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Example 1 with FutureWrapper

use of in project appengine-gcs-client by GoogleCloudPlatform.

the class OauthRawGcsService method readObjectAsync.

 * Might not fill all of dst.
public Future<GcsFileMetadata> readObjectAsync(final ByteBuffer dst, final GcsFilename filename, long startOffsetBytes, long timeoutMillis) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(startOffsetBytes >= 0, "%s: offset must be non-negative: %s", this, startOffsetBytes);
    final int n = dst.remaining();
    Preconditions.checkArgument(n > 0, "%s: dst full: %s", this, dst);
    final int want = Math.min(READ_LIMIT_BYTES, n);
    final HTTPRequest req = makeRequest(filename, null, GET, timeoutMillis);
    req.setHeader(new HTTPHeader(RANGE, "bytes=" + startOffsetBytes + "-" + (startOffsetBytes + want - 1)));
    final HTTPRequestInfo info = new HTTPRequestInfo(req);
    return new FutureWrapper<HTTPResponse, GcsFileMetadata>(urlfetch.fetchAsync(req)) {

        protected GcsFileMetadata wrap(HTTPResponse resp) throws IOException {
            long totalLength;
            switch(resp.getResponseCode()) {
                case 200:
                    totalLength = getLengthFromHeader(resp, X_GOOG_CONTENT_LENGTH);
                case 206:
                    totalLength = getLengthFromContentRange(resp);
                case 404:
                    throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find: " + filename);
                case 416:
                    throw new BadRangeException("Requested Range not satisfiable; perhaps read past EOF? " + URLFetchUtils.describeRequestAndResponse(info, resp));
                    throw HttpErrorHandler.error(info, resp);
            byte[] content = resp.getContent();
            Preconditions.checkState(content.length <= want, "%s: got %s > wanted %s", this, content.length, want);
            return getMetadataFromResponse(filename, resp, totalLength);

        protected Throwable convertException(Throwable e) {
            return OauthRawGcsService.convertException(info, e);
Also used : HTTPRequest( HTTPResponse( FutureWrapper( FileNotFoundException( HTTPRequestInfo( BadRangeException( HTTPHeader(

Example 2 with FutureWrapper

use of in project appengine-gcs-client by GoogleCloudPlatform.

the class OauthRawGcsService method putAsync.

 * Same as {@link #put} but is runs asynchronously and returns a future. In the event of an error
 * the exception out of the future will be an ExecutionException with the cause set to the same
 * exception that would have been thrown by put.
private Future<RawGcsCreationToken> putAsync(final GcsRestCreationToken token, ByteBuffer chunk, final boolean isFinalChunk, long timeoutMillis) {
    final int length = chunk.remaining();
    HTTPRequest request = createPutRequest(token, chunk, isFinalChunk, timeoutMillis, length);
    final HTTPRequestInfo info = new HTTPRequestInfo(request);
    return new FutureWrapper<HTTPResponse, RawGcsCreationToken>(urlfetch.fetchAsync(request)) {

        protected Throwable convertException(Throwable e) {
            return OauthRawGcsService.convertException(info, e);

        protected GcsRestCreationToken wrap(HTTPResponse resp) throws Exception {
            return handlePutResponse(token, isFinalChunk, length, info, resp);
Also used : HTTPRequest( HTTPResponse( FutureWrapper( HTTPRequestInfo(

Example 3 with FutureWrapper

use of in project appengine-java-standard by GoogleCloudPlatform.

the class URLFetchServiceImpl method fetchAsync.

public Future<HTTPResponse> fetchAsync(HTTPRequest request) {
    final FetchOptions fetchOptions = request.getFetchOptions();
    final URL url = request.getURL();
    Future<byte[]> response = ApiProxy.makeAsyncCall(PACKAGE, "Fetch", convertToPb(request).toByteArray(), createApiConfig(fetchOptions));
    // Request is not held onto after return to avoid holding more memory than needed.
    return new FutureWrapper<byte[], HTTPResponse>(response) {

        protected HTTPResponse wrap(byte @Nullable [] responseBytes) throws IOException {
            URLFetchResponse responseProto = URLFetchResponse.newBuilder().mergeFrom(responseBytes).build();
            if (!fetchOptions.getAllowTruncate() && responseProto.getContentWasTruncated()) {
                throw new ResponseTooLargeException(url.toString());
            return convertFromPb(responseProto);

        protected Throwable convertException(Throwable cause) {
            if (cause instanceof ApiProxy.ApplicationException) {
                return convertApplicationException(url, (ApiProxy.ApplicationException) cause);
            } else if (cause instanceof ApiProxy.ApiDeadlineExceededException) {
                return new SocketTimeoutException("Timeout while fetching URL: " + url);
            return cause;
Also used : URLFetchResponse( SocketTimeoutException( ApiProxy( FutureWrapper( URL(

Example 4 with FutureWrapper

use of in project appengine-java-standard by GoogleCloudPlatform.

the class AsyncDatastoreServiceImpl method allocateIds.

