use of in project terra-workspace-manager by DataBiosphere.
the class GrantPetUsagePermissionStep method doStep.
public StepResult doStep(FlightContext context) throws InterruptedException, RetryException {
String userEmail = SamRethrow.onInterrupted(() -> samService.getUserEmailFromSam(userRequest), "enablePet");
Policy modifiedPolicy;
try {
modifiedPolicy = petSaService.enablePetServiceAccountImpersonation(workspaceUuid, userEmail, userRequest);
} catch (ConflictException e) {
// There was a conflict enabling the service account. Request retry.
return new StepResult(StepStatus.STEP_RESULT_FAILURE_RETRY, e);
// Store the eTag value of the modified policy in case this step needs to be undone.
FlightMap workingMap = context.getWorkingMap();
workingMap.put(PetSaKeys.MODIFIED_PET_SA_POLICY_ETAG, modifiedPolicy.getEtag());
return StepResult.getStepResultSuccess();
use of in project terra-workspace-manager by DataBiosphere.
the class NotebookCloudSyncStep method doStep.
public StepResult doStep(FlightContext flightContext) throws InterruptedException, RetryException {
FlightMap workingMap = flightContext.getWorkingMap();
FlightUtils.validateRequiredEntries(workingMap, ControlledResourceKeys.GCP_CLOUD_CONTEXT);
GcpCloudContext cloudContext = workingMap.get(ControlledResourceKeys.GCP_CLOUD_CONTEXT, GcpCloudContext.class);
List<Binding> newBindings = createBindings(cloudContext, flightContext.getWorkingMap());
AIPlatformNotebooksCow notebooks = crlService.getAIPlatformNotebooksCow();
InstanceName instanceName = resource.toInstanceName(cloudContext.getGcpProjectId());
try {
Policy policy = notebooks.instances().getIamPolicy(instanceName).execute();
// Duplicating bindings is harmless (e.g. on retry). GCP de-duplicates.
notebooks.instances().setIamPolicy(instanceName, new SetIamPolicyRequest().setPolicy(policy)).execute();
} catch (IOException e) {
return new StepResult(StepStatus.STEP_RESULT_FAILURE_RETRY, e);
return StepResult.getStepResultSuccess();
use of in project terra-workspace-manager by DataBiosphere.
the class CreateGcpContextFlightV2Test method assertPolicyGroupsSynced.
* Asserts that Sam groups are granted their appropriate IAM roles on a GCP project.
private void assertPolicyGroupsSynced(UUID workspaceUuid, Project project) throws Exception {
Map<WsmIamRole, String> roleToSamGroup =, role -> "group:" + SamRethrow.onInterrupted(() -> mockSamService.syncWorkspacePolicy(workspaceUuid, role, userAccessUtils.defaultUserAuthRequest()), "syncWorkspacePolicy")));
Policy currentPolicy = crl.getCloudResourceManagerCow().projects().getIamPolicy(project.getProjectId(), new GetIamPolicyRequest()).execute();
for (WsmIamRole role : WsmIamRole.values()) {
// Don't check MANAGER role, which isn't synced to GCP.
if (role.equals(WsmIamRole.MANAGER)) {
assertRoleBindingInPolicy(role, roleToSamGroup.get(role), currentPolicy, project.getProjectId());
use of in project terra-workspace-manager by DataBiosphere.
the class PetSaService method enablePetServiceAccountImpersonationWithEtag.
* Grant a user's proxy group permission to impersonate their pet service account in a given
* workspace. Unlike other operations, this does not run as a flight because it only requires one
* write operation. If the user's pet SA does not exist, this will create it. This operation is
* idempotent.
* <p>The provided workspace must have a GCP context.
* <p>This method does not authenticate that the user should have access to impersonate their pet
* SA, callers should validate this first.
* <p>userToEnableEmail is separate from token because of RevokePetUsagePermissionStep.undoStep().
* If User A removes B from workspace, userToEnableEmail is B and token is from A's userRequest.
* @param workspaceUuid ID of the workspace to enable pet SA in
* @param userToEnableEmail The user whose proxy group will be granted permission.
* @param userReq Auth info for calling SAM. Do not use userReq.getEmail() here; it will return
* the caller's email, but there's no guarantee whether that will be an end-user email or a
* pet SA email.
* @param eTag GCP eTag which must match the pet SA's current policy. If null, this is ignored.
* @return The new IAM policy on the user's pet service account, or empty if the eTag value
* provided is non-null and does not match current IAM policy on the pet SA.
public Optional<Policy> enablePetServiceAccountImpersonationWithEtag(UUID workspaceUuid, String userToEnableEmail, AuthenticatedUserRequest userReq, @Nullable String eTag) {
String projectId = gcpCloudContextService.getRequiredGcpProject(workspaceUuid);
Optional<ServiceAccountName> maybePetSaName = getUserPetSa(projectId, userToEnableEmail, userReq);
// If the pet SA does not exist and no eTag is specified, create the pet SA and continue.
if (maybePetSaName.isEmpty()) {
if (eTag == null) {
String saEmail = SamRethrow.onInterrupted(() -> samService.getOrCreatePetSaEmail(gcpCloudContextService.getRequiredGcpProject(workspaceUuid), userReq.getRequiredToken()), "enablePet");
maybePetSaName = Optional.of(ServiceAccountName.builder().projectId(projectId).email(saEmail).build());
} else {
// so return empty optional.
return Optional.empty();
// Pet name is populated above, so it's always safe to unwrap here.
