use of in project appengine-gcs-client by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class OauthRawGcsService method readObjectAsync.
* Might not fill all of dst.
public Future<GcsFileMetadata> readObjectAsync(final ByteBuffer dst, final GcsFilename filename, long startOffsetBytes, long timeoutMillis) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(startOffsetBytes >= 0, "%s: offset must be non-negative: %s", this, startOffsetBytes);
final int n = dst.remaining();
Preconditions.checkArgument(n > 0, "%s: dst full: %s", this, dst);
final int want = Math.min(READ_LIMIT_BYTES, n);
final HTTPRequest req = makeRequest(filename, null, GET, timeoutMillis);
req.setHeader(new HTTPHeader(RANGE, "bytes=" + startOffsetBytes + "-" + (startOffsetBytes + want - 1)));
final HTTPRequestInfo info = new HTTPRequestInfo(req);
return new FutureWrapper<HTTPResponse, GcsFileMetadata>(urlfetch.fetchAsync(req)) {
protected GcsFileMetadata wrap(HTTPResponse resp) throws IOException {
long totalLength;
switch(resp.getResponseCode()) {
case 200:
totalLength = getLengthFromHeader(resp, X_GOOG_CONTENT_LENGTH);
case 206:
totalLength = getLengthFromContentRange(resp);
case 404:
throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find: " + filename);
case 416:
throw new BadRangeException("Requested Range not satisfiable; perhaps read past EOF? " + URLFetchUtils.describeRequestAndResponse(info, resp));
throw HttpErrorHandler.error(info, resp);
byte[] content = resp.getContent();
Preconditions.checkState(content.length <= want, "%s: got %s > wanted %s", this, content.length, want);
return getMetadataFromResponse(filename, resp, totalLength);
protected Throwable convertException(Throwable e) {
return OauthRawGcsService.convertException(info, e);
use of in project appengine-gcs-client by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class OauthRawGcsService method beginObjectCreation.
public RawGcsCreationToken beginObjectCreation(GcsFilename filename, GcsFileOptions options, long timeoutMillis) throws IOException {
HTTPRequest req = makeRequest(filename, null, POST, timeoutMillis);
addOptionsHeaders(req, options);
HTTPResponse resp;
try {
resp = urlfetch.fetch(req);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw createIOException(new HTTPRequestInfo(req), e);
if (resp.getResponseCode() == 201) {
String location = URLFetchUtils.getSingleHeader(resp, LOCATION);
String queryString = new URL(location).getQuery();
Preconditions.checkState(queryString != null, LOCATION + " header," + location + ", witout a query string");
Map<String, String> params = Splitter.on('&').withKeyValueSeparator('=').split(queryString);
Preconditions.checkState(params.containsKey(UPLOAD_ID), LOCATION + " header," + location + ", has a query string without " + UPLOAD_ID);
return new GcsRestCreationToken(filename, params.get(UPLOAD_ID), 0);
} else {
throw HttpErrorHandler.error(new HTTPRequestInfo(req), resp);
use of in project appengine-gcs-client by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class OauthRawGcsService method copyObject.
public void copyObject(GcsFilename source, GcsFilename dest, GcsFileOptions fileOptions, long timeoutMillis) throws IOException {
HTTPRequest req = makeRequest(dest, null, PUT, timeoutMillis);
req.setHeader(new HTTPHeader(X_GOOG_COPY_SOURCE, makePath(source)));
if (fileOptions != null) {
addOptionsHeaders(req, fileOptions);
HTTPResponse resp;
try {
resp = urlfetch.fetch(req);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw createIOException(new HTTPRequestInfo(req), e);
if (resp.getResponseCode() != 200) {
throw HttpErrorHandler.error(new HTTPRequestInfo(req), resp);
use of in project appengine-gcs-client by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class OauthRawGcsService method putAsync.
* Same as {@link #put} but is runs asynchronously and returns a future. In the event of an error
* the exception out of the future will be an ExecutionException with the cause set to the same
* exception that would have been thrown by put.
private Future<RawGcsCreationToken> putAsync(final GcsRestCreationToken token, ByteBuffer chunk, final boolean isFinalChunk, long timeoutMillis) {
final int length = chunk.remaining();
HTTPRequest request = createPutRequest(token, chunk, isFinalChunk, timeoutMillis, length);
final HTTPRequestInfo info = new HTTPRequestInfo(request);
return new FutureWrapper<HTTPResponse, RawGcsCreationToken>(urlfetch.fetchAsync(request)) {
protected Throwable convertException(Throwable e) {
return OauthRawGcsService.convertException(info, e);
protected GcsRestCreationToken wrap(HTTPResponse resp) throws Exception {
return handlePutResponse(token, isFinalChunk, length, info, resp);
use of in project appengine-gcs-client by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class OauthRawGcsService method put.
* Write the provided chunk at the offset specified in the token. If finalChunk is set, the file
* will be closed.
private RawGcsCreationToken put(final GcsRestCreationToken token, ByteBuffer chunk, final boolean isFinalChunk, long timeoutMillis) throws IOException {
final int length = chunk.remaining();
HTTPRequest req = createPutRequest(token, chunk, isFinalChunk, timeoutMillis, length);
HTTPRequestInfo info = new HTTPRequestInfo(req);
HTTPResponse response;
try {
response = urlfetch.fetch(req);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw createIOException(info, e);
return handlePutResponse(token, isFinalChunk, length, info, response);