikephil.charting.interfaces.datasets.IBarDataSet) MPPointF(com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.MPPointF) Drawable( BarEntry( Paint( BarBuffer(com.github.mikephil.charting.buffer.BarBuffer)

Example 2 with BarBuffer

use of com.github.mikephil.charting.buffer.BarBuffer in project MPAndroidChart by PhilJay.

the class BarChartRenderer method initBuffers.

public void initBuffers() {
    BarData barData = mChart.getBarData();
    mBarBuffers = new BarBuffer[barData.getDataSetCount()];
    for (int i = 0; i < mBarBuffers.length; i++) {
        IBarDataSet set = barData.getDataSetByIndex(i);
        mBarBuffers[i] = new BarBuffer(set.getEntryCount() * 4 * (set.isStacked() ? set.getStackSize() : 1), barData.getDataSetCount(), set.isStacked());
Also used : BarData( IBarDataSet(com.github.mikephil.charting.interfaces.datasets.IBarDataSet) Paint( BarBuffer(com.github.mikephil.charting.buffer.BarBuffer)

Example 3 with BarBuffer

use of com.github.mikephil.charting.buffer.BarBuffer in project MPAndroidChart by PhilJay.

the class HorizontalBarChartRenderer method drawDataSet.

protected void drawDataSet(Canvas c, IBarDataSet dataSet, int index) {
    Transformer trans = mChart.getTransformer(dataSet.getAxisDependency());
    final boolean drawBorder = dataSet.getBarBorderWidth() > 0.f;
    float phaseX = mAnimator.getPhaseX();
    float phaseY = mAnimator.getPhaseY();
    // draw the bar shadow before the values
    if (mChart.isDrawBarShadowEnabled()) {
        BarData barData = mChart.getBarData();
        final float barWidth = barData.getBarWidth();
        final float barWidthHalf = barWidth / 2.0f;
        float x;
        for (int i = 0, count = Math.min((int) (Math.ceil((float) (dataSet.getEntryCount()) * phaseX)), dataSet.getEntryCount()); i < count; i++) {
            BarEntry e = dataSet.getEntryForIndex(i);
            x = e.getX();
   = x - barWidthHalf;
            mBarShadowRectBuffer.bottom = x + barWidthHalf;
            if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsTop(mBarShadowRectBuffer.bottom))
            if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsBottom(
            mBarShadowRectBuffer.left = mViewPortHandler.contentLeft();
            mBarShadowRectBuffer.right = mViewPortHandler.contentRight();
            c.drawRect(mBarShadowRectBuffer, mShadowPaint);
    // initialize the buffer
    BarBuffer buffer = mBarBuffers[index];
    buffer.setPhases(phaseX, phaseY);
    final boolean isSingleColor = dataSet.getColors().size() == 1;
    if (isSingleColor) {
    for (int j = 0; j < buffer.size(); j += 4) {
        if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsTop(buffer.buffer[j + 3]))
        if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsBottom(buffer.buffer[j + 1]))
        if (!isSingleColor) {
            // Set the color for the currently drawn value. If the index
            // is out of bounds, reuse colors.
            mRenderPaint.setColor(dataSet.getColor(j / 4));
        c.drawRect(buffer.buffer[j], buffer.buffer[j + 1], buffer.buffer[j + 2], buffer.buffer[j + 3], mRenderPaint);
        if (drawBorder) {
            c.drawRect(buffer.buffer[j], buffer.buffer[j + 1], buffer.buffer[j + 2], buffer.buffer[j + 3], mBarBorderPaint);
Also used : Transformer(com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Transformer) BarData( BarEntry( BarBuffer(com.github.mikephil.charting.buffer.BarBuffer) HorizontalBarBuffer(com.github.mikephil.charting.buffer.HorizontalBarBuffer)

Example 4 with BarBuffer

use of com.github.mikephil.charting.buffer.BarBuffer in project MPAndroidChart by PhilJay.

the class HorizontalBarChartRenderer method drawValues.

