use of com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Transformer in project MPAndroidChart by PhilJay.
the class ScatterChartRenderer method drawDataSet.
protected void drawDataSet(Canvas c, IScatterDataSet dataSet) {
ViewPortHandler viewPortHandler = mViewPortHandler;
Transformer trans = mChart.getTransformer(dataSet.getAxisDependency());
float phaseY = mAnimator.getPhaseY();
IShapeRenderer renderer = dataSet.getShapeRenderer();
if (renderer == null) {
Log.i("MISSING", "There's no IShapeRenderer specified for ScatterDataSet");
int max = (int) (Math.min(Math.ceil((float) dataSet.getEntryCount() * mAnimator.getPhaseX()), (float) dataSet.getEntryCount()));
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
Entry e = dataSet.getEntryForIndex(i);
mPixelBuffer[0] = e.getX();
mPixelBuffer[1] = e.getY() * phaseY;
if (!viewPortHandler.isInBoundsRight(mPixelBuffer[0]))
if (!viewPortHandler.isInBoundsLeft(mPixelBuffer[0]) || !viewPortHandler.isInBoundsY(mPixelBuffer[1]))
mRenderPaint.setColor(dataSet.getColor(i / 2));
renderer.renderShape(c, dataSet, mViewPortHandler, mPixelBuffer[0], mPixelBuffer[1], mRenderPaint);
use of com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Transformer in project MPAndroidChart by PhilJay.
the class LineChartRenderer method drawHorizontalBezier.
protected void drawHorizontalBezier(ILineDataSet dataSet) {
float phaseY = mAnimator.getPhaseY();
Transformer trans = mChart.getTransformer(dataSet.getAxisDependency());
mXBounds.set(mChart, dataSet);
if (mXBounds.range >= 1) {
Entry prev = dataSet.getEntryForIndex(mXBounds.min);
Entry cur = prev;
// let the spline start
cubicPath.moveTo(cur.getX(), cur.getY() * phaseY);
for (int j = mXBounds.min + 1; j <= mXBounds.range + mXBounds.min; j++) {
prev = cur;
cur = dataSet.getEntryForIndex(j);
final float cpx = (prev.getX()) + (cur.getX() - prev.getX()) / 2.0f;
cubicPath.cubicTo(cpx, prev.getY() * phaseY, cpx, cur.getY() * phaseY, cur.getX(), cur.getY() * phaseY);
// if filled is enabled, close the path
if (dataSet.isDrawFilledEnabled()) {
// create a new path, this is bad for performance
drawCubicFill(mBitmapCanvas, dataSet, cubicFillPath, trans, mXBounds);
mBitmapCanvas.drawPath(cubicPath, mRenderPaint);
use of com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Transformer in project MPAndroidChart by PhilJay.
the class LineChartRenderer method drawValues.
public void drawValues(Canvas c) {
if (isDrawingValuesAllowed(mChart)) {
List<ILineDataSet> dataSets = mChart.getLineData().getDataSets();
for (int i = 0; i < dataSets.size(); i++) {
ILineDataSet dataSet = dataSets.get(i);
if (!shouldDrawValues(dataSet))
// apply the text-styling defined by the DataSet
Transformer trans = mChart.getTransformer(dataSet.getAxisDependency());
// make sure the values do not interfear with the circles
int valOffset = (int) (dataSet.getCircleRadius() * 1.75f);
if (!dataSet.isDrawCirclesEnabled())
valOffset = valOffset / 2;
mXBounds.set(mChart, dataSet);
float[] positions = trans.generateTransformedValuesLine(dataSet, mAnimator.getPhaseX(), mAnimator.getPhaseY(), mXBounds.min, mXBounds.max);
MPPointF iconsOffset = MPPointF.getInstance(dataSet.getIconsOffset());
iconsOffset.x = Utils.convertDpToPixel(iconsOffset.x);
iconsOffset.y = Utils.convertDpToPixel(iconsOffset.y);
for (int j = 0; j < positions.length; j += 2) {
float x = positions[j];
float y = positions[j + 1];
if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsRight(x))
if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsLeft(x) || !mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsY(y))
Entry entry = dataSet.getEntryForIndex(j / 2 + mXBounds.min);
if (dataSet.isDrawValuesEnabled()) {
drawValue(c, dataSet.getValueFormatter(), entry.getY(), entry, i, x, y - valOffset, dataSet.getValueTextColor(j / 2));
if (entry.getIcon() != null && dataSet.isDrawIconsEnabled()) {
Drawable icon = entry.getIcon();
Utils.drawImage(c, icon, (int) (x + iconsOffset.x), (int) (y + iconsOffset.y), icon.getIntrinsicWidth(), icon.getIntrinsicHeight());
use of com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Transformer in project MPAndroidChart by PhilJay.
the class LineChartRenderer method drawLinear.
* Draws a normal line.