ServiceAccountName petSaName = maybePetSaName.get();
String proxyGroupEmail = SamRethrow.onInterrupted(() -> samService.getProxyGroupEmail(userToEnableEmail, userReq.getRequiredToken()), "enablePet");
String targetMember = "group:" + proxyGroupEmail;
try {
Policy saPolicy = crlService.getIamCow().projects().serviceAccounts().getIamPolicy(petSaName).execute();
// clobbering other changes.
if (eTag != null && !saPolicy.getEtag().equals(eTag)) {
logger.warn("GCP IAM policy eTag did not match expected value when granting pet SA access for user {} in workspace {}. This is normal for Step retries.", userToEnableEmail, workspaceUuid);
return Optional.empty();
// See if the user is already on the policy. If so, return the policy. This avoids
// calls to set the IAM policy that have a rate limit.
Optional<Binding> serviceAccountUserBinding = findServiceAccountUserBinding(saPolicy);
if (serviceAccountUserBinding.isPresent() && serviceAccountUserBinding.get().getMembers().contains(targetMember)) {"user {} is already enabled on petSA {}", userToEnableEmail,;
return Optional.of(saPolicy);
} else if (serviceAccountUserBinding.isPresent()) {
// If a binding exists for the ServiceAccountUser role but the proxy group is not a member,
// add it.
} else {
// Otherwise, create the ServiceAccountUser role binding.
Binding newBinding = new Binding().setRole(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_USER_ROLE).setMembers(ImmutableList.of(targetMember));
// If no bindings exist, getBindings() returns null instead of an empty list.
if (saPolicy.getBindings() != null) {
} else {
List<Binding> bindingList = new ArrayList<>();
SetIamPolicyRequest request = new SetIamPolicyRequest().setPolicy(saPolicy);
return Optional.of(crlService.getIamCow().projects().serviceAccounts().setIamPolicy(petSaName, request).execute());
} catch (IOException e) {
return handleProxyUpdateError(e, "enabling");
use of in project terra-workspace-manager by DataBiosphere.
the class PetSaService method disablePetServiceAccountImpersonationWithEtag.
* Revoke the permission to impersonate a pet service account granted by {@code
* enablePetServiceAccountImpersonation}. Unlike other operations, this does not run in a flight
* because it only requires one write operation. This operation is idempotent.
* <p>This method requires a user's pet service account email as input. As a transitive
* dependency, this also means the provided workspace must have a GCP context.
* <p>This method does not authenticate that the user should have access to impersonate their pet
* SA, callers should validate this first.
* @param workspaceUuid ID of the workspace to disable pet SA in
* @param userToDisableEmail The user losing access to pet SA
* @param userRequest This request's token will be used to authenticate SAM requests
* @param eTag GCP eTag which must match the pet SA's current policy. If null, this is ignored.
public Optional<Policy> disablePetServiceAccountImpersonationWithEtag(UUID workspaceUuid, String userToDisableEmail, AuthenticatedUserRequest userRequest, @Nullable String eTag) {
String proxyGroupEmail = SamRethrow.onInterrupted(() -> samService.getProxyGroupEmail(userToDisableEmail, userRequest.getRequiredToken()), "disablePet");
String targetMember = "group:" + proxyGroupEmail;
String projectId = gcpCloudContextService.getRequiredGcpProject(workspaceUuid);
try {
Optional<ServiceAccountName> userToDisablePetSA = getUserPetSa(projectId, userToDisableEmail, userRequest);
if (userToDisablePetSA.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
Policy saPolicy = crlService.getIamCow().projects().serviceAccounts().getIamPolicy(userToDisablePetSA.get()).execute();
// clobbering other changes.
if (eTag != null && !saPolicy.getEtag().equals(eTag)) {
logger.warn("GCP IAM policy eTag did not match expected value when revoking pet SA access for user {} in workspace {}. This is normal for Step retries.", userToDisableEmail, workspaceUuid);
return Optional.empty();
// If the member is already not on the policy, we are done
// This handles the case where there are no bindings at all, so we don't
// need to worry about null binding later in the logic.
Optional<Binding> bindingToModify = findServiceAccountUserBinding(saPolicy);
if (bindingToModify.isEmpty() || !bindingToModify.get().getMembers().contains(targetMember)) {
return Optional.empty();
SetIamPolicyRequest request = new SetIamPolicyRequest().setPolicy(saPolicy);
return Optional.of(crlService.getIamCow().projects().serviceAccounts().setIamPolicy(userToDisablePetSA.get(), request).execute());
} catch (IOException e) {
return handleProxyUpdateError(e, "disabling");