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the class MediaCodecAudioRenderer method supportsFormat.
protected int supportsFormat(MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector, Format format) throws DecoderQueryException {
if (!MimeTypes.isAudio(format.sampleMimeType)) {
return RendererCapabilities.create(C.FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE);
@TunnelingSupport int tunnelingSupport = Util.SDK_INT >= 21 ? TUNNELING_SUPPORTED : TUNNELING_NOT_SUPPORTED;
boolean formatHasDrm = format.cryptoType != C.CRYPTO_TYPE_NONE;
boolean supportsFormatDrm = supportsFormatDrm(format);
// Else we don't don't need a decoder at all.
if (supportsFormatDrm && audioSink.supportsFormat(format) && (!formatHasDrm || MediaCodecUtil.getDecryptOnlyDecoderInfo() != null)) {
return RendererCapabilities.create(C.FORMAT_HANDLED, ADAPTIVE_NOT_SEAMLESS, tunnelingSupport);
// the input format directly.
if (MimeTypes.AUDIO_RAW.equals(format.sampleMimeType) && !audioSink.supportsFormat(format)) {
return RendererCapabilities.create(C.FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_SUBTYPE);
// For all other input formats, we expect the decoder to output 16-bit PCM.
if (!audioSink.supportsFormat(Util.getPcmFormat(C.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, format.channelCount, format.sampleRate))) {
return RendererCapabilities.create(C.FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_SUBTYPE);
List<MediaCodecInfo> decoderInfos = getDecoderInfos(mediaCodecSelector, format, /* requiresSecureDecoder= */
false, audioSink);
if (decoderInfos.isEmpty()) {
return RendererCapabilities.create(C.FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_SUBTYPE);
if (!supportsFormatDrm) {
return RendererCapabilities.create(C.FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_DRM);
// Check whether the first decoder supports the format. This is the preferred decoder for the
// format's MIME type, according to the MediaCodecSelector.
MediaCodecInfo decoderInfo = decoderInfos.get(0);
boolean isFormatSupported = decoderInfo.isFormatSupported(format);
boolean isPreferredDecoder = true;
if (!isFormatSupported) {
// Check whether any of the other decoders support the format.
for (int i = 1; i < decoderInfos.size(); i++) {
MediaCodecInfo otherDecoderInfo = decoderInfos.get(i);
if (otherDecoderInfo.isFormatSupported(format)) {
decoderInfo = otherDecoderInfo;
isFormatSupported = true;
isPreferredDecoder = false;
@C.FormatSupport int formatSupport = isFormatSupported ? C.FORMAT_HANDLED : C.FORMAT_EXCEEDS_CAPABILITIES;
@AdaptiveSupport int adaptiveSupport = isFormatSupported && decoderInfo.isSeamlessAdaptationSupported(format) ? ADAPTIVE_SEAMLESS : ADAPTIVE_NOT_SEAMLESS;
@HardwareAccelerationSupport int hardwareAccelerationSupport = decoderInfo.hardwareAccelerated ? HARDWARE_ACCELERATION_SUPPORTED : HARDWARE_ACCELERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED;
@DecoderSupport int decoderSupport = isPreferredDecoder ? DECODER_SUPPORT_PRIMARY : DECODER_SUPPORT_FALLBACK;
return RendererCapabilities.create(formatSupport, adaptiveSupport, tunnelingSupport, hardwareAccelerationSupport, decoderSupport);
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the class DefaultRenderersFactory method createRenderers.
public Renderer[] createRenderers(Handler eventHandler, VideoRendererEventListener videoRendererEventListener, AudioRendererEventListener audioRendererEventListener, TextOutput textRendererOutput, MetadataOutput metadataRendererOutput) {
ArrayList<Renderer> renderersList = new ArrayList<>();
buildVideoRenderers(context, extensionRendererMode, mediaCodecSelector, enableDecoderFallback, eventHandler, videoRendererEventListener, allowedVideoJoiningTimeMs, renderersList);
@Nullable AudioSink audioSink = buildAudioSink(context, enableFloatOutput, enableAudioTrackPlaybackParams, enableOffload);
if (audioSink != null) {
buildAudioRenderers(context, extensionRendererMode, mediaCodecSelector, enableDecoderFallback, audioSink, eventHandler, audioRendererEventListener, renderersList);
buildTextRenderers(context, textRendererOutput, eventHandler.getLooper(), extensionRendererMode, renderersList);
buildMetadataRenderers(context, metadataRendererOutput, eventHandler.getLooper(), extensionRendererMode, renderersList);
buildCameraMotionRenderers(context, extensionRendererMode, renderersList);
buildMiscellaneousRenderers(context, eventHandler, extensionRendererMode, renderersList);
return renderersList.toArray(new Renderer[0]);
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the class LibflacAudioRenderer method supportsFormatInternal.
