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Example 1 with Context

use of in project VERDICT by ge-high-assurance.

the class Aadl2Vdm method translateComponentImplObjects.

// End of translateProcessorTypeObjects
 * Analyzing each component implementation
 * @param comImpls
 * @param m2
 * @return
public Model translateComponentImplObjects(List<ComponentImplementation> comImpls, Map<Property, String> componentPropertyToName, Map<Property, String> connPropertyToName, Model m2, HashSet<String> dataTypeDecl) {
    Map<String, String> connectionToBusMap = new HashMap<>();
    // creating an object for each implementation first as we will need it later
    for (ComponentImplementation aSystemImpl : comImpls) {
        // to pack the sysImpl as a VDM componentImpl
        verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentImpl packCompImpl = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentImpl();
        // setting "name" field of packCompImpl, will need later
        // Note: Will skip "Nodebody" field for now
        // ISSUE: No "id" field in Component implementations
        // adding object to "componentImpl" field of m2
        // update map (connection-name -> bus-Instance-Name)
        for (PropertyAssociation propAssoc : aSystemImpl.getOwnedPropertyAssociations()) {
            if (!(propAssoc.getProperty().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Actual_Connection_Binding"))) {
                System.out.println("System Implementation contains property " + propAssoc.getProperty().getName() + " which is not currently handled.");
            if (propAssoc.getOwnedValues().size() != 1) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected number of property owned values: " + propAssoc.getOwnedValues().size());
            if (!(propAssoc.getOwnedValues().get(0).getOwnedValue() instanceof ListValueImpl)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected type of property owned value");
            } else {
                ListValueImpl listVal = (ListValueImpl) propAssoc.getOwnedValues().get(0).getOwnedValue();
                if (listVal.getOwnedListElements().size() != 1) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected number of list elements are associated with the property owned value");
                } else if (!(listVal.getOwnedListElements().get(0) instanceof ReferenceValueImpl)) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected number of list elements are associated with the property owned value");
                } else {
                    ReferenceValueImpl refVal = (ReferenceValueImpl) listVal.getOwnedListElements().get(0);
                    ContainmentPathElement pathEle = refVal.getPath();
                    while (!(pathEle.getNamedElement() instanceof BusSubcomponent)) {
                        pathEle = pathEle.getPath();
                    String busInstanceName = pathEle.getNamedElement().getQualifiedName();
                    for (ContainedNamedElement connection : propAssoc.getAppliesTos()) {
                        // updating map (connection name -> bus name)
                        connectionToBusMap.put(connection.getPath().getNamedElement().getQualifiedName(), busInstanceName);
    // Getting the reference of the object previously created and populating
    for (ComponentImplementation aCompImpl : comImpls) {
        // variable to refer to previously created object
        verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentImpl packCompImpl = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentImpl();
        // finding previously created object
        for (verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentImpl anImplObj : m2.getComponentImpl()) {
            if (anImplObj.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(aCompImpl.getQualifiedName())) {
                packCompImpl = anImplObj;
        // setting "type" field of packCompImpl
        for (verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentType cType : m2.getComponentType()) {
            if (aCompImpl.getType().getQualifiedName().equals(cType.getId())) {
        // End of setting "type"
        // a BlockImpl object to pack all info for packCompImpl.blockImpl
        verdict.vdm.vdm_model.BlockImpl packBlockImpl = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.BlockImpl();
        // adding all subcomponents to "subcomponent" field of packBlockImpl
        for (Subcomponent aSubComp : aCompImpl.getOwnedSubcomponents()) {
            // to pack all information of a subcomponent
            verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentInstance packSubComp = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentInstance();
            // ISSUE: No "id" field in subcomponents
            // setting "name" field of packSubComp
            // setting "specification" field of packSubComp
            for (verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentType cType : m2.getComponentType()) {
                if (aSubComp.getComponentType().getName().equals(cType.getName())) {
            // setting the "implementation" field of packSubComp
            for (verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentImpl cImpl : m2.getComponentImpl()) {
                // if(aSubComp.getSubcomponentType().getName().equals(cImpl.getName())){
                if (aSubComp.getSubcomponentType().getQualifiedName().equals(cImpl.getId())) {
            // setting "attribute" field of packSubComp
            // category of subComponent
            String aSubCompCatName = aSubComp.getCategory().getName().toLowerCase();
            // checking all collected properties in componentPropertyToName
            for (Property prop : componentPropertyToName.keySet()) {
                if (isApplicableToCat(prop, aSubCompCatName)) {
                    // create a GenericAttribute object to pack the property
                    verdict.vdm.vdm_data.GenericAttribute anAttribute = new verdict.vdm.vdm_data.GenericAttribute();
                    String value = "";
                    PropertyAcc propAcc = aSubComp.getPropertyValue(prop);