* @param c
* @param dataSet
protected void drawLinear(Canvas c, ILineDataSet dataSet) {
int entryCount = dataSet.getEntryCount();
final boolean isDrawSteppedEnabled = dataSet.isDrawSteppedEnabled();
final int pointsPerEntryPair = isDrawSteppedEnabled ? 4 : 2;
Transformer trans = mChart.getTransformer(dataSet.getAxisDependency());
float phaseY = mAnimator.getPhaseY();
Canvas canvas = null;
// if the data-set is dashed, draw on bitmap-canvas
if (dataSet.isDashedLineEnabled()) {
canvas = mBitmapCanvas;
} else {
canvas = c;
mXBounds.set(mChart, dataSet);
// if drawing filled is enabled
if (dataSet.isDrawFilledEnabled() && entryCount > 0) {
drawLinearFill(c, dataSet, trans, mXBounds);
// more than 1 color
if (dataSet.getColors().size() > 1) {
if (mLineBuffer.length <= pointsPerEntryPair * 2)
mLineBuffer = new float[pointsPerEntryPair * 4];
for (int j = mXBounds.min; j <= mXBounds.range + mXBounds.min; j++) {
Entry e = dataSet.getEntryForIndex(j);
if (e == null)
mLineBuffer[0] = e.getX();
mLineBuffer[1] = e.getY() * phaseY;
if (j < mXBounds.max) {
e = dataSet.getEntryForIndex(j + 1);
if (e == null)
if (isDrawSteppedEnabled) {
mLineBuffer[2] = e.getX();
mLineBuffer[3] = mLineBuffer[1];
mLineBuffer[4] = mLineBuffer[2];
mLineBuffer[5] = mLineBuffer[3];
mLineBuffer[6] = e.getX();
mLineBuffer[7] = e.getY() * phaseY;
} else {
mLineBuffer[2] = e.getX();
mLineBuffer[3] = e.getY() * phaseY;
} else {
mLineBuffer[2] = mLineBuffer[0];
mLineBuffer[3] = mLineBuffer[1];
if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsRight(mLineBuffer[0]))
// bounds
if (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsLeft(mLineBuffer[2]) || (!mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsTop(mLineBuffer[1]) && !mViewPortHandler.isInBoundsBottom(mLineBuffer[3])))
// get the color that is set for this line-segment
canvas.drawLines(mLineBuffer, 0, pointsPerEntryPair * 2, mRenderPaint);
} else {
if (mLineBuffer.length < Math.max((entryCount) * pointsPerEntryPair, pointsPerEntryPair) * 2)
mLineBuffer = new float[Math.max((entryCount) * pointsPerEntryPair, pointsPerEntryPair) * 4];
Entry e1, e2;
e1 = dataSet.getEntryForIndex(mXBounds.min);
if (e1 != null) {
int j = 0;
for (int x = mXBounds.min; x <= mXBounds.range + mXBounds.min; x++) {
e1 = dataSet.getEntryForIndex(x == 0 ? 0 : (x - 1));
e2 = dataSet.getEntryForIndex(x);
if (e1 == null || e2 == null)
mLineBuffer[j++] = e1.getX();
mLineBuffer[j++] = e1.getY() * phaseY;
if (isDrawSteppedEnabled) {
mLineBuffer[j++] = e2.getX();
mLineBuffer[j++] = e1.getY() * phaseY;
mLineBuffer[j++] = e2.getX();
mLineBuffer[j++] = e1.getY() * phaseY;
mLineBuffer[j++] = e2.getX();
mLineBuffer[j++] = e2.getY() * phaseY;
if (j > 0) {
final int size = Math.max((mXBounds.range + 1) * pointsPerEntryPair, pointsPerEntryPair) * 2;
canvas.drawLines(mLineBuffer, 0, size, mRenderPaint);
use of com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Transformer in project MPAndroidChart by PhilJay.
the class LineChartRenderer method drawCubicBezier.
protected void drawCubicBezier(ILineDataSet dataSet) {
float phaseX = Math.max(0.f, Math.min(1.f, mAnimator.getPhaseX()));
float phaseY = mAnimator.getPhaseY();
Transformer trans = mChart.getTransformer(dataSet.getAxisDependency());
mXBounds.set(mChart, dataSet);
float intensity = dataSet.getCubicIntensity();
if (mXBounds.range >= 1) {
float prevDx = 0f;
float prevDy = 0f;
float curDx = 0f;
float curDy = 0f;
// Take an extra point from the left, and an extra from the right.
// That's because we need 4 points for a cubic bezier (cubic=4), otherwise we get lines moving and doing weird stuff on the edges of the chart.
// So in the starting `prev` and `cur`, go -2, -1
// And in the `lastIndex`, add +1
final int firstIndex = mXBounds.min + 1;
final int lastIndex = mXBounds.min + mXBounds.range;
Entry prevPrev;
Entry prev = dataSet.getEntryForIndex(Math.max(firstIndex - 2, 0));
Entry cur = dataSet.getEntryForIndex(Math.max(firstIndex - 1, 0));
Entry next = cur;
int nextIndex = -1;
if (cur == null)
// let the spline start
cubicPath.moveTo(cur.getX(), cur.getY() * phaseY);
for (int j = mXBounds.min + 1; j <= mXBounds.range + mXBounds.min; j++) {
prevPrev = prev;
prev = cur;
cur = nextIndex == j ? next : dataSet.getEntryForIndex(j);
nextIndex = j + 1 < dataSet.getEntryCount() ? j + 1 : j;
next = dataSet.getEntryForIndex(nextIndex);
prevDx = (cur.getX() - prevPrev.getX()) * intensity;
prevDy = (cur.getY() - prevPrev.getY()) * intensity;
curDx = (next.getX() - prev.getX()) * intensity;
curDy = (next.getY() - prev.getY()) * intensity;
cubicPath.cubicTo(prev.getX() + prevDx, (prev.getY() + prevDy) * phaseY, cur.getX() - curDx, (cur.getY() - curDy) * phaseY, cur.getX(), cur.getY() * phaseY);
// if filled is enabled, close the path
if (dataSet.isDrawFilledEnabled()) {
drawCubicFill(mBitmapCanvas, dataSet, cubicFillPath, trans, mXBounds);
mBitmapCanvas.drawPath(cubicPath, mRenderPaint);