public void drawValues(Canvas c) {
    // if values are drawn
    if (isDrawingValuesAllowed(mChart)) {
        List<IBarDataSet> dataSets = mChart.getBarData().getDataSets();
        final float valueOffsetPlus = Utils.convertDpToPixel(5f);
        float posOffset = 0f;
        float negOffset = 0f;
        final boolean drawValueAboveBar = mChart.isDrawValueAboveBarEnabled();
        for (int i = 0; i < mChart.getBarData().getDataSetCount(); i++) {
            IBarDataSet dataSet = dataSets.get(i);
            if (!shouldDrawValues(dataSet))
            boolean isInverted = mChart.isInverted(dataSet.getAxisDependency());
            // apply the text-styling defined by the DataSet
            final float halfTextHeight = Utils.calcTextHeight(mValuePaint, "10") / 2f;
            IValueFormatter formatter = dataSet.getValueFormatter();
            // get the buffer
            BarBuffer buffer = mBarBuffers[i];
            final float phaseY = mAnimator.getPhaseY();
            MPPointF iconsOffset = MPPointF.getInstance(dataSet.getIconsOffset());
            iconsOffset.x = Utils.convertDpToPixel(iconsOffset.x);
            iconsOffset.y = Utils.convertDpToPixel(iconsOffset.y);
            // if only single values are drawn (sum)
            if (!dataSet.isStacked()) {
                for (int j = 0; j < buffer.buffer.length * mAnimator.getPhaseX(); j += 4) {
                    float y = (buffer.buffer[j + 1] + buffer.buffer[j + 3]) / 2f;
                    if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsTop(buffer.buffer[j + 1]))
                    if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsX(buffer.buffer[j]))
                    if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsBottom(buffer.buffer[j + 1]))
                    BarEntry entry = dataSet.getEntryForIndex(j / 4);
                    float val = entry.getY();
                    String formattedValue = formatter.getFormattedValue(val, entry, i, mViewPortHandler);
                    // calculate the correct offset depending on the draw position of the value
                    float valueTextWidth = Utils.calcTextWidth(mValuePaint, formattedValue);
                    posOffset = (drawValueAboveBar ? valueOffsetPlus : -(valueTextWidth + valueOffsetPlus));
                    negOffset = (drawValueAboveBar ? -(valueTextWidth + valueOffsetPlus) : valueOffsetPlus);
                    if (isInverted) {
                        posOffset = -posOffset - valueTextWidth;
                        negOffset = -negOffset - valueTextWidth;
                    if (dataSet.isDrawValuesEnabled()) {
                        drawValue(c, formattedValue, buffer.buffer[j + 2] + (val >= 0 ? posOffset : negOffset), y + halfTextHeight, dataSet.getValueTextColor(j / 2));
                    if (entry.getIcon() != null && dataSet.isDrawIconsEnabled()) {
                        Drawable icon = entry.getIcon();
                        float px = buffer.buffer[j + 2] + (val >= 0 ? posOffset : negOffset);
                        float py = y;
                        px += iconsOffset.x;
                        py += iconsOffset.y;
                        Utils.drawImage(c, icon, (int) px, (int) py, icon.getIntrinsicWidth(), icon.getIntrinsicHeight());
            // if each value of a potential stack should be drawn
            } else {
                Transformer trans = mChart.getTransformer(dataSet.getAxisDependency());
                int bufferIndex = 0;
                int index = 0;
                while (index < dataSet.getEntryCount() * mAnimator.getPhaseX()) {
                    BarEntry entry = dataSet.getEntryForIndex(index);
                    int color = dataSet.getValueTextColor(index);
                    float[] vals = entry.getYVals();
                    // in between
                    if (vals == null) {
                        if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsTop(buffer.buffer[bufferIndex + 1]))
                        if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsX(buffer.buffer[bufferIndex]))
                        if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsBottom(buffer.buffer[bufferIndex + 1]))
                        float val = entry.getY();
                        String formattedValue = formatter.getFormattedValue(val, entry, i, mViewPortHandler);
                        // calculate the correct offset depending on the draw position of the value
                        float valueTextWidth = Utils.calcTextWidth(mValuePaint, formattedValue);
                        posOffset = (drawValueAboveBar ? valueOffsetPlus : -(valueTextWidth + valueOffsetPlus));
                        negOffset = (drawValueAboveBar ? -(valueTextWidth + valueOffsetPlus) : valueOffsetPlus);
                        if (isInverted) {
                            posOffset = -posOffset - valueTextWidth;
                            negOffset = -negOffset - valueTextWidth;
                        if (dataSet.isDrawValuesEnabled()) {
                            drawValue(c, formattedValue, buffer.buffer[bufferIndex + 2] + (entry.getY() >= 0 ? posOffset : negOffset), buffer.buffer[bufferIndex + 1] + halfTextHeight, color);
                        if (entry.getIcon() != null && dataSet.isDrawIconsEnabled()) {
                            Drawable icon = entry.getIcon();
                            float px = buffer.buffer[bufferIndex + 2] + (entry.getY() >= 0 ? posOffset : negOffset);
                            float py = buffer.buffer[bufferIndex + 1];
                            px += iconsOffset.x;
                            py += iconsOffset.y;
                            Utils.drawImage(c, icon, (int) px, (int) py, icon.getIntrinsicWidth(), icon.getIntrinsicHeight());
                    } else {
                        float[] transformed = new float[vals.length * 2];
                        float posY = 0f;
                        float negY = -entry.getNegativeSum();
                        for (int k = 0, idx = 0; k < transformed.length; k += 2, idx++) {
                            float value = vals[idx];
                            float y;
                            if (value == 0.0f && (posY == 0.0f || negY == 0.0f)) {
                                // Take care of the situation of a 0.0 value, which overlaps a non-zero bar
                                y = value;
                            } else if (value >= 0.0f) {
                                posY += value;
                                y = posY;
                            } else {
                                y = negY;
                                negY -= value;
                            transformed[k] = y * phaseY;
                        for (int k = 0; k < transformed.length; k += 2) {
                            final float val = vals[k / 2];
                            String formattedValue = formatter.getFormattedValue(val, entry, i, mViewPortHandler);
                            // calculate the correct offset depending on the draw position of the value
                            float valueTextWidth = Utils.calcTextWidth(mValuePaint, formattedValue);
                            posOffset = (drawValueAboveBar ? valueOffsetPlus : -(valueTextWidth + valueOffsetPlus));
                            negOffset = (drawValueAboveBar ? -(valueTextWidth + valueOffsetPlus) : valueOffsetPlus);
                            if (isInverted) {
                                posOffset = -posOffset - valueTextWidth;
                                negOffset = -negOffset - valueTextWidth;
                            final boolean drawBelow = (val == 0.0f && negY == 0.0f && posY > 0.0f) || val < 0.0f;
                            float x = transformed[k] + (drawBelow ? negOffset : posOffset);
                            float y = (buffer.buffer[bufferIndex + 1] + buffer.buffer[bufferIndex + 3]) / 2f;
                            if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsTop(y))
                            if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsX(x))
                            if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsBottom(y))
                            if (dataSet.isDrawValuesEnabled()) {
                                drawValue(c, formattedValue, x, y + halfTextHeight, color);
                            if (entry.getIcon() != null && dataSet.isDrawIconsEnabled()) {
                                Drawable icon = entry.getIcon();
                                Utils.drawImage(c, icon, (int) (x + iconsOffset.x), (int) (y + iconsOffset.y), icon.getIntrinsicWidth(), icon.getIntrinsicHeight());
                    bufferIndex = vals == null ? bufferIndex + 4 : bufferIndex + 4 * vals.length;
Also used : Transformer(com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Transformer) MPPointF(com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.MPPointF) Drawable( BarEntry( BarBuffer(com.github.mikephil.charting.buffer.BarBuffer) HorizontalBarBuffer(com.github.mikephil.charting.buffer.HorizontalBarBuffer) IValueFormatter(com.github.mikephil.charting.formatter.IValueFormatter) IBarDataSet(com.github.mikephil.charting.interfaces.datasets.IBarDataSet)