                    PropertyExpression defPropExpr = prop.getDefaultValue();
                    if (propAcc != null && !propAcc.getAssociations().isEmpty()) {
                        value = getStrRepofPropVal(aSubComp.getPropertyValue(prop));
                    } else if (defPropExpr != null) {
                        value = getStrRepofExpr(defPropExpr)[0];
                    if (!value.equals("")) {
                        // setting the "name" and "value" field of anAttribute
                        // get the property type
                        PropertyType propType = prop.getPropertyType();
                        QName type = new QName("String");
                        if (propType instanceof AadlBooleanImpl) {
                            type = new QName("Bool");
                        } else if (propType instanceof AadlIntegerImpl) {
                            type = new QName("Int");
                        } else if (propType instanceof EnumerationTypeImpl) {
                            type = new QName("String");
                        } else {
                            if (!(propType instanceof AadlStringImpl)) {
                                type = new QName(propType.toString());
                        // parse propertyType fetched using prop.getOwnedPropertyType() and map it to "Bool", "Int", or "String"
                        // adding asAttribute to packSubComp
                } else {
                    // for outer if
            // adding packSubComp to packBlockImpl
        // adding all connections to "connections" field of packBlockImpl
        if (aCompImpl.getOwnedConnections() != null && !aCompImpl.getOwnedConnections().isEmpty()) {
            for (Connection aConn : aCompImpl.getOwnedConnections()) {
                // to pack all information of a connection
                verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Connection packConn = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Connection();
                // populate connectionKind
                // variables to unpack information from AADL object
                String srcCompInstName = "";
                String destCompInstName = "";
                Context srcConnContext = aConn.getAllSourceContext();
                Context destConnContext = aConn.getAllDestinationContext();
                ConnectionEnd srcConnectionEnd = aConn.getAllSource();
                ConnectionEnd destConnectionEnd = aConn.getAllDestination();
                if (srcConnContext != null) {
                    srcCompInstName = srcConnContext.getName();
                if (destConnContext != null) {
                    destCompInstName = destConnContext.getName();
                String srcPortTypeName = "";
                String destPortTypeName = "";
                String srcPortName = srcConnectionEnd.getName();
                String destPortName = destConnectionEnd.getName();
                // variables to capture data type information
                DataSubcomponentType srcDataSubCompType = null;
                DataSubcomponentType destDataSubCompType = null;
                if (srcConnectionEnd instanceof DataPort) {
                    srcPortTypeName = ((DataPort) srcConnectionEnd).isIn() ? (((DataPort) srcConnectionEnd).isOut() ? "inOut" : "in") : "out";
                    srcDataSubCompType = ((DataPort) srcConnectionEnd).getDataFeatureClassifier();
                } else if (srcConnectionEnd instanceof EventDataPort) {
                    srcPortTypeName = ((EventDataPort) srcConnectionEnd).isIn() ? (((EventDataPort) srcConnectionEnd).isOut() ? "inOut" : "in") : "out";
                    srcDataSubCompType = ((EventDataPort) srcConnectionEnd).getDataFeatureClassifier();
                } else if (srcConnectionEnd instanceof DataAccess) {
                    AccessType type = ((DataAccess) srcConnectionEnd).getKind();
                    if (type == AccessType.PROVIDES) {
                        srcPortTypeName = "providesDataAccess";
                    } else if (type == AccessType.REQUIRES) {
                        srcPortTypeName = "requiresDataAccess";
                    } else {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected access type: " + type);
                    srcDataSubCompType = ((DataAccess) srcConnectionEnd).getDataFeatureClassifier();
                } else if (srcConnectionEnd instanceof DataSubcomponent) {
                    srcDataSubCompType = ((DataSubcomponent) srcConnectionEnd).getDataSubcomponentType();
                    srcPortTypeName = "data";
                } else if (srcConnectionEnd instanceof BusAccess) {
                    // AccessType type = ((BusAccess) srcConnectionEnd).getKind();
                    // if(type == AccessType.PROVIDES) {
                    // srcPortTypeName = "providesBusAccess";
                    // } else if(type == AccessType.REQUIRES) {
                    // srcPortTypeName = "requiresBusAccess";
                    // } else {
                    // throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected access type: " + type);
                    // }
                    // BusFeatureClassifier busfeatureClassifier = ((BusAccess) srcConnectionEnd).getBusFeatureClassifier();
                    // if(busfeatureClassifier instanceof BusImplementation) {
                    // srcBusImpl = (BusImplementation)busfeatureClassifier;
                    // }
                    System.out.println("Warning: Unsupported AADL component element type: " + srcConnectionEnd);
                } else if (srcConnectionEnd instanceof BusSubcomponent) {
                    // srcBusSubCompType = ((BusSubcomponent)srcConnectionEnd).getBusSubcomponentType();
                    // srcPortTypeName = "bus";
                    System.out.println("Warning: Unsupported AADL component element type: " + srcConnectionEnd);
                } else if (srcConnectionEnd instanceof EventPort) {
                    srcPortTypeName = ((EventPort) srcConnectionEnd).isIn() ? (((EventPort) srcConnectionEnd).isOut() ? "inOut" : "in") : "out";
