use of in project jib by GoogleContainerTools.
the class PluginConfigurationProcessor method getSkaffoldSyncMap.
* Generate a skaffold syncmap JSON string for an image build configuration.
* @param rawConfiguration the raw configuration from the plugin
* @param projectProperties an plugin specific implementation of {@link ProjectProperties}
* @param excludes a set of paths to exclude, directories include in this list will be expanded
* @return new json string representation of the Sync Map
* @throws InvalidImageReferenceException if the image reference is invalid
* @throws MainClassInferenceException if a main class could not be found
* @throws InvalidAppRootException if the specific path for application root is invalid
* @throws IOException if an error occurs creating the container builder
* @throws InvalidWorkingDirectoryException if the working directory specified for the build is
* invalid
* @throws InvalidPlatformException if there exists a {@link PlatformConfiguration} in the
* specified platforms list that is missing required fields or has invalid values
* @throws InvalidContainerVolumeException if a specific container volume is invalid
* @throws IncompatibleBaseImageJavaVersionException if the base image java version cannot support
* this build
* @throws NumberFormatException if a string to number conversion operation fails
* @throws InvalidContainerizingModeException if an invalid {@link ContainerizingMode} was
* specified
* @throws InvalidFilesModificationTimeException if configured modification time could not be
* parsed
* @throws InvalidCreationTimeException if configured creation time could not be parsed
* @throws ExtraDirectoryNotFoundException if the extra directory specified for the build is not
* found
public static String getSkaffoldSyncMap(RawConfiguration rawConfiguration, ProjectProperties projectProperties, Set<Path> excludes) throws IOException, InvalidCreationTimeException, InvalidImageReferenceException, IncompatibleBaseImageJavaVersionException, InvalidPlatformException, InvalidContainerVolumeException, MainClassInferenceException, InvalidAppRootException, InvalidWorkingDirectoryException, InvalidFilesModificationTimeException, InvalidContainerizingModeException, ExtraDirectoryNotFoundException {
JibContainerBuilder jibContainerBuilder = processCommonConfiguration(rawConfiguration, ignored -> Optional.empty(), projectProperties);
SkaffoldSyncMapTemplate syncMap = new SkaffoldSyncMapTemplate();
// since jib has already expanded out directories after processing everything, we just
// ignore directories and provide only files to watch
Set<Path> excludesExpanded = getAllFiles(excludes);
for (LayerObject layerObject : jibContainerBuilder.toContainerBuildPlan().getLayers()) {
Verify.verify(layerObject instanceof FileEntriesLayer, "layer types other than FileEntriesLayer not yet supported in build plan layers");
FileEntriesLayer layer = (FileEntriesLayer) layerObject;
if (CONST_LAYERS.contains(layer.getName())) {
if (GENERATED_LAYERS.contains(layer.getName())) {
layer.getEntries().stream().filter(layerEntry -> Files.isRegularFile(layerEntry.getSourceFile())).filter(layerEntry -> !excludesExpanded.contains(layerEntry.getSourceFile().toAbsolutePath())).forEach(syncMap::addGenerated);
} else {
// this is a direct layer
layer.getEntries().stream().filter(layerEntry -> Files.isRegularFile(layerEntry.getSourceFile())).filter(layerEntry -> !excludesExpanded.contains(layerEntry.getSourceFile().toAbsolutePath())).forEach(syncMap::addDirect);
return syncMap.getJsonString();
use of in project jib-extensions by GoogleContainerTools.
the class JibSpringBootExtension method filterOutDevtools.
static LayerObject filterOutDevtools(LayerObject layerObject) {
String dependencyLayerName = JavaContainerBuilder.LayerType.DEPENDENCIES.getName();
if (!dependencyLayerName.equals(layerObject.getName())) {
return layerObject;
FileEntriesLayer layer = (FileEntriesLayer) layerObject;
Predicate<FileEntry> notDevtoolsJar = fileEntry -> !isDevtoolsJar(fileEntry.getSourceFile().toFile());
List<FileEntry> newEntries = layer.getEntries().stream().filter(notDevtoolsJar).collect(Collectors.toList());
return layer.toBuilder().setEntries(newEntries).build();
use of in project jib-extensions by GoogleContainerTools.
the class JibSpringBootExtensionTest method testFilterOutDevtools_differentDependencyLayerName.
