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Example 1 with Sleeper

use of in project beam by apache.

the class BigQueryTableRowIterator method executeWithBackOff.

// Execute a BQ request with exponential backoff and return the result.
// client - BQ request to be executed
// error - Formatted message to log if when a request fails. Takes exception message as a
// formatter parameter.
private static <T> T executeWithBackOff(AbstractGoogleClientRequest<T> client, String error) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    Sleeper sleeper = Sleeper.DEFAULT;
    BackOff backOff = BackOffAdapter.toGcpBackOff(FluentBackoff.DEFAULT.withMaxRetries(MAX_RETRIES).withInitialBackoff(INITIAL_BACKOFF_TIME).backoff());
    T result = null;
    while (true) {
        try {
            result = client.execute();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("{}", error, e);
            if (!, backOff)) {
                String errorMessage = String.format("%s Failing to execute job after %d attempts.", error, MAX_RETRIES + 1);
                LOG.error("{}", errorMessage, e);
                throw new IOException(errorMessage, e);
    return result;
Also used : Sleeper( IOException( BackOff(

Example 2 with Sleeper

use of in project beam by apache.

the class FakeJobService method pollJob.

public Job pollJob(JobReference jobRef, int maxAttempts) throws InterruptedException {
    BackOff backoff = BackOffAdapter.toGcpBackOff(FluentBackoff.DEFAULT.withMaxRetries(maxAttempts).withInitialBackoff(Duration.millis(10)).withMaxBackoff(Duration.standardSeconds(1)).backoff());
    Sleeper sleeper = Sleeper.DEFAULT;
    try {
        do {
            Job job = getJob(jobRef);
            if (job != null) {
                JobStatus status = job.getStatus();
                if (status != null && status.getState() != null && (status.getState().equals("DONE") || status.getState().equals("FAILED"))) {
                    return job;
        } while (, backoff));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;
    return null;
Also used : JobStatus( Sleeper( IOException( Job( BackOff(

Example 3 with Sleeper

use of in project beam by apache.

the class BigQueryServicesImplTest method testStartLoadJobRetry.

   * Tests that {@link BigQueryServicesImpl.JobServiceImpl#startLoadJob} succeeds with a retry.
public void testStartLoadJobRetry() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    Job testJob = new Job();
    JobReference jobRef = new JobReference();
    // First response is 403 rate limited, second response has valid payload.
    when(response.getContent()).thenReturn(toStream(errorWithReasonAndStatus("rateLimitExceeded", 403))).thenReturn(toStream(testJob));
    Sleeper sleeper = new FastNanoClockAndSleeper();
    JobServiceImpl.startJob(testJob, new ApiErrorExtractor(), bigquery, sleeper, BackOffAdapter.toGcpBackOff(FluentBackoff.DEFAULT.backoff()));
    verify(response, times(2)).getStatusCode();
    verify(response, times(2)).getContent();
    verify(response, times(2)).getContentType();
Also used : JobReference( FastNanoClockAndSleeper(org.apache.beam.sdk.util.FastNanoClockAndSleeper) MockSleeper( FastNanoClockAndSleeper(org.apache.beam.sdk.util.FastNanoClockAndSleeper) Sleeper( Job( ApiErrorExtractor( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with Sleeper

use of in project beam by apache.

the class BigQueryServicesImplTest method testStartLoadJobSucceeds.

   * Tests that {@link BigQueryServicesImpl.JobServiceImpl#startLoadJob} succeeds.
public void testStartLoadJobSucceeds() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    Job testJob = new Job();
    JobReference jobRef = new JobReference();
    Sleeper sleeper = new FastNanoClockAndSleeper();
    JobServiceImpl.startJob(testJob, new ApiErrorExtractor(), bigquery, sleeper, BackOffAdapter.toGcpBackOff(FluentBackoff.DEFAULT.backoff()));
    verify(response, times(1)).getStatusCode();
    verify(response, times(1)).getContent();
    verify(response, times(1)).getContentType();
    expectedLogs.verifyInfo(String.format("Started BigQuery job: %s", jobRef));
Also used : JobReference( FastNanoClockAndSleeper(org.apache.beam.sdk.util.FastNanoClockAndSleeper) MockSleeper( FastNanoClockAndSleeper(org.apache.beam.sdk.util.FastNanoClockAndSleeper) Sleeper( Job( ApiErrorExtractor( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with Sleeper

use of in project beam by apache.

the class DataflowPipelineJobTest method testWaitUntilFinishNoRepeatedLogs.

   * Tests that a {@link DataflowPipelineJob} does not duplicate messages.
public void testWaitUntilFinishNoRepeatedLogs() throws Exception {
    DataflowPipelineJob job = new DataflowPipelineJob(mockDataflowClient, JOB_ID, options, null);
    Sleeper sleeper = new ZeroSleeper();
    NanoClock nanoClock = mock(NanoClock.class);
    Instant separatingTimestamp = new Instant(42L);
    JobMessage theMessage = infoMessage(separatingTimestamp, "nothing");
    MonitoringUtil mockMonitor = mock(MonitoringUtil.class);
    when(mockMonitor.getJobMessages(anyString(), anyLong())).thenReturn(ImmutableList.of(theMessage));
    // The Job just always reports "running" across all calls
    Job fakeJob = new Job();
    // After waitUntilFinish the DataflowPipelineJob should record the latest message timestamp
    job.waitUntilFinish(Duration.standardSeconds(1), mockHandler, sleeper, nanoClock, mockMonitor);
    // Second waitUntilFinish should request jobs with `separatingTimestamp` so the monitor
    // will only return new messages
    job.waitUntilFinish(Duration.standardSeconds(1), mockHandler, sleeper, nanoClock, mockMonitor);
    verify(mockMonitor).getJobMessages(anyString(), eq(separatingTimestamp.getMillis()));
Also used : MonitoringUtil(org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.util.MonitoringUtil) Instant(org.joda.time.Instant) JobMessage( FastNanoClockAndSleeper(org.apache.beam.sdk.util.FastNanoClockAndSleeper) Sleeper( NanoClock( Job( Test(org.junit.Test)


Sleeper ( Job ( FastNanoClockAndSleeper (org.apache.beam.sdk.util.FastNanoClockAndSleeper)4 Test (org.junit.Test)4 MockSleeper ( JobReference ( ApiErrorExtractor ( BackOff ( IOException ( HttpTransport ( MockHttpTransport ( NanoClock ( JobStatus ( Job ( JobMessage ( Storage ( MonitoringUtil (org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.util.MonitoringUtil)1 Instant (org.joda.time.Instant)1 Before (org.junit.Before)1 Matchers.anyString (org.mockito.Matchers.anyString)1