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported AADL component element type: " + srcConnectionEnd + "encountered while processing connections");
                if (destConnectionEnd instanceof DataPort) {
                    destPortTypeName = ((DataPort) destConnectionEnd).isIn() ? (((DataPort) destConnectionEnd).isOut() ? "inOut" : "in") : "out";
                    destDataSubCompType = ((DataPort) destConnectionEnd).getDataFeatureClassifier();
                } else if (destConnectionEnd instanceof EventDataPort) {
                    destPortTypeName = ((EventDataPort) destConnectionEnd).isIn() ? (((EventDataPort) destConnectionEnd).isOut() ? "inOut" : "in") : "out";
                    destDataSubCompType = ((EventDataPort) destConnectionEnd).getDataFeatureClassifier();
                } else if (destConnectionEnd instanceof DataAccess) {
                    AccessType type = ((DataAccess) destConnectionEnd).getKind();
                    if (type == AccessType.PROVIDES) {
                        destPortTypeName = "providesDataAccess";
                    } else if (type == AccessType.REQUIRES) {
                        destPortTypeName = "requiresDataAccess";
                    destDataSubCompType = ((DataAccess) destConnectionEnd).getDataFeatureClassifier();
                } else if (destConnectionEnd instanceof DataSubcomponent) {
                    destDataSubCompType = ((DataSubcomponent) destConnectionEnd).getDataSubcomponentType();
                    destPortTypeName = "data";
                } else if (destConnectionEnd instanceof BusAccess) {
                    // AccessType type = ((BusAccess) destConnectionEnd).getKind();
                    // if(type == AccessType.PROVIDES) {
                    // destPortTypeName = "providesBusAccess";
                    // } else if(type == AccessType.REQUIRES) {
                    // destPortTypeName = "requiresBusAccess";
                    // } else {
                    // throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected access type: " + type);
                    // }
                    // BusFeatureClassifier busfeatureClassifier = ((BusAccess) destConnectionEnd).getBusFeatureClassifier();
                    // if(busfeatureClassifier instanceof BusImplementation) {
                    // destBusImpl = (BusImplementation)busfeatureClassifier;
                    // }
                    System.out.println("Warning: Unsupported AADL component element type: " + destConnectionEnd);
                } else if (destConnectionEnd instanceof BusSubcomponent) {
                    // destBusSubCompType = ((BusSubcomponent)destConnectionEnd).getBusSubcomponentType();
                    // destPortTypeName = "bus";
                    System.out.println("Warning: Unsupported AADL component element type: " + destConnectionEnd);
                } else if (destConnectionEnd instanceof EventPort) {
                    destPortTypeName = ((EventPort) destConnectionEnd).isIn() ? (((EventPort) destConnectionEnd).isOut() ? "inOut" : "in") : "out";
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported AADL component element type: " + destConnectionEnd + "encountered while processing connections");
                // setting name
                if (connectionToBusMap.containsKey(aConn.getQualifiedName())) {
                // --- Populate packConn below ---
                // to pack source
                verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ConnectionEnd packSrcEnd = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ConnectionEnd();
                // to pack "componentPort"  of packSrcEnd
                verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port packSrcEndPort = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port();
                // } else
                if (srcConnectionEnd instanceof EventPort) {
                    packSrcEndPort = createVdmConnectionEventPort(srcPortName, srcPortTypeName, srcConnectionEnd.getQualifiedName());
                } else {
                    // if not a bus access port or bus implementation port or event port
                    packSrcEndPort = createVdmConnectionPort(srcPortName, srcPortTypeName, srcConnectionEnd.getQualifiedName(), srcDataSubCompType, m2, dataTypeDecl);
                // If source port is independent of a component instance
                if (srcCompInstName.equals("")) {
                } else {
                    // to pack "subcomponentPort" of packSrcEnd
                    verdict.vdm.vdm_model.CompInstancePort packSrcEndCompInstPort = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.CompInstancePort();
                    // putting a reference to appropriate "subcomponent" from packBlockImpl in "subcomponent" of packSrcEndCompInstPort
                    for (verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentInstance checkCompInst : packBlockImpl.getSubcomponent()) {
                        if (checkCompInst.getName().equals(srcCompInstName)) {
                        } else {
                    // setting "subcomponentPort" of packSrcEnd
                // adding to "source" of packConn
                // to pack destination
                verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ConnectionEnd packDestEnd = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ConnectionEnd();
                // to pack "componentPort"  of packDestEnd
                verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port packDestEndPort = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port();
                // } else
                if (destConnectionEnd instanceof EventPort) {
                    packDestEndPort = createVdmConnectionEventPort(destPortName, destPortTypeName, destConnectionEnd.getQualifiedName());
                } else {
                    // if not a bus access port or bus implementation port or eventport
                    packDestEndPort = createVdmConnectionPort(destPortName, destPortTypeName, destConnectionEnd.getQualifiedName(), destDataSubCompType, m2, dataTypeDecl);