public void testFilterOutDevtools_differentDependencyLayerName() {
FileEntriesLayer layer = buildLayer("NOT dependencies", Paths.get("lib").resolve("spring-boot-devtools-1.2.3.jar"), Paths.get("archive").resolve(""));
LayerObject newLayer = JibSpringBootExtension.filterOutDevtools(layer);
assertSame(layer, newLayer);
assertEquals(layer.getEntries(), ((FileEntriesLayer) newLayer).getEntries());
use of in project jib-extensions by GoogleContainerTools.
the class JibSpringBootExtension method filterOutDevtools.
static LayerObject filterOutDevtools(LayerObject layerObject) {
String dependencyLayerName = JavaContainerBuilder.LayerType.DEPENDENCIES.getName();
if (!dependencyLayerName.equals(layerObject.getName())) {
return layerObject;
FileEntriesLayer layer = (FileEntriesLayer) layerObject;
Predicate<FileEntry> notDevtoolsJar = fileEntry -> !isDevtoolsJar(fileEntry.getSourceFile().toFile());
List<FileEntry> newEntries = layer.getEntries().stream().filter(notDevtoolsJar).collect(Collectors.toList());
return layer.toBuilder().setEntries(newEntries).build();
use of in project jib by google.
the class PluginConfigurationProcessor method getSkaffoldSyncMap.
* Generate a skaffold syncmap JSON string for an image build configuration.
* @param rawConfiguration the raw configuration from the plugin
* @param projectProperties an plugin specific implementation of {@link ProjectProperties}
* @param excludes a set of paths to exclude, directories include in this list will be expanded
* @return new json string representation of the Sync Map
* @throws InvalidImageReferenceException if the image reference is invalid
* @throws MainClassInferenceException if a main class could not be found
* @throws InvalidAppRootException if the specific path for application root is invalid
* @throws IOException if an error occurs creating the container builder
* @throws InvalidWorkingDirectoryException if the working directory specified for the build is
* invalid
* @throws InvalidPlatformException if there exists a {@link PlatformConfiguration} in the
* specified platforms list that is missing required fields or has invalid values
* @throws InvalidContainerVolumeException if a specific container volume is invalid
* @throws IncompatibleBaseImageJavaVersionException if the base image java version cannot support
* this build
* @throws NumberFormatException if a string to number conversion operation fails
* @throws InvalidContainerizingModeException if an invalid {@link ContainerizingMode} was
* specified
* @throws InvalidFilesModificationTimeException if configured modification time could not be
* parsed
* @throws InvalidCreationTimeException if configured creation time could not be parsed
* @throws ExtraDirectoryNotFoundException if the extra directory specified for the build is not
* found
public static String getSkaffoldSyncMap(RawConfiguration rawConfiguration, ProjectProperties projectProperties, Set<Path> excludes) throws IOException, InvalidCreationTimeException, InvalidImageReferenceException, IncompatibleBaseImageJavaVersionException, InvalidPlatformException, InvalidContainerVolumeException, MainClassInferenceException, InvalidAppRootException, InvalidWorkingDirectoryException, InvalidFilesModificationTimeException, InvalidContainerizingModeException, ExtraDirectoryNotFoundException {
JibContainerBuilder jibContainerBuilder = processCommonConfiguration(rawConfiguration, ignored -> Optional.empty(), projectProperties);
SkaffoldSyncMapTemplate syncMap = new SkaffoldSyncMapTemplate();
// since jib has already expanded out directories after processing everything, we just
// ignore directories and provide only files to watch
Set<Path> excludesExpanded = getAllFiles(excludes);
for (LayerObject layerObject : jibContainerBuilder.toContainerBuildPlan().getLayers()) {
Verify.verify(layerObject instanceof FileEntriesLayer, "layer types other than FileEntriesLayer not yet supported in build plan layers");
FileEntriesLayer layer = (FileEntriesLayer) layerObject;
if (CONST_LAYERS.contains(layer.getName())) {
if (GENERATED_LAYERS.contains(layer.getName())) {
layer.getEntries().stream().filter(layerEntry -> Files.isRegularFile(layerEntry.getSourceFile())).filter(layerEntry -> !excludesExpanded.contains(layerEntry.getSourceFile().toAbsolutePath())).forEach(syncMap::addGenerated);
} else {
// this is a direct layer
layer.getEntries().stream().filter(layerEntry -> Files.isRegularFile(layerEntry.getSourceFile())).filter(layerEntry -> !excludesExpanded.contains(layerEntry.getSourceFile().toAbsolutePath())).forEach(syncMap::addDirect);
return syncMap.getJsonString();