Example 5 with BarBuffer

use of com.github.mikephil.charting.buffer.BarBuffer in project MPAndroidChart by PhilJay.

the class BarChartRenderer method drawDataSet.

protected void drawDataSet(Canvas c, IBarDataSet dataSet, int index) {
    Transformer trans = mChart.getTransformer(dataSet.getAxisDependency());
    final boolean drawBorder = dataSet.getBarBorderWidth() > 0.f;
    float phaseX = mAnimator.getPhaseX();
    float phaseY = mAnimator.getPhaseY();
    // draw the bar shadow before the values
    if (mChart.isDrawBarShadowEnabled()) {
        BarData barData = mChart.getBarData();
        final float barWidth = barData.getBarWidth();
        final float barWidthHalf = barWidth / 2.0f;
        float x;
        for (int i = 0, count = Math.min((int) (Math.ceil((float) (dataSet.getEntryCount()) * phaseX)), dataSet.getEntryCount()); i < count; i++) {
            BarEntry e = dataSet.getEntryForIndex(i);
            x = e.getX();
            mBarShadowRectBuffer.left = x - barWidthHalf;
            mBarShadowRectBuffer.right = x + barWidthHalf;
            if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsLeft(mBarShadowRectBuffer.right))
            if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsRight(mBarShadowRectBuffer.left))
   = mViewPortHandler.contentTop();
            mBarShadowRectBuffer.bottom = mViewPortHandler.contentBottom();
            c.drawRect(mBarShadowRectBuffer, mShadowPaint);
    // initialize the buffer
    BarBuffer buffer = mBarBuffers[index];
    buffer.setPhases(phaseX, phaseY);
    final boolean isSingleColor = dataSet.getColors().size() == 1;
    if (isSingleColor) {
    for (int j = 0; j < buffer.size(); j += 4) {
        if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsLeft(buffer.buffer[j + 2]))
        if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsRight(buffer.buffer[j]))
        if (!isSingleColor) {
            // Set the color for the currently drawn value. If the index
            // is out of bounds, reuse colors.
            mRenderPaint.setColor(dataSet.getColor(j / 4));
        c.drawRect(buffer.buffer[j], buffer.buffer[j + 1], buffer.buffer[j + 2], buffer.buffer[j + 3], mRenderPaint);
        if (drawBorder) {
            c.drawRect(buffer.buffer[j], buffer.buffer[j + 1], buffer.buffer[j + 2], buffer.buffer[j + 3], mBarBorderPaint);
Also used : Transformer(com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Transformer) BarData( BarEntry( Paint( BarBuffer(com.github.mikephil.charting.buffer.BarBuffer)


BarBuffer (com.github.mikephil.charting.buffer.BarBuffer)5 BarEntry ( Transformer (com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Transformer)4 Paint ( BarData ( IBarDataSet (com.github.mikephil.charting.interfaces.datasets.IBarDataSet)3 Drawable ( HorizontalBarBuffer (com.github.mikephil.charting.buffer.HorizontalBarBuffer)2 MPPointF (com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.MPPointF)2 IValueFormatter (com.github.mikephil.charting.formatter.IValueFormatter)1