                // If source port is independent of a component instance
                if (destCompInstName.equals("")) {
                } else {
                    // to pack "subcomponentPort" of packSrcEnd
                    verdict.vdm.vdm_model.CompInstancePort packDestEndCompInstPort = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.CompInstancePort();
                    // putting a reference to appropriate "subcomponent" from packBlockImpl in "subcomponent" of packSrcEndCompInstPort
                    for (verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentInstance checkCompInst : packBlockImpl.getSubcomponent()) {
                        if (checkCompInst.getName().equals(destCompInstName)) {
                        } else {
                    // setting "subcomponentPort" of packDestEnd
                // adding to "source" of packConn
                // adding connection properties from connProperty.ToName
                for (Property prop : connPropertyToName.keySet()) {
                    // create a GenericAttribute object to pack the property
                    verdict.vdm.vdm_data.GenericAttribute aConnAttribute = new verdict.vdm.vdm_data.GenericAttribute();
                    String value = "";
                    PropertyAcc propAcc = aConn.getPropertyValue(prop);
                    PropertyExpression defPropExpr = prop.getDefaultValue();
                    if (propAcc != null && !propAcc.getAssociations().isEmpty()) {
                        value = getStrRepofPropVal(propAcc);
                    } else if (defPropExpr != null) {
                        value = getStrRepofExpr(defPropExpr)[0];
                    if (!value.equals("")) {
                        // setting the "name" and "value" field of anAttribute
                        PropertyType propType = prop.getPropertyType();
                        QName type = new QName("String");
                        if (propType instanceof AadlBooleanImpl) {
                            type = new QName("Bool");
                        } else if (propType instanceof AadlIntegerImpl) {
                            type = new QName("Int");
                        } else if (propType instanceof EnumerationTypeImpl) {
                            type = new QName("String");
                        } else {
                            if (!(propType instanceof AadlStringImpl)) {
                                type = new QName(propType.toString());
                        // parse propertyType fetched using prop.getOwnedPropertyType() and map it to "Bool", "Int", or "String"
                        // adding asAttribute to packSubComp
                if (aConn.isBidirectional()) {
                    // to pack reverse connection
                    verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Connection packReverseConn = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Connection();
                    packReverseConn.setName(packConn.getName() + "_reverse");
                    for (verdict.vdm.vdm_data.GenericAttribute anAttribute : packConn.getAttribute()) {
                    // add packReverseConn to packBlockImpl
                } else {
                // add packConn to packBlockImpl
    // End of adding all connections
    // setting "blackImpl" field of packCompImpl
    // packCompImpl.setBlockImpl(packBlockImpl);
    // return populated Model
    return m2;
Also used : LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) SLPort( LPort( EventPort(org.osate.aadl2.EventPort) DataPort(org.osate.aadl2.DataPort) Port(verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port) EventDataPort(org.osate.aadl2.EventDataPort) PropertyType(org.osate.aadl2.PropertyType) Port(verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port) DataAccess(org.osate.aadl2.DataAccess) DataPort(org.osate.aadl2.DataPort) EventDataPort(org.osate.aadl2.EventDataPort) ThreadSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.ThreadSubcomponent) BusSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.BusSubcomponent) Subcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.Subcomponent) MemorySubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.MemorySubcomponent) ThreadGroupSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.ThreadGroupSubcomponent) SubprogramSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.SubprogramSubcomponent) DeviceSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.DeviceSubcomponent) ProcessSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.ProcessSubcomponent) SystemSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.SystemSubcomponent) AbstractSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.AbstractSubcomponent) DataSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.DataSubcomponent) VirtualProcessorSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.VirtualProcessorSubcomponent) PropertyAcc( ListValueImpl(org.osate.aadl2.impl.ListValueImpl) EventDataPort(org.osate.aadl2.EventDataPort) AccessType(org.osate.aadl2.AccessType) EnumerationTypeImpl(org.osate.aadl2.impl.EnumerationTypeImpl) BusSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.BusSubcomponent) ReferenceValueImpl(org.osate.aadl2.impl.ReferenceValueImpl) DataSubcomponentType(org.osate.aadl2.DataSubcomponentType) ContainedNamedElement(org.osate.aadl2.ContainedNamedElement) ComponentImplementation(org.osate.aadl2.ComponentImplementation) PropertyAssociation(org.osate.aadl2.PropertyAssociation) EventPort(org.osate.aadl2.EventPort) PropertyExpression(org.osate.aadl2.PropertyExpression) Property(org.osate.aadl2.Property) Context(org.osate.aadl2.Context) BusAccess(org.osate.aadl2.BusAccess) AadlBooleanImpl(org.osate.aadl2.impl.AadlBooleanImpl) QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) AadlStringImpl(org.osate.aadl2.impl.AadlStringImpl) ContainmentPathElement(org.osate.aadl2.ContainmentPathElement) Connection(org.osate.aadl2.Connection) AadlIntegerImpl(org.osate.aadl2.impl.AadlIntegerImpl) DataSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.DataSubcomponent) ConnectionEnd(org.osate.aadl2.ConnectionEnd)