public Future<KeyRange> allocateIds(final Key parent, final String kind, long num) {
    if (num <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("num must be > 0");
    if (num > 1000000000) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("num must be < 1 billion");
    // kind validation taken care of by the next call
    final AppIdNamespace appIdNamespace = datastoreServiceConfig.getAppIdNamespace();
    Reference allocateIdsRef = buildAllocateIdsRef(parent, kind, appIdNamespace);
    AllocateIdsRequest req = new AllocateIdsRequest().setSize(num).setModelKey(allocateIdsRef);
    AllocateIdsResponse resp = new AllocateIdsResponse();
    Future<AllocateIdsResponse> future = makeAsyncCall(apiConfig, DatastoreService_3.Method.AllocateIds, req, resp);
    return new FutureWrapper<AllocateIdsResponse, KeyRange>(future) {

        protected KeyRange wrap(AllocateIdsResponse resp) throws Exception {
            return new KeyRange(parent, kind, resp.getStart(), resp.getEnd(), appIdNamespace);

        protected Throwable convertException(Throwable cause) {
            return cause;
Also used : Reference( FutureWrapper( AllocateIdsResponse( AllocateIdsRequest(

Example 5 with FutureWrapper

use of in project appengine-java-standard by GoogleCloudPlatform.

the class LogServiceImpl method fetchAsync.

Future<LogQueryResult> fetchAsync(LogQuery query) {
    LogReadRequest.Builder request = LogReadRequest.newBuilder().setAppId(getCurrentEnvironmentOrThrow().getAppId());
    Long startTimeUs = query.getStartTimeUsec();
    if (startTimeUs != null) {
    Long endTimeUs = query.getEndTimeUsec();
    if (endTimeUs != null) {
    int batchSize = requireNonNull(query.getBatchSize(), "Null batch size");
    LogLevel minLogLevel = query.getMinLogLevel();
    if (minLogLevel != null) {
    // Use a set to de-dupe entries.
    Set<LogQuery.Version> convertedModuleInfos = Sets.newTreeSet(LogQuery.VERSION_COMPARATOR);
    // NOTE: LogQuery enforces that at most one of these lists is populated.
    if (!query.getMajorVersionIds().isEmpty()) {
        for (String versionId : query.getMajorVersionIds()) {
            convertedModuleInfos.add(new LogQuery.Version("default", versionId));
    } else if (!query.getVersions().isEmpty()) {
    } else {
        String currentVersionId = getCurrentEnvironmentOrThrow().getVersionId();
        // Get just the major version id - for 1.2332 it is just '1'.
        String versionId = currentVersionId.split("\\.")[0];
        convertedModuleInfos.add(new LogQuery.Version(getCurrentEnvironmentOrThrow().getModuleId(), versionId));
    for (LogQuery.Version moduleInfo : convertedModuleInfos) {
        LogModuleVersion.Builder requestModuleVersion = request.addModuleVersionBuilder();
        if (!moduleInfo.getModuleId().equals("default")) {
    for (String requestId : query.getRequestIds()) {
    String offset = query.getOffset();
    if (offset != null) {
    final LogQuery finalizedQuery = query;
    ApiProxy.ApiConfig apiConfig = new ApiProxy.ApiConfig();
    Future<byte[]> responseBytes = ApiProxy.makeAsyncCall(PACKAGE, READ_RPC_NAME,, apiConfig);
    return new FutureWrapper<byte[], LogQueryResult>(responseBytes) {

        protected LogQueryResult wrap(byte @Nullable [] responseBytes) {
            try {
                LogReadResponse response = LogReadResponse.parseFrom(responseBytes, ExtensionRegistry.getEmptyRegistry());
                return new LogQueryResult(response, finalizedQuery);
            } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException | UninitializedMessageException e) {
                throw new LogServiceException("Could not parse LogReadResponse", e);

        protected Throwable convertException(Throwable cause) {
            if (cause instanceof ApiProxy.ApplicationException) {
                ApiProxy.ApplicationException e = (ApiProxy.ApplicationException) cause;
                ErrorCode errorCode = LogServiceError.ErrorCode.forNumber(e.getApplicationError());
                if (errorCode == LogServiceError.ErrorCode.INVALID_REQUEST) {
                    return new InvalidRequestException(e.getErrorDetail());
                return new LogServiceException(e.getErrorDetail());
            return cause;
Also used : ByteString( LogReadRequest( LogModuleVersion( UninitializedMessageException( ApiProxy( FutureWrapper( InvalidProtocolBufferException( LogModuleVersion( ErrorCode( LogReadResponse(


FutureWrapper ( HTTPRequest ( HTTPResponse ( HTTPRequestInfo ( ApiProxy ( AllocateIdsRequest ( AllocateIdsResponse ( HTTPHeader ( URLFetchResponse ( BadRangeException ( LogModuleVersion ( LogReadRequest ( LogReadResponse ( ErrorCode ( ByteString ( InvalidProtocolBufferException ( UninitializedMessageException ( Reference ( FileNotFoundException ( SocketTimeoutException (