use of in project java-docs-samples by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class DatasetSetIamPolicy method datasetSetIamPolicy.
public static void datasetSetIamPolicy(String datasetName) throws IOException {
// String datasetName =
// String.format(DATASET_NAME, "your-project-id", "your-region-id", "your-dataset-id");
// Initialize the client, which will be used to interact with the service.
CloudHealthcare client = createClient();
// Configure the IAMPolicy to apply to the dataset.
// For more information on understanding IAM roles, see the following:
Binding binding = new Binding().setRole("roles/healthcare.datasetViewer").setMembers(Arrays.asList(""));
Policy policy = new Policy().setBindings(Arrays.asList(binding));
SetIamPolicyRequest policyRequest = new SetIamPolicyRequest().setPolicy(policy);
// Create request and configure any parameters.
Datasets.SetIamPolicy request = client.projects().locations().datasets().setIamPolicy(datasetName, policyRequest);
// Execute the request and process the results.
Policy updatedPolicy = request.execute();
System.out.println("Dataset policy has been updated: " + updatedPolicy.toPrettyString());
use of in project java-docs-samples by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class FhirStoreGetIamPolicy method fhirStoreGetIamPolicy.
public static void fhirStoreGetIamPolicy(String fhirStoreName) throws IOException {
// String fhirStoreName =
// String.format(
// FHIR_NAME, "your-project-id", "your-region-id", "your-dataset-id", "your-fhir-id");
// Initialize the client, which will be used to interact with the service.
CloudHealthcare client = createClient();
// Create request and configure any parameters.
FhirStores.GetIamPolicy request = client.projects().locations().datasets().fhirStores().getIamPolicy(fhirStoreName);
// Execute the request and process the results.
Policy policy = request.execute();
System.out.println("FHIR store IAMPolicy retrieved: \n" + policy.toPrettyString());
use of in project java-docs-samples by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class DicomStoreSetIamPolicy method dicomStoreSetIamPolicy.
public static void dicomStoreSetIamPolicy(String dicomStoreName) throws IOException {
// String dicomStoreName =
// String.format(
// DICOM_NAME, "your-project-id", "your-region-id", "your-dataset-id", "your-dicom-id");
// Initialize the client, which will be used to interact with the service.
CloudHealthcare client = createClient();
// Configure the IAMPolicy to apply to the store.
// For more information on understanding IAM roles, see the following:
Binding binding = new Binding().setRole("roles/healthcare.dicomStoreAdmin").setMembers(Arrays.asList(""));
Policy policy = new Policy().setBindings(Arrays.asList(binding));
SetIamPolicyRequest policyRequest = new SetIamPolicyRequest().setPolicy(policy);
// Create request and configure any parameters.
DicomStores.SetIamPolicy request = client.projects().locations().datasets().dicomStores().setIamPolicy(dicomStoreName, policyRequest);
// Execute the request and process the results.
Policy updatedPolicy = request.execute();
System.out.println("DICOM policy has been updated: " + updatedPolicy.toPrettyString());
use of in project java-docs-samples by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class SetPolicy method setPolicy.
// Sets a project's policy.
public static void setPolicy(Policy policy, String projectId) {
// policy = service.Projects.GetIAmPolicy(new GetIamPolicyRequest(), your-project-id).Execute();
// projectId = "my-project-id"
CloudResourceManager service = null;
try {
service = createCloudResourceManagerService();
} catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) {
System.out.println("Unable to initialize service: \n" + e.toString());
try {
SetIamPolicyRequest request = new SetIamPolicyRequest();
Policy response = service.projects().setIamPolicy(projectId, request).execute();
System.out.println("Policy set: " + response.toString());
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Unable to set policy: \n" + e.toString());
use of in project java-docs-samples by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class AccessTests method beforeTest.
public void beforeTest() {
bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
System.setOut(new PrintStream(bout));
policyMock = new Policy();
List<String> members = new ArrayList<String>();
Binding binding = new Binding();
List<Binding> bindings = new ArrayList<Binding>();