Example 2 with Context

use of in project VERDICT by ge-high-assurance.

the class VerdictSynthesis method performSynthesisMaxSmt.

 * Perform synthesis using Z3 MaxSMT.
 * @param tree
 * @param targetDal
 * @param factory
 * @return
 * @deprecated use the multi-requirement approach instead
public static Optional<Pair<Set<ComponentDefense>, Double>> performSynthesisMaxSmt(DTree tree, int targetDal, DLeaf.Factory factory) {
    Context context = new Context();
    Optimize optimizer = context.mkOptimize();
    Collection<ComponentDefense> pairs = factory.allComponentDefensePairs();
    int costLcd = normalizeCosts(pairs);
    for (ComponentDefense pair : pairs) {
        if (pair.dalToNormCost(targetDal) > 0) {
            // this id ("cover") doesn't matter but we have to specify something
            optimizer.AssertSoft(context.mkNot(pair.toZ3(context)), pair.dalToNormCost(targetDal), "cover");
    if (optimizer.Check().equals(Status.SATISFIABLE)) {
        Set<ComponentDefense> output = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        int totalNormalizedCost = 0;
        Model model = optimizer.getModel();
        for (ComponentDefense pair : pairs) {
            Expr expr = model.eval(pair.toZ3(context), true);
            switch(expr.getBoolValue()) {
                case Z3_L_TRUE:
                    totalNormalizedCost += pair.dalToNormCost(targetDal);
                case Z3_L_FALSE:
                case Z3_L_UNDEF:
                    throw new RuntimeException("Synthesis: Undefined variable in output model: " + pair.toString());
        return Optional.of(new Pair<>(output, ((double) totalNormalizedCost) / costLcd));
    } else {
        System.err.println("Synthesis: SMT not satisfiable, perhaps there are unmitigatable attacks");
        return Optional.empty();
Also used : Context( LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) BoolExpr( ArithExpr( Expr( ComponentDefense( Model( Optimize(

Example 3 with Context

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class CreateEndToEndFlowSpecificationTool method createEndToEndFlow.