protected int supportsFormatInternal(Format format) {
if (!FlacLibrary.isAvailable() || !MimeTypes.AUDIO_FLAC.equalsIgnoreCase(format.sampleMimeType)) {
// Compute the format that the FLAC decoder will output.
Format outputFormat;
if (format.initializationData.isEmpty()) {
// The initialization data might not be set if the format was obtained from a manifest (e.g.
// for DASH playbacks) rather than directly from the media. In this case we assume
// ENCODING_PCM_16BIT. If the actual encoding is different then playback will still succeed as
// long as the AudioSink supports it, which will always be true when using DefaultAudioSink.
outputFormat = Util.getPcmFormat(C.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, format.channelCount, format.sampleRate);
} else {
FlacStreamMetadata streamMetadata = new FlacStreamMetadata(format.initializationData.get(0), streamMetadataOffset);
outputFormat = getOutputFormat(streamMetadata);
if (!sinkSupportsFormat(outputFormat)) {
} else if (format.cryptoType != C.CRYPTO_TYPE_NONE) {
} else {
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the class FlacPlaybackTest method playAndAssertAudioSinkInput.
private static void playAndAssertAudioSinkInput(String fileName) throws Exception {
CapturingAudioSink audioSink = new CapturingAudioSink(new DefaultAudioSink.Builder().build());
TestPlaybackRunnable testPlaybackRunnable = new TestPlaybackRunnable(Uri.parse("asset:///media/" + fileName), ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext(), audioSink);
Thread thread = new Thread(testPlaybackRunnable);
if (testPlaybackRunnable.playbackException != null) {
throw testPlaybackRunnable.playbackException;
DumpFileAsserts.assertOutput(ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext(), audioSink, "audiosinkdumps/" + fileName + ".audiosink.dump");
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class MediaCodecAudioRenderer method getDecoderInfos.
* Returns a list of decoders that can decode media in the specified format, in the priority order
* specified by the {@link MediaCodecSelector}. Note that since the {@link MediaCodecSelector}
* only has access to {@link Format#sampleMimeType}, the list is not ordered to account for
* whether each decoder supports the details of the format (e.g., taking into account the format's
* profile, level, channel count and so on). {@link
* MediaCodecUtil#getDecoderInfosSortedByFormatSupport} can be used to further sort the list into
* an order where decoders that fully support the format come first.
* @param mediaCodecSelector The decoder selector.
* @param format The {@link Format} for which a decoder is required.
* @param requiresSecureDecoder Whether a secure decoder is required.
* @param audioSink The {@link AudioSink} to which audio will be output.
* @return A list of {@link MediaCodecInfo}s corresponding to decoders. May be empty.
* @throws DecoderQueryException Thrown if there was an error querying decoders.
private static List<MediaCodecInfo> getDecoderInfos(MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector, Format format, boolean requiresSecureDecoder, AudioSink audioSink) throws DecoderQueryException {
@Nullable String mimeType = format.sampleMimeType;
if (mimeType == null) {
return ImmutableList.of();
if (audioSink.supportsFormat(format)) {
// The format is supported directly, so a codec is only needed for decryption.
@Nullable MediaCodecInfo codecInfo = MediaCodecUtil.getDecryptOnlyDecoderInfo();
if (codecInfo != null) {
return ImmutableList.of(codecInfo);
List<MediaCodecInfo> decoderInfos = mediaCodecSelector.getDecoderInfos(mimeType, requiresSecureDecoder, /* requiresTunnelingDecoder= */
@Nullable String alternativeMimeType = MediaCodecUtil.getAlternativeCodecMimeType(format);
if (alternativeMimeType == null) {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(decoderInfos);
List<MediaCodecInfo> alternativeDecoderInfos = mediaCodecSelector.getDecoderInfos(alternativeMimeType, requiresSecureDecoder, /* requiresTunnelingDecoder= */
return ImmutableList.<MediaCodecInfo>builder().addAll(decoderInfos).addAll(alternativeDecoderInfos).build();