use of in project toolkit by googleapis.
the class CommonGapicProvider method generateSnip.
private List<GeneratedResult> generateSnip(String snippetFileName) {
// Establish required stage for generation.
if (model.getDiagCollector().getErrorCount() > 0) {
return null;
// Run the generator for each service.
List<GeneratedResult> generated = new ArrayList<>();
for (ElementT element : view.getElementIterable(model)) {
GeneratedResult result = generator.generate(element, snippetFileName, context);
String subPath;
// where the element is an Iterable<> instead of a ProtoElement.
if (element instanceof ProtoElement) {
subPath = pathMapper.getOutputPath(((ProtoElement) element).getFullName(), context.getApiConfig());
} else {
subPath = pathMapper.getOutputPath(null, context.getApiConfig());
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(subPath)) {
subPath = subPath + "/" + result.getFilename();
} else {
subPath = result.getFilename();
GeneratedResult outputResult = GeneratedResult.create(result.getDoc(), subPath);
// Return result.
if (model.getDiagCollector().getErrorCount() > 0) {
return null;
return generated;
use of in project toolkit by googleapis.
the class PhpModelTypeNameConverter method getTypeNameString.
* This function determines the type name as follows: If the proto type name is in TYPE_NAME_MAP,
* return that value. Else, split on ".", prepend '\' and capitalize each component of the
* namespace except the message name
private static String getTypeNameString(ProtoElement elem) {
String fullName = elem.getFullName();
if (TYPE_NAME_MAP.containsKey(fullName)) {
return TYPE_NAME_MAP.get(fullName);
String[] components = fullName.split("\\.");
String shortName = components[components.length - 1];
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
ProtoElement parentElem = elem.getParent();
if (parentElem != null && parentElem instanceof ProtoFile) {
ProtoFile protoFile = (ProtoFile) parentElem;
String namespace = protoFile.getProto().getOptions().getPhpNamespace();
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(namespace)) {
for (int index = 0; index < components.length - 1; index++) {
builder.append('\\').append(components[index].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()).append(components[index].substring(1));
} else {
return builder.toString();
use of in project toolkit by googleapis.
the class CSharpModelTypeNameConverter method getTypeName.
public TypeName getTypeName(ProtoElement elem) {
// Handle nested types, construct the required type prefix
ProtoElement parentEl = elem.getParent();
String shortNamePrefix = "";
while (parentEl != null && parentEl instanceof MessageType) {
shortNamePrefix = parentEl.getSimpleName() + "+Types+" + shortNamePrefix;
parentEl = parentEl.getParent();
String prefix = "";
if (parentEl instanceof ProtoFile) {
ProtoFile protoFile = (ProtoFile) parentEl;
String namespace = protoFile.getProto().getOptions().getCsharpNamespace();
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(namespace)) {
for (String name : Splitter.on('.').split(parentEl.getFullName())) {
prefix += Name.from(name).toUpperCamelAndDigits() + ".";
} else {
prefix = namespace + ".";
String shortName = shortNamePrefix + elem.getSimpleName();
return new TypeName(prefix + shortName, shortName);
use of in project toolkit by googleapis.
the class PhpModelTypeNameConverter method getTypeName.
* This function recursively determines the PHP type name for a proto message. Recursion is
* required because in PHP nested messages are handled differently from non-nested messages. For
* example, the following proto definition: <code>
* package example;
* message Top {
* message Nested {
* message DeepNested {}
* }
* }
* </code> will generate these PHP types:
* <ul>
* <li>\Example\Top
* <li>\Example\Top_Nested
* <li>\Example\Top_Nested_DeepNested
* </ul>
* <p>To correctly output these type names, we need to check whether the parent of a proto element
* is a message, and if so use '_' as a separator.
private TypeName getTypeName(ProtoElement elem, int maxDepth) {
ProtoElement parent = elem.getParent();
if (parent != null && parent instanceof MessageType) {
MessageType parentMessage = (MessageType) parent;
if (parentMessage.isCyclic()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot determine type for cyclic message: " + parentMessage);
if (maxDepth == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot determine type for deeply nested message");
String parentFullName = getTypeName(parent, maxDepth - 1).getFullName();
String fullName = String.format("%s_%s", parentFullName, elem.getSimpleName());
String nickName = fullName.substring(fullName.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
return new TypeName(fullName, nickName);
return typeNameConverter.getTypeName(getTypeNameString(elem));