 * Create an EndToEndFlow based on user selections
private EndToEndFlow createEndToEndFlow() {
    final EndToEndFlow endToEndFlow = (EndToEndFlow) createFlowDialog.pkg.getEFactoryInstance().create(createFlowDialog.pkg.getEndToEndFlow());
    segmentSelections.forEach(entry -> {
        final BusinessObjectContext boc = entry.getBoc();
        final EndToEndFlowSegment eTEFlowSegment = endToEndFlow.createOwnedEndToEndFlowSegment();
        final EndToEndFlowElement eTEFlowElement = (EndToEndFlowElement) boc.getBusinessObject();
        if (!(boc.getBusinessObject() instanceof Connection) && !(boc.getBusinessObject() instanceof DataSubcomponent) && !(boc.getBusinessObject() instanceof EndToEndFlow)) {
            final Context context = ToolUtil.findContext(boc);
    modeFeatureSelections.forEach(modeFeatureBoc -> endToEndFlow.getInModeOrTransitions().add((ModeFeature) modeFeatureBoc.getBusinessObject()));
    return endToEndFlow;
Also used : EndToEndFlow(org.osate.aadl2.EndToEndFlow) BusinessObjectContext( Context(org.osate.aadl2.Context) DataSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.DataSubcomponent) EndToEndFlowSegment(org.osate.aadl2.EndToEndFlowSegment) Connection(org.osate.aadl2.Connection) BusinessObjectContext( ModeFeature(org.osate.aadl2.ModeFeature) EndToEndFlowElement(org.osate.aadl2.EndToEndFlowElement)

Example 4 with Context

use of in project theta by ftsrg.

the class Z3ModelTest method test.

public void test() {
    final Context context = new Context();
    final Solver solver = context.mkSimpleSolver();
    final BoolExpr a = context.mkBoolConst("a");
    final BoolExpr b = context.mkBoolConst("b");
    final BoolExpr expr = context.mkOr(a, b);
    final Model model = solver.getModel();
Also used : Context( BoolExpr( Solver( Model( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with Context

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class CreateEndToEndFlowsSwitch method isValidContinuation.

boolean isValidContinuation(EndToEndFlowInstance etei, ConnectionInstance conni, FlowSpecification fspec) {
		 * Issue 2009: Check if the connection instance connects to the flow spec. Here we have a weird
		 * situation. If the subcomponent the flow spec is qualified by is only described by a component type, then
		 * connection end is going to match up with the beginning of the flow. That's fine. If the component
		 * has a classifier implementation AND the flow spec has a flow implementation, then everything will also
		 * fine: either the connection instance is correct and reaches the start of the flow implementation, or it
		 * is incorrect and doesn't. But we can also have the case that the subcomponent is described by a
		 * component implementation but the flow spec does not have a flow implementation. In this case we
		 * still may have the case the connection instance continues into the subcomponent and terminates at a
		 * subsubcomponent. But the flow spec that we have here will be at the edge of the original subcomponent.
		 * so the end connection instance will not match up with the start of the flow spec.
		 * So what we really need to do is walk backwards along the connections that make up the connection instance
		 * until we find one that connects to the flow because as wee the connection instance may "punch through" the
		 * subcomponent.
    final FlowEnd inEnd = fspec.getAllInEnd();
    final Context flowCxt = inEnd.getContext();
    final Feature flowIn = inEnd.getFeature();
    final List<Feature> flowInRefined = flowIn.getAllFeatureRefinements();
    final EList<ConnectionReference> connRefs = conni.getConnectionReferences();
    int idx = connRefs.size() - 1;
    boolean result = false;
    while (!result && idx >= 0) {
        final Connection conn = connRefs.get(idx).getConnection();
        result = isValidContinuationConnectionEnd(flowCxt, flowIn, flowInRefined, conn.getDestination());
        if (!result && conn.isBidirectional()) {
            result = isValidContinuationConnectionEnd(flowCxt, flowIn, flowInRefined, conn.getSource());
        idx -= 1;
    return result;
Also used : Context(org.osate.aadl2.Context) ConnectionReference(org.osate.aadl2.instance.ConnectionReference) Connection(org.osate.aadl2.Connection) Feature(org.osate.aadl2.Feature) FlowEnd(org.osate.aadl2.FlowEnd)


Context (org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.internal.xml.server40.Context)58 Context ( CoreException (org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException)34 Context (org.osate.aadl2.Context)31 BoolExpr ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)18 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)18 Test (org.junit.Test)18 ServerInstance (org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.internal.xml.server40.ServerInstance)17 List (java.util.List)16 Map (java.util.Map)15 Solver ( File ( IOException ( IPath (org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath)11 IStatus (org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus)11 Status (org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status)11 Factory (org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.internal.xml.Factory)11 Feature (org.osate.aadl2.Feature)11 FileNotFoundException (